RSSy Opublikowano Listopad 15, 2019 o 08:47 RSSy Udostępnij Opublikowano Listopad 15, 2019 o 08:47 Related Plugins: [ANY] Dev Cmds [ANY] Input Hooks [ANY] TempEnt Hooks [ANY] UserMsg Hooks About: Prints UserMessage data to chat (client) or console (server). Logs UserMessages structure and output data. Can specify which UserMessages to listen for or filter out. Example command: sm_um_watch "MusicCmd,TextMsg" For more info on UserMessages: Auto generates up to 19 gamedata signatures! They should never break and support most games. Logs messages to: "logs/user_messages_dump.log" Logs structures to:"logs/user_messages_types.log" Example Output: Spoiler Example Data: PHP Code: UM: Fade/7:10:81920: [256] [0] [1] [255] [0] [0] [30] USERMSG: Adding new format entry for MeleeSlashSplatter/1:1:16384 UM: MeleeSlashSplatter/1:1:16384: [2] UM: Damage/2:8:2048: [0] [0] UM: KillCam/3:3:16384: [0] [0] [0] USERMSG: Adding new format entry for PZDmgMsg/5:9:81920 UM: PZDmgMsg/5:9:81920: [15] [3] [2] [0] [0] UM: ResetHUD/1:1:16384: [0] UM: Spawn/1:1:16384: [3] UM: Splatter/1:1:16384: [10] UM: Splatter/1:1:16384: [9] UM: SplatterClear/0:0:0: UM: Train/1:1:16384: [0] UM: VGUIMenu/3:3:17408: [overview] [0] [0] UM: VGUIMenu/3:3:17408: [specgui] [0] [0] UM: VGUIMenu/3:3:17408: [specgui] [1] [0] UM: VGUIMenu/3:3:17408: [specmenu] [0] [0] UM: VGUIMenu/3:3:17408: [takeover_survivor_bar] [0] [0] Example Structures: PHP Code: "usermessages" { "TextMsg" { "6:6:17408" { "1" "WRITE_BYTE" "2" "String" "3" "String" "4" "String" "5" "String" "6" "String" } } "VGUIMenu" { "3:3:17408" { "1" "String" "2" "WRITE_BYTE" "3" "WRITE_BYTE" } } "KillCam" { "3:3:16384" { "1" "WRITE_BYTE" "2" "WRITE_BYTE" "3" "WRITE_BYTE" } } "Fade" { "7:10:81920" { "1" "WRITE_SHORT" "2" "WRITE_SHORT" "3" "WRITE_SHORT" "4" "WRITE_BYTE" "5" "WRITE_BYTE" "6" "WRITE_BYTE" "7" "WRITE_BYTE" } } Known Working Games: L4D1 L4D2 Please report success in other games. Request support if required. Unsupported Games: CSGO (method is different, requires manual hooks and/or changes) Admin Commands: (requires "z" flag) PHP Code: sm_um_listen // Starts listening to all UserMessages. Filters or listens for messages from the filter and listen cvars. sm_um_stop // Stop printing UserMessages. sm_um_watch // Start printing UserMessages. Usage: sm_um_watch <messages to watch, separate by commas> ConVars: Saved to usermsg_hooks.cfg in your servers \cfg\sourcemod\ folder. PHP Code: // Do not hook and these UserMessages, separate by commas (no spaces). Only works for sm_usermsg_listen command. sm_usermsg_filter "" // Only hook and display these UserMessages, separate by commas (no spaces). Only works for sm_usermsg_listen command. sm_usermsg_listen "" // 0=Off. 1=Logs all UserMessage structures. 2=Log listen UserMessage data. 4=Log listen UserMessage data with timestamps. Add numbers together. sm_usermsg_logging "1" // UserMsg Hooks plugin version. sm_usermsg_version Changes: Code: 1.0 (15-Oct-2019) - Initial release. Requirements: Extension: DHooks (Experimental dynamic detour support) Installation:DO NOT click 'Get Plugin' or it will fail to compile because this plugin requires DHooks! Download the .smx file and put into your servers \addons\sourcemod\plugins folder. Download the .txt gamedata file and put into your servers \addons\sourcemod\gamedata\ folder. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (usermsg_hooks.sp - 23.9 KB) (4.5 KB) usermsg_hooks.smx (15.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł Odnośnik do komentarza Udostępnij na innych stronach Więcej opcji udostępniania...
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