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  1. Dzisiaj
  2. Nie polecam tego użytkownika zwykły oszust i naciągacz aka Kole
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  4. zrób research i wróć ponownie bo pierdolisz bez sensu
  5. szkoda, ze te serwery nie sa nawet jako oferta premium kupione 😞 kupilbym wtedy
  6. ip [ JB ] ip [ eb ]
  7. bedzie tak samo jak z among usem na chillgame, zamiast zrobic open source to lepiej zostawic dead XD'
  8. Sprzedam paczke EasyBlock \
  9. Hello guys looking for person who could create one plugin that takes player rank(level) and applys damage multiplier based of the level. Example: Rank 10 = Dmg 1.1 the ranks are saved in mysql. Second thing is for extra item edit. More info in private. If you are willing to do it contact me on Discord: karlo199607 . Paying by paypal or direct bank transfer. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  10. Witam, poszukuje właściciela i opiekuna na serwer, który stworzymy razem, więcej info na dc: nyguus.
  11. Ostatni tydzień
  12. Potrzebuje 2/3 osób do stworzenia serwer'a basebuilder 1 - Współwłaściciela 2 - Adminów. Wymagam pojęcia i znajomości przy tworzeniu serwerów oraz aktywności wiecej PV Kontakt Steam:
  13. Zainteresowany kontakt
  14. Witam oferuje 20 zł SMSem za paczkę tego serwera. Pozdrawiam.
  15. As many of you know, there are three spawnable explosives in the L4D games: Gas Tank, a.k.a. Gas-chan Propane Tank, a.k.a. Hank-sama Oxygen Tank, a.k.a. Oxy-kun Of all these explosives, only Gas-chan is useful. Propane tanks and Oxygen tanks are useless. I have killed hordes with a propane tank, but I have never had any use for oxygen tanks. My thoughts are: Propane Tank - Increase range so that it is an Area of Effect clear Oxygen Tank - Increase the damage so that it can be used to instantly kill special infected or hordes These are the only CVARs pertaining to each: Code: ] find propane "director_propane_tank_density" = "6.48" game cheat - Items per 100 yards square ] find oxygen "director_oxygen_tank_density" = "6.48" game cheat - Items per 100 yards square ] find gas "director_gas_can_density" = "6.48" game cheat - Items per 100 yards square "gas_can_use_duration" = "2" client cheat replicated "gascan_spit_time" = "2.9" client cheat replicated - Gascans can survive this long in spit before they ignite. "gascan_throw_force" = "32" game cheat "gascan_use_range" = "65" client cheat replicated "gascan_use_tolerance" = "0.1" client cheat replicated "z_gas_health" = "250" game cheat - Gas Zombie max health "z_gas_speed" = "210" client cheat replicatedDoes anyone know if this is possible? Przeczytaj cały wpis
  16. Ages ago a user by the name of Cheap_Suit made a C4 Timer plugin that would replace the round time with the C4 countdown using the standard HUD font rather than the standard colored font used in imessages and all that. This plugin does not work properly anymore. The little bomb icon does pop up, and the HUD message will work if you enable it, but the C4 timer no longer shows up, instead it just brings back the round timer. Is there anyone that would be able to fix this or make a new version of it? Its design is ultra simple but it was one of my favorite plugins and I'm bummed it no longer works. The original plugin can be found here: Przeczytaj cały wpis
  17. moge byuc ale nie bede placic, co najwyzej wy mi mozecie za poswiecanie czasu na to
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