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[CSGO] Advanced Vip System

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Hello, i made this plugin while ago, it was Polish plugin so i decided to translate it and post it here as well so maybe someone can use it.

  • !vips: Opens a menu with the list of vip players on the server (You can disable it in the configuration file)
  • !vipsay <message>: Vip player can write HUD messages on the server (You can disable it in the configuration file)

  • VIP welcome message on chat
  • Vip leave message on chat
  • Vip can write hud messages
  • You can configure VIP's starting HP and the MAX HP he can reach.
  • Amount of money VIP receives for killing/headshot/bomb planting/bomb defusing/Knife kill etc
  • You can increase movment speed for VIP Player
  • You can give free armor and helmet for VIP player, also you can set the armor value.
  • You can change gravity for VIP player.
  • Free grenades for VIP (HE,FLASH,SMOKE,TA,HEAL,INC)
  • Tag in the scoreboard [VIP]
  • Double Jump for VIP players
  • FREE Guns and Pistols menu from 3rd round by default


Configuration of the GUNS AND PISTOLS:

Just simply edit the menus and add the guns you want. I will add the configuration file for it if i find a time to do that query.


Polish (PM Me Via Steam)
Steam link:

Installation Notes:

Upload files to the root directory of your server. Edit cfg/sourcemod/H2K_Vip_configuration.cfg to edit all the cvars and configurations
Configuration file should be generated by it self after a map restart or server restart.
Configuration file should be generated by it self after a map restart or server restart.Configuration file should be generated by it self after a map restart or server restart.
Default flag for vip is "o"

Coded with ❤ for Rias Gremory

Enjoy :bacon!::bacon!::bacon!:

PS: I also included the compiler and include files so you don't need to spend ages to find them or waste my time because you can't compile the plugin :)

Attached Files
File Type: zip Vip by Mesharsky[1.6].zip (636.9 KB)
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (H2K_VipENG.sp - 22.7 KB)

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