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  3. I know absolutely nothing about pawn, but I wanted to make a plugin that would announce when any player was one frag away from winning a deathmatch game, so I hit up Chatgpt to see if it could make me a plugin. It seemed to make it pretty well, but I kept getting an error when compiling the .sma file. I put the file in the scripting folder and used the built in tool (compile.exe). Here's the error that it gave me when I tried to compile: //// last_frag_message.sma // C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Half-Life\valve\addons\amxmodx\scripting\last_frag _message.sma(29) : error 088: number of arguments does not match definition // // 1 Error. // Could not locate output file compiled\last_frag_message.amx (compile failed). I don't have any experience with this, so any tips are helpful. Also please don't be rude to me. :) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  4. Wcześniejsza
  5. Hello, I Need 1v1 plugin for the aim maps like aim_map - aim_ak47 whitch used as 1v1 maps so, its 13 rounds to Determine the winner with the higher kills ofc.. and if like 3 or 4 or more players joined they need to wait their turn in spectate like 2 players playing 1v1 and the rest of players in spectate when player loses he will automatically turn to spec and next player will play agnaist the winner Im still beginner in pawn so i code horribly so if nobody can make this plugin for me at least tell me what libraries, natives , events, ideas should i use to make this plugin, Thanks. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  6. Just like it I need this kind of feature # crouch 0|1 Automation of crouching (players can jump onto a crouching player) ReSemiclip but ReGameDLL server also needs to use orpheu 。so I didn’t install it have HLDS version resemiclip_mm.dll ?? thanks Przeczytaj cały wpis
  7. i have 2 errors on this code when i'm try to compile it Here's the Errors : gift.sma(14) : error 088: number of arguments does not match definition gift.sma(45) : error 088: number of arguments does not match definition Thanks:! #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> new g_last_gift_time = -1; // last time a gift was given new g_gifts[][] = { {"armor", 15}, // armor +15 {"health", 30}, // health +30 {"ammo_pack", -1} // infinite ammo } new num_players; public give_gift() { new current_time = get_time(); if (current_time - g_last_gift_time >= 1800) { new random_player = get_random_player(); if (is_user_alive(random_player)) { new random_gift = random(sizeof(g_gifts)-1); client_cmd(random_player, "zp_give %s %d", g_gifts[random_gift][0], g_gifts[random_gift][1]); client_print(random_player, print_console, "Gift given: %s", g_gifts[random_gift][0]); } g_last_gift_time = current_time; } } public get_random_player() { new players[32]; // array to store the players num_players = 0; // number of players in the array for(new i; i < get_maxplayers(); i++) { if(is_user_alive(i)) { players[num_players++] = i; } } return players[random(num_players-1)]; } public plugin_init() { register_plugin("Gift_Plugin", "1.0"); set_task(1800.0, "give_gift"); } public plugin_end() { g_last_gift_time = -1; } Przeczytaj cały wpis


    Hello, can someone send me a gamemode amxx for my zombie plague 1.6.1 nigthmare edition wesker mode, please someone give me a hand, here I leave the link of the mod so you can try it Przeczytaj cały wpis
  9. Description This plugin uses HookEvent("player_team") and grabs their new (and old) team. If their team is 0, they aren't fully-loaded. If their team is 1, they are loaded but haven't been assigned a team yet because other players are still loading (or are about to be assigned a team). Once players have been assigned to team 2 (survivors) or team 3 (infected), they are fully past the loading screen and can see chat. This plugin then displays a message to them. This plugin should be compatible with competitive L4D2 servers as well. By default, this prints 2 messages to each player individual, translated to their language provided in the phrases file. You also have an option to make it print every map, or just on the very first time they connect to the server. Once they disconnect, they'll see the welcome message again. An autoexec is created in cfg/sourcemod for this plugin. Cvarspcs_everymap "1" // Whether to print every map. pcs_lines "2" // How many lines to print. Other plugins use things like player_connect, player_spawn, or OnClientPutInServer(), etc. Some of these fire multiple times in L4D2 especially during map changes, and don't cover the initial time everyone is loading in from a lobby where load times and connections vary. As well, things like OnClientPutInServer() will fire before a client finishes loading. Compiling In order to compile, you will need -> Installation You don't need to mess with any of the code to change the messages in the translation files. pcsWelcome.smx -> addons/sourcemod/plugins pcswelcome.phrases.txt -> addons/sourcemod/translations Changelog: Code: 1.0 (July 16th - 2024) - Initial release.Additional This is a very simple plugin. While I plan to add to it, the whole point of it is for others to build on it and tailor it to their own liking. You can increase the amount of lines by changing a few things in a few places easily. The plugin also should work for Left4Dead1, but I do not have a server setup to test these so if you want you can remove the public APLRes AskPluginLoad2 at the top to let it load. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (pcsWelcome.sp - 2.7 KB) pcswelcome.phrases.txt (549 Bytes) pcsWelcome.smx (7.1 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  10. Pozwólcie, że przedstawię Rabona Casino, które stało się jednym z najbardziej wyrazistych miejsc do gry w przestrzeni online. Dzięki imponującemu wyborowi gier, od klasycznych i wideo slotów po emocjonujące zakłady sportowe, Rabona zapewnia unikalne doświadczenia z gry. Każdy, kto chce zanurzyć się w świat gier z żywymi dealerami lub pragnie przetestować swoją strategię w grach stołowych, znajdzie tutaj coś wyjątkowego. Szczególnie ważne jest zbadanie możliwości bukmacherki, która pozwala na obstawianie różnych dyscyplin sportowych, takich jak tenis, piłka nożna, siatkówka, hokej i wiele innych. Czytaj dalej, aby dowiedzieć się więcej o tym fascynującym kasynie.


    Rabona Casino oferuje nie tylko szeroką gamę gier, ale także program lojalnościowy z pięcioma poziomami, który nagradza graczy za ich zaangażowanie. Im więcej grasz, tym wyższy poziom osiągasz i tym więcej bonusów możesz zdobyć. Program ten sprawia, że każdy gracz czuje się doceniony i zmotywowany do dalszej gry.


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    Hello, I am looking for a mod where when you heal yourself or your teammate with a medkit, the health bar is loaded with animation. Is there such a plugin? Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  12. Hello , Its any plugin that when a player type /calladmin ..a msg to be send on discord server to say , somebody need admin or smt like that. Thank you Przeczytaj cały wpis
  13. Hello people from Allied, hope you're doing well, I'm just another programmer in this world who wanted to create a zombie escape server and found the one released by an user named Dias (, at first it didn't work for me so I tried as much as I could and fixed it with the help of Google and some other users that posted specific fixes for stuff I found like Arkshine the one who uploaded a version of Orpheu ( Basically this is the gameplay of this mode: The script uses Orpheu as I said before, also uses AMX Mod X version 1.8.3 dev branch (, metamod ofc, and it already has some maps on it made by Jairito and other ppl that I don't remember. To "install" the script just unzip the file I provided in the link and then copy the folder cstrike to your "Half-Life" installation or to your ReHLDS (even though it was not tested for it, it should work) Anyways I thought this was going to be of help for some people. Before leaving just wanted to say that remember to Believe in Jesus and God Bless YOU! ANY LINK IS THE SAME FILE: Przeczytaj cały wpis
  14. @ref, kupie 1-2k wpln na strzał przy dobrym przeliczniku
  15. Hello , Anyone can make this plugin ( when you set for text chat to be colored not normal color from client/server ? I saw theres not anymore support. Thank you. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  16. Hello There ! Who can help me with this plugin? I need this plugin for zp, and I want if I can the model to be set on ip or on steam id, I've tried several plugins, but when it should turn into zombie, it stays the same model I put ! I have try this plugin also but don't work how i wanna : Przeczytaj cały wpis
  17. I've recently added this ReAmx Super plugin to my server but it crashes the server (without logs or errors) like 1 or 2 times a day. I know for sure this plugin is the cause, because if I disable it, the server doesn't crash at all, but if I enable it the crashes happen again. As I said, no logs, no errors, no nothing, just "Segmentation fault (core dumped)". I use the latest of everything: AMXX v1.9.0.5294 ReAPI v5.24.0.300-dev ReHLDS Any ideas? Thanks! PHP Code: #pragma semicolon 1 #include <amxmodx> #include <reapi> enum eActions { ACTION_HEAL, ACTION_ARMOR, ACTION_WEAPON, ACTION_SPEED, ACTION_GODMODE, ACTION_NOCLIP, ACTION_UNAMMO, ACTION_FIRE, ACTION_INVISIBLE, ACTION_MULTIJUMP, ACTION_FREEZE, ACTION_SLAY2, ACTION_BURY, ACTION_UNBURY, ACTION_DISARM, ACTION_ROCKET, ACTION_REVIVE, ACTION_QUIT, ACTION_FLASH, ACTION_DRUG, ACTION_GLOW, ACTION_TELEPORT, ACTION_GIVEMONEY, ACTION_TAKEMONEY, ACTION_UBERSLAP, ACTION_USERORIGIN, ACTION_HRESPAWN, ACTION_TEAM, ACTION_SWAP, ACTION_PASS, ACTION_NOPASS, ACTION_EXTEND, ACTION_GLOWCOLORS, ACTION_TEAMSWAP, ACTION_ALLTALK, ACTION_GRAVITY }; enum eFeatures { cmd[32], neededargs, eActions:action, action_access, description[128], }; new const g_Actions[][eFeatures] = { {"amx_heal", 3, ACTION_HEAL, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> <HP to give>"}, {"amx_armor", 3, ACTION_ARMOR, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> <ARMOR to give>"}, {"amx_weapon", 3, ACTION_WEAPON, ADMIN_LEVEL_C, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> <Weapon #>"}, {"amx_speed", 3, ACTION_SPEED, ADMIN_LEVEL_C, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> [Speed #]"}, {"amx_godmode", 3, ACTION_GODMODE, ADMIN_LEVEL_C, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> [0|1]"}, {"amx_noclip", 3, ACTION_NOCLIP, ADMIN_LEVEL_C, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> [0|1]"}, {"amx_unammo", 3, ACTION_UNAMMO, ADMIN_LEVEL_C, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> [0|1]"}, {"amx_fire", 3, ACTION_FIRE, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> [0|1]"}, {"amx_invisible", 3, ACTION_INVISIBLE, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> [0|1]"}, {"amx_multijump", 3, ACTION_MULTIJUMP, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> [0|1]"}, {"amx_doublejump", 3, ACTION_MULTIJUMP, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> [0|1]"}, {"amx_freeze", 3, ACTION_FREEZE, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> [0|1]"}, {"amx_slay2", 2, ACTION_SLAY2, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> [2-Blood|3-Explode]"}, {"amx_bury", 2, ACTION_BURY, ADMIN_LEVEL_B, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team>"}, {"amx_unbury", 2, ACTION_UNBURY, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team>"}, {"amx_disarm", 2, ACTION_DISARM, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team>"}, {"amx_rocket", 2, ACTION_ROCKET, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team>"}, {"amx_revive", 2, ACTION_REVIVE, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team>"}, {"amx_quit", 2, ACTION_QUIT, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team>"}, {"amx_flash", 2, ACTION_FLASH, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team>"}, {"amx_drug", 2, ACTION_DRUG, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team>"}, {"amx_glow", 3, ACTION_GLOW, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> <color> (or) <rrr> <ggg> <bbb> <aaa>"}, {"amx_teleport", 2, ACTION_TELEPORT, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid or authid> [x] [y] [z]"}, {"amx_givemoney", 3, ACTION_GIVEMONEY, ADMIN_LEVEL_C, "<nick, #userid or authid> <amount>"}, {"amx_takemoney", 3, ACTION_TAKEMONEY, ADMIN_LEVEL_C, "<nick, #userid or authid> <amount>"}, {"amx_uberslap", 2, ACTION_UBERSLAP, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid or authid>"}, {"amx_userorigin", 2, ACTION_USERORIGIN, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid or authid>"}, {"amx_hrespawn", 2, ACTION_HRESPAWN, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid or authid>"}, {"amx_team", 3, ACTION_TEAM, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<name> <CT/T/Spec>"}, {"amx_transfer", 3, ACTION_TEAM, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<name> <CT/T/Spec>"}, {"amx_swap", 3, ACTION_SWAP, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<name 1> <name 2>"}, {"amx_pass", 2, ACTION_PASS, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<server password> - Sets the server password"}, {"amx_nopass", 1, ACTION_NOPASS, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "Removes the server password"}, {"amx_extend", 2, ACTION_EXTEND, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<added time to extend>"}, {"amx_glowcolors", 1, ACTION_GLOWCOLORS, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "shows a list of colors for amx_glow and amx_glow2"}, {"amx_teamswap", 1, ACTION_TEAMSWAP, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "Swaps 2 teams with each other"}, {"amx_alltalk", 2, ACTION_ALLTALK, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<alltalk #>"}, {"amx_gravity", 2, ACTION_GRAVITY, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<gravity #>"} }; enum _:eVariables { ScreenFade, SetFOV, Damage, DeathMsg, ScoreInfo, Hudsync, sv_gravity, sv_password, mp_timelimit, sv_alltalk, steam1, blueflare2, white, lgtning, muzzleflash, zbeam5, additional_jumps, dj_trail_life, dj_trail_size, dj_trail_brightness, extendmax, extendtime, Float:auto_double_jump_velocity, Float:flTrailTime[MAX_CLIENTS + 1], PlayerJump[MAX_CLIENTS + 1], PlayerCatch[MAX_CLIENTS + 1], PlayerIceCube[MAX_CLIENTS + 1], Speed[MAX_CLIENTS + 1], modelindex } new g_iVariables[eVariables]; enum _:eBoolVariables { flashsound, bulletdamage, reviveafterteamswap, revdefaultweapon, allowcatchfire, auto_double_jump, dj_trail, dj_trail_effect, Unammo[MAX_CLIENTS + 1], Fire[MAX_CLIENTS + 1], DoubleJump[MAX_CLIENTS + 1], Trail[MAX_CLIENTS + 1] } new bool:g_blVariables[eBoolVariables]; enum _:eSounds { thunder_clap, rocketfire1, headshot2, rocket1, flashbang2, flameburst, scream07 }; new const g_szSounds[eSounds][] = { "ambience/thunder_clap.wav", "weapons/rocketfire1.wav", "weapons/headshot2.wav", "weapons/rocket1.wav", "weapons/flashbang-2.wav", "ambience/flameburst1.wav", "scientist/scream07.wav" }; const MAX_COLORS = 30; new const Float:g_flColors[MAX_COLORS][] = { {255.0,0.0,0.0},{255.0,190.0,190.0},{165.0,0.0,0.0},{255.0,100.0,100.0},{0.0,0.0,255.0},{0.0,0.0,136.0},{95.0,200.0,255.0},{0.0,150.0,255.0}, {0.0,255.0,0.0},{180.0,255.0,175.0},{0.0,155.0,0.0},{150.0,63.0,0.0},{205.0,123.0,64.0},{255.0,255.0,255.0},{255.0,255.0,0.0},{189.0,182.0,0.0}, {255.0,255.0,109.0},{255.0,150.0,0.0},{255.0,190.0,90.0},{222.0,110.0,0.0},{243.0,138.0,255.0},{255.0,0.0,255.0},{150.0,0.0,150.0},{100.0,0.0,100.0}, {200.0,0.0,0.0},{220.0,220.0,0.0},{192.0,192.0,192.0},{190.0,100.0,10.0},{114.0,114.0,114.0},{0.0,0.0,0.0} }; new const g_szColors[MAX_COLORS][] = { "red","pink","darkred","lightred","blue","darkblue","lightblue","aqua", "green","lightgreen","darkgreen","brown","lightbrown","white","yellow","darkyellow", "lightyellow","orange","lightorange","darkorange","lightpurple","purple","darkpurple","violet", "maroon","gold","silver","bronze","grey","off" }; enum _:eTaskId { TASKID_FIRE1, TASKID_FIRE2, TASKID_TRAIL }; new const g_szIceModel[] = "models/ras_freezemodel.mdl"; new Float:flHRespawn_Origin[MAX_CLIENTS + 1][3], Float:g_flSavedOrigin[MAX_CLIENTS + 1][3]; public plugin_init() { register_plugin("ReAmx_Super", "1.8", "PurposeLess"); register_dictionary("reamx_super.txt"); register_clcmd("say /admin", "@clcmd_admin"); register_clcmd("say /admins", "@clcmd_admin"); for(new iAction = 0; iAction < sizeof(g_Actions); iAction++) { register_concmd(g_Actions[iAction][cmd], "@call_function", g_Actions[iAction][action], g_Actions[iAction][description], .FlagManager = 0); } register_event("CurWeapon", "@event_curweapon", "be", "1=1", "3=1"); RegisterHookChain(RG_CBasePlayer_Spawn, "@CBasePlayer_Spawn_Post", .post=true); RegisterHookChain(RG_CBasePlayer_Killed, "@CBasePlayer_Killed_Post", .post=true); RegisterHookChain(RG_CBasePlayer_TakeDamage, "@CBasePlayer_TakeDamage_Post", .post=true); RegisterHookChain(RG_CBasePlayer_ResetMaxSpeed, "@CBasePlayer_ResetMaxSpeed_Pre", .post=false); RegisterHookChain(RG_CBasePlayer_Jump, "@CBasePlayer_Jump_Pre", .post=false); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_extendmax", "9"), g_blVariables[extendmax]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_extendtime", "15"), g_blVariables[extendtime]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_flashsound", "1", _, _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0), g_blVariables[flashsound]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_bulletdamage", "1", _, _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0), g_blVariables[bulletdamage]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_reviveafterteamswap", "1", _, _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0), g_blVariables[reviveafterteamswap]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_revdefaultweapon", "1", _, _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0), g_blVariables[revdefaultweapon]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_allowcatchfire", "1", _, _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0), g_blVariables[allowcatchfire]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_additional_jumps", "1"), g_iVariables[additional_jumps]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_auto_double_jump", "0", _, _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0), g_blVariables[auto_double_jump]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_dj_trail", "0", _, _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0), g_blVariables[dj_trail]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_dj_trail_effect", "1", _, _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0), g_blVariables[dj_trail_effect]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_dj_trail_life", "2"), g_iVariables[dj_trail_life]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_dj_trail_size", "2"), g_iVariables[dj_trail_size]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_dj_trail_brightness", "150"), g_iVariables[dj_trail_brightness]); bind_pcvar_float(create_cvar("reamx_super_auto_double_jump_velocity", "350.0"), g_iVariables[auto_double_jump_velocity]); set_pcvar_num(get_cvar_pointer("sv_maxspeed"), 2000); g_iVariables[ScreenFade] = get_user_msgid("ScreenFade"); g_iVariables[SetFOV] = get_user_msgid("SetFOV"); g_iVariables[Damage] = get_user_msgid("Damage"); g_iVariables[DeathMsg] = get_user_msgid("DeathMsg"); g_iVariables[ScoreInfo] = get_user_msgid("ScoreInfo"); g_iVariables[Hudsync] = CreateHudSyncObj(); g_iVariables[sv_gravity] = get_cvar_pointer("sv_gravity"); g_iVariables[sv_password] = get_cvar_pointer("sv_password"); g_iVariables[mp_timelimit] = get_cvar_pointer("mp_timelimit"); g_iVariables[sv_alltalk] = get_cvar_pointer("sv_alltalk"); } public plugin_precache() { g_iVariables[steam1] = precache_model("sprites/steam1.spr"); g_iVariables[blueflare2] = precache_model("sprites/blueflare2.spr"); g_iVariables[white] = precache_model("sprites/white.spr"); g_iVariables[lgtning] = precache_model("sprites/lgtning.spr"); g_iVariables[muzzleflash] = precache_model("sprites/muzzleflash.spr"); g_iVariables[zbeam5] = precache_model("sprites/zbeam5.spr"); g_iVariables[modelindex] = precache_model(g_szIceModel); for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(g_szSounds); i++) { precache_sound(g_szSounds[i]); } } public client_disconnected(pPlayer) { g_iVariables[PlayerJump][pPlayer] = 0; g_blVariables[Fire][pPlayer] = false; g_blVariables[DoubleJump][pPlayer] = false; g_blVariables[PlayerCatch][pPlayer] = false; g_iVariables[Speed][pPlayer] = 0; remove_task(pPlayer); remove_task(pPlayer + TASKID_FIRE1); remove_task(pPlayer + TASKID_FIRE2); if(g_blVariables[dj_trail]) { remove_task(pPlayer + TASKID_TRAIL); g_blVariables[Trail][pPlayer] = false; } if(!is_nullent(g_iVariables[PlayerIceCube][pPlayer])) { set_entvar(g_iVariables[PlayerIceCube][pPlayer], var_flags, FL_KILLME); } } @call_function(const pPlayer, const eActions:iAction, const iCid) { if(~get_user_flags(pPlayer) & g_Actions[iAction][action_access]) { console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "NO_ACC_COM"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if(read_argc() < g_Actions[iAction][neededargs]) { console_print(pPlayer, "%L: %s %s", LANG_PLAYER, "USAGE", g_Actions[iAction][cmd], g_Actions[iAction][description]); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } enum VariableDescription { VD_TEAM, VD_PLAYER, VD_ONLYALIVE, VD_IMMUNITY, VD_IGNORESTEAM, VD_MORENEGATIVE, VD_MOREZERO, VD_ONLYONOFF_ARG, VD_ONLYONOFF_ARG2 }; new bool:iVariables[VariableDescription]; switch(iAction) { case ACTION_HEAL, ACTION_ARMOR, ACTION_WEAPON: { iVariables[VD_TEAM] = true; iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] = true; iVariables[VD_MOREZERO] = true; } case ACTION_GODMODE, ACTION_NOCLIP, ACTION_UNAMMO, ACTION_INVISIBLE, ACTION_MULTIJUMP, ACTION_FREEZE: { iVariables[VD_TEAM] = true; iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] = true; iVariables[VD_ONLYONOFF_ARG2] = true; } case ACTION_DRUG, ACTION_GLOW: { iVariables[VD_TEAM] = true; iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] = true; } case ACTION_GIVEMONEY, ACTION_TAKEMONEY: { iVariables[VD_TEAM] = true; iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; iVariables[VD_MOREZERO] = true; } case ACTION_FIRE: { iVariables[VD_TEAM] = true; iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] = true; iVariables[VD_IMMUNITY] = true; iVariables[VD_ONLYONOFF_ARG2] = true; } case ACTION_BURY, ACTION_UNBURY, ACTION_DISARM, ACTION_SLAY2, ACTION_ROCKET, ACTION_FLASH, ACTION_TELEPORT: { iVariables[VD_TEAM] = true; iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] = true; iVariables[VD_IMMUNITY] = true; } case ACTION_REVIVE: { iVariables[VD_TEAM] = true; iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; iVariables[VD_IMMUNITY] = true; } case ACTION_USERORIGIN, ACTION_UBERSLAP: { iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] = true; iVariables[VD_IMMUNITY] = true; } case ACTION_QUIT: { iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] = true; iVariables[VD_IMMUNITY] = true; iVariables[VD_IGNORESTEAM] = true; } case ACTION_TEAM, ACTION_SWAP, ACTION_HRESPAWN: { iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; } case ACTION_SPEED: { iVariables[VD_TEAM] = true; iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] = true; iVariables[VD_MORENEGATIVE] = true; } case ACTION_ALLTALK: { iVariables[VD_ONLYONOFF_ARG] = true; } } new szArg[32], szArg2[32], iArg, iArg2; read_argv(1, szArg, charsmax(szArg)); read_argv(2, szArg2, charsmax(szArg2)); iArg = str_to_num(szArg); iArg2 = str_to_num(szArg2); if(iVariables[VD_MORENEGATIVE] && iArg2 < 0) { console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_AMOUNT_GREATER"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if(iVariables[VD_MOREZERO] && iArg2 <= 0) { console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_AMOUNT_GREATER"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if(iVariables[VD_ONLYONOFF_ARG]) { iArg = clamp(iArg, 0, 1); } if(iVariables[VD_ONLYONOFF_ARG2]) { iArg2 = clamp(iArg2, 0, 1); } if(iVariables[VD_TEAM]) { if(szArg[0] == '@' && !szArg[4]) { new iPlayers[MAX_CLIENTS], szFlags[3], iNum; switch(szArg[1]) { case 'T','t': { szFlags = iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] ? "ae" : "e"; copy(szArg[1], charsmax(szArg), "TERRORIST"); } case 'C','c': { szFlags = iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] ? "ae" : "e"; } case 'A','a': { szFlags = iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] ? "a" : ""; } } get_players(iPlayers, iNum, szFlags, szArg[1]); if(!iNum) { console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_NO_PLAYERS"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } for(new i = 0, pId; i < iNum; i++) { pId = iPlayers[i]; if(iVariables[VD_IMMUNITY] && (get_user_flags(pId) & ADMIN_IMMUNITY && pPlayer != pId)) { continue; } @call_function_handler(iAction, pPlayer, pId, szArg, szArg2, iArg, iArg2, true, false); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } } } if(iVariables[VD_PLAYER]) { new pId = cmd_target(pPlayer, szArg, bool:iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE], bool:iVariables[VD_IMMUNITY]); if(!pId) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if(iVariables[VD_IGNORESTEAM] && is_user_steam(pId)) { console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_NO_KICK_STEAM"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } @call_function_handler(iAction, pPlayer, pId, szArg, szArg2, iArg, iArg2, false, true); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } @call_function_handler(iAction, pPlayer, 0, szArg, szArg2, iArg, iArg2, false, false); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } @call_function_handler(const eActions:iAction, const pPlayer, const pId, const szArg[], const szArg2[], const iArg, const iArg2, const bool:blTeam, const bool:blNoArg2) { switch(iAction) { case ACTION_HEAL: { set_entvar(pId, var_health, Float:get_entvar(pId, var_health) + float(iArg2)); send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_HEAL_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_HEAL_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_HEAL_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_HEAL_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_ARMOR: { set_entvar(pId, var_armorvalue, Float:get_entvar(pId, var_armorvalue) + float(iArg2)); send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_ARMOR_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_ARMOR_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_ARMOR_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_ARMOR_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_WEAPON: { rg_give_weapon(pId, iArg2); send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_WEAPON_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_WEAPON_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_WEAPON_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_WEAPON_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_GODMODE: { set_entvar(pId, var_takedamage, iArg2 ? DAMAGE_NO : DAMAGE_AIM); send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_GODMODE_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_GODMODE_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_GODMODE_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_GODMODE_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_NOCLIP: { set_entvar(pId, var_movetype, iArg2 ? MOVETYPE_NOCLIP : MOVETYPE_WALK); send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_NOCLIP_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_NOCLIP_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_NOCLIP_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_NOCLIP_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_SPEED: { g_iVariables[Speed][pPlayer] = iArg2; if(!iArg2) { rg_reset_maxspeed(pPlayer); } else { new Float:flSpeed = 250.0 + (50.0 * float(iArg2)); set_entvar(pPlayer, var_maxspeed, flSpeed); } send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_SPEED_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_SPEED_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_SPEED_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_SPEED_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_GIVEMONEY: { rg_add_account(pId, iArg2, AS_ADD); send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_GIVEMONEY_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_GIVEMONEY_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_GIVEMONEY_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_GIVEMONEY_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_TAKEMONEY: { rg_add_account(pId, -iArg2, AS_ADD); send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_TAKEMONEY_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_TAKEMONEY_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_TAKEMONEY_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_TAKEMONEY_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_UNAMMO: { g_blVariables[Unammo][pId] = bool:iArg2; send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_UNAMMO_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_UNAMMO_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_UNAMMO_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_UNAMMO_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_ALLTALK: { set_pcvar_num(g_iVariables[sv_alltalk], iArg); send_print_onlypc(pPlayer, iArg, "REAMX_SUPER_ALLTALK_P", "REAMX_SUPER_ALLTALK_C"); } case ACTION_GRAVITY: { set_pcvar_num(g_iVariables[sv_gravity], iArg); send_print_onlypc(pPlayer, iArg, "REAMX_SUPER_GRAVITY_P", "REAMX_SUPER_GRAVITY_C"); } case ACTION_BURY: { rg_bury_player(pId); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_BURY_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_BURY_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_BURY_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_BURY_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_UNBURY: { rg_unbury_player(pId); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_UNBURY_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_UNBURY_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_UNBURY_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_UNBURY_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_DISARM: { rg_remove_all_items(pId); rg_give_item(pId, "weapon_knife"); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_DISARM_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_DISARM_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_DISARM_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_DISARM_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_SLAY2: { slay_player(pId, iArg2); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_SLAY2_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_SLAY2_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_SLAY2_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_SLAY2_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_ROCKET: { rg_rocket_player(pId); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_ROCKET_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_ROCKET_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_ROCKET_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_ROCKET_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_UBERSLAP: { set_task(0.1, "@uberslap_player", pId, .flags = "a", .repeat = 99); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_UBERSLAP_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_UBERSLAP_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_UBERSLAP_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_UBERSLAP_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_REVIVE: { rg_give_default_items_func(pId); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_REVIVE_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_REVIVE_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_REVIVE_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_REVIVE_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_QUIT: { client_cmd(pId, "quit"); rg_send_audio(0, g_szSounds[thunder_clap]); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "", "", "REAMX_SUPER_QUIT_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_QUIT_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_DRUG: { rg_drug_player(pId); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_DRUG_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_DRUG_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_DRUG_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_DRUG_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_FLASH: { flash_player(pId); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_FLASH_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_FLASH_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_FLASH_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_FLASH_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_FREEZE: { if(iArg2) { freeze_player(pId); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_FREEZE_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_FREEZE_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_FREEZE_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_FREEZE_PLAYER_C"); } else { unfreeze_player(pId); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_UNFREEZE_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_UNFREEZE_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_UNFREEZE_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_UNFREEZE_PLAYER_C"); } } case ACTION_USERORIGIN: { get_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, g_flSavedOrigin[pPlayer]); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_USERORIGIN", pId, g_flSavedOrigin[pPlayer][0], g_flSavedOrigin[pPlayer][1], g_flSavedOrigin[pPlayer][2]); } case ACTION_TELEPORT: { if(read_argc() > 2) { new szY[8], szZ[8]; read_argv(3, szY, charsmax(szY)); read_argv(4, szZ, charsmax(szZ)); g_flSavedOrigin[pPlayer][0] = float(iArg2); g_flSavedOrigin[pPlayer][1] = str_to_float(szY); g_flSavedOrigin[pPlayer][2] = str_to_float(szZ); } set_entvar(pId, var_origin, g_flSavedOrigin[pPlayer]); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_TELEPORT_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_TELEPORT_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_TELEPORT_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_TELEPORT_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_PASS: { set_pcvar_string(g_iVariables[sv_password], szArg); send_print_onlypc(pPlayer, iArg2, "REAMX_SUPER_SET_PASSWORD_P", "REAMX_SUPER_SET_PASSWORD_C"); } case ACTION_NOPASS: { set_pcvar_string(g_iVariables[sv_password], ""); send_print_onlypc(pPlayer, iArg2, "REAMX_SUPER_REMOVE_PASSWORD_P", "REAMX_SUPER_REMOVE_PASSWORD_C"); } case ACTION_TEAM: { admin_transfer(pPlayer, pId, szArg2); } case ACTION_SWAP: { admin_swap(pPlayer, pId, szArg2); } case ACTION_EXTEND: { admin_extend(pPlayer, iArg); } case ACTION_GLOWCOLORS: { admin_glowcolors(pPlayer); } case ACTION_GLOW: { if(is_str_num(szArg2)) { new szArg3[32], szArg4[32], szArg5[32], Float:flColor[3], Float:flAmount; read_argv(3, szArg3, charsmax(szArg3)); read_argv(4, szArg4, charsmax(szArg4)); read_argv(5, szArg5, charsmax(szArg5)); flColor[0] = str_to_float(szArg2); flColor[1] = str_to_float(szArg3); flColor[2] = str_to_float(szArg4); flAmount = (szArg5[0] == EOS ? 255.0 : str_to_float(szArg5)); admin_glow(pPlayer, pId, blTeam, szArg, szArg2, true, flColor, flAmount); console_print(pPlayer, "YES [%f][%f][%f]", flColor[0], flColor[1], flColor[2]); } else { admin_glow(pPlayer, pId, blTeam, szArg, szArg2, false, {0.0,0.0,0.0}, 0.0); } } case ACTION_INVISIBLE: { set_entvar(pPlayer, var_effects, iArg2 ? get_entvar(pPlayer, var_effects) | EF_NODRAW : get_entvar(pPlayer, var_effects) & ~EF_NODRAW); send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_INVISIBLE_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_INVISIBLE_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_INVISIBLE_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_INVISIBLE_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_FIRE: { admin_fire(pId, iArg2); send_print_fire(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_FIRE_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_FIRE_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_FIRE_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_FIRE_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_MULTIJUMP: { g_blVariables[DoubleJump][pId] = bool:iArg2; send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_DOUBLEJUMP_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_DOUBLEJUMP_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_DOUBLEJUMP_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_DOUBLEJUMP_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_TEAMSWAP: { rg_swap_all_players(); rg_respawn_all_players(); client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_TEAMSWAP_P", pPlayer); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_TEAMSWAP_C"); } case ACTION_HRESPAWN: { if(is_user_alive(pId)) { console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_HRESPAWN_NO_ALIVE"); return; } rg_give_default_items_func(pId); set_entvar(pId, var_origin, flHRespawn_Origin[pId]); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "", "", "REAMX_SUPER_HRESPAWN_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_HRESPAWN_PLAYER_C"); } } } rg_give_weapon(const pPlayer, const iWeapon) { switch(iWeapon) { case 1: { rg_give_item(pPlayer, "weapon_knife"); } case 11: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_GLOCK18, "weapon_glock18"); } case 12: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_USP, "weapon_usp"); } case 13: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_P228, "weapon_p228"); } case 14: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_DEAGLE, "weapon_deagle"); } case 15: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FIVESEVEN, "weapon_fiveseven"); } case 16: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_ELITE, "weapon_elite"); } case 17: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_GLOCK18, "weapon_glock18"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_USP, "weapon_usp"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_P228, "weapon_p228"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_DEAGLE, "weapon_deagle"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FIVESEVEN, "weapon_fiveseven"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_ELITE, "weapon_elite"); } case 21: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_M3, "weapon_m3"); } case 22: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_XM1014, "weapon_xm1014"); } case 31: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_TMP, "weapon_tmp"); } case 32: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_MAC10, "weapon_mac10"); } case 33: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_MP5N, "weapon_mp5navy"); } case 34: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_P90, "weapon_p90"); } case 35: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_UMP45, "weapon_ump45"); } case 40: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FAMAS, "weapon_famas"); } case 41: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_GALIL, "weapon_galil"); } case 42: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_AK47, "weapon_ak47"); } case 43: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_M4A1, "weapon_m4a1"); } case 44: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_SG552, "weapon_sg552"); } case 45: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_AUG, "weapon_aug"); } case 46: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_SCOUT, "weapon_scout"); } case 47: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_SG550, "weapon_sg550"); } case 48: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_AWP, "weapon_awp"); } case 49: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_G3SG1, "weapon_g3sg1"); } case 51: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_M249, "weapon_m249"); } case 60: { rg_give_shield(pPlayer); rg_give_item(pPlayer, "item_assaultsuit"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_GLOCK, "weapon_glock"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FLASHBANG, "weapon_flashbang"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_HEGRENADE, "weapon_hegrenade"); } case 61: { rg_give_shield(pPlayer); rg_give_item(pPlayer, "item_assaultsuit"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_GLOCK, "weapon_usp"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FLASHBANG, "weapon_flashbang"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_HEGRENADE, "weapon_hegrenade"); } case 62: { rg_give_shield(pPlayer); rg_give_item(pPlayer, "item_assaultsuit"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_DEAGLE, "weapon_deagle"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FLASHBANG, "weapon_flashbang"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_HEGRENADE, "weapon_hegrenade"); } case 63: { rg_give_shield(pPlayer); rg_give_item(pPlayer, "item_assaultsuit"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FIVESEVEN, "weapon_fiveseven"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FLASHBANG, "weapon_flashbang"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_HEGRENADE, "weapon_hegrenade"); } case 81:{ rg_give_item(pPlayer, "item_kevlar"); } case 82:{ rg_give_item(pPlayer, "item_assaultsuit"); } case 83:{ rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_HEGRENADE, "weapon_hegrenade"); } case 84:{ rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FLASHBANG, "weapon_flashbang"); } case 85:{ rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE, "weapon_smokegrenade"); } case 86:{ rg_give_item(pPlayer, "item_thighpack"); } case 87:{ rg_give_shield(pPlayer); } case 88:{ for(new InventorySlotType:i = PRIMARY_WEAPON_SLOT, iWeapon; i < C4_SLOT; i++) { iWeapon = get_member(pPlayer, m_rgpPlayerItems, i); if(is_nullent(iWeapon)) { continue; } rg_set_user_bpammo(pPlayer, get_member(iWeapon, m_iId), rg_get_iteminfo(iWeapon, ItemInfo_iMaxAmmo1)); } } case 89:{ rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_HEGRENADE, "weapon_hegrenade"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FLASHBANG, "weapon_flashbang"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE, "weapon_smokegrenade"); } case 91:{ rg_give_item(pPlayer, "weapon_c4"); } case 100:{ rg_give_item(pPlayer, "item_assaultsuit"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_AWP, "weapon_awp"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_DEAGLE, "weapon_deagle"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_HEGRENADE, "weapon_hegrenade"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FLASHBANG, "weapon_flashbang"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE, "weapon_smokegrenade"); } } } rg_give_user_weapon(const pPlayer, const WeaponIdType:iNum, const szWeaponName[]) { if(rg_has_item_by_name(pPlayer, szWeaponName)) { new iWeapon = rg_find_weapon_bpack_by_name(pPlayer, szWeaponName); rg_set_user_bpammo(pPlayer, iNum, rg_get_iteminfo(iWeapon, ItemInfo_iMaxAmmo1)); } else { rg_set_user_bpammo(pPlayer, iNum, rg_get_iteminfo(rg_give_item(pPlayer, szWeaponName), ItemInfo_iMaxAmmo1)); } } rg_bury_player(const pPlayer) { new Float:flOrigin[3]; get_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flOrigin); flOrigin[2] -= 35.0; set_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flOrigin); } rg_unbury_player(const pPlayer) { new Float:flOrigin[3]; get_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flOrigin); flOrigin[2] += 35.0; set_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flOrigin); } rg_rocket_player(const pPlayer) { rh_emit_sound2(pPlayer, 0, CHAN_WEAPON, g_szSounds[rocketfire1]); set_entvar(pPlayer, var_maxspeed, 0.01); set_task(1.2, "@rocket_liftoff", pPlayer); } slay_player(const pPlayer, const iType) { new Float:flOrigin[3], Float:flOrigin2[3]; get_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flOrigin); flOrigin[2] -= 26.0; flOrigin2[0] = flOrigin[0] + 15.0; flOrigin2[1] = flOrigin[1] + 150.0; flOrigin2[2] = flOrigin[2] + 400.0; switch(iType) { case 1: { lightning(flOrigin2, flOrigin); rh_emit_sound2(pPlayer, 0, CHAN_ITEM, g_szSounds[thunder_clap]); } case 2:{ blood(flOrigin); rh_emit_sound2(pPlayer, 0, CHAN_ITEM, g_szSounds[headshot2]); } case 3: { explode(flOrigin); } } user_kill(pPlayer, 1); } lightning(const Float:iVec[3], const Float:iVec2[3]) { message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); { write_byte(0); write_coord_f(iVec[0]); write_coord_f(iVec[1]); write_coord_f(iVec[2]); write_coord_f(iVec2[0]); write_coord_f(iVec2[1]); write_coord_f(iVec2[2]); write_short(g_iVariables[lgtning]); write_byte(1); write_byte(5); write_byte(2); write_byte(20); write_byte(30); write_byte(200); write_byte(200); write_byte(200); write_byte(200); write_byte(200); } message_end(); message_begin_f(MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, iVec2); { write_byte(9); write_coord_f(iVec2[0]); write_coord_f(iVec2[1]); write_coord_f(iVec2[2]); } message_end(); message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY, iVec2); { write_byte(5); write_coord_f(iVec2[0]); write_coord_f(iVec2[1]); write_coord_f(iVec2[2]); write_short(g_iVariables[steam1]); write_byte(10); write_byte(10); } message_end(); } blood(const Float:iVec[3]) { message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST,SVC_TEMPENTITY); write_byte(10); write_coord_f(iVec[0]); write_coord_f(iVec[1]); write_coord_f(iVec[2]); message_end(); } explode(const Float:iVec[3]) { message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY, iVec); { write_byte(21); write_coord_f(iVec[0]); write_coord_f(iVec[1]); write_coord_f(iVec[2] + 16); write_coord_f(iVec[0]); write_coord_f(iVec[1]); write_coord_f(iVec[2] + 1936); write_short(g_iVariables[white]); write_byte(0); write_byte(0); write_byte(2); write_byte(16); write_byte(0); write_byte(188); write_byte(220); write_byte(255); write_byte(255); write_byte(0); } message_end(); message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); { write_byte(12); write_coord_f(iVec[0]); write_coord_f(iVec[1]); write_coord_f(iVec[2]); write_byte(188); write_byte(10); } message_end(); message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY, iVec); { write_byte(5); write_coord_f(iVec[0]); write_coord_f(iVec[1]); write_coord_f(iVec[2]); write_short(g_iVariables[steam1]); write_byte(2); write_byte(10); } message_end(); } @rocket_liftoff(const pPlayer) { set_entvar(pPlayer, var_gravity, -0.50); client_cmd(pPlayer, "+jump;wait;wait;-jump"); rh_emit_sound2(pPlayer, 0, CHAN_VOICE, g_szSounds[rocket1]); @rocket_effects(pPlayer); } @rocket_effects(const pPlayer) { if(!is_user_alive(pPlayer)) { remove_task(pPlayer); return; } static Float:flOrigin[3]; get_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flOrigin); message_begin_f(MSG_ONE, g_iVariables[Damage], .player = pPlayer); { write_byte(30); write_byte(30); write_long(1<<16); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2]); } message_end(); static Float:flPlayerOrigin[MAX_CLIENTS + 1]; if(flPlayerOrigin[pPlayer] == flOrigin[2]) { rocket_explode(pPlayer); } flPlayerOrigin[pPlayer] = flOrigin[2]; message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); { write_byte(15); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2] - 30); write_short(g_iVariables[blueflare2]); write_byte(5); write_byte(1); write_byte(1); write_byte(10); write_byte(5); } message_end(); message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST,SVC_TEMPENTITY); { write_byte(17); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2] - 30); write_short(g_iVariables[muzzleflash]); write_byte(15); write_byte(255); } message_end(); set_task(0.2, "@rocket_effects", pPlayer); } rocket_explode(const pPlayer) { static Float:flOrigin[3]; get_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flOrigin); message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY, flOrigin); { write_byte(21); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2] - 10); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2] + 1910); write_short(g_iVariables[white]); write_byte(0); write_byte(0); write_byte(2); write_byte(16); write_byte(0); write_byte(188); write_byte(220); write_byte(255); write_byte(255); write_byte(0); } message_end(); message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); { write_byte(12); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2]); write_byte(188); write_byte(10); } message_end(); message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY, flOrigin); { write_byte(5); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2]); write_short(g_iVariables[steam1]); write_byte(2); write_byte(10); } message_end(); user_kill(pPlayer, 1); rh_emit_sound2(pPlayer, 0, CHAN_VOICE, g_szSounds[rocket1], 0.0, 0.0, (1<<5)); set_entvar(pPlayer, var_maxspeed, 1.0); set_entvar(pPlayer, var_gravity, 1.00); } @uberslap_player(const pPlayer) { user_slap(pPlayer, (get_entvar(pPlayer, var_health) > 1.0) ? 1 : 0); } rg_give_default_items_func(const pPlayer) { rg_round_respawn(pPlayer); if(g_blVariables[revdefaultweapon]) { rg_give_default_items(pPlayer); } } rg_drug_player(const pPlayer) { message_begin(MSG_ONE, g_iVariables[SetFOV], .player = pPlayer); write_byte(180); message_end(); } flash_player(const pPlayer) { message_begin(MSG_ONE, g_iVariables[ScreenFade], .player = pPlayer); { write_short(1<<15); write_short(1<<10); write_short(1<<12); write_byte(255); write_byte(255); write_byte(255); write_byte(255); } message_end(); if(g_blVariables[flashsound]) { rh_emit_sound2(pPlayer, 0, CHAN_BODY, g_szSounds[flashbang2], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_HIGH); } } freeze_player(const pPlayer) { new iFlags = get_entvar(pPlayer, var_flags); if(~iFlags & FL_FROZEN) { set_entvar(pPlayer, var_flags, iFlags | FL_FROZEN); new iEnt = g_iVariables[PlayerIceCube][pPlayer]; if(is_nullent(iEnt)) { iEnt = g_iVariables[PlayerIceCube][pPlayer] = rg_create_entity("info_target"); set_entvar(iEnt, var_body, 1); set_entvar(iEnt, var_owner, pPlayer); set_entvar(iEnt, var_solid, SOLID_BBOX); set_entvar(iEnt, var_modelindex, g_iVariables[modelindex]); rg_set_user_rendering(iEnt, kRenderFxNone, {255.0, 255.0, 255.0}, kRenderTransAdd, 60.0); } else { set_entvar(iEnt, var_effects, get_entvar(iEnt, var_effects) & ~EF_NODRAW); } new Float:flOrigin[3]; get_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flOrigin); flOrigin[2] -= 25.0; set_entvar(iEnt, var_origin, flOrigin); } } unfreeze_player(const pPlayer) { new iFlags = get_entvar(pPlayer, var_flags); if(iFlags & FL_FROZEN) { set_entvar(pPlayer, var_flags, iFlags & ~FL_FROZEN); set_entvar(g_iVariables[PlayerIceCube][pPlayer], var_effects, EF_NODRAW); } } admin_transfer(const pPlayer, const pId, const szArg[]) { new szTeamName[32]; switch(szArg[0]) { case 'T','t': { rg_set_user_team(pId, TEAM_TERRORIST); szTeamName = "Terrorists"; rg_give_default_items_func(pId); } case 'C','c': { rg_set_user_team(pId, TEAM_CT); szTeamName = "Counter-Terrorists"; rg_give_default_items_func(pId); } case 'S','s': { user_silentkill(pId); rg_set_user_team(pId, TEAM_SPECTATOR); szTeamName = "Spectator"; } default: { console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_TEAM] %L", pPlayer, "REAMX_SUPER_TEAM_INVALID"); return; } } client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_TEAM_P", pPlayer, pId, szTeamName); console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_TEAM] %L", pPlayer, "REAMX_SUPER_TEAM_C", pId, szTeamName); } admin_swap(const pPlayer, const pId, const arg[]) { new pId2 = cmd_target(pPlayer, arg, false, false); if(!pId2) { return; } new TeamName:iTeam1 = get_member(pId, m_iTeam); new TeamName:iTeam2 = get_member(pId2, m_iTeam); if(iTeam1 == iTeam2) { console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_SWAP] %L", pPlayer, "REAMX_SUPER_SWAP_ERROR1"); return; } if(iTeam1 == TEAM_UNASSIGNED || iTeam2 == TEAM_UNASSIGNED) { console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_SWAP] %L", pPlayer, "REAMX_SUPER_SWAP_ERROR2"); return; } if(iTeam1 == TEAM_SPECTATOR) { user_silentkill(pId2); } else if(iTeam2 == TEAM_SPECTATOR) { user_silentkill(pId); } rg_set_user_team(pId, iTeam2); rg_set_user_team(pId2, iTeam1); if(iTeam2 != TEAM_SPECTATOR) { rg_give_default_items_func(pId); } if(iTeam1 != TEAM_SPECTATOR) { rg_give_default_items_func(pId2); } client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_SWAP_P", pPlayer, pId, pId2); console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_SWAP] %L", pPlayer, "REAMX_SUPER_SWAP_C", pId, pId2); } admin_extend(const pPlayer, const iLimit) { if(iLimit <= 0) { console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_EXTEND] %L", pPlayer, "REAMX_SUPER_AMOUNT_GREATER"); return; } static iExtended = 0; if(iExtended >= g_blVariables[extendmax]) { console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_EXTEND] %L", pPlayer, "REAMX_SUPER_EXTEND_ERROR1", iExtended); return; } if(iLimit > g_blVariables[extendtime]) { console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_EXTEND] %L", pPlayer, "REAMX_SUPER_EXTEND_ERROR2", g_blVariables[extendtime]); return; } set_pcvar_float(g_iVariables[mp_timelimit], get_pcvar_float(g_iVariables[mp_timelimit]) + iLimit); ++iExtended; client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_EXTEND_P", pPlayer, iLimit); console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_EXTEND] %L", pPlayer, "REAMX_SUPER_EXTEND_C", iLimit); } admin_glowcolors(const pPlayer) { console_print(pPlayer, "Colors:"); for(new i=0; i < MAX_COLORS; i++) { console_print(pPlayer, "%i %s", i + 1, g_szColors[i]); } console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_GLOW] Example: amx_glow ^"PurposeLess^" ^"red^""); } admin_glow(const pPlayer, const pId, const bool:blTeam, const szArg[], const szArg2[], const bool:blCustom, {Float,_}:flColor[3], Float:flAmount) { new bool:blOff; if(!blCustom) { new bool:blValid = false; for(new i = 0; i < MAX_COLORS; i++) { if(equali(szArg2, g_szColors[i])) { if(equali(szArg2, "off")) { blOff = true; } flColor[0] = g_flColors[i][0]; flColor[1] = g_flColors[i][1]; flColor[2] = g_flColors[i][2]; flAmount = 255.0; blValid = true; break; } } if(!blValid) { console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_GLOW] %L", pPlayer, "REAMX_SUPER_GLOW_INVALID"); return; } } else { flColor[0] = floatclamp(flColor[0], 0.0, 255.0); flColor[1] = floatclamp(flColor[1], 0.0, 255.0); flColor[2] = floatclamp(flColor[2], 0.0, 255.0); flAmount = floatclamp(flAmount, 0.0, 255.0); if(flColor[0] == 0.0 && flColor[1] == 0.0 && flColor[2] == 0.0 && flAmount == 255.0) { blOff = true; } } rg_set_user_rendering(pId, kRenderFxGlowShell, flColor, kRenderTransAlpha, flAmount); if(!blOff) { send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_GLOW_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_GLOW_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_GLOW_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_GLOW_PLAYER_C"); } else { send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_UNGLOW_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_UNGLOW_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_UNGLOW_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_UNGLOW_PLAYER_C"); } } rg_set_user_rendering(const pPlayer, const iFx, const {Float,_}:flColor[3], const iRender, const Float:flAmount) { set_entvar(pPlayer, var_renderfx, iFx); set_entvar(pPlayer, var_rendercolor, flColor); set_entvar(pPlayer, var_rendermode, iRender); set_entvar(pPlayer, var_renderamt, flAmount); } @event_curweapon(const pPlayer) { if(!g_blVariables[Unammo][pPlayer]) { return; } new iWeapon = read_data(2); set_member(get_member(pPlayer, m_pActiveItem), m_Weapon_iClip, rg_get_weapon_info(iWeapon, WI_GUN_CLIP_SIZE) + 1); } @CBasePlayer_ResetMaxSpeed_Pre(const pPlayer) { if(g_iVariables[Speed][pPlayer] > 0) { new Float:flSpeed = 250.0 + (50.0 * g_iVariables[Speed][pPlayer]); set_entvar(pPlayer, var_maxspeed, flSpeed); return HC_SUPERCEDE; } return HC_CONTINUE; } @CBasePlayer_Spawn_Post(const pPlayer) { if(get_member(pPlayer, m_bJustConnected)) { return; } g_iVariables[PlayerJump][pPlayer] = 0; g_blVariables[Fire][pPlayer] = false; g_blVariables[DoubleJump][pPlayer] = false; g_blVariables[PlayerCatch][pPlayer] = false; g_iVariables[Speed][pPlayer] = 0; remove_task(pPlayer); remove_task(pPlayer + TASKID_FIRE1); remove_task(pPlayer + TASKID_FIRE2); get_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flHRespawn_Origin[pPlayer]); set_entvar(g_iVariables[PlayerIceCube][pPlayer], var_effects, EF_NODRAW); } @CBasePlayer_Killed_Post(const pVictim, pAttacker, iGib) { g_iVariables[PlayerJump][pVictim] = 0; g_blVariables[Fire][pVictim] = false; g_blVariables[DoubleJump][pVictim] = false; g_blVariables[PlayerCatch][pVictim] = false; g_iVariables[Speed][pVictim] = 0; remove_task(pVictim); remove_task(pVictim + TASKID_FIRE1); remove_task(pVictim + TASKID_FIRE2); unfreeze_player(pVictim); get_entvar(pVictim, var_origin, flHRespawn_Origin[pVictim]); } @CBasePlayer_TakeDamage_Post(const pVictim, pInflictor, pAttacker, Float:flDamage, bitsDamageType) { if(g_blVariables[bulletdamage]) { if(!is_user_connected(pAttacker) || pVictim == pAttacker || !rg_is_player_can_takedamage(pVictim, pAttacker)) { return; } set_hudmessage(0, 100, 200, -1.0, 0.55, 2, 0.1, 4.0, 0.02, 0.02, -1); ShowSyncHudMsg(pAttacker, g_iVariables[Hudsync], "%0.f^n", flDamage); } } send_print_arg(const pPlayer, const pId, const szArg[], const iNum, const bool:blTeam, const TEAM_P[], const TEAM_C[], const PLAYER_P[], const PLAYER_C[]) { if(blTeam) { client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, TEAM_P, pPlayer, iNum, get_teamname(szArg)); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, TEAM_C, iNum, get_teamname(szArg)); } else { client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, PLAYER_P, pPlayer, iNum, pId); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, PLAYER_C, iNum, pId); } } send_print_onlypc(const pPlayer, const iNum, const P[], const C[]) { client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, P, pPlayer, iNum); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, C, iNum); } send_print_onlynames(const pPlayer, const pId, const szArg[], const bool:blTeam, const TEAM_P[], const TEAM_C[], const PLAYER_P[], const PLAYER_C[]) { if(blTeam) { client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, TEAM_P, pPlayer, get_teamname(szArg)); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, TEAM_C, get_teamname(szArg)); } else { client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, PLAYER_P, pPlayer, pId); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, PLAYER_C, pId); } } send_print_fire(const pPlayer, const pId, const szArg[], const iArg2, const bool:blTeam, const TEAM_P[], const TEAM_C[], const PLAYER_P[], const PLAYER_C[]) { new szFire[20]; formatex(szFire, charsmax(szFire), "%L", LANG_PLAYER, iArg2 ? "REAMX_SUPER_FIRE" : "REAMX_SUPER_UNFIRE"); if(blTeam) { client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, TEAM_P, pPlayer, szFire, get_teamname(szArg)); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, TEAM_C, szFire, get_teamname(szArg)); } else { client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, PLAYER_P, pPlayer, szFire, pId); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, PLAYER_C, szFire, pId); } } get_teamname(const szArg[]) { new szTeamName[18]; switch(szArg[1]) { case 't','T': { szTeamName = "Terrorist"; } case 'c','C': { szTeamName = "Counter-Terrorist"; } default: { szTeamName = "all"; } } return szTeamName; } cmd_target(const pPlayer, const szArg[], const bool:blOnlyAlive, const bool:blImmunity) { new pId = find_player("bl", szArg); if(pId) { if(pId != find_player("blj", szArg)) { console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "MORE_CL_MATCHT"); return 0; } } else if((pId = find_player("c", szArg)) == 0 && szArg[0] == '#' && szArg[1]) { pId = find_player("k", str_to_num(szArg[1])); } if(!pId) { console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "CL_NOT_FOUND"); return 0; } if(blOnlyAlive && !is_user_alive(pPlayer)) { new szName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; get_user_name(pId, szName, charsmax(szName)); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "CANT_PERF_DEAD", szName); return 0; } if(blImmunity && (get_user_flags(pId) & ADMIN_IMMUNITY && pPlayer != pId)) { new szName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; get_user_name(pId, szName, charsmax(szName)); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "CLIENT_IMM", szName); return 0; } return pId; } @clcmd_admin(const pPlayer) { new szAdminNames[MAX_CLIENTS + 1][MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; new szMessage[MAX_DIRECTOR_CMD_STRING]; new iCount, iLen; for(new id = 1; id <= MaxClients; id++) { if(is_user_connected(id) && get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_KICK) { get_user_name(id, szAdminNames[iCount++], charsmax(szAdminNames[])); } } iLen = formatex(szMessage, charsmax(szMessage), "^4ADMINS ONLINE^1: "); if(iCount > 0) { for(new x = 0 ; x < iCount ; x++) { iLen += formatex(szMessage[iLen], charsmax(szMessage) - iLen, "^3%s%s ", szAdminNames[x], x < (iCount-1) ? "^4, " : ""); if(iLen > 96) { client_print_color(pPlayer, pPlayer, szMessage); iLen = formatex(szMessage, charsmax(szMessage), "^4 "); } } client_print_color(pPlayer, pPlayer, szMessage); } else { iLen += formatex(szMessage[iLen], charsmax(szMessage)-iLen, "^3No admins online."); client_print_color(pPlayer, pPlayer, szMessage); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } admin_fire(const pPlayer, const iNum) { if(iNum) { g_iVariables[PlayerCatch][pPlayer] = 0; g_blVariables[Fire][pPlayer] = true; set_task(0.2, "@ignite_effects", pPlayer + TASKID_FIRE1, .flags = "b"); set_task(1.0, "@ignite_player", pPlayer + TASKID_FIRE2, .flags = "b"); rh_emit_sound2(pPlayer, 0, CHAN_WEAPON, g_szSounds[scream07], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_HIGH); } else { g_blVariables[Fire][pPlayer] = false; remove_task(pPlayer + TASKID_FIRE1); remove_task(pPlayer + TASKID_FIRE2); } } @ignite_effects(TaskId) { static pPlayer; pPlayer = TaskId - TASKID_FIRE1; static Float:flOrigin[3]; get_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flOrigin); message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); write_byte(17); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2]); write_short(g_iVariables[muzzleflash]); write_byte(20); write_byte(200); message_end(); message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST,SVC_TEMPENTITY, flOrigin); write_byte(5); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2]); write_short(g_iVariables[steam1]); write_byte(20); write_byte(15); message_end(); } @ignite_player(TaskId) { new pPlayer = TaskId - TASKID_FIRE2; new Float:flOrigin[3]; get_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flOrigin); if(get_entvar(pPlayer, var_health) - 10.0 <= 0.0) { admin_fire(pPlayer, 0); rg_user_silentkill(pPlayer, g_iVariables[PlayerCatch][pPlayer]); return; } set_entvar(pPlayer, var_health, Float:get_entvar(pPlayer, var_health) - 10.0); message_begin_f(MSG_ONE, g_iVariables[Damage], .player = pPlayer); write_byte(30); write_byte(30); write_long(1<<21); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2]); message_end(); rh_emit_sound2(pPlayer, 0, CHAN_ITEM, g_szSounds[flameburst], 0.6, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_LOW); if(g_blVariables[allowcatchfire]) { for(new pId = 1, Float:flOrigin2[3]; pId <= MaxClients; pId++) { if(!is_user_alive(pId) || g_blVariables[Fire][pId] || pPlayer == pId) { continue; } get_entvar(pId, var_origin, flOrigin2); if(get_distance_f(flOrigin, flOrigin2) < 100.0) { rh_emit_sound2(pId, 0, CHAN_WEAPON, g_szSounds[scream07], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_HIGH); client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_CATCH_FIRE", pPlayer, pId); admin_fire(pId, 1); g_iVariables[PlayerCatch][pId] = pPlayer; } } } } rg_user_silentkill(const pVictim, const pAttacker) { if(!is_user_connected(pAttacker)) { user_kill(pVictim); return; } user_silentkill(pVictim); message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, g_iVariables[DeathMsg], .player = pVictim); write_byte(pAttacker); write_byte(pVictim); write_byte(0); message_end(); new Float:flFrags = get_entvar(pAttacker, var_frags); set_entvar(pAttacker, var_frags, flFrags + 1.0); message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, g_iVariables[ScoreInfo]); write_byte(pAttacker); write_short(floatround(flFrags)); write_short(get_member(pAttacker, m_iDeaths)); write_short(0); write_short(get_member(pAttacker, m_iTeam)); message_end(); } @CBasePlayer_Jump_Pre(const pPlayer) { if(!g_blVariables[DoubleJump][pPlayer]) { return HC_CONTINUE; } new iFlags = get_entvar(pPlayer, var_flags); if(g_blVariables[auto_double_jump]) { if((!(get_entvar(pPlayer, var_oldbuttons) & IN_JUMP)) && iFlags & FL_ONGROUND) { new Float:flVelocity[3]; get_entvar(pPlayer, var_velocity, flVelocity); flVelocity[2] = g_iVariables[auto_double_jump_velocity]; set_entvar(pPlayer, var_velocity, flVelocity); } } static Float:flJumpTime[MAX_CLIENTS + 1]; if(g_iVariables[PlayerJump][pPlayer] && (iFlags & FL_ONGROUND)) { g_iVariables[PlayerJump][pPlayer] = 0; flJumpTime[pPlayer] = get_gametime(); return HC_CONTINUE; } static Float:flGameTime; if((get_entvar(pPlayer, var_oldbuttons) & IN_JUMP || iFlags & FL_ONGROUND) || ((flGameTime = get_gametime()) - flJumpTime[pPlayer]) < 0.2) { return HC_CONTINUE; } if(g_iVariables[PlayerJump][pPlayer] >= g_iVariables[additional_jumps]) { return HC_CONTINUE; } flJumpTime[pPlayer] = flGameTime; new Float:flVelocity[3]; get_entvar(pPlayer, var_velocity, flVelocity); flVelocity[2] = random_float(265.0, 285.0); set_entvar(pPlayer, var_velocity, flVelocity); g_iVariables[PlayerJump][pPlayer]++; if(g_blVariables[dj_trail]) { func_TrailMessage(pPlayer); g_iVariables[flTrailTime][pPlayer] = get_gametime(); } return HC_CONTINUE; } func_TrailMessage(const pPlayer) { if(g_blVariables[Trail][pPlayer]) { return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } static iColor[3]; enum { RED = 0, GREEN, BLUE }; if(!g_blVariables[dj_trail_effect]) { iColor[RED] = random_num(0, 255); iColor[GREEN] = random_num(0, 255); iColor[BLUE] = random_num(0, 255); } else { static TeamName:team; team = get_member(pPlayer, m_iTeam); switch(team) { case TEAM_TERRORIST: iColor = { 255, 0, 0 }; case TEAM_CT: iColor = { 0, 0, 255 }; } } g_blVariables[Trail][pPlayer] = true; message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); write_byte(TE_BEAMFOLLOW); write_short(pPlayer); write_short(g_iVariables[zbeam5]); write_byte(g_iVariables[dj_trail_life] * 10); write_byte(g_iVariables[dj_trail_size]); write_byte(iColor[RED]); write_byte(iColor[GREEN]); write_byte(iColor[BLUE]); write_byte(g_iVariables[dj_trail_brightness]); message_end(); g_iVariables[flTrailTime][pPlayer] = get_gametime(); set_task(1.0, "@task_RemoveTrail", pPlayer + TASKID_TRAIL, .flags = "a", .repeat = 1); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } @task_RemoveTrail(TaskId) { new pPlayer = TaskId - TASKID_TRAIL; if(!g_blVariables[DoubleJump][pPlayer]) { remove_task(pPlayer + TASKID_TRAIL); return; } new Float:flGameTime = get_gametime(); if(flGameTime - g_iVariables[flTrailTime][pPlayer] < 1.35) { remove_task(pPlayer + TASKID_TRAIL); set_task(1.0, "@task_RemoveTrail", pPlayer + TASKID_TRAIL, .flags = "a", .repeat = 1); } else { g_blVariables[Trail][pPlayer] = false; message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); write_byte(TE_KILLBEAM); write_short(pPlayer); message_end(); } } rg_respawn_all_players() { if(g_blVariables[reviveafterteamswap]) { for(new pPlayer = 1; pPlayer <= MaxClients; pPlayer++) { if(is_user_connected(pPlayer) && (TEAM_UNASSIGNED < get_member(pPlayer, m_iTeam) < TEAM_SPECTATOR)) { rg_round_respawn(pPlayer); if(g_blVariables[revdefaultweapon]) { rg_remove_item(pPlayer, "weapon_glock18"); rg_remove_item(pPlayer, "weapon_usp"); rg_give_default_items(pPlayer); } } } } } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  18. I Want To Open Chat To Player "messagemode" with Changing "say :" To Anything I Want (I Want To Call It With custom function not all time) Example: Quote: #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #define PLUGIN "New Plug-In" #define VERSION "1.0" #define AUTHOR "4D0CtOR4" public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR) register_concmd("custom_say", "custom_say") } public custom_say(id) { // i Want To Call It Here } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  19. With the help of @blxckdreadful I've updated the older SuiceBomber plugin. No more red painted insurgents. Damage is receded, default class is "bomber" so it works perfectly with my Theater/MOD "12 players ikir Tactical MOD": Workshop link The "bomber" class will explode at certain distance. If you are not using my theater I suggest to equip a new class with IED or only knife so the bomber will run towards players. You can increase life of the bomber but keep that realistic as Insurgency is. "sm_suicide_enabled" "1" // Enable bomber "sm_suicide_bomber" "Bomber" // A class that will be suicide bomber "sm_suicide_detonate_range" "120" // Max range to detonate. I recommend 125. "sm_suicide_resist" "4" // Bomber health multiplier "sm_suicide_delay" "1.1" // Delay before suicide Attached Files SuicideBomber_1.1.2.smx (6.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  20. Hello everybody, Im looking for plugin what he can change cvar mp_timelimit and use amx_map mapx when are under 10 players or over 10 . 10 or under : amx_map fy_snow amx_cvar mp_timelimit 0 11 or over : amx_map de_dust2 amx_cvar mp_timelimit 25 Thank you. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  21. I remember i once saw a plugin that auto swapped the entire team spawns every "x" rounds (ct went to t spawn and viceversa) and this made the game much more interesting. I've tried the search, found nothing. I only found plugins that change the team of the player, not the spawn of the teams. -------------- I couldn't find one working here but I found it on Google, "Swap Team Spawns". Przeczytaj cały wpis
  22. I got this to work once but it's been a long time and I have no idea how I did it before, so; - Play music files from a folder (ex: MP3) in random order, looped. if possible: - Play music files from a folder (ex: MP3) in random order, looped, a little fade-in/-fade-out between songs, volume about 15% out of 100%. Przeczytaj cały wpis
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