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  1. Wczoraj

    RSScustom model

    i was wondering it there is a plugin that allow you to change the custom model of specific survivors. i'm trying to make a map with 16 survivors, ne problem is that there are obviously 2 ellis, 2 coach, 2 nick, 2 rochelle, 2 francis, 2 louis, 2 bill, and 2 zoey. i would like to know if i can change somehow the model of the (1) survivors Przeczytaj cały wpis
  3. domena wiecej warta niz te twoje forum Xd
  4. Ależ przepraszam bardzo kto robi z siebie błazna ten robi a w tym przypadku ty że latasz po forum i zebrasz że za 100 zł kupisz 🙃 skoro masz licencje i wiesz ile trzeba włożyć w rozwój to chyba jesteś na tyle bystry że wiesz ile to kosztuje 😉 A pisząc posty ze nie sprzedam za 100 zł to świadczy tylko o tobie że nie jesteś dość bystry, wiesz przyjdzie ktoś kogo będzie stać i kupi mi się nie spieszy ze sprzedażą już wolę by to upadło i wygasło 😊 Jak sprzedasz licencje i będzie cię stać to napisz do mnie i przejdziemy do transakcji sprzedaży 💪 i nie mecz się dalej w odpowiadanie bo tak jak mówiłem to jest bez sensu dyskusja Jesteś zainteresowany to kup nie to omiń nie wiem czy to jest tak trudne do pojęcia i zrozumienia 🙆🤷
  5. Ostatni tydzień
  6. Hello! I'm owner of an respawn server, and i need a plugin that when one player reach 200 Kills, he gets 1 mvp, the round to be reseted [sv_restart] and also to appear an MOTD [ 200 Kiils has been reached, Best player of the round was "X", Total MVP's: X, Round restarting" Can anyone help me please? Sorry for my bad english. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  7. Ooo widze dupka zapiekła 🙂 Wszystko co napisałem to czysta prawda, wystarczy wejść na to puste forum żeby zobaczyć. Zwracam honor, podbiłeś z 4 do aż 9 userów w ciągu 2 dni w tym Ty xD Jakbyś też nie zauważył mam swoją licke ips którą sprzedaję tak samo jak Ty w innym temacie ale po co sprawdzać, lepiej palnąć posta o biedaku nie mając w ogóle pojęcia o stanie finansowym osoby której nawet imienia nie znasz 🤣 Proszę bardzo tutaj oklaski za zrobienie z siebie błazna: 👏👏👏 Nie pozdrawiam.
  8. No wiesz jeśli ktoś jest biedny to by za darmo zaraz chciał 😅 powiem ci tak jak cię nie stać to nie wypowiadaj się w tematach których Twój budżet 100 zł przerasta twoje oczekiwania, zawsze możesz założyć własne forum domeny ipsy czy co tam chcesz wbij w to kasę a potem oddaj za darmo 😅 tylko nie wiem co ty za te 100 zł kupisz ale powodzenia i nie będę dalszej dyskusji z tobą prowadził bo jest bez sensu i nic więcej nie wniesie nie stać cię to nie kupuj kogoś będzie stać to kupi 😉 powodzenia w kupie strony za 100 Ziko 💪
  9. Co tam niby jest warte więcej niż 5zl? Domena bez żadnego ruchu, aż 4 użytkowników aktywnych w ciągu 48h, ips którego większość się próbuje pozbyć, zero serwerów. Ta oferta powinna być z dopłatą z Twojej strony. "xd".
  10. Witam, mam do sprzedania licencję IPS 4 (wygasłą) Cena: 300 zł Płatność: Blik bądź Przelew natychmiastowy
  11. No widzisz bo więcej kieszonkowego od matki nie dostałeś ? tylko 100 zł ? 😛
  12. I have a problem with my plmenu, when i use amx_slapmenu, the menu looks weird and not like used to look, what it looks like: if anyone can help me fix it, here is the plmenu: PHP Code: #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> /** skip autoloading since it's optional */ #define AMXMODX_NOAUTOLOAD #include <cstrike> new g_menuPosition[33] new g_menuPlayers[33][32] new g_menuPlayersNum[33] new g_menuOption[33] new g_menuSettings[33] new g_menuSelect[33][64] new g_menuSelectNum[33] #define MAX_CLCMDS 24 new g_clcmdName[MAX_CLCMDS][32] new g_clcmdCmd[MAX_CLCMDS][64] new g_clcmdMisc[MAX_CLCMDS][2] new g_clcmdNum new g_coloredMenus new g_cstrike = 0 new Array:g_bantimes; new Array:g_slapsettings; new g_ban_player[33]; new g_CSTeamNames[3][] = { "TERRORIST", "CT", "SPECTATOR" } new g_CSTeamNumbers[3][] = { "1", "2", "6" } new g_CSTeamiNumbers[3] = { 1, 2, 6 } public plugin_natives() { set_module_filter("module_filter") set_native_filter("native_filter") } public plugin_init() { register_plugin("Players Menu", AMXX_VERSION_STR, "AMXX Dev Team") register_dictionary("common.txt") register_dictionary("admincmd.txt") register_dictionary("plmenu.txt") register_clcmd("amx_kickmenu", "cmdKickMenu", ADMIN_KICK, "- displays kick menu") register_clcmd("amx_banmenu", "cmdBanMenu", ADMIN_BAN, "- displays ban menu") register_clcmd("amx_slapmenu", "cmdSlapMenu", ADMIN_SLAY, "- displays slap/slay menu") register_clcmd("amx_teammenu", "cmdTeamMenu", ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "- displays team menu") register_clcmd("amx_clcmdmenu", "cmdClcmdMenu", ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "- displays client cmds menu") register_clcmd("amx_banreason", "CmdBanReason", ADMIN_BAN, "<reason>"); register_menucmd(register_menuid("Ban Menu"), 1023, "actionBanMenu") register_menucmd(register_menuid("Kick Menu"), 1023, "actionKickMenu") register_menucmd(register_menuid("Slap/Slay Menu"), 1023, "actionSlapMenu") register_menucmd(register_menuid("Team Menu"), 1023, "actionTeamMenu") register_menucmd(register_menuid("Client Cmds Menu"), 1023, "actionClcmdMenu") g_bantimes = ArrayCreate(); // Load up the old default values ArrayPushCell(g_bantimes, 0); ArrayPushCell(g_bantimes, 5); ArrayPushCell(g_bantimes, 10); ArrayPushCell(g_bantimes, 15); ArrayPushCell(g_bantimes, 30); ArrayPushCell(g_bantimes, 45); ArrayPushCell(g_bantimes, 60); g_slapsettings = ArrayCreate(); // Old default values ArrayPushCell(g_slapsettings, 0); // First option is ignored - it is slay ArrayPushCell(g_slapsettings, 0); // slap 0 damage ArrayPushCell(g_slapsettings, 1); ArrayPushCell(g_slapsettings, 5); register_srvcmd("amx_plmenu_bantimes", "plmenu_setbantimes"); register_srvcmd("amx_plmenu_slapdmg", "plmenu_setslapdmg"); g_coloredMenus = colored_menus() new clcmds_ini_file[64] get_configsdir(clcmds_ini_file, 63) format(clcmds_ini_file, 63, "%s/clcmds.ini", clcmds_ini_file) load_settings(clcmds_ini_file) if (module_exists("cstrike")) g_cstrike = 1 } public plmenu_setbantimes() { new buff[32]; new args = read_argc(); if (args <= 1) { server_print("usage: amx_plmenu_bantimes <time1> [time2] [time3] ..."); server_print(" use time of 0 for permanent."); return; } ArrayClear(g_bantimes); for (new i = 1; i < args; i++) { read_argv(i, buff, charsmax(buff)); ArrayPushCell(g_bantimes, str_to_num(buff)); } } public plmenu_setslapdmg() { new buff[32]; new args = read_argc(); if (args <= 1) { server_print("usage: amx_plmenu_slapdmg <dmg1> [dmg2] [dmg3] ..."); server_print(" slay is automatically set for the first value."); return; } ArrayClear(g_slapsettings); ArrayPushCell(g_slapsettings, 0); // compensate for slay for (new i = 1; i < args; i++) { read_argv(i, buff, charsmax(buff)); ArrayPushCell(g_slapsettings, str_to_num(buff)); } } public module_filter(const module[]) { if (equali(module, "cstrike")) return PLUGIN_HANDLED return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public native_filter(const name[], index, trap) { if (!trap) return PLUGIN_HANDLED return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } /* Ban menu */ public actionBanMenu(id, key) { switch (key) { case 7: { /* BEGIN OF CHANGES BY MISTAGEE ADDED A FEW MORE OPTIONS */ ++g_menuOption[id] g_menuOption[id] %= ArraySize(g_bantimes); g_menuSettings[id] = ArrayGetCell(g_bantimes, g_menuOption[id]); displayBanMenu(id, g_menuPosition[id]) } case 8: displayBanMenu(id, ++g_menuPosition[id]) case 9: displayBanMenu(id, --g_menuPosition[id]) default: { g_ban_player[id] = g_menuPlayers[id][g_menuPosition[id] * 7 + key] client_cmd(id, "messagemode amx_banreason"); client_print(id, print_chat, "[AMXX] Type in the reason for banning this player."); /*new name[32], name2[32], authid[32], authid2[32] get_user_name(player, name2, 31) get_user_authid(id, authid, 31) get_user_authid(player, authid2, 31) get_user_name(id, name, 31) new userid2 = get_user_userid(player) log_amx("Ban: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" ban and kick ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" (minutes ^"%d^")", name, get_user_userid(id), authid, name2, userid2, authid2, g_menuSettings[id]) if (g_menuSettings[id]==0) // permanent { new maxpl = get_maxplayers(); for (new i = 1; i <= maxpl; i++) { show_activity_id(i, id, name, "%L %s %L", i, "BAN", name2, i, "PERM"); } } else { new tempTime[32]; formatex(tempTime,sizeof(tempTime)-1,"%d",g_menuSettings[id]); new maxpl = get_maxplayers(); for (new i = 1; i <= maxpl; i++) { show_activity_id(i, id, name, "%L %s %L", i, "BAN", name2, i, "FOR_MIN", tempTime); } } // ---------- check for Steam ID added by MistaGee -------------------- // IF AUTHID == 4294967295 OR VALVE_ID_LAN OR HLTV, BAN PER IP TO NOT BAN EVERYONE if (equal("4294967295", authid2) || equal("HLTV", authid2) || equal("STEAM_ID_LAN", authid2) || equali("VALVE_ID_LAN", authid2)) { // END OF MODIFICATIONS BY MISTAGEE server_cmd("amx_banip #%i %i ^"Banned From Menu^"", userid2, g_menuSettings[id]); } else { server_cmd("amx_ban #%i %i ^"Banned From Menu^"", userid2, g_menuSettings[id]); } server_exec() displayBanMenu(id, g_menuPosition[id])*/ } } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } displayBanMenu(id, pos) { if (pos < 0) return get_players(g_menuPlayers[id], g_menuPlayersNum[id]) new menuBody[512] new b = 0 new i new name[32] new start = pos * 7 if (start >= g_menuPlayersNum[id]) start = pos = g_menuPosition[id] = 0 new len = format(menuBody, 511, g_coloredMenus ? "\y%L\R%d/%d^n\w^n" : "%L %d/%d^n^n", id, "BAN_MENU", pos + 1, (g_menuPlayersNum[id] / 7 + ((g_menuPlayersNum[id] % 7) ? 1 : 0))) new end = start + 7 new keys = MENU_KEY_0|MENU_KEY_8 if (end > g_menuPlayersNum[id]) end = g_menuPlayersNum[id] for (new a = start; a < end; ++a) { i = g_menuPlayers[id][a] get_user_name(i, name, 31) if (is_user_bot(i) || (access(i, ADMIN_IMMUNITY) && i != id)) { ++b if (g_coloredMenus) len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "\d%d. %s^n\w", b, name) else len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "#. %s^n", name) } else { keys |= (1<<b) if (is_user_admin(i)) len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, g_coloredMenus ? "%d. %s \r*^n\w" : "%d. %s *^n", ++b, name) else len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "%d. %s^n", ++b, name) } } if (g_menuSettings[id]) len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "^n8. %L^n", id, "BAN_FOR_MIN", g_menuSettings[id]) else len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "^n8. %L^n", id, "BAN_PERM") if (end != g_menuPlayersNum[id]) { format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "^n9. %L...^n0. %L", id, "MORE", id, pos ? "BACK" : "EXIT") keys |= MENU_KEY_9 } else format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "^n0. %L", id, pos ? "BACK" : "EXIT") show_menu(id, keys, menuBody, -1, "Ban Menu") } public CmdBanReason(id) { new player = g_ban_player[id]; if( !player ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; new reason[128]; read_args(reason, sizeof(reason) - 1); remove_quotes(reason); new name[32], name2[32], authid[32], authid2[32] get_user_name(player, name2, 31) get_user_authid(id, authid, 31) get_user_authid(player, authid2, 31) get_user_name(id, name, 31) new userid2 = get_user_userid(player) log_amx("Ban: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" ban and kick ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" (minutes ^"%d^") (reason ^"%s^")", name, get_user_userid(id), authid, name2, userid2, authid2, g_menuSettings[id], reason) if ( !equal("STEAM_0:", authid2, 8)) { client_cmd(id, "amx_banip #%i %i ^"%s^"", userid2, g_menuSettings[id], reason); } else { client_cmd(id, "amx_ban #%i %i ^"%s^"", userid2, g_menuSettings[id], reason); } server_exec() g_ban_player[id] = 0; displayBanMenu(id, g_menuPosition[id]) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public cmdBanMenu(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED g_menuOption[id] = 0 if (ArraySize(g_bantimes) > 0) { g_menuSettings[id] = ArrayGetCell(g_bantimes, g_menuOption[id]); } else { // should never happen, but failsafe g_menuSettings[id] = 0 } displayBanMenu(id, g_menuPosition[id] = 0) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } /* Slap/Slay */ public actionSlapMenu(id, key) { switch (key) { case 7: { ++g_menuOption[id] g_menuOption[id] %= ArraySize(g_slapsettings); g_menuSettings[id] = ArrayGetCell(g_slapsettings, g_menuOption[id]); displaySlapMenu(id, g_menuPosition[id]); } case 8: displaySlapMenu(id, ++g_menuPosition[id]) case 9: displaySlapMenu(id, --g_menuPosition[id]) default: { new player = g_menuPlayers[id][g_menuPosition[id] * 7 + key] new name2[32] get_user_name(player, name2, 31) if (!is_user_alive(player)) { ColorChat(id, "!y[!gServer!y]!g-!t does not apply to the dead player !y[!g%s!y]", name2) displaySlapMenu(id, g_menuPosition[id]) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } new authid[32], authid2[32], name[32] get_user_authid(id, authid, 31) get_user_authid(player, authid2, 31) get_user_name(id, name, 31) if (g_menuOption[id]) { log_amx("Cmd: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" slap with %d damage ^"%s<%d><%s><>^"", name, get_user_userid(id), authid, g_menuSettings[id], name2, get_user_userid(player), authid2) ColorChat(0, "!y[!gSLAP!y]!g-!y[!g%s!y]!t slapped !y[!g%s!y] !ton !y[!g%d HP!y]", name, name2, g_menuSettings[id]); } else { log_amx("Cmd: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" slay ^"%s<%d><%s><>^"", name, get_user_userid(id), authid, name2, get_user_userid(player), authid2) ColorChat(0, "!y[!gSLAY!y]!g-!y[!g%s!y]!t slay !y[!g%s!y]", name, name2); } if (g_menuOption[id]) user_slap(player, (get_user_health(player) > g_menuSettings[id]) ? g_menuSettings[id] : 0) else user_kill(player) displaySlapMenu(id, g_menuPosition[id]) } } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } displaySlapMenu(id, pos) { if (pos < 0) return get_players(g_menuPlayers[id], g_menuPlayersNum[id]) new menuBody[512] new b = 0 new i new name[32], team[4] new start = pos * 7 if (start >= g_menuPlayersNum[id]) start = pos = g_menuPosition[id] = 0 new len = format(menuBody, 511, g_coloredMenus ? "\y%L\R%d/%d^n\w^n" : "%L %d/%d^n^n", id, "SLAP_SLAY_MENU", pos + 1, (g_menuPlayersNum[id] / 7 + ((g_menuPlayersNum[id] % 7) ? 1 : 0))) new end = start + 7 new keys = MENU_KEY_0|MENU_KEY_8 if (end > g_menuPlayersNum[id]) end = g_menuPlayersNum[id] for (new a = start; a < end; ++a) { i = g_menuPlayers[id][a] get_user_name(i, name, 31) if (g_cstrike) { if (cs_get_user_team(i) == CS_TEAM_T) { copy(team, 3, "TE") } else if (cs_get_user_team(i) == CS_TEAM_CT) { copy(team, 3, "CT") } else { get_user_team(i, team, 3) } } else { get_user_team(i, team, 3) } if (!is_user_alive(i) || (access(i, ADMIN_IMMUNITY) && i != id)) { ++b if (g_coloredMenus) len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "\d%d. %s\R%s^n\w", b, name, team) else len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "#. %s %s^n", name, team) } else { keys |= (1<<b) if (is_user_admin(i)) len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, g_coloredMenus ? "%d. %s \r*\y\R%s^n\w" : "%d. %s * %s^n", ++b, name, team) else len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, g_coloredMenus ? "%d. %s\y\R%s^n\w" : "%d. %s %s^n", ++b, name, team) } } if (g_menuOption[id]) len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "^n8. %L^n", id, "SLAP_WITH_DMG", g_menuSettings[id]) else len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "^n8. %L^n", id, "SLAY") if (end != g_menuPlayersNum[id]) { format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "^n9. %L...^n0. %L", id, "MORE", id, pos ? "BACK" : "EXIT") keys |= MENU_KEY_9 } else format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "^n0. %L", id, pos ? "BACK" : "EXIT") show_menu(id, keys, menuBody, -1, "Slap/Slay Menu") } public cmdSlapMenu(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED g_menuOption[id] = 0 if (ArraySize(g_slapsettings) > 0) { g_menuSettings[id] = ArrayGetCell(g_slapsettings, g_menuOption[id]); } else { // should never happen, but failsafe g_menuSettings[id] = 0 } displaySlapMenu(id, g_menuPosition[id] = 0) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } /* Kick */ public actionKickMenu(id, key) { switch (key) { case 8: displayKickMenu(id, ++g_menuPosition[id]) case 9: displayKickMenu(id, --g_menuPosition[id]) default: { new player = g_menuPlayers[id][g_menuPosition[id] * 8 + key] new authid[32], authid2[32], name[32], name2[32] get_user_authid(id, authid, 31) get_user_authid(player, authid2, 31) get_user_name(id, name, 31) get_user_name(player, name2, 31) new userid2 = get_user_userid(player) log_amx("Kick: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" kick ^"%s<%d><%s><>^"", name, get_user_userid(id), authid, name2, userid2, authid2) ColorChat(0, "!y[!gKICK!y]!g-!y[!g%s!y]!t kicked !y[!g%s!y]", name, name2); server_cmd("kick #%d", userid2) server_exec() displayKickMenu(id, g_menuPosition[id]) } } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } displayKickMenu(id, pos) { if (pos < 0) return get_players(g_menuPlayers[id], g_menuPlayersNum[id]) new menuBody[512] new b = 0 new i new name[32] new start = pos * 8 if (start >= g_menuPlayersNum[id]) start = pos = g_menuPosition[id] = 0 new len = format(menuBody, 511, g_coloredMenus ? "\y%L\R%d/%d^n\w^n" : "%L %d/%d^n^n", id, "KICK_MENU", pos + 1, (g_menuPlayersNum[id] / 8 + ((g_menuPlayersNum[id] % 8) ? 1 : 0))) new end = start + 8 new keys = MENU_KEY_0 if (end > g_menuPlayersNum[id]) end = g_menuPlayersNum[id] for (new a = start; a < end; ++a) { i = g_menuPlayers[id][a] get_user_name(i, name, 31) if (access(i, ADMIN_IMMUNITY) && i != id) { ++b if (g_coloredMenus) len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "\d%d. %s^n\w", b, name) else len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "#. %s^n", name) } else { keys |= (1<<b) if (is_user_admin(i)) len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, g_coloredMenus ? "%d. %s \r*^n\w" : "%d. %s *^n", ++b, name) else len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "%d. %s^n", ++b, name) } } if (end != g_menuPlayersNum[id]) { format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "^n9. %L...^n0. %L", id, "MORE", id, pos ? "BACK" : "EXIT") keys |= MENU_KEY_9 } else format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "^n0. %L", id, pos ? "BACK" : "EXIT") show_menu(id, keys, menuBody, -1, "Kick Menu") } public cmdKickMenu(id, level, cid) { if (cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1)) displayKickMenu(id, g_menuPosition[id] = 0) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } /* Team menu */ public actionTeamMenu(id, key) { switch (key) { case 7: { g_menuOption[id] = (g_menuOption[id] + 1) % (g_cstrike ? 3 : 2); displayTeamMenu(id, g_menuPosition[id]) } case 8: displayTeamMenu(id, ++g_menuPosition[id]) case 9: displayTeamMenu(id, --g_menuPosition[id]) default: { new player = g_menuPlayers[id][g_menuPosition[id] * 7 + key] new authid[32], authid2[32], name[32], name2[32] get_user_name(player, name2, 31) get_user_authid(id, authid, 31) get_user_authid(player, authid2, 31) get_user_name(id, name, 31) log_amx("Cmd: ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" transfer ^"%s<%d><%s><>^" (team ^"%s^")", name, get_user_userid(id), authid, name2, get_user_userid(player), authid2, g_menuOption[id] ? "TERRORIST" : "CT") ColorChat(0, "!y[!gTRANSFER!y]!g-!y[!g%s!y]!t transfered !y[!g%s!y]!t on !y[!g%s!y]", name, name2, g_CSTeamNames[g_menuOption[id] % 3]); if (g_cstrike) { if (is_user_alive(player)) { new deaths = cs_get_user_deaths(player) user_kill(player, 1) cs_set_user_deaths(player, deaths) } // This modulo math just aligns the option to the CsTeams-corresponding number cs_set_user_team(player, (g_menuOption[id] % 3) + 1) cs_reset_user_model(player) } else { new limit_setting = get_cvar_num("mp_limitteams") set_cvar_num("mp_limitteams", 0) engclient_cmd(player, "jointeam", g_CSTeamNumbers[g_menuOption[id] % 2]) engclient_cmd(player, "joinclass", "1") set_cvar_num("mp_limitteams", limit_setting) } displayTeamMenu(id, g_menuPosition[id]) } } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } displayTeamMenu(id, pos) { if (pos < 0) return get_players(g_menuPlayers[id], g_menuPlayersNum[id]) new menuBody[512] new b = 0 new i, iteam new name[32], team[4] new start = pos * 7 if (start >= g_menuPlayersNum[id]) start = pos = g_menuPosition[id] = 0 new len = format(menuBody, 511, g_coloredMenus ? "\y%L\R%d/%d^n\w^n" : "%L %d/%d^n^n", id, "TEAM_MENU", pos + 1, (g_menuPlayersNum[id] / 7 + ((g_menuPlayersNum[id] % 7) ? 1 : 0))) new end = start + 7 new keys = MENU_KEY_0|MENU_KEY_8 if (end > g_menuPlayersNum[id]) end = g_menuPlayersNum[id] for (new a = start; a < end; ++a) { i = g_menuPlayers[id][a] get_user_name(i, name, 31) if (g_cstrike) { iteam = _:cs_get_user_team(i) if (iteam == 1) { copy(team, 3, "TE") } else if (iteam == 2) { copy(team, 3, "CT") } else if (iteam == 3) { copy(team, 3, "SPE"); iteam = 6; } else { iteam = get_user_team(i, team, 3) } } else { iteam = get_user_team(i, team, 3) } if ((iteam == g_CSTeamiNumbers[g_menuOption[id] % (g_cstrike ? 3 : 2)]) || (access(i, ADMIN_IMMUNITY) && i != id)) { ++b if (g_coloredMenus) len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "\d%d. %s\R%s^n\w", b, name, team) else len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "#. %s %s^n", name, team) } else { keys |= (1<<b) if (is_user_admin(i)) len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, g_coloredMenus ? "%d. %s \r*\y\R%s^n\w" : "%d. %s * %s^n", ++b, name, team) else len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, g_coloredMenus ? "%d. %s\y\R%s^n\w" : "%d. %s %s^n", ++b, name, team) } } len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "^n8. %L^n", id, "TRANSF_TO", g_CSTeamNames[g_menuOption[id] % (g_cstrike ? 3 : 2)]) if (end != g_menuPlayersNum[id]) { format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "^n9. %L...^n0. %L", id, "MORE", id, pos ? "BACK" : "EXIT") keys |= MENU_KEY_9 } else format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "^n0. %L", id, pos ? "BACK" : "EXIT") show_menu(id, keys, menuBody, -1, "Team Menu") } public cmdTeamMenu(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED g_menuOption[id] = 0 displayTeamMenu(id, g_menuPosition[id] = 0) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } /* Client cmds menu */ public actionClcmdMenu(id, key) { switch (key) { case 7: { ++g_menuOption[id] g_menuOption[id] %= g_menuSelectNum[id] displayClcmdMenu(id, g_menuPosition[id]) } case 8: displayClcmdMenu(id, ++g_menuPosition[id]) case 9: displayClcmdMenu(id, --g_menuPosition[id]) default: { new player = g_menuPlayers[id][g_menuPosition[id] * 7 + key] new flags = g_clcmdMisc[g_menuSelect[id][g_menuOption[id]]][1] if (is_user_connected(player)) { new command[512], authid[32], name[32], userid[32] copy(command, charsmax(command), g_clcmdCmd[g_menuSelect[id][g_menuOption[id]]]) get_user_authid(player, authid, 31) get_user_name(player, name, 31) num_to_str(get_user_userid(player), userid, 31) replace(command, charsmax(command), "%userid%", userid) replace(command, charsmax(command), "%authid%", authid) replace(command, charsmax(command), "%name%", name) if (flags & 1) { server_cmd("%s", command) server_exec() } else if (flags & 2) client_cmd(id, "%s", command) else if (flags & 4) client_cmd(player, "%s", command) } if (flags & 8) displayClcmdMenu(id, g_menuPosition[id]) } } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } displayClcmdMenu(id, pos) { if (pos < 0) return get_players(g_menuPlayers[id], g_menuPlayersNum[id]) new menuBody[512] new b = 0 new i new name[32] new start = pos * 7 if (start >= g_menuPlayersNum[id]) start = pos = g_menuPosition[id] = 0 new len = format(menuBody, 511, g_coloredMenus ? "\y%L\R%d/%d^n\w^n" : "%L %d/%d^n^n", id, "CL_CMD_MENU", pos + 1, (g_menuPlayersNum[id] / 7 + ((g_menuPlayersNum[id] % 7) ? 1 : 0))) new end = start + 7 new keys = MENU_KEY_0|MENU_KEY_8 if (end > g_menuPlayersNum[id]) end = g_menuPlayersNum[id] for (new a = start; a < end; ++a) { i = g_menuPlayers[id][a] get_user_name(i, name, 31) if (!g_menuSelectNum[id] || (access(i, ADMIN_IMMUNITY) && i != id)) { ++b if (g_coloredMenus) len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "\d%d. %s^n\w", b, name) else len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "#. %s^n", name) } else { keys |= (1<<b) if (is_user_admin(i)) len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, g_coloredMenus ? "%d. %s \r*^n\w" : "%d. %s *^n", ++b, name) else len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "%d. %s^n", ++b, name) } } if (g_menuSelectNum[id]) len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "^n8. %s^n", g_clcmdName[g_menuSelect[id][g_menuOption[id]]]) else len += format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "^n8. %L^n", id, "NO_CMDS") if (end != g_menuPlayersNum[id]) { format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "^n9. %L...^n0. %L", id, "MORE", id, pos ? "BACK" : "EXIT") keys |= MENU_KEY_9 } else format(menuBody[len], 511-len, "^n0. %L", id, pos ? "BACK" : "EXIT") show_menu(id, keys, menuBody, -1, "Client Cmds Menu") } public cmdClcmdMenu(id, level, cid) { if (!cmd_access(id, level, cid, 1)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED g_menuSelectNum[id] = 0 for (new a = 0; a < g_clcmdNum; ++a) if (access(id, g_clcmdMisc[a][0])) g_menuSelect[id][g_menuSelectNum[id]++] = a g_menuOption[id] = 0 displayClcmdMenu(id, g_menuPosition[id] = 0) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } load_settings(szFilename[]) { if (!file_exists(szFilename)) return 0 new text[256], szFlags[32], szAccess[32] new a, pos = 0 while (g_clcmdNum < MAX_CLCMDS && read_file(szFilename, pos++, text, 255, a)) { if (text[0] == ';') continue if (parse(text, g_clcmdName[g_clcmdNum], 31, g_clcmdCmd[g_clcmdNum], 63, szFlags, 31, szAccess, 31) > 3) { while (replace(g_clcmdCmd[g_clcmdNum], 63, "\'", "^"")) { // do nothing } g_clcmdMisc[g_clcmdNum][1] = read_flags(szFlags) g_clcmdMisc[g_clcmdNum][0] = read_flags(szAccess) g_clcmdNum++ } } return 1 } stock ColorChat(const id, const input[], any:...) { new count = 1, players[32] static msg[191] vformat(msg, 190, input, 3) format(msg, sizeof(msg), "%s", msg) replace_all(msg, 190, "!g", "^4") // Green Color replace_all(msg, 190, "!y", "^1") // Default Color replace_all(msg, 190, "!t", "^3") // Team Color if (id) players[0] = id; else get_players(players, count, "ch") { for (new i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (is_user_connected(players[i])) { message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, get_user_msgid("SayText"), _, players[i]) write_byte(players[i]); write_string(msg); message_end(); } } } } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  13. About:Requested by "ddd123". Makes bots or players stumble away from fires or acid when they get hurt. CVars: Saved to l4d_push_danger.cfg in your servers \cfg\sourcemod\ folder. PHP Code: // 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on. l4d_push_danger_allow "1" // Turn on the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = all). l4d_push_danger_modes "" // Turn off the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = none). l4d_push_danger_modes_off "" // Turn on the plugin in these game modes. 0=All, 1=Coop, 2=Survival, 4=Versus, 8=Scavenge. Add numbers together. l4d_push_danger_modes_tog "0" // Who should be pushed away from acid/fire damage: 1=Bots, 2=Humans, 3=Both. l4d_push_danger_types "1" // Push Away From Danger plugin version. l4d_push_danger_version Changes: Code: 1.0 (03-Jun-2024) - Initial release. Requirements:Requires: Left 4 DHooks Direct plugin Installation:DO NOT click 'Get Plugin' or it will fail to compile because this plugin requires Left 4 DHooks Direct!Download the .smx file and put into your servers \addons\sourcemod\plugins folder. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_push_danger.sp - 7.4 KB) l4d_push_danger.smx (7.3 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  14. Hello! This is my Rebounder Heavy. Abilities: - No Super Jump - Health Formula: 3000 * red_players - Rage: Teleport to Random Player + Stun - Weighdown: look down & crouch Attached Files (6.74 MB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  15. trasharsky co wprowadza nowy szablon bo chce zapewnic szablon bez grafik 👍 a za 50zl dostajesz range i vipa na dead serwerach 👍

  16. trasharsky co wprowadza nowy szablon bo chce zapewnic szablon bez grafik 👍 a za 50zl dostajesz range i vipa na dead serwerach 👍

    1. polkesx


      trasharsky co wprowadza nowy szablon bo chce zapewnic szablon bez grafik 👍 a za 50zl dostajesz range i vipa na dead serwerach 👍


  17. Oszczędzę innym czasu, nie sprzeda za 100zł a więcej to nie warte.
  18. Example: We have plugin A,and plugin B. Plugin A = warmup plugin Plugin B = Fire in the hole sound changer What I need is:When warmup round is activated,plugin B is deactivated. Warmup round is finished=plugin B is activated. Przeczytaj cały wpis
  19. Speed Boosts Released at : 01/06/2024 Bring fun back to the Surf servers with this Speed Boost creator! Configuration File (surf_ski_2.ini example) Code: ; Origin - Speed Multiplier 614.073730 659.897644 116.305969 3 614.073730 1053.377685 116.305969 3 -2361.141601 -1175.511840 -361.788970 2 Each map requires a different configuration file as Origins per map will not be the same. Short Video Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (speed_boosts.sma - 3.2 KB) (65.3 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  20. W moim ciągłym dążeniu do odkrywania mniej uczęszczanych ścieżek, zdecydowałem się na wycieczkę do Czarnobyla. Początkowo sceptycznie nastawiony do tego pomysłu, doświadczenie to było niepodobne do niczego, z czym kiedykolwiek się spotkałem. Opustoszałe piękno i przejmująca historia tego obszaru zostały doskonale podkreślone przez przewodników. Zorganizowani przez polski zespół, dostarczyli fascynujących spostrzeżeń, które sprawiły, że wizyta była naprawdę niezapomniana i edukacyjna.

  21. W moim ciągłym dążeniu do odkrywania mniej uczęszczanych ścieżek, zdecydowałem się na wycieczkę do Czarnobyla. Początkowo sceptycznie nastawiony do tego pomysłu, doświadczenie to było niepodobne do niczego, z czym kiedykolwiek się spotkałem. Opustoszałe piękno i przejmująca historia tego obszaru zostały doskonale podkreślone przez przewodników. cccccccccccccccccc Zorganizowani przez polski zespół, dostarczyli fascynujących spostrzeżeń, które sprawiły, że wizyta była naprawdę niezapomniana i edukacyjna.

  22. One T and one CT gets a hegrenade randomly at each round start Przeczytaj cały wpis
  23. Wcześniejsza
  24. I'm looking for a plugin that disables all control points/payloads/intel.. I found this : but it seems to be outdated? Przeczytaj cały wpis
  25. hi everyone i need help can someon to fix scream l33t models death Przeczytaj cały wpis
  26. Hey there! I encountered a problem, there are many plugins for changing player models but all of them has the same problem(except one). When you switch team(while alive) your model doesn't change(only on the next round, but if it's DM it doesn't). Another example to better understanding: you know in amxmodmenu, admin can swap team of a player and he can choose (kill while switching or keep alive). Only one plugin does everything correctly But unfortunately there is only STEAM_ID model assign, but I need assign by a FLAG. I attached file which use flag assign. Maybe someone knows plugin which works the way I want Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (custom_models.sma - 4.6 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  27. Hi! I want to fix this plugin from runemode. It doesn't teleport you away when you are below 50 hp. I tried this plugin on amxmodx 1.8.3 and 1.9 and doesn't work on both versions. Current version: AMX Mod X + Metamod v1.20 Code: /* About: This is a runemod powerup plugin that interfaces with runemod_base.amxx About this rune: When you go bellow 50 in HP you have a teleported away Credits: Ops in #AMXmod @ Quakenet for alot of help ( + AssKicker & CheesyPeteza ) Thanks to BAILOPAN & PM for help on misc problems kaddar for orginal runemod Todo: No plans */ #include <amxmodx> #include <engine> #include "" // We need to include this file, as it contains info we need. Like #define`s and stocks #define REDEEM_MINIMALDISTANCE 100.0 new g_HasRune[MAXPLAYERS+1] // This is the Array used to store if the user is holding a rune.(Remember the base plugin informs this plugin once he picks up a rune.) new g_MaxPlayers public plugin_init() { register_plugin("RuneMod Redeem", "1.0.1", "EKS") g_MaxPlayers = get_maxplayers() RegisterPlugin("RedeemName","RedeemDisc",{20,255,127},API_EVENTDAMAGEDONE+API_USELANGSYSTEM) } public API_DamageDone(victim,attacker,damage) { if(g_HasRune[victim]) { if(entity_get_float(victim,EV_FL_health) <= 50.0 && !task_exists(victim,1)) { set_task(0.1,"Task_MovePlayer",victim,_,_,"a",1) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public Task_MovePlayer(id) { if(!is_user_alive(id)) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE new Team = get_user_team(id) new TelePortTo=0 for(new i=1;i<=g_MaxPlayers;i++) { if(i != id && Team == get_user_team(i) && is_user_alive(i) && entity_range(i,id) >= REDEEM_MINIMALDISTANCE) { { new Float:Origin[3] entity_get_vector(i,EV_VEC_origin,Origin) Origin[2] = Origin[2] +20.0 for(new b=0;b<=2;b++) { if(random_num(0,1) == 1) { Origin[0] = Origin[0] + random_float(20.0,50.0) Origin[1] = Origin[1] + random_float(20.0,50.0) } else { Origin[0] = Origin[0] + random_float(-50.0,-20.0) Origin[1] = Origin[1] + random_float(-50.0,-20.0) } if(CheckVectorContent(Origin) == 1) { TelePortTo = i break } } if(TelePortTo) { new IntOrigin[3] IntOrigin[0] = floatround(Origin[0]) IntOrigin[1] = floatround(Origin[1]) IntOrigin[2] = floatround(Origin[2]) MakeTeleport(IntOrigin) get_origin(id,IntOrigin) entity_set_vector(id,EV_VEC_origin,Origin) client_print(id,print_chat,"%L",LANG_PLAYER,"RedeemTelepAway") MakeExpl(0,IntOrigin) MakeSmoke(0,IntOrigin) MakeSmoke(0,IntOrigin) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } } } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public API_DropedRune(id,Reason) //This function is called by the base plugin to inform about the user droped his rune for whatever reason ( he could have used droprune or died ) { g_HasRune[id] = 0 remove_task(id) } // This function is used base plugin to inform this plugin that a user has picked up the rune. public API_PickUpRune(id) { g_HasRune[id] = 1 } stock CheckVectorContent(Float:Origin[3]) // This function check how close a rune spawnpoint is to other rune spawnpoints. And removes any that witin MIN_DISTANCE_BETWEEN_RUNES ( ) { if(point_contents(Origin) != CONTENTS_EMPTY) return 0 Origin[0] += 5.0 if(point_contents(Origin) != CONTENTS_EMPTY) return 0 Origin[0] -= 10.0 if(point_contents(Origin) != CONTENTS_EMPTY) return 0 Origin[0] += 5.0 Origin[1] += 5.0 if(point_contents(Origin) != CONTENTS_EMPTY) return 0 Origin[1] -= 10.0 if(point_contents(Origin) != CONTENTS_EMPTY) return 0 Origin[1] += 5.0 Origin[2] += 5.0 if(point_contents(Origin) != CONTENTS_EMPTY) return 0 Origin[2] -= 10.0 if(point_contents(Origin) != CONTENTS_EMPTY) return 0 return 1 } Przeczytaj cały wpis
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