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  1. Wczoraj
  2. Description: This plugin aims to clamp the amount of common infected to the 'z_common_limit' without interfering with the AI director on default campaigns (or any campaign that doesn't force spawn common infected). It does this by giving an initial leniency, and if that leniency is passed then a short timer is started before checking if the amount of common infected is still above the `z_common_limit` threshold. It will delete the common infected above 'z_common_limit', and then keep deleting any common that spawns if the total common exceeds 'z_common_limit'. After enough time has passed that no common infected has been deleted, it will disable instant deletion of common infected. By Default: The leniency amount is 5 (30 + 5 = 35) before it creates a timer. The timer is 3.0 seconds, before instant deleting. The instant deleting disables after 5.0 seconds have elapsed without any deletions occurring. Features: sm_common_limit - Prints the current amount of common infected, max common infected, and leniency. Thanks: Silvershot - Initial plugin Addie - Helping on Discord Changelog: Code: 0.3 (25-May-2024) - Initial release.Reason: This plugin is heavily inspired by Silvers's plugin: [L4D & L4D2] Common Limiter and has a lot of similarities. Silver's plugin was a lifesaver for custom campaigns like Wormwood that could spawn infinite amount of common infected, causing the server to stutter and or become unresponsive. However, I noticed with his plugin that instantly removing common infected caused issues with the AI director on default (and other campaigns). If you are in a multi-floored building, or are around the corner filled with common infected, the common count is going to be max (30/30) since the room next is filled with all the naturally spawned common infected. However, if the AI director spawns a horde (which it does on timer intervals, based on difficulty), it will spawn slightly over the `z_common_limit` reaching up to 33 or 34. As it does this, it slowly overtime deletes common infected that are idle and not part of the horde it just spawned. Because of this AI director behavior, plugins that instantly delete common infected will cull the horde amount that spawns. Resulting in much weaker hordes than vanilla's director intended. Note(s): This plugin does not prevent custom campaigns from changing z_common_limit through ConVar.SetValue() or through director script options. This is also my first plugin. So hopefully there are no issues. I am running this on my public servers. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_max_common_spawn.sp - 4.4 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  3. Witam, sprzedam forum więcej info priv
  4. What does this plugin do? Adds left 4 dead to the game: - Exp/leveling system (I'm still working on skills, so that it makes sense to level up accounts). - Buying items in the shop. - Top 100 Exp and Level players (still upgrade it). - Save database your progress, why start over all our game progress? and for now that's all this plugin presents. ----------------------------------------------- How to install it on yours servers? 1.Copy file sql database to on your host or dedicated server Here link -> 2.Compile file l4d_exp_system.sp to smx or download smx (down link). 3.Configure your databases.cfg file put: name "l4dstats" and (driver, host, database, user, pass) on your mysql database server or.. download here databases.cfg and put in configs folder on your host/dedicated server -> your game ----------------------------------------------- how to works in game? only just commands in chat-game: /top100exp - display top 100 experience players /top100level - display top 100 level players /shop - buy items in item shop /ss - show progress (level,exp) player ----------------------------------------------- Attached Files l4d_exp_system.smx (11.2 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_exp_system.sp - 19.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  5. Hello. Is it possible to pause certain plugins from 9pm to 01am, for example? I would like to automatically disable some plugins at night and I haven't found anything on the forum. Thanks! Przeczytaj cały wpis
  6. Ostatni tydzień
  7. dzieckeim to ty jestes ty kurwikleszczu (cenzura) w pizdeczke
  8. Naro

    Sprzedam licke IPS

    I w czym masz problem,że martwy? nikomu to nie przeszkadzą a pieniądze to chyba dziecko "uczące się" nie powinnno raczej obchodzić.
  9. czy ten twoj cs-harnas jest martwy i bedzie martwy? Jak tam tracenie pieniedzy na gowienko?
  10. Naro

    Sprzedam licke IPS

    Czy to twój najlepszy wyraz obrazy czy masz w zanadrzu coś jeszcze ambitniejszego?
  11. Naro

    Sprzedam licke IPS

    Czy masz jeszcze jakieś mądre uwagi do wyrzucenia, czy tylko tyle potrafisz?
  12. stary ci sie puszcza z harnasiem w rece
  13. Description:Place up to 30 slot machines on the map for players to play.Admin can type !sm to use the slot machine install menu.2 sp file for EN and CN language.I learned enum sturct and arraylist,so i did this project for practise...It took me about a month to complete this project.(I need work daytime:cry:) Feature list:Custom Models by me and Sounds (you may need download zip to watch them)Press E use.HP -1 each time used.Reward HP when 2 or 3 same Icons appear.Slot machine config file is saved in path "addons/sourcemod/data/slotmachines/"mapname".txt"Config will auto load when round start. Install:Download the zip and Unzip. Put the vpk file into the addons folder.Don't forget install the plugin. Media: Attachment 204429 Video: Reward list: 🍒 * 2: 1HP, * 3: 5HP 🍏 * 2: 2HP, * 3: 6HP 🍋 * 2: 3HP, * 3: 7HP 🍊 * 2: 4HP, * 3: 8HP 🍇 * 2: 5HP, * 3: 9HP ⭐ * 2: 6HP, * 3: 10HP 💎 * 2: 7HP, * 3: 11HP 7 * 2: 10HP, * 3: 20HP Changelog: Quote: 2024-05-24 (v1.2.1) * Plugin Release Attached Thumbnails Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (kzSMachine1.2.1CN.sp - 41.3 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (kzSMachine1.2.1EN.sp - 40.0 KB) Model& (234.0 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  14. Hej, sprzedam aktywną licencją IPS 4.7 do września bieżącego roku. Warto dodać, że licencja nie posiada przypisanego adresu URL, także jest gotowa (bez dodatkowych opłat) do użycia. Cena: 330 PLN Discord: devvfck
  15. Naro

    Sprzedam licke IPS

    Czy to jest Twój standardowy poziom inteligentnych postów , czy postanowiłeś dzisiaj popisać się inwencją?
  16. stary ci sie puszcza z harnasiem w rece
  17. Naro

    Sprzedam licke IPS

    Czy to był Twój wymyślny plan na poprawienie mojego dnia, czy to po prostu Twoja standardowa forma komunikacji?
  18. gratulacje za iloraz inteligencji, o to twoj wskaznik: 0
  19. "bliski przyjaciel geta" zgaduje, że chodzi ci o geforce? sam pomysł żeby zamknąć sieć nie wyszedł z jego inicjatywy, dodatkowo jestem na 99% pewny, że do tej pory nie wie, że forum jest offline od dokładnie 13 kwietnia. nie tym razem panie wardęga 😛
  20. Hello! I wanna ask that does anyone know any type of Multi-Lingual advertiser or chat auto-responder? Like if the player has set their lang to "EN" it should show english advertisements, but if its something else, it should show that language's advertisements I would appreciate it! Przeczytaj cały wpis


    Accidentally posted twice! Sorry! Przeczytaj cały wpis
  22. I'll pay via PayPal to anyone who can create a menu to handle this plugin like the amx_super-menu from the AMX-Super-5.0.2 project. PHP Code: #pragma semicolon 1 #include <amxmodx> #include <reapi> enum eActions { ACTION_HEAL, ACTION_ARMOR, ACTION_WEAPON, ACTION_SPEED, ACTION_GODMODE, ACTION_NOCLIP, ACTION_UNAMMO, ACTION_FIRE, ACTION_INVISIBLE, ACTION_MULTIJUMP, ACTION_FREEZE, ACTION_SLAY2, ACTION_BURY, ACTION_UNBURY, ACTION_DISARM, ACTION_ROCKET, ACTION_REVIVE, ACTION_QUIT, ACTION_FLASH, ACTION_DRUG, ACTION_GLOW, ACTION_TELEPORT, ACTION_GIVEMONEY, ACTION_TAKEMONEY, ACTION_UBERSLAP, ACTION_USERORIGIN, ACTION_HRESPAWN, ACTION_TEAM, ACTION_SWAP, ACTION_PASS, ACTION_NOPASS, ACTION_EXTEND, ACTION_GLOWCOLORS, ACTION_TEAMSWAP, ACTION_ALLTALK, ACTION_GRAVITY }; enum eFeatures { cmd[32], neededargs, eActions:action, action_access, description[128], }; new const g_Actions[][eFeatures] = { {"amx_heal", 3, ACTION_HEAL, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> <HP to give>"}, {"amx_armor", 3, ACTION_ARMOR, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> <ARMOR to give>"}, {"amx_weapon", 3, ACTION_WEAPON, ADMIN_LEVEL_C, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> <Weapon #>"}, {"amx_speed", 3, ACTION_SPEED, ADMIN_LEVEL_C, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> [Speed #]"}, {"amx_godmode", 3, ACTION_GODMODE, ADMIN_LEVEL_C, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> [0|1]"}, {"amx_noclip", 3, ACTION_NOCLIP, ADMIN_LEVEL_C, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> [0|1]"}, {"amx_unammo", 3, ACTION_UNAMMO, ADMIN_LEVEL_C, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> [0|1]"}, {"amx_fire", 3, ACTION_FIRE, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> [0|1]"}, {"amx_invisible", 3, ACTION_INVISIBLE, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> [0|1]"}, {"amx_multijump", 3, ACTION_MULTIJUMP, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> [0|1]"}, {"amx_doublejump", 3, ACTION_MULTIJUMP, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> [0|1]"}, {"amx_freeze", 3, ACTION_FREEZE, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> [0|1]"}, {"amx_slay2", 2, ACTION_SLAY2, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> [2-Blood|3-Explode]"}, {"amx_bury", 2, ACTION_BURY, ADMIN_LEVEL_B, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team>"}, {"amx_unbury", 2, ACTION_UNBURY, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team>"}, {"amx_disarm", 2, ACTION_DISARM, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team>"}, {"amx_rocket", 2, ACTION_ROCKET, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team>"}, {"amx_revive", 2, ACTION_REVIVE, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team>"}, {"amx_quit", 2, ACTION_QUIT, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team>"}, {"amx_flash", 2, ACTION_FLASH, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team>"}, {"amx_drug", 2, ACTION_DRUG, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team>"}, {"amx_glow", 3, ACTION_GLOW, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> <color> (or) <rrr> <ggg> <bbb> <aaa>"}, {"amx_teleport", 2, ACTION_TELEPORT, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid or authid> [x] [y] [z]"}, {"amx_givemoney", 3, ACTION_GIVEMONEY, ADMIN_LEVEL_C, "<nick, #userid or authid> <amount>"}, {"amx_takemoney", 3, ACTION_TAKEMONEY, ADMIN_LEVEL_C, "<nick, #userid or authid> <amount>"}, {"amx_uberslap", 2, ACTION_UBERSLAP, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid or authid>"}, {"amx_userorigin", 2, ACTION_USERORIGIN, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid or authid>"}, {"amx_hrespawn", 2, ACTION_HRESPAWN, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid or authid>"}, {"amx_team", 3, ACTION_TEAM, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<name> <CT/T/Spec>"}, {"amx_transfer", 3, ACTION_TEAM, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<name> <CT/T/Spec>"}, {"amx_swap", 3, ACTION_SWAP, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<name 1> <name 2>"}, {"amx_pass", 2, ACTION_PASS, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<server password> - Sets the server password"}, {"amx_nopass", 1, ACTION_NOPASS, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "Removes the server password"}, {"amx_extend", 2, ACTION_EXTEND, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<added time to extend>"}, {"amx_glowcolors", 1, ACTION_GLOWCOLORS, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "shows a list of colors for amx_glow and amx_glow2"}, {"amx_teamswap", 1, ACTION_TEAMSWAP, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "Swaps 2 teams with each other"}, {"amx_alltalk", 2, ACTION_ALLTALK, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<alltalk #>"}, {"amx_gravity", 2, ACTION_GRAVITY, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<gravity #>"} }; enum _:eVariables { ScreenFade, SetFOV, Damage, DeathMsg, ScoreInfo, Hudsync, sv_gravity, sv_password, mp_timelimit, sv_alltalk, steam1, blueflare2, white, lgtning, muzzleflash, zbeam5, additional_jumps, dj_trail_life, dj_trail_size, dj_trail_brightness, extendmax, extendtime, Float:auto_double_jump_velocity, Float:flTrailTime[MAX_CLIENTS + 1], PlayerJump[MAX_CLIENTS + 1], PlayerCatch[MAX_CLIENTS + 1], PlayerIceCube[MAX_CLIENTS + 1], Speed[MAX_CLIENTS + 1], modelindex } new g_iVariables[eVariables]; enum _:eBoolVariables { flashsound, bulletdamage, reviveafterteamswap, revdefaultweapon, allowcatchfire, auto_double_jump, dj_trail, dj_trail_effect, Unammo[MAX_CLIENTS + 1], Fire[MAX_CLIENTS + 1], DoubleJump[MAX_CLIENTS + 1], Trail[MAX_CLIENTS + 1] } new bool:g_blVariables[eBoolVariables]; enum _:eSounds { thunder_clap, rocketfire1, headshot2, rocket1, flashbang2, flameburst, scream07 }; new const g_szSounds[eSounds][] = { "ambience/thunder_clap.wav", "weapons/rocketfire1.wav", "weapons/headshot2.wav", "weapons/rocket1.wav", "weapons/flashbang-2.wav", "ambience/flameburst1.wav", "scientist/scream07.wav" }; const MAX_COLORS = 30; new const Float:g_flColors[MAX_COLORS][] = { {255.0,0.0,0.0},{255.0,190.0,190.0},{165.0,0.0,0.0},{255.0,100.0,100.0},{0.0,0.0,255.0},{0.0,0.0,136.0},{95.0,200.0,255.0},{0.0,150.0,255.0}, {0.0,255.0,0.0},{180.0,255.0,175.0},{0.0,155.0,0.0},{150.0,63.0,0.0},{205.0,123.0,64.0},{255.0,255.0,255.0},{255.0,255.0,0.0},{189.0,182.0,0.0}, {255.0,255.0,109.0},{255.0,150.0,0.0},{255.0,190.0,90.0},{222.0,110.0,0.0},{243.0,138.0,255.0},{255.0,0.0,255.0},{150.0,0.0,150.0},{100.0,0.0,100.0}, {200.0,0.0,0.0},{220.0,220.0,0.0},{192.0,192.0,192.0},{190.0,100.0,10.0},{114.0,114.0,114.0},{0.0,0.0,0.0} }; new const g_szColors[MAX_COLORS][] = { "red","pink","darkred","lightred","blue","darkblue","lightblue","aqua", "green","lightgreen","darkgreen","brown","lightbrown","white","yellow","darkyellow", "lightyellow","orange","lightorange","darkorange","lightpurple","purple","darkpurple","violet", "maroon","gold","silver","bronze","grey","off" }; enum _:eTaskId { TASKID_FIRE1, TASKID_FIRE2, TASKID_TRAIL }; new const g_szIceModel[] = "models/ras_freezemodel.mdl"; new Float:flHRespawn_Origin[MAX_CLIENTS + 1][3], Float:g_flSavedOrigin[MAX_CLIENTS + 1][3]; public plugin_init() { register_plugin("ReAmx_Super", "1.8", "PurposeLess"); register_dictionary("reamx_super.txt"); register_clcmd("say /admin", "@clcmd_admin"); register_clcmd("say /admins", "@clcmd_admin"); for(new iAction = 0; iAction < sizeof(g_Actions); iAction++) { register_concmd(g_Actions[iAction][cmd], "@call_function", g_Actions[iAction][action], g_Actions[iAction][description], .FlagManager = 0); } register_event("CurWeapon", "@event_curweapon", "be", "1=1", "3=1"); RegisterHookChain(RG_CBasePlayer_Spawn, "@CBasePlayer_Spawn_Post", .post=true); RegisterHookChain(RG_CBasePlayer_Killed, "@CBasePlayer_Killed_Post", .post=true); RegisterHookChain(RG_CBasePlayer_TakeDamage, "@CBasePlayer_TakeDamage_Post", .post=true); RegisterHookChain(RG_CBasePlayer_ResetMaxSpeed, "@CBasePlayer_ResetMaxSpeed_Pre", .post=false); RegisterHookChain(RG_CBasePlayer_Jump, "@CBasePlayer_Jump_Pre", .post=false); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_extendmax", "9"), g_blVariables[extendmax]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_extendtime", "15"), g_blVariables[extendtime]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_flashsound", "1", _, _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0), g_blVariables[flashsound]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_bulletdamage", "1", _, _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0), g_blVariables[bulletdamage]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_reviveafterteamswap", "1", _, _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0), g_blVariables[reviveafterteamswap]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_revdefaultweapon", "1", _, _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0), g_blVariables[revdefaultweapon]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_allowcatchfire", "1", _, _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0), g_blVariables[allowcatchfire]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_additional_jumps", "1"), g_iVariables[additional_jumps]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_auto_double_jump", "0", _, _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0), g_blVariables[auto_double_jump]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_dj_trail", "0", _, _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0), g_blVariables[dj_trail]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_dj_trail_effect", "1", _, _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0), g_blVariables[dj_trail_effect]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_dj_trail_life", "2"), g_iVariables[dj_trail_life]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_dj_trail_size", "2"), g_iVariables[dj_trail_size]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_dj_trail_brightness", "150"), g_iVariables[dj_trail_brightness]); bind_pcvar_float(create_cvar("reamx_super_auto_double_jump_velocity", "350.0"), g_iVariables[auto_double_jump_velocity]); set_pcvar_num(get_cvar_pointer("sv_maxspeed"), 2000); g_iVariables[ScreenFade] = get_user_msgid("ScreenFade"); g_iVariables[SetFOV] = get_user_msgid("SetFOV"); g_iVariables[Damage] = get_user_msgid("Damage"); g_iVariables[DeathMsg] = get_user_msgid("DeathMsg"); g_iVariables[ScoreInfo] = get_user_msgid("ScoreInfo"); g_iVariables[Hudsync] = CreateHudSyncObj(); g_iVariables[sv_gravity] = get_cvar_pointer("sv_gravity"); g_iVariables[sv_password] = get_cvar_pointer("sv_password"); g_iVariables[mp_timelimit] = get_cvar_pointer("mp_timelimit"); g_iVariables[sv_alltalk] = get_cvar_pointer("sv_alltalk"); } public plugin_precache() { g_iVariables[steam1] = precache_model("sprites/steam1.spr"); g_iVariables[blueflare2] = precache_model("sprites/blueflare2.spr"); g_iVariables[white] = precache_model("sprites/white.spr"); g_iVariables[lgtning] = precache_model("sprites/lgtning.spr"); g_iVariables[muzzleflash] = precache_model("sprites/muzzleflash.spr"); g_iVariables[zbeam5] = precache_model("sprites/zbeam5.spr"); g_iVariables[modelindex] = precache_model(g_szIceModel); for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(g_szSounds); i++) { precache_sound(g_szSounds[i]); } } public client_disconnected(pPlayer) { g_iVariables[PlayerJump][pPlayer] = 0; g_blVariables[Fire][pPlayer] = false; g_blVariables[DoubleJump][pPlayer] = false; g_blVariables[PlayerCatch][pPlayer] = false; g_iVariables[Speed][pPlayer] = 0; remove_task(pPlayer); remove_task(pPlayer + TASKID_FIRE1); remove_task(pPlayer + TASKID_FIRE2); if(g_blVariables[dj_trail]) { remove_task(pPlayer + TASKID_TRAIL); g_blVariables[Trail][pPlayer] = false; } if(!is_nullent(g_iVariables[PlayerIceCube][pPlayer])) { set_entvar(g_iVariables[PlayerIceCube][pPlayer], var_flags, FL_KILLME); } } @call_function(const pPlayer, const eActions:iAction, const iCid) { if(~get_user_flags(pPlayer) & g_Actions[iAction][action_access]) { console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "NO_ACC_COM"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if(read_argc() < g_Actions[iAction][neededargs]) { console_print(pPlayer, "%L: %s %s", LANG_PLAYER, "USAGE", g_Actions[iAction][cmd], g_Actions[iAction][description]); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } enum VariableDescription { VD_TEAM, VD_PLAYER, VD_ONLYALIVE, VD_IMMUNITY, VD_IGNORESTEAM, VD_MORENEGATIVE, VD_MOREZERO, VD_ONLYONOFF_ARG, VD_ONLYONOFF_ARG2 }; new bool:iVariables[VariableDescription]; switch(iAction) { case ACTION_HEAL, ACTION_ARMOR, ACTION_WEAPON: { iVariables[VD_TEAM] = true; iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] = true; iVariables[VD_MOREZERO] = true; } case ACTION_GODMODE, ACTION_NOCLIP, ACTION_UNAMMO, ACTION_INVISIBLE, ACTION_MULTIJUMP, ACTION_FREEZE: { iVariables[VD_TEAM] = true; iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] = true; iVariables[VD_ONLYONOFF_ARG2] = true; } case ACTION_DRUG, ACTION_GLOW: { iVariables[VD_TEAM] = true; iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] = true; } case ACTION_GIVEMONEY, ACTION_TAKEMONEY: { iVariables[VD_TEAM] = true; iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; iVariables[VD_MOREZERO] = true; } case ACTION_FIRE: { iVariables[VD_TEAM] = true; iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] = true; iVariables[VD_IMMUNITY] = true; iVariables[VD_ONLYONOFF_ARG2] = true; } case ACTION_BURY, ACTION_UNBURY, ACTION_DISARM, ACTION_SLAY2, ACTION_ROCKET, ACTION_FLASH, ACTION_TELEPORT: { iVariables[VD_TEAM] = true; iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] = true; iVariables[VD_IMMUNITY] = true; } case ACTION_REVIVE: { iVariables[VD_TEAM] = true; iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; iVariables[VD_IMMUNITY] = true; } case ACTION_USERORIGIN, ACTION_UBERSLAP: { iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] = true; iVariables[VD_IMMUNITY] = true; } case ACTION_QUIT: { iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] = true; iVariables[VD_IMMUNITY] = true; iVariables[VD_IGNORESTEAM] = true; } case ACTION_TEAM, ACTION_SWAP, ACTION_HRESPAWN: { iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; } case ACTION_SPEED: { iVariables[VD_TEAM] = true; iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] = true; iVariables[VD_MORENEGATIVE] = true; } case ACTION_ALLTALK: { iVariables[VD_ONLYONOFF_ARG] = true; } } new szArg[32], szArg2[32], iArg, iArg2; read_argv(1, szArg, charsmax(szArg)); read_argv(2, szArg2, charsmax(szArg2)); iArg = str_to_num(szArg); iArg2 = str_to_num(szArg2); if(iVariables[VD_MORENEGATIVE] && iArg2 < 0) { console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_AMOUNT_GREATER"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if(iVariables[VD_MOREZERO] && iArg2 <= 0) { console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_AMOUNT_GREATER"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if(iVariables[VD_ONLYONOFF_ARG]) { iArg = clamp(iArg, 0, 1); } if(iVariables[VD_ONLYONOFF_ARG2]) { iArg2 = clamp(iArg2, 0, 1); } if(iVariables[VD_TEAM]) { if(szArg[0] == '@' && !szArg[4]) { new iPlayers[MAX_CLIENTS], szFlags[3], iNum; switch(szArg[1]) { case 'T','t': { szFlags = iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] ? "ae" : "e"; copy(szArg[1], charsmax(szArg), "TERRORIST"); } case 'C','c': { szFlags = iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] ? "ae" : "e"; } case 'A','a': { szFlags = iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] ? "a" : ""; } } get_players(iPlayers, iNum, szFlags, szArg[1]); if(!iNum) { console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_NO_PLAYERS"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } for(new i = 0, pId; i < iNum; i++) { pId = iPlayers[i]; if(iVariables[VD_IMMUNITY] && (get_user_flags(pId) & ADMIN_IMMUNITY && pPlayer != pId)) { continue; } @call_function_handler(iAction, pPlayer, pId, szArg, szArg2, iArg, iArg2, true, false); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } } } if(iVariables[VD_PLAYER]) { new pId = cmd_target(pPlayer, szArg, bool:iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE], bool:iVariables[VD_IMMUNITY]); if(!pId) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if(iVariables[VD_IGNORESTEAM] && is_user_steam(pId)) { console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_NO_KICK_STEAM"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } @call_function_handler(iAction, pPlayer, pId, szArg, szArg2, iArg, iArg2, false, true); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } @call_function_handler(iAction, pPlayer, 0, szArg, szArg2, iArg, iArg2, false, false); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } @call_function_handler(const eActions:iAction, const pPlayer, const pId, const szArg[], const szArg2[], const iArg, const iArg2, const bool:blTeam, const bool:blNoArg2) { switch(iAction) { case ACTION_HEAL: { set_entvar(pId, var_health, Float:get_entvar(pId, var_health) + float(iArg2)); send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_HEAL_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_HEAL_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_HEAL_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_HEAL_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_ARMOR: { set_entvar(pId, var_armorvalue, Float:get_entvar(pId, var_armorvalue) + float(iArg2)); send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_ARMOR_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_ARMOR_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_ARMOR_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_ARMOR_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_WEAPON: { rg_give_weapon(pId, iArg2); send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_WEAPON_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_WEAPON_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_WEAPON_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_WEAPON_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_GODMODE: { set_entvar(pId, var_takedamage, iArg2 ? DAMAGE_NO : DAMAGE_AIM); send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_GODMODE_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_GODMODE_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_GODMODE_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_GODMODE_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_NOCLIP: { set_entvar(pId, var_movetype, iArg2 ? MOVETYPE_NOCLIP : MOVETYPE_WALK); send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_NOCLIP_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_NOCLIP_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_NOCLIP_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_NOCLIP_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_SPEED: { g_iVariables[Speed][pPlayer] = iArg2; if(!iArg2) { rg_reset_maxspeed(pPlayer); } else { new Float:flSpeed = 250.0 + (50.0 * float(iArg2)); set_entvar(pPlayer, var_maxspeed, flSpeed); } send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_SPEED_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_SPEED_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_SPEED_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_SPEED_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_GIVEMONEY: { rg_add_account(pId, iArg2, AS_ADD); send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_GIVEMONEY_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_GIVEMONEY_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_GIVEMONEY_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_GIVEMONEY_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_TAKEMONEY: { rg_add_account(pId, -iArg2, AS_ADD); send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_TAKEMONEY_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_TAKEMONEY_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_TAKEMONEY_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_TAKEMONEY_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_UNAMMO: { g_blVariables[Unammo][pId] = bool:iArg2; send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_UNAMMO_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_UNAMMO_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_UNAMMO_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_UNAMMO_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_ALLTALK: { set_pcvar_num(g_iVariables[sv_alltalk], iArg); send_print_onlypc(pPlayer, iArg, "REAMX_SUPER_ALLTALK_P", "REAMX_SUPER_ALLTALK_C"); } case ACTION_GRAVITY: { set_pcvar_num(g_iVariables[sv_gravity], iArg); send_print_onlypc(pPlayer, iArg, "REAMX_SUPER_GRAVITY_P", "REAMX_SUPER_GRAVITY_C"); } case ACTION_BURY: { rg_bury_player(pId); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_BURY_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_BURY_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_BURY_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_BURY_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_UNBURY: { rg_unbury_player(pId); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_UNBURY_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_UNBURY_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_UNBURY_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_UNBURY_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_DISARM: { rg_remove_all_items(pId); rg_give_item(pId, "weapon_knife"); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_DISARM_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_DISARM_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_DISARM_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_DISARM_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_SLAY2: { slay_player(pId, iArg2); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_SLAY2_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_SLAY2_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_SLAY2_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_SLAY2_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_ROCKET: { rg_rocket_player(pId); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_ROCKET_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_ROCKET_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_ROCKET_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_ROCKET_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_UBERSLAP: { set_task(0.1, "@uberslap_player", pId, .flags = "a", .repeat = 99); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_UBERSLAP_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_UBERSLAP_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_UBERSLAP_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_UBERSLAP_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_REVIVE: { rg_give_default_items_func(pId); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_REVIVE_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_REVIVE_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_REVIVE_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_REVIVE_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_QUIT: { client_cmd(pId, "quit"); rg_send_audio(0, g_szSounds[thunder_clap]); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "", "", "REAMX_SUPER_QUIT_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_QUIT_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_DRUG: { rg_drug_player(pId); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_DRUG_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_DRUG_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_DRUG_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_DRUG_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_FLASH: { flash_player(pId); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_FLASH_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_FLASH_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_FLASH_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_FLASH_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_FREEZE: { if(iArg2) { freeze_player(pId); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_FREEZE_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_FREEZE_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_FREEZE_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_FREEZE_PLAYER_C"); } else { unfreeze_player(pId); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_UNFREEZE_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_UNFREEZE_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_UNFREEZE_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_UNFREEZE_PLAYER_C"); } } case ACTION_USERORIGIN: { get_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, g_flSavedOrigin[pPlayer]); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_USERORIGIN", pId, g_flSavedOrigin[pPlayer][0], g_flSavedOrigin[pPlayer][1], g_flSavedOrigin[pPlayer][2]); } case ACTION_TELEPORT: { if(read_argc() > 2) { new szY[8], szZ[8]; read_argv(3, szY, charsmax(szY)); read_argv(4, szZ, charsmax(szZ)); g_flSavedOrigin[pPlayer][0] = float(iArg2); g_flSavedOrigin[pPlayer][1] = str_to_float(szY); g_flSavedOrigin[pPlayer][2] = str_to_float(szZ); } set_entvar(pId, var_origin, g_flSavedOrigin[pPlayer]); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_TELEPORT_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_TELEPORT_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_TELEPORT_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_TELEPORT_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_PASS: { set_pcvar_string(g_iVariables[sv_password], szArg); send_print_onlypc(pPlayer, iArg2, "REAMX_SUPER_SET_PASSWORD_P", "REAMX_SUPER_SET_PASSWORD_C"); } case ACTION_NOPASS: { set_pcvar_string(g_iVariables[sv_password], ""); send_print_onlypc(pPlayer, iArg2, "REAMX_SUPER_REMOVE_PASSWORD_P", "REAMX_SUPER_REMOVE_PASSWORD_C"); } case ACTION_TEAM: { admin_transfer(pPlayer, pId, szArg2); } case ACTION_SWAP: { admin_swap(pPlayer, pId, szArg2); } case ACTION_EXTEND: { admin_extend(pPlayer, iArg); } case ACTION_GLOWCOLORS: { admin_glowcolors(pPlayer); } case ACTION_GLOW: { if(is_str_num(szArg2)) { new szArg3[32], szArg4[32], szArg5[32], Float:flColor[3], Float:flAmount; read_argv(3, szArg3, charsmax(szArg3)); read_argv(4, szArg4, charsmax(szArg4)); read_argv(5, szArg5, charsmax(szArg5)); flColor[0] = str_to_float(szArg2); flColor[1] = str_to_float(szArg3); flColor[2] = str_to_float(szArg4); flAmount = (szArg5[0] == EOS ? 255.0 : str_to_float(szArg5)); admin_glow(pPlayer, pId, blTeam, szArg, szArg2, true, flColor, flAmount); console_print(pPlayer, "YES [%f][%f][%f]", flColor[0], flColor[1], flColor[2]); } else { admin_glow(pPlayer, pId, blTeam, szArg, szArg2, false, {0.0,0.0,0.0}, 0.0); } } case ACTION_INVISIBLE: { set_entvar(pPlayer, var_effects, iArg2 ? get_entvar(pPlayer, var_effects) | EF_NODRAW : get_entvar(pPlayer, var_effects) & ~EF_NODRAW); send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_INVISIBLE_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_INVISIBLE_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_INVISIBLE_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_INVISIBLE_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_FIRE: { admin_fire(pId, iArg2); send_print_fire(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_FIRE_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_FIRE_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_FIRE_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_FIRE_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_MULTIJUMP: { g_blVariables[DoubleJump][pId] = bool:iArg2; send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_DOUBLEJUMP_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_DOUBLEJUMP_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_DOUBLEJUMP_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_DOUBLEJUMP_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_TEAMSWAP: { rg_swap_all_players(); rg_respawn_all_players(); client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_TEAMSWAP_P", pPlayer); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_TEAMSWAP_C"); } case ACTION_HRESPAWN: { if(is_user_alive(pId)) { console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_HRESPAWN_NO_ALIVE"); return; } rg_give_default_items_func(pId); set_entvar(pId, var_origin, flHRespawn_Origin[pId]); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "", "", "REAMX_SUPER_HRESPAWN_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_HRESPAWN_PLAYER_C"); } } } rg_give_weapon(const pPlayer, const iWeapon) { switch(iWeapon) { case 1: { rg_give_item(pPlayer, "weapon_knife"); } case 11: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_GLOCK18, "weapon_glock18"); } case 12: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_USP, "weapon_usp"); } case 13: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_P228, "weapon_p228"); } case 14: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_DEAGLE, "weapon_deagle"); } case 15: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FIVESEVEN, "weapon_fiveseven"); } case 16: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_ELITE, "weapon_elite"); } case 17: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_GLOCK18, "weapon_glock18"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_USP, "weapon_usp"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_P228, "weapon_p228"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_DEAGLE, "weapon_deagle"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FIVESEVEN, "weapon_fiveseven"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_ELITE, "weapon_elite"); } case 21: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_M3, "weapon_m3"); } case 22: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_XM1014, "weapon_xm1014"); } case 31: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_TMP, "weapon_tmp"); } case 32: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_MAC10, "weapon_mac10"); } case 33: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_MP5N, "weapon_mp5navy"); } case 34: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_P90, "weapon_p90"); } case 35: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_UMP45, "weapon_ump45"); } case 40: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FAMAS, "weapon_famas"); } case 41: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_GALIL, "weapon_galil"); } case 42: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_AK47, "weapon_ak47"); } case 43: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_M4A1, "weapon_m4a1"); } case 44: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_SG552, "weapon_sg552"); } case 45: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_AUG, "weapon_aug"); } case 46: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_SCOUT, "weapon_scout"); } case 47: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_SG550, "weapon_sg550"); } case 48: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_AWP, "weapon_awp"); } case 49: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_G3SG1, "weapon_g3sg1"); } case 51: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_M249, "weapon_m249"); } case 60: { rg_give_shield(pPlayer); rg_give_item(pPlayer, "item_assaultsuit"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_GLOCK, "weapon_glock"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FLASHBANG, "weapon_flashbang"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_HEGRENADE, "weapon_hegrenade"); } case 61: { rg_give_shield(pPlayer); rg_give_item(pPlayer, "item_assaultsuit"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_GLOCK, "weapon_usp"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FLASHBANG, "weapon_flashbang"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_HEGRENADE, "weapon_hegrenade"); } case 62: { rg_give_shield(pPlayer); rg_give_item(pPlayer, "item_assaultsuit"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_DEAGLE, "weapon_deagle"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FLASHBANG, "weapon_flashbang"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_HEGRENADE, "weapon_hegrenade"); } case 63: { rg_give_shield(pPlayer); rg_give_item(pPlayer, "item_assaultsuit"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FIVESEVEN, "weapon_fiveseven"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FLASHBANG, "weapon_flashbang"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_HEGRENADE, "weapon_hegrenade"); } case 81:{ rg_give_item(pPlayer, "item_kevlar"); } case 82:{ rg_give_item(pPlayer, "item_assaultsuit"); } case 83:{ rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_HEGRENADE, "weapon_hegrenade"); } case 84:{ rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FLASHBANG, "weapon_flashbang"); } case 85:{ rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE, "weapon_smokegrenade"); } case 86:{ rg_give_item(pPlayer, "item_thighpack"); } case 87:{ rg_give_shield(pPlayer); } case 88:{ for(new InventorySlotType:i = PRIMARY_WEAPON_SLOT, iWeapon; i < C4_SLOT; i++) { iWeapon = get_member(pPlayer, m_rgpPlayerItems, i); if(is_nullent(iWeapon)) { continue; } rg_set_user_bpammo(pPlayer, get_member(iWeapon, m_iId), rg_get_iteminfo(iWeapon, ItemInfo_iMaxAmmo1)); } } case 89:{ rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_HEGRENADE, "weapon_hegrenade"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FLASHBANG, "weapon_flashbang"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE, "weapon_smokegrenade"); } case 91:{ rg_give_item(pPlayer, "weapon_c4"); } case 100:{ rg_give_item(pPlayer, "item_assaultsuit"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_AWP, "weapon_awp"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_DEAGLE, "weapon_deagle"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_HEGRENADE, "weapon_hegrenade"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FLASHBANG, "weapon_flashbang"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE, "weapon_smokegrenade"); } } } rg_give_user_weapon(const pPlayer, const WeaponIdType:iNum, const szWeaponName[]) { if(rg_has_item_by_name(pPlayer, szWeaponName)) { new iWeapon = rg_find_weapon_bpack_by_name(pPlayer, szWeaponName); rg_set_user_bpammo(pPlayer, iNum, rg_get_iteminfo(iWeapon, ItemInfo_iMaxAmmo1)); } else { rg_set_user_bpammo(pPlayer, iNum, rg_get_iteminfo(rg_give_item(pPlayer, szWeaponName), ItemInfo_iMaxAmmo1)); } } rg_bury_player(const pPlayer) { new Float:flOrigin[3]; get_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flOrigin); flOrigin[2] -= 35.0; set_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flOrigin); } rg_unbury_player(const pPlayer) { new Float:flOrigin[3]; get_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flOrigin); flOrigin[2] += 35.0; set_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flOrigin); } rg_rocket_player(const pPlayer) { rh_emit_sound2(pPlayer, 0, CHAN_WEAPON, g_szSounds[rocketfire1]); set_entvar(pPlayer, var_maxspeed, 0.01); set_task(1.2, "@rocket_liftoff", pPlayer); } slay_player(const pPlayer, const iType) { new Float:flOrigin[3], Float:flOrigin2[3]; get_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flOrigin); flOrigin[2] -= 26.0; flOrigin2[0] = flOrigin[0] + 15.0; flOrigin2[1] = flOrigin[1] + 150.0; flOrigin2[2] = flOrigin[2] + 400.0; switch(iType) { case 1: { lightning(flOrigin2, flOrigin); rh_emit_sound2(pPlayer, 0, CHAN_ITEM, g_szSounds[thunder_clap]); } case 2:{ blood(flOrigin); rh_emit_sound2(pPlayer, 0, CHAN_ITEM, g_szSounds[headshot2]); } case 3: { explode(flOrigin); } } user_kill(pPlayer, 1); } lightning(const Float:iVec[3], const Float:iVec2[3]) { message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); { write_byte(0); write_coord_f(iVec[0]); write_coord_f(iVec[1]); write_coord_f(iVec[2]); write_coord_f(iVec2[0]); write_coord_f(iVec2[1]); write_coord_f(iVec2[2]); write_short(g_iVariables[lgtning]); write_byte(1); write_byte(5); write_byte(2); write_byte(20); write_byte(30); write_byte(200); write_byte(200); write_byte(200); write_byte(200); write_byte(200); } message_end(); message_begin_f(MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, iVec2); { write_byte(9); write_coord_f(iVec2[0]); write_coord_f(iVec2[1]); write_coord_f(iVec2[2]); } message_end(); message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY, iVec2); { write_byte(5); write_coord_f(iVec2[0]); write_coord_f(iVec2[1]); write_coord_f(iVec2[2]); write_short(g_iVariables[steam1]); write_byte(10); write_byte(10); } message_end(); } blood(const Float:iVec[3]) { message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST,SVC_TEMPENTITY); write_byte(10); write_coord_f(iVec[0]); write_coord_f(iVec[1]); write_coord_f(iVec[2]); message_end(); } explode(const Float:iVec[3]) { message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY, iVec); { write_byte(21); write_coord_f(iVec[0]); write_coord_f(iVec[1]); write_coord_f(iVec[2] + 16); write_coord_f(iVec[0]); write_coord_f(iVec[1]); write_coord_f(iVec[2] + 1936); write_short(g_iVariables[white]); write_byte(0); write_byte(0); write_byte(2); write_byte(16); write_byte(0); write_byte(188); write_byte(220); write_byte(255); write_byte(255); write_byte(0); } message_end(); message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); { write_byte(12); write_coord_f(iVec[0]); write_coord_f(iVec[1]); write_coord_f(iVec[2]); write_byte(188); write_byte(10); } message_end(); message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY, iVec); { write_byte(5); write_coord_f(iVec[0]); write_coord_f(iVec[1]); write_coord_f(iVec[2]); write_short(g_iVariables[steam1]); write_byte(2); write_byte(10); } message_end(); } @rocket_liftoff(const pPlayer) { set_entvar(pPlayer, var_gravity, -0.50); client_cmd(pPlayer, "+jump;wait;wait;-jump"); rh_emit_sound2(pPlayer, 0, CHAN_VOICE, g_szSounds[rocket1]); @rocket_effects(pPlayer); } @rocket_effects(const pPlayer) { if(!is_user_alive(pPlayer)) { remove_task(pPlayer); return; } static Float:flOrigin[3]; get_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flOrigin); message_begin_f(MSG_ONE, g_iVariables[Damage], .player = pPlayer); { write_byte(30); write_byte(30); write_long(1<<16); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2]); } message_end(); static Float:flPlayerOrigin[MAX_CLIENTS + 1]; if(flPlayerOrigin[pPlayer] == flOrigin[2]) { rocket_explode(pPlayer); } flPlayerOrigin[pPlayer] = flOrigin[2]; message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); { write_byte(15); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2] - 30); write_short(g_iVariables[blueflare2]); write_byte(5); write_byte(1); write_byte(1); write_byte(10); write_byte(5); } message_end(); message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST,SVC_TEMPENTITY); { write_byte(17); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2] - 30); write_short(g_iVariables[muzzleflash]); write_byte(15); write_byte(255); } message_end(); set_task(0.2, "@rocket_effects", pPlayer); } rocket_explode(const pPlayer) { static Float:flOrigin[3]; get_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flOrigin); message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY, flOrigin); { write_byte(21); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2] - 10); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2] + 1910); write_short(g_iVariables[white]); write_byte(0); write_byte(0); write_byte(2); write_byte(16); write_byte(0); write_byte(188); write_byte(220); write_byte(255); write_byte(255); write_byte(0); } message_end(); message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); { write_byte(12); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2]); write_byte(188); write_byte(10); } message_end(); message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY, flOrigin); { write_byte(5); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2]); write_short(g_iVariables[steam1]); write_byte(2); write_byte(10); } message_end(); user_kill(pPlayer, 1); rh_emit_sound2(pPlayer, 0, CHAN_VOICE, g_szSounds[rocket1], 0.0, 0.0, (1<<5)); set_entvar(pPlayer, var_maxspeed, 1.0); set_entvar(pPlayer, var_gravity, 1.00); } @uberslap_player(const pPlayer) { user_slap(pPlayer, (get_entvar(pPlayer, var_health) > 1.0) ? 1 : 0); } rg_give_default_items_func(const pPlayer) { rg_round_respawn(pPlayer); if(g_blVariables[revdefaultweapon]) { rg_give_default_items(pPlayer); } } rg_drug_player(const pPlayer) { message_begin(MSG_ONE, g_iVariables[SetFOV], .player = pPlayer); write_byte(180); message_end(); } flash_player(const pPlayer) { message_begin(MSG_ONE, g_iVariables[ScreenFade], .player = pPlayer); { write_short(1<<15); write_short(1<<10); write_short(1<<12); write_byte(255); write_byte(255); write_byte(255); write_byte(255); } message_end(); if(g_blVariables[flashsound]) { rh_emit_sound2(pPlayer, 0, CHAN_BODY, g_szSounds[flashbang2], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_HIGH); } } freeze_player(const pPlayer) { new iFlags = get_entvar(pPlayer, var_flags); if(~iFlags & FL_FROZEN) { set_entvar(pPlayer, var_flags, iFlags | FL_FROZEN); new iEnt = g_iVariables[PlayerIceCube][pPlayer]; if(is_nullent(iEnt)) { iEnt = g_iVariables[PlayerIceCube][pPlayer] = rg_create_entity("info_target"); set_entvar(iEnt, var_body, 1); set_entvar(iEnt, var_owner, pPlayer); set_entvar(iEnt, var_solid, SOLID_BBOX); set_entvar(iEnt, var_modelindex, g_iVariables[modelindex]); rg_set_user_rendering(iEnt, kRenderFxNone, {255.0, 255.0, 255.0}, kRenderTransAdd, 60.0); } else { set_entvar(iEnt, var_effects, get_entvar(iEnt, var_effects) & ~EF_NODRAW); } new Float:flOrigin[3]; get_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flOrigin); flOrigin[2] -= 25.0; set_entvar(iEnt, var_origin, flOrigin); } } unfreeze_player(const pPlayer) { new iFlags = get_entvar(pPlayer, var_flags); if(iFlags & FL_FROZEN) { set_entvar(pPlayer, var_flags, iFlags & ~FL_FROZEN); set_entvar(g_iVariables[PlayerIceCube][pPlayer], var_effects, EF_NODRAW); } } admin_transfer(const pPlayer, const pId, const szArg[]) { new szTeamName[32]; switch(szArg[0]) { case 'T','t': { rg_set_user_team(pId, TEAM_TERRORIST); szTeamName = "Terrorists"; rg_give_default_items_func(pId); } case 'C','c': { rg_set_user_team(pId, TEAM_CT); szTeamName = "Counter-Terrorists"; rg_give_default_items_func(pId); } case 'S','s': { user_silentkill(pId); rg_set_user_team(pId, TEAM_SPECTATOR); szTeamName = "Spectator"; } default: { console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_TEAM] %L", pPlayer, "REAMX_SUPER_TEAM_INVALID"); return; } } client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_TEAM_P", pPlayer, pId, szTeamName); console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_TEAM] %L", pPlayer, "REAMX_SUPER_TEAM_C", pId, szTeamName); } admin_swap(const pPlayer, const pId, const arg[]) { new pId2 = cmd_target(pPlayer, arg, false, false); if(!pId2) { return; } new TeamName:iTeam1 = get_member(pId, m_iTeam); new TeamName:iTeam2 = get_member(pId2, m_iTeam); if(iTeam1 == iTeam2) { console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_SWAP] %L", pPlayer, "REAMX_SUPER_SWAP_ERROR1"); return; } if(iTeam1 == TEAM_UNASSIGNED || iTeam2 == TEAM_UNASSIGNED) { console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_SWAP] %L", pPlayer, "REAMX_SUPER_SWAP_ERROR2"); return; } if(iTeam1 == TEAM_SPECTATOR) { user_silentkill(pId2); } else if(iTeam2 == TEAM_SPECTATOR) { user_silentkill(pId); } rg_set_user_team(pId, iTeam2); rg_set_user_team(pId2, iTeam1); if(iTeam2 != TEAM_SPECTATOR) { rg_give_default_items_func(pId); } if(iTeam1 != TEAM_SPECTATOR) { rg_give_default_items_func(pId2); } client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_SWAP_P", pPlayer, pId, pId2); console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_SWAP] %L", pPlayer, "REAMX_SUPER_SWAP_C", pId, pId2); } admin_extend(const pPlayer, const iLimit) { if(iLimit <= 0) { console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_EXTEND] %L", pPlayer, "REAMX_SUPER_AMOUNT_GREATER"); return; } static iExtended = 0; if(iExtended >= g_blVariables[extendmax]) { console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_EXTEND] %L", pPlayer, "REAMX_SUPER_EXTEND_ERROR1", iExtended); return; } if(iLimit > g_blVariables[extendtime]) { console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_EXTEND] %L", pPlayer, "REAMX_SUPER_EXTEND_ERROR2", g_blVariables[extendtime]); return; } set_pcvar_float(g_iVariables[mp_timelimit], get_pcvar_float(g_iVariables[mp_timelimit]) + iLimit); ++iExtended; client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_EXTEND_P", pPlayer, iLimit); console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_EXTEND] %L", pPlayer, "REAMX_SUPER_EXTEND_C", iLimit); } admin_glowcolors(const pPlayer) { console_print(pPlayer, "Colors:"); for(new i=0; i < MAX_COLORS; i++) { console_print(pPlayer, "%i %s", i + 1, g_szColors[i]); } console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_GLOW] Example: amx_glow ^"PurposeLess^" ^"red^""); } admin_glow(const pPlayer, const pId, const bool:blTeam, const szArg[], const szArg2[], const bool:blCustom, {Float,_}:flColor[3], Float:flAmount) { new bool:blOff; if(!blCustom) { new bool:blValid = false; for(new i = 0; i < MAX_COLORS; i++) { if(equali(szArg2, g_szColors[i])) { if(equali(szArg2, "off")) { blOff = true; } flColor[0] = g_flColors[i][0]; flColor[1] = g_flColors[i][1]; flColor[2] = g_flColors[i][2]; flAmount = 255.0; blValid = true; break; } } if(!blValid) { console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_GLOW] %L", pPlayer, "REAMX_SUPER_GLOW_INVALID"); return; } } else { flColor[0] = floatclamp(flColor[0], 0.0, 255.0); flColor[1] = floatclamp(flColor[1], 0.0, 255.0); flColor[2] = floatclamp(flColor[2], 0.0, 255.0); flAmount = floatclamp(flAmount, 0.0, 255.0); if(flColor[0] == 0.0 && flColor[1] == 0.0 && flColor[2] == 0.0 && flAmount == 255.0) { blOff = true; } } rg_set_user_rendering(pId, kRenderFxGlowShell, flColor, kRenderTransAlpha, flAmount); if(!blOff) { send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_GLOW_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_GLOW_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_GLOW_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_GLOW_PLAYER_C"); } else { send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_UNGLOW_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_UNGLOW_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_UNGLOW_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_UNGLOW_PLAYER_C"); } } rg_set_user_rendering(const pPlayer, const iFx, const {Float,_}:flColor[3], const iRender, const Float:flAmount) { set_entvar(pPlayer, var_renderfx, iFx); set_entvar(pPlayer, var_rendercolor, flColor); set_entvar(pPlayer, var_rendermode, iRender); set_entvar(pPlayer, var_renderamt, flAmount); } @event_curweapon(const pPlayer) { if(!g_blVariables[Unammo][pPlayer]) { return; } new iWeapon = read_data(2); set_member(get_member(pPlayer, m_pActiveItem), m_Weapon_iClip, rg_get_weapon_info(iWeapon, WI_GUN_CLIP_SIZE) + 1); } @CBasePlayer_ResetMaxSpeed_Pre(const pPlayer) { if(g_iVariables[Speed][pPlayer] > 0) { new Float:flSpeed = 250.0 + (50.0 * g_iVariables[Speed][pPlayer]); set_entvar(pPlayer, var_maxspeed, flSpeed); return HC_SUPERCEDE; } return HC_CONTINUE; } @CBasePlayer_Spawn_Post(const pPlayer) { if(get_member(pPlayer, m_bJustConnected)) { return; } g_iVariables[PlayerJump][pPlayer] = 0; g_blVariables[Fire][pPlayer] = false; g_blVariables[DoubleJump][pPlayer] = false; g_blVariables[PlayerCatch][pPlayer] = false; g_iVariables[Speed][pPlayer] = 0; remove_task(pPlayer); remove_task(pPlayer + TASKID_FIRE1); remove_task(pPlayer + TASKID_FIRE2); get_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flHRespawn_Origin[pPlayer]); set_entvar(g_iVariables[PlayerIceCube][pPlayer], var_effects, EF_NODRAW); } @CBasePlayer_Killed_Post(const pVictim, pAttacker, iGib) { g_iVariables[PlayerJump][pVictim] = 0; g_blVariables[Fire][pVictim] = false; g_blVariables[DoubleJump][pVictim] = false; g_blVariables[PlayerCatch][pVictim] = false; g_iVariables[Speed][pVictim] = 0; remove_task(pVictim); remove_task(pVictim + TASKID_FIRE1); remove_task(pVictim + TASKID_FIRE2); unfreeze_player(pVictim); get_entvar(pVictim, var_origin, flHRespawn_Origin[pVictim]); } @CBasePlayer_TakeDamage_Post(const pVictim, pInflictor, pAttacker, Float:flDamage, bitsDamageType) { if(g_blVariables[bulletdamage]) { if(!is_user_connected(pAttacker) || pVictim == pAttacker || !rg_is_player_can_takedamage(pVictim, pAttacker)) { return; } set_hudmessage(0, 100, 200, -1.0, 0.55, 2, 0.1, 4.0, 0.02, 0.02, -1); ShowSyncHudMsg(pAttacker, g_iVariables[Hudsync], "%0.f^n", flDamage); } } send_print_arg(const pPlayer, const pId, const szArg[], const iNum, const bool:blTeam, const TEAM_P[], const TEAM_C[], const PLAYER_P[], const PLAYER_C[]) { if(blTeam) { client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, TEAM_P, pPlayer, iNum, get_teamname(szArg)); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, TEAM_C, iNum, get_teamname(szArg)); } else { client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, PLAYER_P, pPlayer, iNum, pId); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, PLAYER_C, iNum, pId); } } send_print_onlypc(const pPlayer, const iNum, const P[], const C[]) { client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, P, pPlayer, iNum); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, C, iNum); } send_print_onlynames(const pPlayer, const pId, const szArg[], const bool:blTeam, const TEAM_P[], const TEAM_C[], const PLAYER_P[], const PLAYER_C[]) { if(blTeam) { client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, TEAM_P, pPlayer, get_teamname(szArg)); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, TEAM_C, get_teamname(szArg)); } else { client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, PLAYER_P, pPlayer, pId); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, PLAYER_C, pId); } } send_print_fire(const pPlayer, const pId, const szArg[], const iArg2, const bool:blTeam, const TEAM_P[], const TEAM_C[], const PLAYER_P[], const PLAYER_C[]) { new szFire[20]; formatex(szFire, charsmax(szFire), "%L", LANG_PLAYER, iArg2 ? "REAMX_SUPER_FIRE" : "REAMX_SUPER_UNFIRE"); if(blTeam) { client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, TEAM_P, pPlayer, szFire, get_teamname(szArg)); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, TEAM_C, szFire, get_teamname(szArg)); } else { client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, PLAYER_P, pPlayer, szFire, pId); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, PLAYER_C, szFire, pId); } } get_teamname(const szArg[]) { new szTeamName[18]; switch(szArg[1]) { case 't','T': { szTeamName = "Terrorist"; } case 'c','C': { szTeamName = "Counter-Terrorist"; } default: { szTeamName = "all"; } } return szTeamName; } cmd_target(const pPlayer, const szArg[], const bool:blOnlyAlive, const bool:blImmunity) { new pId = find_player("bl", szArg); if(pId) { if(pId != find_player("blj", szArg)) { console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "MORE_CL_MATCHT"); return 0; } } else if((pId = find_player("c", szArg)) == 0 && szArg[0] == '#' && szArg[1]) { pId = find_player("k", str_to_num(szArg[1])); } if(!pId) { console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "CL_NOT_FOUND"); return 0; } if(blOnlyAlive && !is_user_alive(pPlayer)) { new szName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; get_user_name(pId, szName, charsmax(szName)); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "CANT_PERF_DEAD", szName); return 0; } if(blImmunity && (get_user_flags(pId) & ADMIN_IMMUNITY && pPlayer != pId)) { new szName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; get_user_name(pId, szName, charsmax(szName)); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "CLIENT_IMM", szName); return 0; } return pId; } @clcmd_admin(const pPlayer) { new szAdminNames[MAX_CLIENTS + 1][MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; new szMessage[MAX_DIRECTOR_CMD_STRING]; new iCount, iLen; for(new id = 1; id <= MaxClients; id++) { if(is_user_connected(id) && get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_KICK) { get_user_name(id, szAdminNames[iCount++], charsmax(szAdminNames[])); } } iLen = formatex(szMessage, charsmax(szMessage), "^4ADMINS ONLINE^1: "); if(iCount > 0) { for(new x = 0 ; x < iCount ; x++) { iLen += formatex(szMessage[iLen], charsmax(szMessage) - iLen, "^3%s%s ", szAdminNames[x], x < (iCount-1) ? "^4, " : ""); if(iLen > 96) { client_print_color(pPlayer, pPlayer, szMessage); iLen = formatex(szMessage, charsmax(szMessage), "^4 "); } } client_print_color(pPlayer, pPlayer, szMessage); } else { iLen += formatex(szMessage[iLen], charsmax(szMessage)-iLen, "^3No admins online."); client_print_color(pPlayer, pPlayer, szMessage); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } admin_fire(const pPlayer, const iNum) { if(iNum) { g_iVariables[PlayerCatch][pPlayer] = 0; g_blVariables[Fire][pPlayer] = true; set_task(0.2, "@ignite_effects", pPlayer + TASKID_FIRE1, .flags = "b"); set_task(1.0, "@ignite_player", pPlayer + TASKID_FIRE2, .flags = "b"); rh_emit_sound2(pPlayer, 0, CHAN_WEAPON, g_szSounds[scream07], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_HIGH); } else { g_blVariables[Fire][pPlayer] = false; remove_task(pPlayer + TASKID_FIRE1); remove_task(pPlayer + TASKID_FIRE2); } } @ignite_effects(TaskId) { static pPlayer; pPlayer = TaskId - TASKID_FIRE1; static Float:flOrigin[3]; get_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flOrigin); message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); write_byte(17); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2]); write_short(g_iVariables[muzzleflash]); write_byte(20); write_byte(200); message_end(); message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST,SVC_TEMPENTITY, flOrigin); write_byte(5); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2]); write_short(g_iVariables[steam1]); write_byte(20); write_byte(15); message_end(); } @ignite_player(TaskId) { new pPlayer = TaskId - TASKID_FIRE2; new Float:flOrigin[3]; get_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flOrigin); if(get_entvar(pPlayer, var_health) - 10.0 <= 0.0) { admin_fire(pPlayer, 0); rg_user_silentkill(pPlayer, g_iVariables[PlayerCatch][pPlayer]); return; } set_entvar(pPlayer, var_health, Float:get_entvar(pPlayer, var_health) - 10.0); message_begin_f(MSG_ONE, g_iVariables[Damage], .player = pPlayer); write_byte(30); write_byte(30); write_long(1<<21); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2]); message_end(); rh_emit_sound2(pPlayer, 0, CHAN_ITEM, g_szSounds[flameburst], 0.6, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_LOW); if(g_blVariables[allowcatchfire]) { for(new pId = 1, Float:flOrigin2[3]; pId <= MaxClients; pId++) { if(!is_user_alive(pId) || g_blVariables[Fire][pId] || pPlayer == pId) { continue; } get_entvar(pId, var_origin, flOrigin2); if(get_distance_f(flOrigin, flOrigin2) < 100.0) { rh_emit_sound2(pId, 0, CHAN_WEAPON, g_szSounds[scream07], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_HIGH); client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_CATCH_FIRE", pPlayer, pId); admin_fire(pId, 1); g_iVariables[PlayerCatch][pId] = pPlayer; } } } } rg_user_silentkill(const pVictim, const pAttacker) { if(!is_user_connected(pAttacker)) { user_kill(pVictim); return; } user_silentkill(pVictim); message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, g_iVariables[DeathMsg], .player = pVictim); write_byte(pAttacker); write_byte(pVictim); write_byte(0); message_end(); new Float:flFrags = get_entvar(pAttacker, var_frags); set_entvar(pAttacker, var_frags, flFrags + 1.0); message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, g_iVariables[ScoreInfo]); write_byte(pAttacker); write_short(floatround(flFrags)); write_short(get_member(pAttacker, m_iDeaths)); write_short(0); write_short(get_member(pAttacker, m_iTeam)); message_end(); } @CBasePlayer_Jump_Pre(const pPlayer) { if(!g_blVariables[DoubleJump][pPlayer]) { return HC_CONTINUE; } new iFlags = get_entvar(pPlayer, var_flags); if(g_blVariables[auto_double_jump]) { if((!(get_entvar(pPlayer, var_oldbuttons) & IN_JUMP)) && iFlags & FL_ONGROUND) { new Float:flVelocity[3]; get_entvar(pPlayer, var_velocity, flVelocity); flVelocity[2] = g_iVariables[auto_double_jump_velocity]; set_entvar(pPlayer, var_velocity, flVelocity); } } static Float:flJumpTime[MAX_CLIENTS + 1]; if(g_iVariables[PlayerJump][pPlayer] && (iFlags & FL_ONGROUND)) { g_iVariables[PlayerJump][pPlayer] = 0; flJumpTime[pPlayer] = get_gametime(); return HC_CONTINUE; } static Float:flGameTime; if((get_entvar(pPlayer, var_oldbuttons) & IN_JUMP || iFlags & FL_ONGROUND) || ((flGameTime = get_gametime()) - flJumpTime[pPlayer]) < 0.2) { return HC_CONTINUE; } if(g_iVariables[PlayerJump][pPlayer] >= g_iVariables[additional_jumps]) { return HC_CONTINUE; } flJumpTime[pPlayer] = flGameTime; new Float:flVelocity[3]; get_entvar(pPlayer, var_velocity, flVelocity); flVelocity[2] = random_float(265.0, 285.0); set_entvar(pPlayer, var_velocity, flVelocity); g_iVariables[PlayerJump][pPlayer]++; if(g_blVariables[dj_trail]) { func_TrailMessage(pPlayer); g_iVariables[flTrailTime][pPlayer] = get_gametime(); } return HC_CONTINUE; } func_TrailMessage(const pPlayer) { if(g_blVariables[Trail][pPlayer]) { return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } static iColor[3]; enum { RED = 0, GREEN, BLUE }; if(!g_blVariables[dj_trail_effect]) { iColor[RED] = random_num(0, 255); iColor[GREEN] = random_num(0, 255); iColor[BLUE] = random_num(0, 255); } else { static TeamName:team; team = get_member(pPlayer, m_iTeam); switch(team) { case TEAM_TERRORIST: iColor = { 255, 0, 0 }; case TEAM_CT: iColor = { 0, 0, 255 }; } } g_blVariables[Trail][pPlayer] = true; message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); write_byte(TE_BEAMFOLLOW); write_short(pPlayer); write_short(g_iVariables[zbeam5]); write_byte(g_iVariables[dj_trail_life] * 10); write_byte(g_iVariables[dj_trail_size]); write_byte(iColor[RED]); write_byte(iColor[GREEN]); write_byte(iColor[BLUE]); write_byte(g_iVariables[dj_trail_brightness]); message_end(); g_iVariables[flTrailTime][pPlayer] = get_gametime(); set_task(1.0, "@task_RemoveTrail", pPlayer + TASKID_TRAIL, .flags = "a", .repeat = 1); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } @task_RemoveTrail(TaskId) { new pPlayer = TaskId - TASKID_TRAIL; if(!g_blVariables[DoubleJump][pPlayer]) { remove_task(pPlayer + TASKID_TRAIL); return; } new Float:flGameTime = get_gametime(); if(flGameTime - g_iVariables[flTrailTime][pPlayer] < 1.35) { remove_task(pPlayer + TASKID_TRAIL); set_task(1.0, "@task_RemoveTrail", pPlayer + TASKID_TRAIL, .flags = "a", .repeat = 1); } else { g_blVariables[Trail][pPlayer] = false; message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); write_byte(TE_KILLBEAM); write_short(pPlayer); message_end(); } } rg_respawn_all_players() { if(g_blVariables[reviveafterteamswap]) { for(new pPlayer = 1; pPlayer <= MaxClients; pPlayer++) { if(is_user_connected(pPlayer) && (TEAM_UNASSIGNED < get_member(pPlayer, m_iTeam) < TEAM_SPECTATOR)) { rg_round_respawn(pPlayer); if(g_blVariables[revdefaultweapon]) { rg_remove_item(pPlayer, "weapon_glock18"); rg_remove_item(pPlayer, "weapon_usp"); rg_give_default_items(pPlayer); } } } } } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  23. Naro

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