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  1. Tak jak w temacie

    #pragma semicolon 1
    #include <sourcemod>
    #include <cstrike>
    #include <sdktools>
    #include <sdkhooks>
    #include <multicolors>
    #pragma newdecls required
    public Plugin myinfo = 
    	name = "Bonus za nick", 
    	author = "XXX", 
    	description = "Dodaje graczą dodatkowy hajs za dodanie w nicku", 
    	version = "1.0.1"
    ConVar g_CvarRewardNick, gg_OdGodziny, gg_DoGodziny, gg_VipActive, g_CvarMatchCase;
    int DarmowyVip = 0;
    public void OnPluginStart()
    	HookEvent("round_start", Event_RoundStart);
    	g_CvarRewardNick = CreateConVar("sm_reward", "", "Fraza za ktora dostaje sie nagrody");
    	g_CvarMatchCase = CreateConVar("sm_reward_match", "0", "");
    	gg_VipActive = CreateConVar("sm_reward_vip_active", "1", "Czy Vip w nocy ma być aktywny?");
    	gg_OdGodziny = CreateConVar("sm_reward_vip_odgodziny", "24", "Od ktorej godziny ma dawac vipa?");
    	gg_DoGodziny = CreateConVar("sm_reward_vip_dogodziny", "6", "Do ktorej godziny ma dawac vipa?");
    public void OnClientAuthorized(int client) {
    	if(IsValidClient(client)) {
    		char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH], advert[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
    		GetClientName(client, name, sizeof(name));
    		g_CvarRewardNick.GetString(advert, MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
    		if (StrContains(name, advert, GetConVarBool(g_CvarMatchCase)) == -1)
    		if(DarmowyVip) {
    			AddUserFlags(client, Admin_Reservation);
    		else {
    			RemoveUserFlags(client, Admin_Reservation);
    bool IsValidClient(int client)
    	return 0 < client <= MaxClients && IsClientInGame(client);
    public Action Event_RoundStart(Event hEvent, const char[] chName, bool bDontBroadcast)
    	int client = GetClientOfUserId(hEvent.GetInt("userid"));
    	char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH], advert[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
    	GetClientName(client, name, sizeof(name));
    	g_CvarRewardNick.GetString(advert, MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
    	if (StrContains(name, advert, GetConVarBool(g_CvarMatchCase)) == -1)
    	if (GetConVarBool(gg_VipActive))
    		int gg_od_godziny = GetConVarInt(gg_OdGodziny);
    		int gg_do_godziny = GetConVarInt(gg_DoGodziny);
    		if(gg_od_godziny || gg_do_godziny)
    			char godzina_str[8];
    			FormatTime(godzina_str, sizeof(godzina_str), "%H", GetTime());
    			int godzina = StringToInt(godzina_str);
    			if(gg_od_godziny > gg_do_godziny)
    				DarmowyVip = (godzina >= gg_od_godziny || godzina < gg_do_godziny)? 1: 0;
    				DarmowyVip = (godzina >= gg_od_godziny && godzina < gg_do_godziny)? 1: 0;
    			DarmowyVip = 0;


  2. Plugin się kompiluje, nie wyskakują żadne errory/błędy w konsoli, ale nie daję dodatkowego hajsu za dopisek w nicku

    #pragma semicolon 1
    #include <sourcemod>
    #include <cstrike>
    #pragma newdecls required
    public Plugin myinfo = 
    	name = "Bonus za nick", 
    	author = "Reward", 
    	description = "Dodaje graczą dodatkowy hajs za dodanie w nicku", 
    	version = "1.0.0"
    ConVar g_cvAdvert, g_cvMatchCase, gg_CvarVipKillMoney, gg_CvarVipKillKnifeMoney, gg_CvarVipHeadShotMoney, gg_CvarMaxHP, gg_CvarVipBombPlantedMoney, gg_CvarVipBombDefusedMoney;
    public void OnPluginStart()
    	g_cvAdvert = CreateConVar("sm_aa_advert", "", "Advertisement to search for in players' names.");
    	g_cvMatchCase = CreateConVar("sm_aa_match_case", "0", "Determines if the advertisement should be case-sensitive.");
    	gg_CvarVipKillKnifeMoney = CreateConVar("gpieniadze_kill_knife_vip", "100", "How much money the VIP player should get for killing by the knife?");
    	gg_CvarVipHeadShotMoney = CreateConVar("gpieniadze_hs_vip", "70", "How much money should the VIP player get for the headshot?");
    	gg_CvarMaxHP = CreateConVar("gzycie_max_vip", "105", "What is the maximum amount of health that the vip player can achieve?");
    	gg_CvarVipKillMoney = CreateConVar("gpieniadze_kill_vip", "50", "How much money should the VIP player get for the homicide?");
    	gg_CvarVipBombPlantedMoney = CreateConVar("gpieniadze_podlozenie_vip", "50", "How much money should the VIP player get for planting the bomb?");
    	gg_CvarVipBombDefusedMoney = CreateConVar("gpieniadze_rozbrojenie_vip", "50", "How much money should the VIP player get for defusing the bomb?");
    bool IsValidClient(int client)
    	return 0 < client <= MaxClients && IsClientInGame(client);
    public Action Event_PlayerDeath(int client, Event hEvent, const char[] chName, bool bDontBroadcast)
    	int attacker = GetClientOfUserId(hEvent.GetInt("attacker"));
    	int victim = GetClientOfUserId(hEvent.GetInt("userid"));
    	if (!IsValidClient(attacker))
    	char weapon[64];
    	GetEventString(hEvent, "weapon", weapon, sizeof(weapon));
    	char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH], advert[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
    	GetClientName(client, name, sizeof(name));
    	g_cvAdvert.GetString(advert, MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
    	if (StrContains(name, advert, GetConVarBool(g_cvMatchCase)) == -1)
    	if (GetClientTeam(attacker) != GetClientTeam(victim))
    		bool headshot = hEvent.GetBool("headshot", false); //false - default.
    		int gPieniadzeGracza = GetEntProp(attacker, Prop_Send, "m_iAccount");
    		int gHP = GetClientHealth(attacker);
    		if (headshot)
    			SetEntProp(attacker, Prop_Send, "m_iAccount", gg_CvarVipHeadShotMoney.IntValue + gPieniadzeGracza);
    			if (gHP + 1 > gg_CvarMaxHP.IntValue)
    				SetEntityHealth(attacker, gg_CvarMaxHP.IntValue);
    			if (gHP + 1 <= gg_CvarMaxHP.IntValue)
    				SetEntityHealth(attacker, gHP + 1);
    			PrintToChat(client, "[Reward] Zostałeś nagrodzony +%d$ za wsparcie serwera!", GetConVarInt(gg_CvarVipHeadShotMoney));
    			SetEntProp(attacker, Prop_Send, "m_iAccount", gg_CvarVipKillMoney.IntValue + gPieniadzeGracza);
    			if (gHP + 1 > gg_CvarMaxHP.IntValue)
    				SetEntityHealth(attacker, gg_CvarMaxHP.IntValue);
    			if (gHP + 1 <= gg_CvarMaxHP.IntValue)
    				SetEntityHealth(attacker, gHP + 1);
    			PrintToChat(client, "[Reward] Zostałeś nagrodzony +%d$ za wsparcie serwera!", GetConVarInt(gg_CvarVipKillMoney));
    		//if (StrEqual(weapon, "knife"))
    		if (StrContains(weapon, "knife", false) != -1 || StrContains(weapon, "bayonet", false) != -1)
    			SetEntProp(attacker, Prop_Send, "m_iAccount", gg_CvarVipKillKnifeMoney.IntValue + gPieniadzeGracza);
    			PrintToChat(client, "[Reward] Zostałeś nagrodzony +%d$ za wsparcie serwera!", GetConVarInt(gg_CvarVipKillKnifeMoney));
    			if (gHP + 1 > gg_CvarMaxHP.IntValue)
    				SetEntityHealth(attacker, gg_CvarMaxHP.IntValue);
    			if (gHP + 1 <= gg_CvarMaxHP.IntValue)
    				SetEntityHealth(attacker, gHP + 1);
    public Action Event_BombPlanted(int client, Event hEvent, const char[] chName, bool bDontBroadcast)
    	char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH], advert[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
    	GetClientName(client, name, sizeof(name));
    	g_cvAdvert.GetString(advert, MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
    	if (StrContains(name, advert, GetConVarBool(g_cvMatchCase)) == -1)
    	int client = GetClientOfUserId(hEvent.GetInt("userid"));
    	int gPieniadzeGracza = GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iAccount");
    	PrintToChat(client, "[Reward] Zostałeś nagrodzony +%d$ za wsparcie serwera!", GetConVarInt(gg_CvarVipBombPlantedMoney));
    	SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iAccount", gg_CvarVipBombPlantedMoney.IntValue + gPieniadzeGracza);
    public Action Event_BombDefused(int client, Event hEvent, const char[] chName, bool bDontBroadcast)
    	char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH], advert[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
    	GetClientName(client, name, sizeof(name));
    	g_cvAdvert.GetString(advert, MAX_NAME_LENGTH);
    	if (StrContains(name, advert, GetConVarBool(g_cvMatchCase)) == -1)
    	int client = GetClientOfUserId(hEvent.GetInt("userid"));
    	int gPieniadzeGracza = GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iAccount");
    	PrintToChat(client, "[Reward] Zostałeś nagrodzony +%d$ za wsparcie serwera!", GetConVarInt(gg_CvarVipBombDefusedMoney));
    	SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iAccount", gg_CvarVipBombDefusedMoney.IntValue + gPieniadzeGracza);


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