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Dr. Api

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Osiągnięcia Dr. Api


Nowicjusz (1/14)



  1. I - DESCRIPTION APTimer is a timer not like others. This timer have a world ranking, wolrd stats and world banning cheaters. Using an API, this timer is faster. Mapzones, styles, etc... are "world" (everybody have same data" set. No one can edit unless the master server. To use this timer you need a API key, every data send is checked trying to edit/bypass will ban your server. Also trying to edit plugins too. 1 - CHEATERS Cheaters players ban on one server will be ban on all servers (no admin abuse cause I control the ban system). Owner trying to change some values, data, plugins will get his server ban. 2 - WORLD THINGS Player who is first (sorted by a algoryhtm system) will be first on all server. First mean your are actually first wold! Every server got same zones, styles, etc... Only master server (me) can edit it. 3 - MAPZONES Multiple points and 3D polygon detection. Can make any figure I want: pentagon, hexagon, irregular polygon... 4 - NO SQL => API Timer is using an API, faster and better! 5 - TRANSLATION Like all my plugins, 100% is translatable. For now English & French. II - WEB INTERFACE You can try on: APITimer Login: Test Pass: Test34970 *connect to the server and you will see your stats. I still have lot of work but you can report all bugs to help me. PS : server and website can be unvailable, its because i'm deving 03/02/2016 : some stats
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