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  1. Lista pluginow:


     01 <Failed> "CmodClass: Medyk" (1.0) by PLX
      02 <Failed> "Cmod Item: Ksiega expa" (0.1) by PLX
      03 <Failed> "Cmod Item: Krytyczne Naboje" (0.1) by PLX
      04 <Failed> "Cmod Item: Płonące naboje" (0.1) by PLX
      05 "Player Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
      06 <Failed> "Cmod Item: Tajemnica Majora" (0.1) by PLX
      07 "Basic Comm Control" ( by AlliedModders LLC
      08 " token changer" (1.2.1) by Adi - live4net
      09 <Failed> "Cmod Item: Weteran noża" (0.1) by PLX
      10 <Failed> "CmodClass: Wartownik" (1.0) by PLX
      11 <Failed> "CmodClass: Sandman" (1.0) by PLX
      12 "Basic Ban Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
      13 "Sound Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
      14 <Failed> "Cmod Item: Pas Terminatora" (0.1) by PLX
      15 <Failed> "Cmod Item: Smocza Perła" (0.1) by PLX
      16 <Failed> "CmodClass: Snajper" (1.0) by Lucifer
      17 "Basic Info Triggers" ( by AlliedModders LLC
      18 <Failed> "CmodClass: Nages [Premium]" (1.0) by PLX
      19 <Failed> "CmodClass: ProKiller [Premium]" (0.1) by Lucifer
      20 <Failed> "Cmod Item: Wyszkolenie sanitarne" (0.1) by PLX
      21 <Failed> "CmodClass: Berserk" (1.0) by PLX
      22 <Failed> "Cmod Item: Kamizelka NASA" (0.1) by PLX
      23 <Failed> "Cmod Item: Tajemnica Wojskowa" (0.1) by PLX
      24 "Anti-Flood" ( by AlliedModders LLC
      25 <Failed> "Cmod Item: Buty Komandosa" (0.1) by PLX
      26 "Basic Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
      27 "Nextmap" ( by AlliedModders LLC
      28 <Failed> "Cmod Item: Platynowe Naboje" (0.1) by PLX
      29 <Failed> "CmodClass: Nemrod" (1.0) by Lucifer
      30 <Failed> "Cmod Item: Obstrukcja" (0.1) by Lucifer
      31 <Failed> "CmodClass: Łowca" (1.0) by PLX
      32 <Failed> "Cmod Item: Noz Komandosa" (0.1) by PLX
      33 <Failed> "Cmod Item: Duma Nemrod'a" (0.1) by PLX
      34 <Failed> "Cmod Item: Prawa reka rambo" (0.1) by PLX
      35 <Failed> "Cmod Item: Naboje Kapitana" (0.1) by PLX
      36 <Failed> "CmodClass: ProPsychol [Premium]" (1.0) by PLX
      37 <Failed> "Cmod Item: Naboje Pulkownika" (0.1) by PLX
      38 <Failed> "Cmod Item: Tajemnica Skazanca" (0.1) by PLX
      39 <Failed> "Cmod Item: AWP Snajper" (0.1) by PLX
      40 <Failed> "Cmod Item: Błyskotka Demona" (0.1) by PLX
      41 "Admin Menu" ( by AlliedModders LLC
      42 "Reserved Slots" ( by AlliedModders LLC
      43 <Failed> "CmodClass: Szpieg [Premium]" (1.0) by PLX
      44 <Failed> "CmodClass: Anioł Zemsty" (1.0) by PLX
      45 "Admin Help" ( by AlliedModders LLC
      46 <Failed> "Cmod Item: Tajemnica Strzelca" (0.1) by PLX
      47 "In-game vip Menu" (0.9) by chundo
      48 <Failed> "CmodClass: Mnich" (1.0) by PLX
      49 <Failed> "CmodClass: Janosik" (1.0) by PLX
      50 <Failed> "CmodClass: Szarak [Premium]" (1.0) by PLX
      51 <Failed> "CmodClass: Ekspert" (1.0) by PLX
      52 <Failed> "CmodClass: Soldier" (1.0) by Lucifer
      53 <Failed> "Cmod Item: Pierścień Anioła" (0.1) by PLX
      54 <Failed> "Cmod Item: Podrecznik Szpiega" (0.1) by PLX
      55 <Failed> "CmodClass: Assassin" (1.0) by PLX
      56 <Failed> "CmodClass: Zwiadowca" (1.0) by Lucifer
      57 "Basic Votes" ( by AlliedModders LLC
      58 <Failed> "Cmod Item: Wytrenowany Weteran" (0.1) by PLX
      59 <Failed> "CmodClass: Komandos" (1.0) by Lucifer
      60 <Failed> "CmodClass: Wieśniak" (1.0) by PLX
      61 <Failed> "CmodClass: ProLog [Premium]" (1.0) by PLX
      62 "Fun Votes" ( by AlliedModders LLC
      63 <Failed> "CmodClass: Griffin" (1.0) by PLX
      64 "Basic Chat" ( by AlliedModders LLC
      65 <Failed> "CmodClass: Krasnolud" (1.0) by PLX
      66 <Failed> "Cmod Item: Peleryna Szaraka" (0.1) by Lucifer
      67 <Failed> "CmodClass: Koksownik" (1.0) by PLX
      68 "CS:GO DEMO Crash Fix" (1.1.0) by Thiry
      69 "Fun Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
      70 <Failed> "Cmod Item: Myśl ProLog'a" (0.1) by PLX
      71 <Failed> "Cmod Item: Mistrz Deagle" (0.1) by PLX
      72 <Failed> "CmodClass: Amadeusz" (1.0) by Lucifer
      73 <Failed> "Cmod Item: Notatki Ninjy" (0.1) by PLX
      74 "Admin File Reader" ( by AlliedModders LLC
      75 <Failed> "CmodClass: Ninja" (1.0) by Lucifer
      76 <Failed> "Cmod Item: Morfina" (0.1) by PLX
      77 <Failed> "CmodClass: Trog [Premium]" (1.0) by PLX
      78 "Client Preferences" ( by AlliedModders LLC
    Cmodclass_Medyk.smx (CmodClass: Medyk): Native "Cmod_GetClientINT" was not found
    Cmoditem_Ksiegaexpa.smx (Cmod Item: Ksiega expa): Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    Cmoditem_KrytyczneNaboje.smx (Cmod Item: Krytyczne Naboje): Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    Cmoditem_Plonacenaboje.smx (Cmod Item: Płonące naboje): Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    Cmoditem_TajemnicaMajora.smx (Cmod Item: Tajemnica Majora): Native "Cmod_GetClientINT" was not found
    Cmoditem_Weterannoza.smx (Cmod Item: Weteran noża): Native "Cmod_GetClientINT" was not found
    Cmodclass_Wartownik.smx (CmodClass: Wartownik): Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    Cmodclass_Sandman.smx (CmodClass: Sandman): Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    Cmoditem_Pasterminatora.smx (Cmod Item: Pas Terminatora): Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    Cmoditem_Smoczaperla.smx (Cmod Item: Smocza Perła): Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    Cmodclass_Snajper.smx (CmodClass: Snajper): Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    Cmodclass_Nages[Premium].smx (CmodClass: Nages [Premium]): Native "Cmod_GetClientINT" was not found
    Cmodclass_ProKiller[Premium].smx (CmodClass: ProKiller [Premium]): Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    Cmoditem_Wyszkoleniesanitarne.smx (Cmod Item: Wyszkolenie sanitarne): Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    Cmodclass_Berserk.smx (CmodClass: Berserk): Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    Cmoditem_KamizelkaNASA.smx (Cmod Item: Kamizelka NASA): Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    Cmoditem_TajemnicaWojskowa.smx (Cmod Item: Tajemnica Wojskowa): Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    Cmoditem_ButyKomandosa.smx (Cmod Item: Buty Komandosa): Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    Cmoditem_PlatynoweNaboje.smx (Cmod Item: Platynowe Naboje): Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    Cmodclass_Nemrod.smx (CmodClass: Nemrod): Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    Cmoditem_Obstrukcja.smx (Cmod Item: Obstrukcja): Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    Cmodclass_Lowca.smx (CmodClass: Łowca): Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    Cmoditem_NozKomandosa.smx (Cmod Item: Noz Komandosa): Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    Cmoditem_Dumanemroda.smx (Cmod Item: Duma Nemrod'a): Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    Cmoditem_Prawarekarambo.smx (Cmod Item: Prawa reka rambo): Native "Cmod_GetClientINT" was not found
    Cmoditem_NabojeKapitana.smx (Cmod Item: Naboje Kapitana): Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    Cmodclass_ProPsychol[Premium].smx (CmodClass: ProPsychol [Premium]): Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    Cmoditem_NabojePulkownika.smx (Cmod Item: Naboje Pulkownika): Native "Cmod_GetClientINT" was not found
    Cmoditem_TajemnicaSkazanca.smx (Cmod Item: Tajemnica Skazanca): Native "Cmod_GetClientINT" was not found
    Cmoditem_AWPSnajper.smx (Cmod Item: AWP Snajper): Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    Cmoditem_Blyskotkademona.smx (Cmod Item: Błyskotka Demona): Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    Cmodclass_Szpieg[Premium].smx (CmodClass: Szpieg [Premium]): Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    Cmodclass_Aniolzemsty.smx (CmodClass: Anioł Zemsty): Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    Cmoditem_TajemnicaStrzelca.smx (Cmod Item: Tajemnica Strzelca): Native "Cmod_GetClientINT" was not found
    Cmodclass_Mnich.smx (CmodClass: Mnich): Native "Cmod_GetClientINT" was not found
    Cmodclass_Janosik.smx (CmodClass: Janosik): Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    Cmodclass_Szarak[Premium].smx (CmodClass: Szarak [Premium]): Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    Cmodclass_Ekspert.smx (CmodClass: Ekspert): Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    Cmodclass_Soldier.smx (CmodClass: Soldier): Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    Cmoditem_Pierscienaniola.smx (Cmod Item: Pierścień Anioła): Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    Cmoditem_PodrecznikSzpiega.smx (Cmod Item: Podrecznik Szpiega): Native "Cmod_GetClientINT" was 
    not found
    Cmodclass_Assassin.smx (CmodClass: Assassin): Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    Cmodclass_Zwiadowca.smx (CmodClass: Zwiadowca): Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    Cmoditem_WytrenowanyWeteran.smx (Cmod Item: Wytrenowany Weteran): Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    Cmodclass_Komandos.smx (CmodClass: Komandos): Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    Cmodclass_Wiesniak.smx (CmodClass: Wieśniak): Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    Cmodclass_ProLog[Premium].smx (CmodClass: ProLog [Premium]): Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    Cmodclass_Griffin.smx (CmodClass: Griffin): Native "Cmod_GetClientINT" was not found
    Cmodclass_Krasnolud.smx (CmodClass: Krasnolud): Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    Cmoditem_Pelerynaszaraka.smx (Cmod Item: Peleryna Szaraka): Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    Cmodclass_Koksownik.smx (CmodClass: Koksownik): Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    Cmoditem_Myslprologa.smx (Cmod Item: Myśl ProLog'a): Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    Cmoditem_MistrzDeagle.smx (Cmod Item: Mistrz Deagle): Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    Cmodclass_Amadeusz.smx (CmodClass: Amadeusz): Native "Cmod_GetClientINT" was not found
    Cmoditem_NotatkiNinjy.smx (Cmod Item: Notatki Ninjy): Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    Cmodclass_Ninja.smx (CmodClass: Ninja): Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    Cmoditem_Morfina.smx (Cmod Item: Morfina): Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    Cmodclass_Trog[Premium].smx (CmodClass: Trog [Premium]): Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found



    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmodclass_Medyk.smx": Native "Cmod_GetClientINT" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmoditem_Ksiegaexpa.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmoditem_KrytyczneNaboje.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmoditem_Plonacenaboje.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmoditem_TajemnicaMajora.smx": Native "Cmod_GetClientINT" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmoditem_Weterannoza.smx": Native "Cmod_GetClientINT" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmodclass_Wartownik.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmodclass_Sandman.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmoditem_Pasterminatora.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmoditem_Smoczaperla.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmodclass_Snajper.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmodclass_Nages[Premium].smx": Native "Cmod_GetClientINT" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmodclass_ProKiller[Premium].smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmoditem_Wyszkoleniesanitarne.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmodclass_Berserk.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmoditem_KamizelkaNASA.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmoditem_TajemnicaWojskowa.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmoditem_ButyKomandosa.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmoditem_PlatynoweNaboje.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmodclass_Nemrod.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmoditem_Obstrukcja.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmodclass_Lowca.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmoditem_NozKomandosa.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmoditem_Dumanemroda.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmoditem_Prawarekarambo.smx": Native "Cmod_GetClientINT" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmoditem_NabojeKapitana.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmodclass_ProPsychol[Premium].smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmoditem_NabojePulkownika.smx": Native "Cmod_GetClientINT" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmoditem_TajemnicaSkazanca.smx": Native "Cmod_GetClientINT" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmoditem_AWPSnajper.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmoditem_Blyskotkademona.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmodclass_Szpieg[Premium].smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmodclass_Aniolzemsty.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmoditem_TajemnicaStrzelca.smx": Native "Cmod_GetClientINT" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmodclass_Mnich.smx": Native "Cmod_GetClientINT" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmodclass_Janosik.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmodclass_Szarak[Premium].smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmodclass_Ekspert.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmodclass_Soldier.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmoditem_Pierscienaniola.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmoditem_PodrecznikSzpiega.smx": Native "Cmod_GetClientINT" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmodclass_Assassin.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmodclass_Zwiadowca.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmoditem_WytrenowanyWeteran.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmodclass_Komandos.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmodclass_Wiesniak.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmodclass_ProLog[Premium].smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmodclass_Griffin.smx": Native "Cmod_GetClientINT" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmodclass_Krasnolud.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmoditem_Pelerynaszaraka.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmodclass_Koksownik.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmoditem_Myslprologa.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmoditem_MistrzDeagle.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmodclass_Amadeusz.smx": Native "Cmod_GetClientINT" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmoditem_NotatkiNinjy.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmodclass_Ninja.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmoditem_Morfina.smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterItem" was not found
    L 12/14/2017 - 14:52:42: [SM] Unable to load plugin "Cmodclass_Trog[Premium].smx": Native "Cmod_RegisterClass" was not found







    Dobra naprawilem temat do zamkniecia.

  2. Opis:   Sprzedam serwer cs go CODMOD serwer opłacony jescze na 5 dni graczy od 10 do 14 ( przez 4 ostatnie dni  serwer był wyłączony) serwer sporo zarabia. 
    Cena:  90 zł (do negocjacji) 
    Płatność:  PayPal/Przelew
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