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Osiągnięcia FuryiStachu


Nowicjusz (1/14)



  1. Poszukuje czapek mikołaja na serwer, jak ktoś znalazł ten plugin prosiłbym o link :)
  2. Dziekuję AnonymouS za paczke rank wgrał mi ja i działa jest najlepszy i Dzieki
  3. Nikt już nie ma pomysłu co z tym zrobić?
  4. No i niestety dalej nic dalej nie mogę zobaczyć swoich statystyk ani ranku ;( Już nie wiem co mam robić innym działa a na moim serwerze nie
  5. Niestety dalej to samo A gdy wpisuje !rankme to w konsoli pokazuje się takie coś: L 06/29/2015 - 09:52:13: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "rankme.smx": L 06/29/2015 - 09:52:13: [SM] [0] Line 1877, rankme/
  6. // Auto-Purge inactive players? X = Days 0 = Off // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_autopurge "0" // Show points changes on chat? 1 = true 0 = false // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" rankme_changes_chat "1" // Enable (non-command) chat triggers. (e.g: rank, statsme, top) Recommended to be set to 0 when running with EventScripts for avoiding double responses. 1 = true 0 = false // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" rankme_chat_triggers "1" // Days inactive to not be shown on rank? X = days 0 = off // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_days_to_not_show_on_rank "0" // Dump the Database to SQL file? (required to be 1 if using the web interface and SQLite, case MySQL, it won't be dumped) 1 = true 0 = false // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" rankme_dump_db "0" // Is RankMe enabled? 1 = true 0 = false // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" rankme_enabled "1" // Free-For-All (FFA) mode? 1 = true 0 = false // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" rankme_ffa "0" // Gather Statistics (a.k.a count points)? (turning this off won't disallow to see the stats already gathered) 1 = true 0 = false // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" rankme_gather_stats "1" // Minimal kills for entering the rank // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_minimal_kills "0" // Minimum players to start giving points // - // Default: "2" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_minimumplayers "2" // Using MySQL? 1 = true 0 = false (SQLite) // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" rankme_mysql "0" // Multiplier of losing points. (WARNING: MAKE SURE TO INPUT IT AS FLOAT) 1.0 equals lose same amount as won by the killer, 0.0 equals no lose // - // Default: "1.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_percent_points_lose "1.0" // How many points the CT who defused got additional? // - // Default: "2" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_points_bomb_defused_player "2" // How many points CTs got for defusing the C4? // - // Default: "2" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_points_bomb_defused_team "2" // How many points a player loess for dropping the bomb? // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_points_bomb_dropped "0" // How many points the TR who planted got additional? // - // Default: "2" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_points_bomb_exploded_player "2" // How many points TRs got for exploding the C4? // - // Default: "2" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_points_bomb_exploded_team "2" // How many points a player gets for picking up the bomb? // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_points_bomb_pickup "0" // How many points the TR who planted got additional? // - // Default: "2" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_points_bomb_planted_player "2" // How many points TRs got for planting the C4? // - // Default: "2" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_points_bomb_planted_team "2" // How many points an alive CT got for winning the round? // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_points_ct_round_win "0" // How many points the CT who rescued got additional? // - // Default: "2" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_points_hostage_rescued_player "2" // How many points CTs got for rescuing the hostage? // - // Default: "2" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_points_hostage_rescued_team "2" // How many additional points a player got for a HeadShot? // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_points_hs "1" // How many points a CT got for killing additional by the diffrence of points? // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_points_kill_bonus_ct "1" // How many points of diffrence is needed for a CT to got the bonus? // - // Default: "100" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_points_kill_bonus_dif_ct "100" // How many points of diffrence is needed for a TR to got the bonus? // - // Default: "100" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_points_kill_bonus_dif_tr "100" // How many points a TR got for killing additional by the diffrence of points? // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_points_kill_bonus_tr "1" // How many points a CT got for killing? // - // Default: "2" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_points_kill_ct "2" // How many points a TR got for killing? // - // Default: "2" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_points_kill_tr "2" // Multiplier of points by knife // - // Default: "2.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_points_knife_multiplier "2.0" // If the points is f1oat, round it to next the highest or lowest? 1 = highest 0 = lowest // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" rankme_points_lose_round_ceil "1" // How many points a player lose for Suiciding? // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_points_lose_suicide "0" // How many points a player lose for Team Killing? // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_points_lose_tk "0" // How many points a CT got for being the MVP? // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_points_mvp_ct "1" // How many points a TR got for being the MVP? // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_points_mvp_tr "1" // Starting points // - // Default: "1000" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_points_start "1000" // Multiplier of points by taser // - // Default: "2.0" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_points_taser_multiplier "2.0" // How many points an alive TR got for winning the round? // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_points_tr_round_win "0" // How many points the VIP got for escaping? // - // Default: "2" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_points_vip_escaped_player "2" // How many points CTs got helping the VIP to escaping? // - // Default: "2" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_points_vip_escaped_team "2" // How many points the TR who killed the VIP got additional? // - // Default: "2" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_points_vip_killed_player "2" // How many points TRs got for killing the VIP? // - // Default: "2" // Minimum: "0.000000" rankme_points_vip_killed_team "2" // Rank players by? 0 = STEAM:ID 1 = Name 2 = IP // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "2.000000" rankme_rank_by "0" // Rank by what? 1 = by points 2 = by KDR // - // Default: "1" // Minimum: "1.000000" // Maximum: "2.000000" rankme_rank_mode "1" // Rank bots? 1 = true 0 = false // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" rankme_rankbots "0" // Allow player to reset his own rank? 1 = true 0 = false // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" rankme_resetownrank "0" // Show bots on rank/top/etc? 1 = true 0 = false // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" rankme_show_bots_on_rank "0" // When rank command is used, show for all the rank of the player? 1 = true 0 = false // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" rankme_show_rank_all "0" // The name of the table that will be used. (Max: 100) // - // Default: "rankme" rankme_sql_table "rankme" // Show AS_ maps statiscs (VIP mod) on statsme and session? // - // Default: "0" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "1.000000" rankme_vip_enabled "0" Coś zmienić?
  7. Jak wpisuje w konsoli to wyskakuje takie coś: sm_cvar Unknown command "sm_cvar" A jeśli nie chodzi o to, to powiedz jak to mam sprawdzić.
  8. Rank me działa ale gdy wybiorę w menu np rank to nic się nie dzieje.
  9. A więc tak zainstalowałem pluing Rank,top15 ale gdy wpisuje go na serwerze nic się nie dzieje co robić?
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