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Treść opublikowana przez Sucre

  1. rank me działał i po czasie kiedy postanowiłem zresetować ranking graczy juz nie diziała nie wyswielta nic po wpisaniu /rank fast help
  2. Sucre

    Vip by hanys

    Witam, chciałbym ustawić by tylko ktos z flagą a lub wyższą miał vipa a nie każdy gracz. Proszę o pomoc :D #include <sourcemod> #include <sdktools> #include <cstrike> #include <clientprefs> #include <colors> #include <loghelper> #include <sdkhooks> #pragma semicolon 1 #define MAX_WEAPON_COUNT 32 #define SHOW_MENU -1 #define CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR 1 #define CS_TEAM_T 2 #define CS_TEAM_CT 3 public Plugin:myinfo = { name = "VIP's", author = "hanys", description = "vip", version = "1.3.1", url = "" }; new Handle:HP; new Handle:Gravity; new Handle:Speedy; new Handle:Smokegrenade; new Handle:Flashbang; new Handle:Hegrenade; new Handle:Molotov; new Handle:Decoy; new Handle:Tagrenade; new Handle:Healthshot; new Handle:Remove_grenade; new Handle:Armorvalue; new Handle:Bhashelmet; new Handle:Defuser; new Handle:Moneystart; new Handle:Bombplanted; new Handle:Bombdefused; new Handle:Headshot_money; new Handle:Headshot_hp; new Handle:Kill_money; new Handle:Kill_hp; new Handle:Tagtable; new Handle:Tagsay; new Handle:Double_jump; new Handle:Advertising; new Handle:Menu_round; new Handle:Menu_command; new Handle:Menu_onspawn; new g_PrimaryGunCount; new g_SecondaryGunCount; new String:g_PrimaryGuns[MAX_WEAPON_COUNT][32]; new String:g_SecondaryGuns[MAX_WEAPON_COUNT][32]; new bool:g_MenuOpen[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {false, ...}; new Handle:g_PrimaryMenu = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:g_SecondaryMenu = INVALID_HANDLE; new g_PlayerPrimary[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {-1, ...}; new g_PlayerSecondary[MAXPLAYERS+1] = {-1, ...}; new Rounds = 0; new const g_iaGrenadeOffsets[] = {15, 17, 16, 14, 18, 17}; public OnPluginStart() { CreateConVar("sm_vip_version", "1.3.2", "VIP Plugin by Hanys", FCVAR_PLUGIN|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_REPLICATED|FCVAR_NOTIFY|FCVAR_DONTRECORD); HP = CreateConVar("vip_hp_start", "100", "Ilosc HP na start rundy", FCVAR_NOTIFY); Gravity = CreateConVar("vip_gravity", "1.0", "Grawitacja (1.0 - standardowa)", FCVAR_PLUGIN); Speedy = CreateConVar("vip_speed", "1.0", "Szybkosc biegania (1.0 - standardowo)", FCVAR_PLUGIN); Smokegrenade = CreateConVar("vip_grenade_smokegrenade", "0", "Smoke na start rundy", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); Flashbang = CreateConVar("vip_grenade_flashbang", "0", "Flash na start rundy (0-2))", FCVAR_NOTIFY); Hegrenade = CreateConVar("vip_grenade_hegrenade", "0", "Granat na start rundy", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); Molotov = CreateConVar("vip_grenade_molotov", "0", "Molotov dla tt lub Incendiary dla ct na start rundy",FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); Decoy = CreateConVar("vip_grenade_decoy", "0", "Decoy na start rundy", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); Tagrenade = CreateConVar("vip_grenade_tagrenade", "0", "Granat taktyczny na start rundy",FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); Healthshot = CreateConVar("vip_grenade_healtshot", "0", "Apteczka na start rundy (0-4)", FCVAR_NOTIFY); Remove_grenade = CreateConVar("vip_grenade_remove", "0", "Na początku rundy/respawn usuwa wszystkie granaty (Przydatne przy wypadaniu granatów", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); Armorvalue = CreateConVar("vip_armorvalue", "0", "Kamizelka na start rundy", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); Bhashelmet = CreateConVar("vip_bhashelmet", "0", "Kask na start rundy", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); Defuser = CreateConVar("vip_defuser", "0", "Zestaw do rozbrajania dla CT na start rundy", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); Moneystart = CreateConVar("vip_money_start", "0", "Ilosc $ na start rundy", FCVAR_NOTIFY); Bombplanted = CreateConVar("vip_bomb_planted", "0", "Ilosc $ za podlozenie bomby", FCVAR_NOTIFY); Bombdefused = CreateConVar("vip_bomb_defused", "0", "Ilosc $ za rozbrojenie bomby", FCVAR_NOTIFY); Headshot_money = CreateConVar("vip_headshot_money", "0", "Ilosc $ za Headshot", FCVAR_NOTIFY); Headshot_hp = CreateConVar("vip_headshot_hp", "7", "Ilosc HP za Headshot", FCVAR_NOTIFY); Kill_money = CreateConVar("vip_kill_money", "0", "Ilosc $ za fraga", FCVAR_NOTIFY); Kill_hp = CreateConVar("vip_kill_hp", "5", "Ilosc HP za fraga", FCVAR_NOTIFY); Tagtable = CreateConVar("vip_tag_table", "1", "Tag VIP w tabeli wynikow", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); Tagsay = CreateConVar("vip_tag_say", "1", "Tag VIP + kolorowy nick w say", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); Double_jump = CreateConVar("vip_double_jump", "0", "Podwojny skok", FCVAR_NONE, flase, 0.0, true, 1.0); Advertising = CreateConVar("vip_advertising", "0", "Informacja o autorze pluginu", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); Menu_round = CreateConVar("vip_menu", "0", "Od ktorej rundy menu broni jest aktywne (0-menu broni nieaktywne)", FCVAR_NOTIFY); Menu_command = CreateConVar("vip_menu_command", "0", "Otwieranie menu broni po wpisaniu !bronie/!menu", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); Menu_onspawn = CreateConVar("vip_menu_onspawn", "0", "Wyswietlanie menu przy respawn (Start rundy)", FCVAR_NONE, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); AutoExecConfig(true, "vip_hanys"); CheckConfig("configs/vip_hanys_weapons.ini"); RegConsoleCmd("say", Command_SendToAll); //RegConsoleCmd("say_team", Command_SendToTeam); RegConsoleCmd("sm_menu", Command_VipMenu); RegConsoleCmd("sm_bronie", Command_VipMenu); HookEvent("player_spawn", Event_OnPlayerSpawn); HookEvent("bomb_planted", Event_BombPlanted); HookEvent("bomb_defused", Event_BombDefused); HookEvent("player_death", Event_PlayerDeath); HookEvent("player_team", Event_TagTable); HookEvent("player_spawn", Event_TagTable); HookEvent("round_start", Event_RoundStart); HookEvent("announce_phase_end", RestartRound); HookEvent("cs_intermission", RestartRound); CreateTimer(300.0, Timer_Advert, _, TIMER_REPEAT); } public OnPluginEnd() { CancelMenu(g_PrimaryMenu); CheckCloseHandle(g_PrimaryMenu); CancelMenu(g_SecondaryMenu); CheckCloseHandle(g_SecondaryMenu); } public Action:Timer_Advert(Handle:timer) { if (GetConVarBool(Advertising)) { PrintToChatAll("\x01[\x04VIP\x01]\x04 Plugin VIP"); } } public Event_OnPlayerSpawn(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid")); new money = GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iAccount"); new team = GetClientTeam(client); new g_HP = GetConVarInt(HP); new g_moneystart = GetConVarInt(Moneystart); new g_Flashbang = GetConVarInt(Flashbang); new g_Healthshot = GetConVarInt(Healthshot); if (client > 0 && IsPlayerAlive(client)) { if (GetConVarBool(Remove_grenade)) StripNades(client); if (IsPlayerGenericAdmin(client)) { SetEntityHealth(client, g_HP); //hp SetEntityGravity(client, GetConVarFloat(Gravity)); //grawitacja SetEntPropFloat(client, Prop_Send, "m_flLaggedMovementValue", GetConVarFloat(Speedy)); //predkosc biegania if (GetConVarBool(Smokegrenade)) GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_smokegrenade"); //smoke if (GetConVarBool(Flashbang)) { for (new i = 1; i <= g_Flashbang; i++) GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_flashbang"); } if (GetConVarBool(Healthshot)) { for (new i = 1; i <= g_Healthshot; i++) GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_healthshot"); } if (GetConVarBool(Hegrenade)) GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_hegrenade"); //grenade if (GetConVarBool(Molotov) && team == CS_TEAM_T) GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_molotov"); //molotov tt if (GetConVarBool(Molotov) && team == CS_TEAM_CT) GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_incgrenade"); //Incendiary ct if (GetConVarBool(Decoy)) GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_decoy"); //decoy if (GetConVarBool(Tagrenade)) GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_tagrenade"); //Taktyczny SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iAccount", money + g_moneystart); // plus $ na start if (GetConVarBool(Armorvalue)) SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_ArmorValue", 100); //kamizelka if (GetConVarBool(Bhashelmet)) SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_bHasHelmet", 1); //helm if(team == CS_TEAM_CT) { if (GetConVarBool(Defuser) && GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_bHasDefuser") == 0) GivePlayerItem(client, "item_defuser"); //kombinerki } CreateTimer(0.1, Event_HandleSpawn, GetEventInt(event, "userid")); } } } stock StripNades(client) { while(RemoveWeaponBySlot(client, 3)){} for(new i = 0; i < 6; i++) SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iAmmo", 0, _, g_iaGrenadeOffsets); } stock bool:RemoveWeaponBySlot(client, iSlot) { new iEntity = GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, iSlot); if(IsValidEdict(iEntity)) { RemovePlayerItem(client, iEntity); AcceptEntityInput(iEntity, "Kill"); return true; } return false; } public Event_BombPlanted(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid")); new money = GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iAccount"); new g_bombplanted = GetConVarInt(Bombplanted); if (IsPlayerGenericAdmin(client)) { SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iAccount", money + g_bombplanted);//plus $ for Bomb Planted } } public Event_BombDefused(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid")); new money = GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iAccount"); new g_bombdefused = GetConVarInt(Bombdefused); if (IsPlayerGenericAdmin(client)) { SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iAccount", money + g_bombdefused); //plus $ for Bomb Defused } } public Event_PlayerDeath(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { new attacker = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "attacker")); new money = GetEntProp(attacker, Prop_Send, "m_iAccount"); new health = GetEntProp(attacker, Prop_Send, "m_iHealth"); new g_headshot_money = GetConVarInt(Headshot_money); new g_headshot_hp = GetConVarInt(Headshot_hp); new g_kill_money = GetConVarInt(Kill_money); new g_kill_hp = GetConVarInt(Kill_hp); new bool:headshot = GetEventBool(event, "headshot"); if (IsPlayerGenericAdmin(attacker)) { if(headshot) { SetEntProp(attacker, Prop_Send, "m_iAccount", money + g_headshot_money); //plus for hs SetEntProp(attacker, Prop_Send, "m_iHealth", health + g_headshot_hp); //plus hp for hs } else { SetEntProp(attacker, Prop_Send, "m_iAccount", money + g_kill_money); //plus for kill SetEntProp(attacker, Prop_Send, "m_iHealth", health + g_kill_hp); //plus hp for kill } } } public Action:Event_TagTable(Handle:event, String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid")); if (IsPlayerGenericAdmin(client)) { if (GetConVarBool(Tagtable)) CS_SetClientClanTag(client, "[VIP]"); } } public Action:Command_SendToAll(client, args) { if ((IsPlayerGenericAdmin(client)) && GetConVarBool(Tagsay)) { new String:text[256]; GetCmdArg(1, text, sizeof(text)); if (text[0] == '/' || text[0] == '@' || text[0] == '!' || text[0] == 0 || IsChatTrigger()) { return Plugin_Handled; } if(IsPlayerAlive(client) && GetClientTeam(client) != 1) { PrintToChatAll("\x01[\x04VIP\x01]\x05 %N: \x01%s", client, text); } else if(!IsPlayerAlive(client) && GetClientTeam(client) != 1) { PrintToChatAll("\x01*NIE ZYJE* [\x04VIP\x01]\x05 %N: \x01%s", client, text); } else if(!IsPlayerAlive(client) && GetClientTeam(client) == 1) { PrintToChatAll("\x01*OBSERWATOR* [\x04VIP\x01]\x05 %N: \x01%s", client, text); } return Plugin_Handled; } return Plugin_Continue; } public Action:Command_SendToTeam(client, args) { if ((IsPlayerGenericAdmin(client)) && GetConVarBool(Tagsay)) { new String:text[256]; GetCmdArg(1, text, sizeof(text)); if (text[0] == '/' || text[0] == '@' || text[0] == '!' || text[0] == 0 || IsChatTrigger()) { return Plugin_Handled; } for (new i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if (IsClientInGame(i) && IsClientConnected(i)) { if (GetClientTeam(client) == GetClientTeam(i)) { if(GetClientTeam(client) == 2) { if(IsPlayerAlive(client)) { PrintToChat(i, "\x01(Terrorysta) [\x04VIP\x01]\x05 %N \x01%s", client, text); } else if(!IsPlayerAlive(client)) { PrintToChat(i, "\x01*NIE ZYJE*(Terrorysta) [\x04VIP\x01]\x05 %N \x01%s", client, text); } return Plugin_Handled; } else if(GetClientTeam(client) == 3) { if(IsPlayerAlive(client)) { PrintToChat(i, "\x01(Antyterrorysta) [\x04VIP\x01]\x05 %N \x01%s", client, text); } else if(!IsPlayerAlive(client)) { PrintToChat(i, "\x01*NIE ZYJE*(Antyterrorysta) [\x04VIP\x01]\x05 %N \x01%s", client, text); } return Plugin_Handled; } else if(GetClientTeam(client) == 1) { PrintToChat(i, "\x01[OBSERWATOR] [\x04VIP\x01]\x05 %N \x01%s", client, text); return Plugin_Handled; } } } } } return Plugin_Continue; } public Action:OnPlayerRunCmd(iClient, &buttons, &impulse, Float:vel[3], Float:angles[3], &weapon) { if ((IsPlayerGenericAdmin(iClient)) && IsPlayerAlive(iClient) && GetConVarBool(Double_jump)) { static g_fLastButtons[MAXPLAYERS+1], g_fLastFlags[MAXPLAYERS+1], g_iJumps[MAXPLAYERS+1], fCurFlags, fCurButtons; fCurFlags = GetEntityFlags(iClient); fCurButtons = GetClientButtons(iClient); if (g_fLastFlags[iClient] & FL_ONGROUND && !(fCurFlags & FL_ONGROUND) && !(g_fLastButtons[iClient] & IN_JUMP) && fCurButtons & IN_JUMP) g_iJumps[iClient]++; else if(fCurFlags & FL_ONGROUND) g_iJumps[iClient] = 0; else if(!(g_fLastButtons[iClient] & IN_JUMP) && fCurButtons & IN_JUMP && g_iJumps[iClient] == 1) { g_iJumps[iClient]++; decl Float:vVel[3]; GetEntPropVector(iClient, Prop_Data, "m_vecVelocity", vVel); vVel[2] = 250.0; TeleportEntity(iClient, NULL_VECTOR, NULL_VECTOR, vVel); } g_fLastFlags[iClient] = fCurFlags; g_fLastButtons[iClient] = fCurButtons; } return Plugin_Continue; } public Event_RoundStart(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { Rounds = Rounds + 1; } public Action:RestartRound(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { Rounds = 0; } public OnClientPutInServer(client) { g_MenuOpen[client]=false; g_PlayerPrimary[client] = SHOW_MENU; g_PlayerSecondary[client] = SHOW_MENU; } public Event_PlayerTeam(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid")); new team = GetClientTeam(client); if (g_MenuOpen[client] && team == CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR) { CancelClientMenu(client); // Delayed g_MenuOpen[client] = false; } } stock CheckConfig(const String:ini_file[]) { decl String:file[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; BuildPath(Path_SM, file, sizeof(file), ini_file); new timestamp = GetFileTime(file, FileTime_LastChange); if (timestamp == -1) SetFailState("\nCould not stat config file: %s.", file); InitializeMenus(); if (ParseConfigFile(file)) { FinalizeMenus(); } } stock InitializeMenus() { g_PrimaryGunCount=0; CheckCloseHandle(g_PrimaryMenu); g_PrimaryMenu = CreateMenu(MenuHandler_ChoosePrimary, MenuAction_Display|MenuAction_Select|MenuAction_Cancel); SetMenuTitle(g_PrimaryMenu, "[VIP] Wybierz darmowa bron:"); g_SecondaryGunCount=0; CheckCloseHandle(g_SecondaryMenu); g_SecondaryMenu = CreateMenu(MenuHandler_ChooseSecondary, MenuAction_Display|MenuAction_Select|MenuAction_Cancel); SetMenuTitle(g_SecondaryMenu, "[VIP] Wybierz darmowa bron:"); } stock FinalizeMenus() { AddMenuItem(g_PrimaryMenu, "FF", "None"); AddMenuItem(g_SecondaryMenu, "FF", "None"); } bool:ParseConfigFile(const String:file[]) { new Handle:parser = SMC_CreateParser(); SMC_SetReaders(parser, Config_NewSection, Config_UnknownKeyValue, Config_EndSection); SMC_SetParseEnd(parser, Config_End); new line = 0; new col = 0; new String:error[128]; new SMCError:result = SMC_ParseFile(parser, file, line, col); CloseHandle(parser); if (result != SMCError_Okay) { SMC_GetErrorString(result, error, sizeof(error)); LogError("%s on line %d, col %d of %s", error, line, col, file); } return (result == SMCError_Okay); } new g_configLevel; public SMCResult:Config_NewSection(Handle:parser, const String:section[], bool:quotes) { g_configLevel++; if (g_configLevel==2) { if (StrEqual("PrimaryMenu", section, false)) SMC_SetReaders(parser, Config_NewSection, Config_PrimaryKeyValue, Config_EndSection); else if (StrEqual("SecondaryMenu", section, false)) SMC_SetReaders(parser, Config_NewSection, Config_SecondaryKeyValue, Config_EndSection); } else SMC_SetReaders(parser, Config_NewSection, Config_UnknownKeyValue, Config_EndSection); return SMCParse_Continue; } public SMCResult:Config_UnknownKeyValue(Handle:parser, const String:key[], const String:value[], bool:key_quotes, bool:value_quotes) { SetFailState("\nDidn't recognize configuration: Level %i %s=%s", g_configLevel, key, value); return SMCParse_Continue; } public SMCResult:Config_PrimaryKeyValue(Handle:parser, const String:weapon_class[], const String:weapon_name[], bool:key_quotes, bool:value_quotes) { if (g_PrimaryGunCount>=MAX_WEAPON_COUNT) SetFailState("\nToo many weapons declared!"); decl String:weapon_id[4]; strcopy(g_PrimaryGuns[g_PrimaryGunCount], sizeof(g_PrimaryGuns[]), weapon_class); Format(weapon_id, sizeof(weapon_id), "%02.2X", g_PrimaryGunCount++); AddMenuItem(g_PrimaryMenu, weapon_id, weapon_name); return SMCParse_Continue; } public SMCResult:Config_SecondaryKeyValue(Handle:parser, const String:weapon_class[], const String:weapon_name[], bool:key_quotes, bool:value_quotes) { if (g_SecondaryGunCount>=MAX_WEAPON_COUNT) SetFailState("\nToo many weapons declared!"); decl String:weapon_id[4]; strcopy(g_SecondaryGuns[g_SecondaryGunCount], sizeof(g_SecondaryGuns[]), weapon_class); Format(weapon_id, sizeof(weapon_id), "%02.2X", g_SecondaryGunCount++); AddMenuItem(g_SecondaryMenu, weapon_id, weapon_name); return SMCParse_Continue; } public SMCResult:Config_EndSection(Handle:parser) { g_configLevel--; SMC_SetReaders(parser, Config_NewSection, Config_UnknownKeyValue, Config_EndSection); return SMCParse_Continue; } public Config_End(Handle:parser, bool:halted, bool:failed) { if (failed) SetFailState("\nPlugin error"); } public MenuHandler_ChoosePrimary(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2) { if (action == MenuAction_Display) g_MenuOpen[param1] = true; else if (action == MenuAction_Select) { new client = param1; new team = GetClientTeam(client); decl String:weapon_id[4]; GetMenuItem(menu, param2, weapon_id, sizeof(weapon_id)); new weapon = StringToInt(weapon_id, 16); g_PlayerPrimary[client] = weapon; if (team > CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR) GivePrimary(client); DisplayMenu(g_SecondaryMenu, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } else if (action == MenuAction_Cancel) { g_MenuOpen[param1] = false; if (param2 == MenuCancel_Exit) // CancelClientMenu sends MenuCancel_Interrupted reason { if (g_SecondaryMenu != INVALID_HANDLE) DisplayMenu(g_SecondaryMenu, param1, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } } } public MenuHandler_ChooseSecondary(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, param1, param2) { if (action == MenuAction_Display) g_MenuOpen[param1] = true; else if (action == MenuAction_Select) { new client = param1; new team = GetClientTeam(client); decl String:weapon_id[4]; GetMenuItem(menu, param2, weapon_id, sizeof(weapon_id)); new weapon = StringToInt(weapon_id, 16); g_PlayerSecondary[client] = weapon; if (team > CS_TEAM_SPECTATOR) GiveSecondary(client); } else if (action == MenuAction_Cancel) g_MenuOpen[param1] = false; } public Action:Event_HandleSpawn(Handle:timer, any:user) { new client = GetClientOfUserId(user); new g_menu_round = GetConVarInt(Menu_round); if (!client) return; if (GetConVarBool(Menu_onspawn) && Rounds >= g_menu_round > 0 ) { if (g_PlayerPrimary[client]==SHOW_MENU && g_PlayerSecondary[client]==SHOW_MENU) { if (g_PrimaryMenu != INVALID_HANDLE) DisplayMenu(g_PrimaryMenu, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); else if (g_SecondaryMenu != INVALID_HANDLE) DisplayMenu(g_SecondaryMenu, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } else { GivePrimary(client); GiveSecondary(client); } } } stock GivePrimary(client) { new weapon = g_PlayerPrimary[client]; RemoveWeaponBySlot(client, 0); if (weapon >= 0 && weapon < g_PrimaryGunCount) GivePlayerItem(client, g_PrimaryGuns[weapon]); } stock GiveSecondary(client) { new weapon = g_PlayerSecondary[client]; RemoveWeaponBySlot(client, 1); if (weapon >= 0 && weapon < g_SecondaryGunCount) GivePlayerItem(client, g_SecondaryGuns[weapon]); } public Action:Command_VipMenu(client, args) { new g_menu_round = GetConVarInt(Menu_round); if (IsPlayerGenericAdmin(client)) { if (IsClientInGame(client) && Rounds >= g_menu_round > 0 && GetConVarBool(Menu_command)) { if (g_PrimaryMenu != INVALID_HANDLE) DisplayMenu(g_PrimaryMenu, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); else if (g_SecondaryMenu != INVALID_HANDLE) DisplayMenu(g_SecondaryMenu, client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } } return Plugin_Continue; } stock CheckCloseHandle(&Handle:handle) { if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE) { CloseHandle(handle); handle = INVALID_HANDLE; } } stock min(a, b) {return (a<b) ? a:b;} stock max(a, b) {return (a>b) ? a:b;} /* @param client id return bool */ bool:IsPlayerGenericAdmin(client) { if (!CheckCommandAccess(client, "sm_vip", 0, true)) return false; { return true; } }
  3. Szukam kogoś kto pomoze mi w konfiguracji plików serwera( powie co i jak) dodajcie mnie od znaomych albo priv
  4. Sucre


    I jak da się coś z tym zrobić?
  5. Sucre


    Ja mam tylko plik sm_hosties.sp /* * SourceMod Hosties Project * by: SourceMod Hosties Dev Team * * This file is part of the SM Hosties project. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.0, as published by the * Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <>. */ #include <sourcemod> #include <sdktools> #include <cstrike> #include <adminmenu> #include <sdkhooks> #include <hosties> #include <emitsoundany> #undef REQUIRE_PLUGIN #undef REQUIRE_EXTENSIONS #tryinclude <SteamWorks> #tryinclude <sourcebans> #define REQUIRE_EXTENSIONS #define REQUIRE_PLUGIN // Compiler directives #pragma semicolon 1 // Constants #define PLUGIN_VERSION "2.1.3b" #define MAX_DISPLAYNAME_SIZE 64 #define MAX_DATAENTRY_SIZE 5 #define SERVERTAG "SM Hosties v2.1" // Note: you cannot safely turn these modules on and off yet. Use cvars to disable functionality. // Add ability to disable collisions for players #define MODULE_NOBLOCK 1 // Add the last request system #define MODULE_LASTREQUEST 1 // Add a game description override #define MODULE_GAMEDESCRIPTION 1 // Add start weapons for both teams #define MODULE_STARTWEAPONS 1 // Add round-end team overlays #define MODULE_TEAMOVERLAYS 1 // Add !rules command #define MODULE_RULES 1 // Add !checkplayers command #define MODULE_CHECKPLAYERS 1 // Add muting system #define MODULE_MUTE 1 // Add freekill detection and prevention #define MODULE_FREEKILL 1 // Add gun safety #define MODULE_GUNSAFETY 1 // Add intelli-respawn #define MODULE_RESPAWN 1 // Add control system #define MODULE_CONTROL 0 /****************************************************************************** !EDIT BELOW THIS COMMENT AT YOUR OWN PERIL! ******************************************************************************/ // Global vars new bool:g_bSBAvailable = false; // SourceBans new GameType:g_Game = Game_Unknown; new Handle:gH_Cvar_Freekill_Sound = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:gH_Cvar_Freekill_Threshold = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:gH_Cvar_Freekill_Notify = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:gH_Cvar_Freekill_BanLength = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:gH_Cvar_Freekill_Punishment = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:gH_Cvar_Freekill_Reset = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:gH_Cvar_Freekill_Sound_Mode = INVALID_HANDLE; new String:gShadow_Freekill_Sound[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; new Handle:gH_TopMenu = INVALID_HANDLE; new TopMenuObject:gM_Hosties = INVALID_TOPMENUOBJECT; new gShadow_Freekill_Threshold; new gShadow_Freekill_BanLength; new gShadow_Freekill_Reset; new gShadow_Freekill_Sound_Mode; new FreekillPunishment:gShadow_Freekill_Punishment; new bool:gShadow_Freekill_Notify; new gA_FreekillsOfCT[MAXPLAYERS+1]; #if (MODULE_NOBLOCK == 1) #include "hosties/noblock.sp" #endif #if (MODULE_LASTREQUEST == 1) #include "hosties/lastrequest.sp" #endif #if (MODULE_GAMEDESCRIPTION == 1) #include "hosties/gamedescription.sp" #endif #if (MODULE_STARTWEAPONS == 1) #include "hosties/startweapons.sp" #endif #if (MODULE_TEAMOVERLAYS == 1) #include "hosties/teamoverlays.sp" #endif #if (MODULE_RULES == 1) #include "hosties/rules.sp" #endif #if (MODULE_CHECKPLAYERS == 1) #include "hosties/checkplayers.sp" #endif #if (MODULE_MUTE == 1) #include "hosties/muteprisoners.sp" #endif #if (MODULE_FREEKILL == 1) #include "hosties/freekillers.sp" #endif #if (MODULE_GUNSAFETY == 1) #include "hosties/gunsafety.sp" #endif #if (MODULE_RESPAWN == 1) #include "hosties/respawn.sp" #endif #if (MODULE_CONTROL == 1) #include "hosties/control.sp" #endif // ConVars new Handle:gH_Cvar_Add_ServerTag = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:gH_Cvar_Display_Advert = INVALID_HANDLE; public Plugin:myinfo = { name = "SM_Hosties v2", author = "databomb & dataviruset & comando", description = "Hosties/jailbreak plugin for SourceMod", version = PLUGIN_VERSION, url = "" }; public OnPluginStart() { // Load translations LoadTranslations("common.phrases"); LoadTranslations("hosties.phrases"); // Events hooks HookEvent("round_start", Event_RoundStart); // Create ConVars gH_Cvar_Add_ServerTag = CreateConVar("sm_hosties_add_servertag", "1", "Enable or disable automatic adding of SM_Hosties in sv_tags (visible from the server browser in CS:S): 0 - disable, 1 - enable", 0, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); gH_Cvar_Display_Advert = CreateConVar("sm_hosties_display_advert", "1", "Enable or disable the display of the Powered by SM Hosties message at the start of each round.", 0, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); CreateConVar("sm_hosties_version", PLUGIN_VERSION, "SM_Hosties plugin version (unchangeable)", 0|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_REPLICATED|FCVAR_NOTIFY|FCVAR_DONTRECORD); RegAdminCmd("sm_hostiesadmin", Command_HostiesAdmin, ADMFLAG_SLAY); #if (MODULE_STARTWEAPONS == 1) StartWeapons_OnPluginStart(); #endif #if (MODULE_NOBLOCK == 1) NoBlock_OnPluginStart(); #endif #if (MODULE_CHECKPLAYERS == 1) CheckPlayers_OnPluginStart(); #endif #if (MODULE_RULES == 1) Rules_OnPluginStart(); #endif #if (MODULE_GAMEDESCRIPTION == 1) GameDescription_OnPluginStart(); #endif #if (MODULE_TEAMOVERLAYS == 1) TeamOverlays_OnPluginStart(); #endif #if (MODULE_LASTREQUEST == 1) LastRequest_OnPluginStart(); #endif #if (MODULE_MUTE == 1) MutePrisoners_OnPluginStart(); #endif #if (MODULE_FREEKILL == 1) Freekillers_OnPluginStart(); #endif #if (MODULE_GUNSAFETY == 1) GunSafety_OnPluginStart(); #endif #if (MODULE_RESPAWN == 1) Respawn_OnPluginStart(); #endif #if (MODULE_CONTROL == 1) Control_OnPluginStart(); #endif AutoExecConfig(true, "sm_hosties2"); } public OnMapStart() { #if (MODULE_TEAMOVERLAYS == 1) TeamOverlays_OnMapStart(); #endif #if (MODULE_LASTREQUEST == 1) LastRequest_OnMapStart(); #endif #if (MODULE_CONTROL == 1) Control_OnMapStart(); #endif } public OnMapEnd() { #if (MODULE_FREEKILL == 1) Freekillers_OnMapEnd(); #endif } public OnAllPluginsLoaded() { if (LibraryExists("sourcebans")) { g_bSBAvailable = true; } new Handle:h_TopMenu = GetAdminTopMenu(); if (LibraryExists("adminmenu") && (h_TopMenu != INVALID_HANDLE)) { OnAdminMenuReady(h_TopMenu); } #if (MODULE_MUTE == 1) MutePrisoners_AllPluginsLoaded(); #endif } public APLRes:AskPluginLoad2(Handle:h_Myself, bool:bLateLoaded, String:sError[], error_max) { if (GetEngineVersion() == Engine_CSS) { g_Game = Game_CSS; } else if (GetEngineVersion() == Engine_CSGO) { g_Game = Game_CSGO; } else { SetFailState("Game is not supported."); } MarkNativeAsOptional("SteamWorks_SetGameDescription"); LastRequest_APL(); RegPluginLibrary("hosties"); return APLRes_Success; } public OnLibraryAdded(const String:name[]) { if (StrEqual(name, "sourcebans")) { g_bSBAvailable = true; } else if (StrEqual(name, "adminmenu") && (GetAdminTopMenu() != INVALID_HANDLE)) { OnAdminMenuReady(GetAdminTopMenu()); } } public OnLibraryRemoved(const String:name[]) { if (StrEqual(name, "sourcebans")) { g_bSBAvailable = false; } else if (StrEqual(name, "adminmenu")) { gH_TopMenu = GetAdminTopMenu(); } } public OnConfigsExecuted() { if (GetConVarInt(gH_Cvar_Add_ServerTag) == 1) { ServerCommand("sv_tags %s\n", SERVERTAG); } #if (MODULE_FREEKILL == 1) Freekillers_OnConfigsExecuted(); #endif #if (MODULE_MUTE == 1) MutePrisoners_OnConfigsExecuted(); #endif #if (MODULE_CHECKPLAYERS == 1) CheckPlayers_OnConfigsExecuted(); #endif #if (MODULE_GAMEDESCRIPTION == 1) GameDesc_OnConfigsExecuted(); #endif #if (MODULE_TEAMOVERLAYS == 1) TeamOverlays_OnConfigsExecuted(); #endif #if (MODULE_RULES == 1) Rules_OnConfigsExecuted(); #endif #if (MODULE_LASTREQUEST == 1) LastRequest_OnConfigsExecuted(); #endif #if (MODULE_NOBLOCK == 1) NoBlock_OnConfigsExecuted(); #endif #if (MODULE_STARTWEAPONS == 1) StartWeapons_OnConfigsExecuted(); #endif } public OnClientPutInServer(client) { LastRequest_ClientPutInServer(client); Freekillers_ClientPutInServer(client); } public Event_RoundStart(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { if (GetConVarInt(gH_Cvar_Display_Advert)) { // Print out a messages about SM_Hosties PrintToChatAll(CHAT_BANNER, "Powered By Hosties"); } } public OnAdminMenuReady(Handle:h_TopMenu) { // block double calls if (h_TopMenu == gH_TopMenu) { return; } gH_TopMenu = h_TopMenu; // Build Hosties menu gM_Hosties = AddToTopMenu(gH_TopMenu, "Hosties", TopMenuObject_Category, HostiesCategoryHandler, INVALID_TOPMENUOBJECT); if (gM_Hosties == INVALID_TOPMENUOBJECT) { return; } // Let other modules add menu objects LastRequest_Menus(gH_TopMenu, gM_Hosties); GunSafety_Menus(gH_TopMenu, gM_Hosties); Respawn_Menus(gH_TopMenu, gM_Hosties); } public Action:Command_HostiesAdmin(client, args) { DisplayTopMenu(gH_TopMenu, client, TopMenuPosition_LastRoot); return Plugin_Handled; } public HostiesCategoryHandler(Handle:h_TopMenu, TopMenuAction:action, TopMenuObject:item, param, String:buffer[], maxlength) { switch (action) { case (TopMenuAction_DisplayTitle): { if (item == gM_Hosties) { Format(buffer, maxlength, "Hosties:"); } } case (TopMenuAction_DisplayOption): { if (item == gM_Hosties) { Format(buffer, maxlength, "Hosties"); } } } }
  6. Sucre


    w takim, że nie po wpisaniu !lr nic mi sie nie wyświetla :D
  7. Sucre


    Jak skonfigurować hosties( plugin na !lr) szukam kogoś kto mi pomoże :D
  8. Dopiero chciał kupić a już mi sprzedaje....
  9. Sucre

    Kosy i skiny

    Szukam działających pluginów na skiny i kosy na serwer. Nwm czy źle szukam ale od dwóch dni siedzę i znajduje chujowe plugi co albo nie dizałaja albo dzialaja z błedami
  10. Zainstalowałem paczke dd2 od zmoorga i na serwerze występują takie bugi jak to że jak wpiszę !paints to bronie się bugują jak bym spamował qqqqqqqqqqqqq Serwer też dostaje disconnect co kilka min
  11. Sucre


    Jakiejś konkretnej linijki szukać? To wszystko co tam mam res_ct_path "misc/tecnohard" - Path of sounds played when ct wins. res_tr_path "misc/tecnohard" - Path of sounds played when t wins. res_draw_path "1" - Path of sounds played when Round Draw or 0 - Don´t play sounds, 1 - Play TR sounds, 2 - Play CT sounds res_play_type "1" - Play type 1 - Random, 2- Play in queue res_rounddraw_play - To choose if you wan´t play sounds whena no one wins. ****** // This file was auto-generated by SourceMod (v1.8.0.5969) // ConVars for plugin "abner_res.smx" // Plugin version // - // Default: "3.5fix" abner_res_version "3.5fix" // Enable/Disable client preferences // - // Default: "1" res_client_preferences "1" // Path of sounds played when Counter-Terrorists Win the round // - // Default: "misc/tecnohard" res_ct_path "misc/tecnohard" // Path of sounds played when Round Draw or 0 - Don´t play sounds, 1 - Play TR sounds, 2 - Play CT sounds // - // Default: "1" res_draw_path "1" // 1 - Random, 2 - Play in queue // - // Default: "1" res_play_type "1" // Print mp3 name in chat (Suggested by m22b) // - // Default: "0" res_print_to_chat_mp3_name "1" // Stop map musics // - // Default: "1" res_stop_map_music "1" // Path of sounds played when Terrorists Win the round // - // Default: "misc/tecnohard" res_tr_path "misc/tecnohard" działa juz dopisałem kilka linijek // - // Default: "misc/tecnohard" res_ct_path "misc/tecnohard" // Path of sounds played when Round Draw or 0 - Don´t play sounds, 1 - Play TR sounds, 2 - Play CT sounds // - // Default: "1" res_draw_path "1" // 1 - Random, 2 - Play in queue // - // Default: "1" res_play_type "1" // Print mp3 name in chat (Suggested by m22b) // - // Default: "0" res_print_to_chat_mp3_name "1" // Stop map musics // - // Default: "1" res_stop_map_music "1"
  12. Sucre


    Udało mi się samemu z tym poradzić. Dziękuję za odzew :D
  13. Sucre


    Plugin na muzykę po rundzie działa ale tylko od strony CT. Nwm gdzie i jak moge to zmienić proszę o pomoc Nazwa plugina AbNeR_Round_End_Sound
  14. Sucre


    Plugin BSLimiter nie wyświetla mi zadnych informacji na czacie . Ogólnie plugin działa bo nie mogę na jadnym z bs'ów zaplantować paki.
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