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Treść opublikowana przez TenAimStarCreativ

  1. #include <sourcemod> #include <multicolors> #define TAG "[{yellow}JackPot{default}]" #define newdecls required #define semicolon 1 native Cases_SetClientBalance(client, credits); native Cases_GetClientBalance(client); int Pot=0, GmbCount=0; int Gambled[MAXPLAYERS + 1], chance[MAXPLAYERS+1], g_iLastGamble[MAXPLAYERS+1]; bool wonHisChances[MAXPLAYERS + 1]; ConVar cvar_min, cvar_max; public void OnPluginStart() { RegConsoleCmd("sm_jackpot", Cmd_Pot); EngineVersion game = GetEngineVersion(); if(game == Engine_CSGO) { HookEvent("round_end", OnRoundEnd, EventHookMode_Post); } else if(game == Engine_TF2) { HookEvent("teamplay_round_win", OnRoundEnd, EventHookMode_Post); HookEvent("teamplay_round_stalemate", OnRoundEnd, EventHookMode_Post); } else { SetFailState("This plugin is only for CSGO/TF2"); } cvar_min = CreateConVar("sm_jackpot_min", "50", "Min w Jackpocie.", _, true); cvar_max = CreateConVar("sm_jackpot_max", "10000", "Max w Jackpocie.", _, true, 1.0); } public void OnClientDisconnect(int client) { if (Gambled[client]) GmbCount--; Pot -= Gambled[client]; Cases_SetclientBalance(client, Cases_GetClientBalance(client) + Gambled[client]); Gambled[client] = 0; chance[client] = 0; wonHisChances[client] = false; } public Action Cmd_Pot(int client, int args) { if(!args) { if(Pot) { CPrintToChat(client, "%s Jest \x03%d\x01 euro w puli.", TAG, Pot); if(GmbCount) { Menu hMenu = CreateMenu(Gamblers); hMenu.SetTitle(">> Premium Jackpot %d euro w puli:", Pot); for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if (!IsValidClient(i) || !Gambled[i]) continue; char bfr[100]; int b = RoundToNearest((Gambled[i] * 100.0) / Pot); if(i != client) { Format(bfr, sizeof(bfr), "%N - Postawilem %d euro (%d%% szansy)", i, Gambled[i], b); hMenu.AddItem("Sup", bfr); } else { Format(bfr, sizeof(bfr), "Postawiles %d euro (%d%% szansy)", Gambled[client], b); hMenu.AddItem("Sup", bfr, ITEMDRAW_DISABLED); } } hMenu.ExitBackButton = true; hMenu.Display(client, 30); } } else { CPrintToChat(client, "%s W puli nie ma euro.", TAG); } } else { char arg[8]; GetCmdArg(1, arg, 8); int credits; if(!strcmp(arg, "Wszystko", false)) credits = Cases_GetClientBalance(client); else if(!strcmp(arg, "Polowa", false)) credits = Cases_GetClientBalance(client) / 2; else credits = StringToInt(arg); if (credits < cvar_min.IntValue) { CPrintToChat(client, "%s Minimalna kwota do gry to 50 euro.", TAG); return Plugin_Handled; } if (Cases_GetClientBalance(client) < credits) { CPrintToChat(client, "%s Nie masz %d euro aby grac na Jackpocie!", TAG, credits); return Plugin_Handled; } if(Gambled[client] + credits > cvar_max.IntValue) { CPrintToChat(client, "%s Maxymalna kwota do gry to 10000 euro.", TAG); return Plugin_Handled; } int time = GetTime(); if (!(time - g_iLastGamble[client] < 10)) { if(!Gambled[client]) GmbCount++; Gambled[client] += credits; Pot += credits; Cases_SetClientBalance(client, Cases_GetClientBalance(client) - credits); CPrintToChatAll("%s %N postawil %d euro w {darkred}JackPot{default}, powodzenia!", TAG, client, credits); CPrintToChat(client, "%s INFO: Mozesz zagrac ponownie.", TAG); g_iLastGamble[client] = GetTime(); } else { CPrintToChat(client, "%s Poczekaj %d aby uzyc komendy ponownie.", TAG, 10 - (time - g_iLastGamble[client])); } } return Plugin_Handled; } public int Gamblers(Handle menu, MenuAction action, int client, int param2) { if (action == MenuAction_End) delete menu; } public Action OnRoundEnd(Handle hEvent, char[] sName, bool bBroadcast) { if(Pot > 0) { int random; bool atLeastOne = false; for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if (IsValidClient(i) && Gambled[i]) { chance[i] = RoundToNearest((Gambled[i] * 100.0) / Pot); wonHisChances[i] = (GetRandomInt(1, 100) <= chance[i]); if(wonHisChances[i]) atLeastOne = true; } } if(atLeastOne) { do random = GetRandomInt(1, MaxClients); while (!IsValidClient(random) || !wonHisChances[random]); } else { do random = GetRandomInt(1, MaxClients); while (!IsValidClient(random) || !Gambled[random]); } PrintCenterTextAll("%N wygrał pulę! (%d euro z Jackpota, mial %d%% szansy)", random, Pot, chance[random]); CPrintToChatAll("%s \x03%N\x01 wygrał pulę! (\x03%d\x01 euro, \x03%d%%\x01 szansy).", TAG, random, Pot, chance[random]); Cases_SetClientBalance(random, Cases_GetClientBalance(random) + Pot); } for(int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { Gambled[i] = 0; chance[i] = 0; wonHisChances[i] = false; } Pot = 0; GmbCount = 0; return Plugin_Continue; } stock bool IsValidClient(client) { if (client >= 1 && client <= MaxClients && IsClientConnected(client) && IsClientInGame(client) && IsFakeClient(client) && IsClientSourceTV(client))return true; return false; } Tutaj jest plugin na JackPota jest jeden maly problem W czasie wpisywania !jackpot i dodanie wartosci np: !jackpot 100 to nam podwaja sume euro... Jak sie wygra Jackpota to tak samo zamiast dac nam z puli 100 euro daje nam x2 tego co juz mamy. Pomoze mi ktos to jakos rozwiazac jak dodac aby sprawdzlo ile mamy euro i zeby nam nie dubblowalo przy dawaniu !jackpot <euro>? // Ten JackPot jest na sklep zephyrsua ale chcialem go przerobic na nasza walute serwera...
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