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Treść opublikowana przez TajnyGraczGry

  1. Witajcie, Tak jak w temacie, poszukuję pluginu na itemy, który działał by tak, że np. po wpisaniu komendy !itemy wyświetlał by nazwę itemu i po kliknięciu w nznią zakupilibyśmy go za określoną ilość monet.
  2. Edytowane były tylko mapki tzn. zamienione. Już działa :D
  3. Jak zablokować ten plugin aby był tylko dla VIP'a? (flaga "a") #include <sourcemod> #include <clientprefs> #include <colors> #define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.0.7" public Plugin:myinfo = { name = "Show Damage", author = "exvel", description = "Shows damage in the center of the screen.", version = PLUGIN_VERSION, url = "" } new player_old_health[MAXPLAYERS + 1]; new player_damage[MAXPLAYERS + 1]; new bool:block_timer[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = {false,...}; new bool:FrameMod = true; new String:DamageEventName[16]; new MaxDamage = 10000000; new bool:option_show_damage[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = {true,...}; new Handle:cookie_show_damage = INVALID_HANDLE; //CVars' handles new Handle:cvar_show_damage = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:cvar_show_damage_ff = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:cvar_show_damage_own_dmg = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:cvar_show_damage_text_area = INVALID_HANDLE; //CVars' varibles new bool:show_damage = true; new bool:show_damage_ff = false; new bool:show_damage_own_dmg = false; new show_damage_text_area = 1; public OnPluginStart() { decl String:gameName[80]; GetGameFolderName(gameName, 80); if (StrEqual(gameName, "cstrike") || StrEqual(gameName, "insurgency")) { HookEvent("player_hurt", Event_PlayerHurt, EventHookMode_Post); DamageEventName = "dmg_health"; FrameMod = false; } else if (StrEqual(gameName, "left4dead") || StrEqual(gameName, "left4dead2")) { HookEvent("player_hurt", Event_PlayerHurt, EventHookMode_Post); HookEvent("infected_hurt", Event_InfectedHurt, EventHookMode_Post); MaxDamage = 2000; DamageEventName = "dmg_health"; FrameMod = false; } else if (StrEqual(gameName, "dod") || StrEqual(gameName, "hidden")) { HookEvent("player_hurt", Event_PlayerHurt, EventHookMode_Post); DamageEventName = "damage"; FrameMod = false; } else { HookEvent("player_hurt", Event_PlayerHurt_FrameMod, EventHookMode_Pre); FrameMod = true; } CreateConVar("sm_show_damage_version", PLUGIN_VERSION, "Show Damage Version", FCVAR_PLUGIN|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_REPLICATED|FCVAR_NOTIFY|FCVAR_DONTRECORD); cvar_show_damage = CreateConVar("sm_show_damage", "1", "Enabled/Disabled show damage functionality, 0 = off/1 = on", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); cvar_show_damage_ff = CreateConVar("sm_show_damage_ff", "0", "Show friendly fire damage, 0 = off/1 = on", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); cvar_show_damage_own_dmg = CreateConVar("sm_show_damage_own_dmg", "0", "Show your own damage, 0 = off/1 = on", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); cvar_show_damage_text_area = CreateConVar("sm_show_damage_text_area", "1", "Defines the area for damage text:\n 1 = in the center of the screen\n 2 = in the hint text area \n 3 = in chat area of screen", FCVAR_PLUGIN, true, 1.0, true, 3.0); HookEvent("player_spawn", Event_PlayerSpawn, EventHookMode_Post); HookConVarChange(cvar_show_damage, OnCVarChange); HookConVarChange(cvar_show_damage_ff, OnCVarChange); HookConVarChange(cvar_show_damage_own_dmg, OnCVarChange); HookConVarChange(cvar_show_damage_text_area, OnCVarChange); AutoExecConfig(true, "plugin.showdamage"); LoadTranslations("common.phrases"); LoadTranslations("showdamage.phrases"); cookie_show_damage = RegClientCookie("Show Damage On/Off", "", CookieAccess_Private); new info; SetCookieMenuItem(CookieMenuHandler_ShowDamage, any:info, "Show Damage"); } public CookieMenuHandler_ShowDamage(client, CookieMenuAction:action, any:info, String:buffer[], maxlen) { if (action == CookieMenuAction_DisplayOption) { decl String:status[10]; if (option_show_damage[client]) { Format(status, sizeof(status), "%T", "On", client); } else { Format(status, sizeof(status), "%T", "Off", client); } Format(buffer, maxlen, "%T: %s", "Cookie Show Damage", client, status); } // CookieMenuAction_SelectOption else { option_show_damage[client] = !option_show_damage[client]; if (option_show_damage[client]) { SetClientCookie(client, cookie_show_damage, "On"); } else { SetClientCookie(client, cookie_show_damage, "Off"); } ShowCookieMenu(client); } } public OnClientCookiesCached(client) { option_show_damage[client] = GetCookieShowDamage(client); } bool:GetCookieShowDamage(client) { decl String:buffer[10]; GetClientCookie(client, cookie_show_damage, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); return !StrEqual(buffer, "Off"); } public OnConfigsExecuted() { GetCVars(); } public OnClientConnected(client) { block_timer[client] = false; } public Action:Event_PlayerSpawn(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid")); block_timer[client] = false; return Plugin_Continue; } //This is for games that have no damage information in player_hurt event public OnGameFrame() { if (FrameMod && show_damage) { for (new client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++) { if (IsClientInGame(client)) { player_old_health[client] = GetClientHealth(client); } } } } public Action:ShowDamage(Handle:timer, any:client) { block_timer[client] = false; if (player_damage[client] <= 0 || !client) { return; } if (!IsClientInGame(client)) { return; } switch (show_damage_text_area) { case 1: { PrintCenterText(client, "%t", "CenterText Damage Text", player_damage[client]); } case 2: { PrintHintText(client, "%t", "HintText Damage Text", player_damage[client]); } case 3: { CPrintToChat(client, "%t", "Chat Damage Text", player_damage[client]); } } player_damage[client] = 0; } public Action:Event_PlayerHurt_FrameMod(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid")); new client_attacker = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "attacker")); new damage = player_old_health[client] - GetClientHealth(client); CalcDamage(client, client_attacker, damage); return Plugin_Continue; } public Action:Event_PlayerHurt(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { new client_attacker = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "attacker")); new client = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "userid")); new damage = GetEventInt(event, DamageEventName); CalcDamage(client, client_attacker, damage); return Plugin_Continue; } public Action:Event_InfectedHurt(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { new client_attacker = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(event, "attacker")); new damage = GetEventInt(event, "amount"); CalcDamage(0, client_attacker, damage); return Plugin_Continue; } CalcDamage(client, client_attacker, damage) { if (!show_damage || !option_show_damage[client_attacker]) { return; } if (client_attacker == 0) { return; } if (IsFakeClient(client_attacker) || !IsClientInGame(client_attacker)) { return; } //If client == 0 than skip this verifying. It can be an infected or something else without client index. if (client != 0) { if (client == client_attacker) { if (!show_damage_own_dmg) { return; } } else if (GetClientTeam(client) == GetClientTeam(client_attacker)) { if (!show_damage_ff) { return; } } } //This is a fix for Left 4 Dead. When tank dies the game fires hurt event with 5000 dmg that is a bug. if (damage > MaxDamage) { return; } player_damage[client_attacker] += damage; if (block_timer[client_attacker]) { return; } CreateTimer(0.01, ShowDamage, client_attacker); block_timer[client_attacker] = true; } public OnCVarChange(Handle:convar_hndl, const String:oldValue[], const String:newValue[]) { GetCVars(); } GetCVars() { show_damage = GetConVarBool(cvar_show_damage); show_damage_ff = GetConVarBool(cvar_show_damage_ff); show_damage_own_dmg = GetConVarBool(cvar_show_damage_own_dmg); show_damage_text_area = GetConVarInt(cvar_show_damage_text_area); }
  4. Co zrobić, jeżeli nie wyświetla się inforacja na czacie, który BS jest zablokowany? #pragma semicolon 1 #include <sourcemod> #include <sdktools> #include <cstrike> #define STANDARDMAPSMAX 12 new String:BSAL[1]; new EIBA = -1; new EIBB = -1; new Handle:Timer = INVALID_HANDLE; new String:StandardMaps[STANDARDMAPSMAX][2][11] = { { "de_mirage","A" }, { "de_cache","A" }, { "de_chateau","A" }, { "de_dust","A" }, { "de_dust2","A" }, { "de_inferno","A" }, { "de_nuke","B" }, { "de_piranesi","A" }, { "de_port","A" }, { "de_prodigy","B" }, { "de_tides","A" }, { "de_train","A" } }; public Plugin:myinfo = { name = "Bombsite Limiter", author = "Tomasz 'anacron' Motylinski", description = "Limiting Bomsites when due to low CT players.", version = "1.2.3", url = "" } public OnPluginStart() { HookEvent("round_freeze_end",Event_RoundFreezeEnd,EventHookMode_Post); HookEvent("bomb_planted",Event_RoundEnd,EventHookMode_Post); HookEvent("round_end",Event_RoundEnd,EventHookMode_Post); CreateConVar("sm_bslimiter","1.2.3","Version Information",FCVAR_REPLICATED|FCVAR_NOTIFY); } stock bool:IsVecBetween(const Float:vecVector[3],const Float:vecMin[3],const Float:vecMax[3]) { return ( (vecMin[0] <= vecVector[0] <= vecMax[0]) && (vecMin[1] <= vecVector[1] <= vecMax[1]) && (vecMin[2] <= vecVector[2] <= vecMax[2]) ); } public Message() { PrintToChatAll("[BS Limiter] Ze wzgledu na mala liczbe CT w tej rundzie. Beda oni bronic tylko Bombside %s.",BSAL); PrintHintTextToAll("Tylko Bombsite %s jest wlaczony w tej rundzie",BSAL); } public Action:RepeatMessage(Handle:timer) { Message(); } public Action:Event_RoundFreezeEnd (Handle:event,const String:name[],bool:dontBroadcast) { if(IsValidEntity(EIBA)) { EIBA = -1; } if(IsValidEntity(EIBB)) { EIBB = -1; } if(Timer != INVALID_HANDLE) { CloseHandle(Timer); Timer = INVALID_HANDLE; } new Float:VBCPA[3]; new Float:VBCPB[3]; new EI = -1; EI = FindEntityByClassname(EI,"cs_player_manager"); if(IsValidEntity(EI)) { GetEntPropVector(EI,Prop_Send,"m_bombsiteCenterA",VBCPA); GetEntPropVector(EI,Prop_Send,"m_bombsiteCenterB",VBCPB); } EI = -1; EI = FindEntityByClassname(EI,"func_bomb_target"); while(IsValidEntity(EI)) { new Float:VBMin[3]; new Float:VBMax[3]; GetEntPropVector(EI,Prop_Send,"m_vecMins",VBMin); GetEntPropVector(EI,Prop_Send,"m_vecMaxs",VBMax); if (IsVecBetween(VBCPA,VBMin,VBMax)) { EIBA = EI; } else if (IsVecBetween(VBCPB,VBMin,VBMax)) { EIBB = EI; } EI = FindEntityByClassname(EI,"func_bomb_target"); } if(IsValidEntity(EIBA) && IsValidEntity(EIBB)) { new CTPlayers = GetTeamClientCount(CS_TEAM_CT); new TTPlayers = GetTeamClientCount(CS_TEAM_T); if(((CTPlayers > TTPlayers) && (TTPlayers == 1 || CTPlayers > 3)) || CTPlayers > 4) { AcceptEntityInput(EIBB,"Enable"); AcceptEntityInput(EIBA,"Enable"); BSAL = ""; PrintHintTextToAll("All Bombsites are enabled in this round!"); PrintCenterTextAll("All Bombsites are enabled in this round!"); } else { if(GetRandomInt(1,2) == 1) { AcceptEntityInput(EIBA,"Disable"); AcceptEntityInput(EIBB,"Enable"); BSAL = "B"; } else { AcceptEntityInput(EIBB,"Disable"); AcceptEntityInput(EIBA,"Enable"); BSAL = "A"; } decl String:CurrentMap[256]; GetCurrentMap(CurrentMap,sizeof(CurrentMap)); for(new i=0; i<STANDARDMAPSMAX; i++) { if(StrEqual(CurrentMap,StandardMaps[0],false)) { if(StrEqual(StandardMaps[1],"B",false)) { AcceptEntityInput(EIBA,"Disable"); AcceptEntityInput(EIBB,"Enable"); BSAL = "B"; } else { AcceptEntityInput(EIBB,"Disable"); AcceptEntityInput(EIBA,"Enable"); BSAL = "A"; } } } if(GetClientCount(true) > 1) { Message(); Timer = CreateTimer(60.0,RepeatMessage, _,TIMER_REPEAT); } } } } public Action:Event_RoundEnd (Handle:event,const String:name[],bool:dontBroadcast) { if(Timer != INVALID_HANDLE) { CloseHandle(Timer); Timer = INVALID_HANDLE; } if(IsValidEntity(EIBA)) { AcceptEntityInput(EIBA,"Enable"); EIBA = -1; } if(IsValidEntity(EIBB)) { AcceptEntityInput(EIBB,"Enable"); EIBB = -1; } } /* AMXX-Studio Notes - DO NOT MODIFY BELOW HERE *{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ lang1045\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par } */
  5. Chodzi mi o to jak wyłączyć komendę sm plugins
  6. Mam jeszcze 2 pytania: 1.Zrobisz mi żeby była taka opcja jak "cennik" i tam przykładowe ceny. 2.powiesz mi gdzie to wstawić? Bo ja trochę zielony jestem w te tematy (opcja nr 2)
  7. Szukam pluginu, który po wpisaniu np !vip wyświetli informację dotyczącą vipa
  8. To gdzie mam ją pobrać? Bo to było kompilowane przez tą stronę Podał byś mi głębszą ścieżkę?
  9. Co zrobić gry nie można skompilować pliku? Wyskakuje mi taki powód /home/groups/sourcemod/upload_tmp/phpyNPlAD.sp(4) : fatal error 182: cannot read from file: "scp" Compilation aborted. 1 Error. Jeżeli usunę scp to vip nie będzie miał tag vipa na czacie, ale jeżeli nie skompiluje tego w .smx to vip nie działa ;/
  10. Dzięki, a w jakim pliku można zmieniać ustawienia mapy "mp_", "sv_" bo chcę pozmieniać parę rzeczy.
  11. Mam problem, ponieważ jestem nowy w tworzeniu serwerów. Chciałbym dowiedzieć się w jakim pliku mogę nadać graczowi vipa (cs go). W ogóle fajnie by było jakbyście opisali mi proces wgrywania pluginu na vipa i nadawanie tej rangi graczowi.
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