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  1. Dzisiaj
  2. Naro

    Kupie rozkręcony serwer

    czemu bez paczki? 3 tysiące za serwer to mało? :v
  3. I wonder if someone can find me the source of this plugin from pictures?Also,this plugin can show not only top15 but also top30,top40,top200 etc Attached Thumbnails Przeczytaj cały wpis
  4. Hello i tried my best to edit a plugin speedmeter for players get only 1 ammopacks every time they reach 1800 speed. But the problem is if the players stay at +1800 speed for too long they will get a lot of Aps as you can see in Screan Shot Request: Is it possible to make a players get 1 ammo packs everytime they hit 1800 speed? Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (zp_addons_speedometer.sma - 2.8 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  5. Wczoraj
  6. Requires Left4dhooks Hi. I've been working on a fork of a TF2 plugin for L4D2 since a couple of days ago and thought i would share this with this community. What is this? This plugin is a fork of a TF2 plugin that has been converted for use in L4D2 campaign mode. It will allow players in the infected team to respawn, have human-controlled tanks, and allow changing teams. Is there any commands? Yeah! There are some commands in here. Here are the list of all of them Code: sm_infected - Joins the infected team. They will spawn in a total of 22 seconds. sm_survivor - If there is any bots left in the survivor team, It will take control of a survivor bot and will join the Survivors team.What about CVars? Code: sm_campaignversus_version - Do not even think about touching this. sm_campaignversus_enable - Enables or disables this plugin. Doesn't affect the commands at this time. Default value is 1. sm_campaignversus_bots - Allow bots to respawn. This is non-functional. Default value is 0. sm_campaignversus_time - Time that is required to respawn. Default value is 16. sm_campaignversus_hint_text - Enable/disable displaying the time (with hint text) until the player will respawn. sm_campaignversus_center_text - Enable/disable displaying the time (with center text) until the player will respawn. Default value is 0. sm_campaignversus_admin_flags - Restrict the respawn timer to only affect players with certain admin flag(s). If using multiple flags (you can use up to 5), seperate each with a comma (,) and make sure to end with a comma. Leave this blank to disable. sm_campaignversus_end_round - Enable/disable respawning after a round ends. Default value is 0.Download on GitHub Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  7. Change log Spoiler Code: 1.0 (2024-04-25: -init public release. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (block_mega_mob_sound.sp - 1.2 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  8. only spawn mob ahead of team, very useful for 8+ players coop. Change log Spoiler Code: 1.0 (2024-04-25: -init public release. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (mod_ahead.sp - 815 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  9. spawn mob by time, and auto stop if finale stage start to pervent stage stuck. Cvars PHP Code: mob_timer_start "5.0" mob_timer_repeat "15.0" Change log Spoiler Code: 1.0 (2024-04-25: -init public release. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (mob_timer.sp - 3.9 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  10. 3k to ten jb chyba po reinstallu bez paczki
  11. I use this plugin for my 35hp server but I don't know why all people with ADMIN_IMMUNITY can select any knife whether they have the required level or not. How can I solve this? PHP Code: public KnifeSkinsMenu(id) { new szItem[256], szAlien[50], szEllium[50], szDark[50], szTransparent[50], szGenuine[50], szHunt[50], szShadow[50], szSlaughterer[50], szKatana[50], szAssasins[50], szLightsaber[50], szWolverine[50], szProton[50]; new level = iLevel[id] > 0 ? iLevel[id] : 1; new xp = level * StartedLevel; if( iLevel[id] > 0 ) { xp += ( xp * 4 / 2 ); } formatex(szItem, charsmax(szItem), "\w[ \r%s \w] \yKnife Skins Menu \rv%s^n\yYour Level: \r%d \w- \yYour XP: \r%d\w/\r%d\w.^n\yPage:\r", g_VAULTNAME, VERSION,iLevel[id],iXp[id], xp); formatex(szAlien, charsmax(szAlien),"%s", iLevel[id] >= 1 ? "\wAlien Knife [\yUNLOCKED\w]" : "\d???? ????? [\rLEVEL 1 REQUIRE\d]"); formatex(szEllium, charsmax(szEllium),"%s", iLevel[id] >= 2 ? "\wEllium Knife [\yUNLOCKED\w]" : "\d?????? ?????? [\rLEVEL 2 REQUIRE\d]"); formatex(szDark, charsmax(szDark),"%s", iLevel[id] >= 3 ? "\wDark Dagger [\yUNLOCKED\w]" : "\d???? ?????? [\rLEVEL 3 REQUIRE\d]"); formatex(szTransparent, charsmax(szTransparent),"%s", iLevel[id] >= 4 ? "\wTransparent Knife [\yUNLOCKED\w]" : "\d??????????? ????? [\rLEVEL 4 REQUIRE\d]"); formatex(szGenuine, charsmax(szGenuine),"%s", iLevel[id] >= 5 ? "\wGenuine Dagger [\yUNLOCKED\w]" : "\d??????? ?????? [\rLEVEL 5 REQUIRE\d]"); formatex(szHunt, charsmax(szHunt),"%s", iLevel[id] >= 6 ? "\wHunt Blade [\yUNLOCKED\w]" : "\d???? ????? [\rLEVEL 6 REQUIRE\d]"); formatex(szShadow, charsmax(szShadow),"%s", iLevel[id] >= 7 ? "\wShadow Blade [\yUNLOCKED\w]" : "\d?????? ????? [\rLEVEL 7 REQUIRE\d]"); formatex(szSlaughterer, charsmax(szSlaughterer),"%s", iLevel[id] >= 8 ? "\wSlaughterer Axe [\yUNLOCKED\w]" : "\d??????????? ??? [\rLEVEL 8 REQUIRE\d]"); formatex(szKatana, charsmax(szKatana),"%s", iLevel[id] >= 9 ? "\wGolden Katana [\yUNLOCKED\w]" : "\d?????? ?????? [\rLEVEL 9 REQUIRE\d]"); formatex(szAssasins, charsmax(szAssasins),"%s", iLevel[id] >= 10 ? "\wAssasin's Blade [\yUNLOCKED\w]" : "\d???????? ????? [\rLEVEL 10 REQUIRE\d]"); formatex(szLightsaber, charsmax(szLightsaber),"%s", iLevel[id] >= 11 ? "\wLightsaber [\yUNLOCKED\w]" : "\d?????????? [\rLEVEL 11 REQUIRE\d]"); formatex(szWolverine, charsmax(szWolverine),"%s", iLevel[id] >= 12 ? "\wBloody Wolverine Claws [\yUNLOCKED\w]" : "\d?????? ????????? ????? [\rLEVEL 12 REQUIRE\d]"); formatex(szProton, charsmax(szProton),"%s", iLevel[id] >= 13 ? "\wProton Axe [\yUNLOCKED\w]" : "\d?????? ??? [\rLEVEL 13 REQUIRE\d]"); new menu = menu_create( szItem, "KnifeSkinsMenu_Handler" ); menu_additem(menu, "\wNormal Knife [\yUNLOCKED\w]", "", 0 ); menu_additem(menu, szAlien, "", iLevel[id] >= 1 ? 0 : 1); menu_additem(menu, szEllium, "", iLevel[id] >= 2 ? 0 : 1); menu_additem(menu, szDark, "", iLevel[id] >= 3 ? 0 : 1); menu_additem(menu, szTransparent, "", iLevel[id] >= 4 ? 0 : 1); menu_additem(menu, szGenuine, "", iLevel[id] >= 5 ? 0 : 1); menu_additem(menu, szHunt, "", iLevel[id] >= 6 ? 0 : 1); menu_additem(menu, szShadow, "", iLevel[id] >= 7 ? 0 : 1); menu_additem(menu, szSlaughterer, "", iLevel[id] >= 8 ? 0 : 1); menu_additem(menu, szKatana, "", iLevel[id] >= 9 ? 0 : 1); menu_additem(menu, szAssasins, "", iLevel[id] >= 10 ? 0 : 1); menu_additem(menu, szLightsaber, "", iLevel[id] >= 11 ? 0 : 1); menu_additem(menu, szWolverine, "", iLevel[id] >= 12 ? 0 : 1); menu_additem(menu, szProton, "", iLevel[id] >= 13 ? 0 : 1); menu_setprop(menu, MPROP_EXIT, MEXIT_ALL ); menu_display(id, menu, 0 ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  12. Ostatni tydzień
  13. @Mesharsky NET8 nie zadziała na cssharp 202, prawda ?
  14. hi there, could someone please do a plugin for me fast? when the player entered the server he would get a question like "Do you want to change your mp3 volume?" with answers: "1. Yes" "2. No" If 1, cliend cmd would change his MP3Volume to 0.02 If no, nothing happens. I know its not that hard to make, i could make it myself but im really busy these days i have to research first. thanks indeed! Przeczytaj cały wpis
  15. Naro

    Kupie rozkręcony serwer

    F5 kupię rozkręcony serwer JailBreak cs 1.6 cena do 3k
  16. Hello, could someone edit my pvipshop and make a .ini file for it? For example: Create a ini file called zp_pvipshop.ini And inside that file i want it to be like this [Extraitems] "Name of the item in menu" "Item" "Price" "RoundLimit" "MapLimit" "Shining Heart" "Shining Heart Rod" "65000" "" "1" // also if the "" for the respective function is empty that means there wont be any round limit or map limit * You can remove the hardcoded armor and health, i have another plugin for them. HTML Code: #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #include <fun> #include <cstrike> #include <zp_buymenu> #include <colorchat> #include <zombieplague> #define PLUGIN "PVIP Shop" #define VERSION "1.0" #define AUTHOR "tedaimlocks" #define PVIP_FLAG ADMIN_LEVEL_D #define MAX_USES_PER_ROUND 5 #define MAX_USES_PER_MAP 1 new HasUsedItemArmorPerRoundLimit[33][MAX_USES_PER_ROUND] new HasUsedItemHealthPerRoundLimit[33][MAX_USES_PER_ROUND] new HasUsedItem1PerMapLimit[33][MAX_USES_PER_MAP] new HasUsedItem2PerMapLimit[33][MAX_USES_PER_MAP] new HasUsedItem3PerMapLimit[33][MAX_USES_PER_MAP] public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR) register_clcmd("say /pvip", "PVIPMenu") register_logevent("logevent_RoundStart", 2, "1=Round_Start"); } public logevent_RoundStart() { new i, j; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(HasUsedItemArmorPerRoundLimit); i++) { for (j = 0; j < MAX_USES_PER_ROUND; j++) { HasUsedItemArmorPerRoundLimit[i][j] = false; } } for (i = 0; i < sizeof(HasUsedItemHealthPerRoundLimit); i++) { for (j = 0; j < MAX_USES_PER_ROUND; j++) { HasUsedItemHealthPerRoundLimit[i][j] = false; } } } public PVIPMenu(id) { if(!(get_user_flags(id) & PVIP_FLAG) || !is_user_alive(id) || zp_get_user_zombie(id) || zp_get_user_survivor(id)) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } new title[198]; new money = zp_cs_get_user_money(id); formatex(title, charsmax(title), "\ySPK - Zombie Plague \r[CSO] \d | PVIP Shop^nMoney: %d", money); new menu = menu_create(title, "PVIPMenuHandler"); new ArmorUsesRound = GetNumUsesRound(id, HasUsedItemArmorPerRoundLimit); new HealthUsesRound = GetNumUsesRound(id, HasUsedItemHealthPerRoundLimit); new ShiningHeartRodUsesMap = GetNumUsesMap(id, HasUsedItem1PerMapLimit); new NemesisUsesMap = GetNumUsesMap(id, HasUsedItem2PerMapLimit); new SurvivorUsesMap = GetNumUsesMap(id, HasUsedItem3PerMapLimit); new ArmorMenuItemRoundLimit[128]; new HealthMenuItemRoundLimit[128]; new ItemShiningHeartRodMapLimit[128]; new ItemNemesisMapLimit[128]; new ItemSurvivorMapLimit[128]; if(zp_cs_get_user_money(id) <= 2499) { format(ArmorMenuItemRoundLimit, sizeof(ArmorMenuItemRoundLimit), "\d100 Armor \d[\r%d\d/\y%d \rper round\d] \d| \y[\r2500$\y]", ArmorUsesRound, MAX_USES_PER_ROUND); format(HealthMenuItemRoundLimit, sizeof(HealthMenuItemRoundLimit), "\d100 Health \d[\r%d\d/\y%d \rper round\d] \d| \y[\r2500$\y]", HealthUsesRound, MAX_USES_PER_ROUND); format(ItemShiningHeartRodMapLimit, sizeof(ItemShiningHeartRodMapLimit), "\dShining Heart Rod \d[\r%d\d/\y%d \rper map\d] \d| \y[\r65000$\y]", ShiningHeartRodUsesMap, MAX_USES_PER_MAP); format(ItemNemesisMapLimit, sizeof(ItemNemesisMapLimit), "\dNemesis \d[\r%d\d/\y%d \rper map\d] \d| \y[\r150000$\y]", NemesisUsesMap, MAX_USES_PER_MAP); format(ItemSurvivorMapLimit, sizeof(ItemSurvivorMapLimit), "\dSurvivor \d[\r%d\d/\y%d \rper map\d] \d| \y[\r150000$\y]", SurvivorUsesMap, MAX_USES_PER_MAP); } else if(zp_cs_get_user_money(id) <= 64999) { format(ArmorMenuItemRoundLimit, sizeof(ArmorMenuItemRoundLimit), "100 Armor \d[\r%d\d/\y%d \rper round\d] \d| \y[\r2500$\y]", ArmorUsesRound, MAX_USES_PER_ROUND); format(HealthMenuItemRoundLimit, sizeof(HealthMenuItemRoundLimit), "100 Health \d[\r%d\d/\y%d \rper round\d] \d| \y[\r2500$\y]", HealthUsesRound, MAX_USES_PER_ROUND); format(ItemShiningHeartRodMapLimit, sizeof(ItemShiningHeartRodMapLimit), "\dShining Heart Rod \d[\r%d\d/\y%d \rper map\d] \d| \y[\r65000$\y]", ShiningHeartRodUsesMap, MAX_USES_PER_MAP); format(ItemNemesisMapLimit, sizeof(ItemNemesisMapLimit), "\dNemesis \d[\r%d\d/\y%d \rper map\d] \d| \y[\r150000$\y]", NemesisUsesMap, MAX_USES_PER_MAP); format(ItemSurvivorMapLimit, sizeof(ItemSurvivorMapLimit), "\dSurvivor \d[\r%d\d/\y%d \rper map\d] \d| \y[\r150000$\y]", SurvivorUsesMap, MAX_USES_PER_MAP); } else if(zp_cs_get_user_money(id) <= 149999) { format(ArmorMenuItemRoundLimit, sizeof(ArmorMenuItemRoundLimit), "100 Armor \d[\r%d\d/\y%d \rper round\d] \d| \y[\r2500$\y]", ArmorUsesRound, MAX_USES_PER_ROUND); format(HealthMenuItemRoundLimit, sizeof(HealthMenuItemRoundLimit), "100 Health \d[\r%d\d/\y%d \rper round\d] \d| \y[\r2500$\y]", HealthUsesRound, MAX_USES_PER_ROUND); format(ItemShiningHeartRodMapLimit, sizeof(ItemShiningHeartRodMapLimit), "Shining Heart Rod \d[\r%d\d/\y%d \rper map\d] \d| \y[\r65000$\y]", ShiningHeartRodUsesMap, MAX_USES_PER_MAP); format(ItemNemesisMapLimit, sizeof(ItemNemesisMapLimit), "\dNemesis \d[\r%d\d/\y%d \rper map\d] \d| \y[\r150000$\y]", NemesisUsesMap, MAX_USES_PER_MAP); format(ItemSurvivorMapLimit, sizeof(ItemSurvivorMapLimit), "\dSurvivor \d[\r%d\d/\y%d \rper map\d] \d| \y[\r150000$\y]", SurvivorUsesMap, MAX_USES_PER_MAP); } else { format(ArmorMenuItemRoundLimit, sizeof(ArmorMenuItemRoundLimit), "100 Armor \d[\r%d\d/\y%d \rper round\d] \d| \y[\r2500$\y]", ArmorUsesRound, MAX_USES_PER_ROUND); format(HealthMenuItemRoundLimit, sizeof(HealthMenuItemRoundLimit), "100 Health \d[\r%d\d/\y%d \rper round\d] \d| \y[\r2500$\y]", HealthUsesRound, MAX_USES_PER_ROUND); format(ItemShiningHeartRodMapLimit, sizeof(ItemShiningHeartRodMapLimit), "Shining Heart Rod \d[\r%d\d/\y%d \rper map\d] \d| \y[\r65000$\y]", ShiningHeartRodUsesMap, MAX_USES_PER_MAP); format(ItemNemesisMapLimit, sizeof(ItemNemesisMapLimit), "Nemesis \d[\r%d\d/\y%d \rper map\d] \d| \y[\r150000$\y]", NemesisUsesMap, MAX_USES_PER_MAP); format(ItemSurvivorMapLimit, sizeof(ItemSurvivorMapLimit), "Survivor \d[\r%d\d/\y%d \rper map\d] \d| \y[\r150000$\y]", SurvivorUsesMap, MAX_USES_PER_MAP); } menu_additem(menu, ArmorMenuItemRoundLimit, "1"); menu_additem(menu, HealthMenuItemRoundLimit, "2"); menu_additem(menu, ItemShiningHeartRodMapLimit, "3"); menu_additem(menu, ItemNemesisMapLimit, "4"); menu_additem(menu, ItemSurvivorMapLimit, "5"); menu_setprop(menu, MPROP_EXITNAME, "Exit"); menu_display(id, menu); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } public PVIPMenuHandler(id, menu, item) { switch(item) { case 0: { if(is_user_alive(id)) PVIPMenuItemArmorPerRoundLimit(id); else return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } case 1: { if(is_user_alive(id)) PVIPMenuItemHealthPerRoundLimit(id); else return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } case 2: { if(is_user_alive(id)) PVIPMenuItem1PerMapLimit(id); else return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } case 3: { if(is_user_alive(id)) PVIPMenuItem2PerMapLimit(id); else return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } case 4: { if(is_user_alive(id)) PVIPMenuItem3PerMapLimit(id); else return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } public PVIPMenuItemArmorPerRoundLimit(id) { new uses = GetNumUsesRound(id, HasUsedItemArmorPerRoundLimit); if (uses >= MAX_USES_PER_ROUND) { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "^x01[^x04SPK ZM^x01]^x03 You have reached the maximum uses of^x04 Armor^x03 for this round."); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if(zp_cs_get_user_money(id) <= 2499) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } zp_cs_set_user_money(id, zp_cs_get_user_money(id) - 2500); set_user_armor(id, get_user_armor(id) + 100); HasUsedItemArmorPerRoundLimit[id][uses] = true; return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } public PVIPMenuItemHealthPerRoundLimit(id) { new uses = GetNumUsesRound(id, HasUsedItemHealthPerRoundLimit); if (uses >= MAX_USES_PER_ROUND) { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "^x01[^x04SPK ZM^x01]^x03 You have reached the maximum uses of^x04 Health^x03 for this round."); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if(zp_cs_get_user_money(id) <= 2499) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } zp_cs_set_user_money(id, zp_cs_get_user_money(id) - 2500); set_user_health(id, get_user_health(id) + 100); HasUsedItemHealthPerRoundLimit[id][uses] = true; return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } public PVIPMenuItem1PerMapLimit(id) { new uses = GetNumUsesMap(id, HasUsedItem1PerMapLimit); if (uses >= MAX_USES_PER_MAP) { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "^x01[^x04SPK ZM^x01]^x03 You have reached the maximum uses of^x04 Shining Heart Rod^x03 for this map."); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if (zp_get_extra_item_id("Shining Heart Rod") != -1) { if(zp_cs_get_user_money(id) <= 149999) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } zp_cs_set_user_money(id, zp_cs_get_user_money(id) - 150000); zp_force_buy_extra_item(id, zp_get_extra_item_id("Shining Heart Rod"), 1); HasUsedItem1PerMapLimit[id][uses] = true; } else { if(zp_cs_get_user_money(id) <= 149999) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } else { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "^x01[^x04SPK ZM^x01]^x03 The item^x04 Shining Heart Rod^x03 was not found."); HasUsedItem1PerMapLimit[id][uses] = false; } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } public PVIPMenuItem2PerMapLimit(id) { new uses = GetNumUsesMap(id, HasUsedItem2PerMapLimit); if (uses >= MAX_USES_PER_MAP) { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "^x01[^x04SPK ZM^x01]^x03 You have reached the maximum uses of^x04 Nemesis^x03 for this map."); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if (zp_get_extra_item_id("Nemesis") != -1) { if(zp_cs_get_user_money(id) <= 149999) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } zp_cs_set_user_money(id, zp_cs_get_user_money(id) - 150000); zp_force_buy_extra_item(id, zp_get_extra_item_id("Nemesis"), 1); HasUsedItem2PerMapLimit[id][uses] = true; } else { if(zp_cs_get_user_money(id) <= 149999) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } else { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "^x01[^x04SPK ZM^x01]^x03 The item^x04 Nemesis^x03 was not found."); HasUsedItem2PerMapLimit[id][uses] = false; } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } public PVIPMenuItem3PerMapLimit(id) { new uses = GetNumUsesMap(id, HasUsedItem3PerMapLimit); if (uses >= MAX_USES_PER_MAP) { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "^x01[^x04SPK ZM^x01]^x03 You have reached the maximum uses of^x04 Survivor^x03 for this map."); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if (zp_get_extra_item_id("Survivor") != -1) { if(zp_cs_get_user_money(id) <= 149999) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } zp_cs_set_user_money(id, zp_cs_get_user_money(id) - 150000); zp_force_buy_extra_item(id, zp_get_extra_item_id("Survivor"), 1); HasUsedItem3PerMapLimit[id][uses] = true; } else { if(zp_cs_get_user_money(id) <= 149999) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } else { ColorChat(id, GREEN, "^x01[^x04SPK ZM^x01]^x03 The item^x04 Survivor^x03 was not found."); HasUsedItem3PerMapLimit[id][uses] = false; } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } public GetNumUsesRound(id, array[][]) { new uses = 0; new i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_USES_PER_ROUND; i++) { if (array[id][i]) { uses++; } } return uses; } public GetNumUsesMap(id, array[][]) { new uses = 0; new i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_USES_PER_MAP; i++) { if (array[id][i]) { uses++; } } return uses; } Przeczytaj cały wpis

    RSSSlay Fire

    Hello! This plugin are supposed to burn players alive to death. the plugin made by f117bomb, i just found it yesterday but i got 2 problems -There is no Effects, Sounds -If you try to burn other players you die to can anyone fix it PHP Code: /* AMX Mod script. * * (c) Copyright 2002-2003, f117bomb * This file is provided as is (no warranties). */ #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #include <fun> public plugin_init() { register_plugin("AINO Commands", "2.0", "AMX(x) Community") register_dictionary("admin_allinone.txt") register_concmd("amx_slay_fire","fire_player",ADMIN_MAP,"<authid, nick or #userid>") } new gmsgDamage,smoke,mflash new onfire[33] public fire_player(id,level,cid) { if (!cmd_access(id,level,cid,2)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED new arg[32] read_argv(1,arg,31) new victim = cmd_target(id,arg,7) if (!victim) return PLUGIN_HANDLED new skIndex[2] skIndex[0] = victim new name[32] get_user_name(victim,name,31) onfire[victim] = 1 ignite_effects(skIndex) ignite_player(skIndex) new adminname[32] get_user_name(id,adminname,31) switch(get_cvar_num("amx_show_activity")) { case 2: client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "AINO_FIRE_PLAYER_CASE2", adminname, name) case 1: client_print(0, print_chat, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "AINO_FIRE_PLAYER_CASE1", name) } console_print(id, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "AINO_FIRE_PLAYER_SUCCESS",name) log_amx("%L", LANG_SERVER, "AINO_LOG_FIRE_PLAYER", adminname, name) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public ignite_effects(skIndex[]) { new kIndex = skIndex[0] gmsgDamage = get_user_msgid("Damage") if (is_user_alive(kIndex) && onfire[kIndex] ) { new korigin[3] get_user_origin(kIndex,korigin) //TE_SPRITE - additive sprite, plays 1 cycle message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST,SVC_TEMPENTITY) write_byte( 17 ) write_coord(korigin[0]) // coord, coord, coord (position) write_coord(korigin[1]) write_coord(korigin[2]) write_short( mflash ) // short (sprite index) write_byte( 20 ) // byte (scale in 0.1's) write_byte( 200 ) // byte (brightness) message_end() //Smoke message_begin( MSG_BROADCAST,SVC_TEMPENTITY,korigin) write_byte( 5 ) write_coord(korigin[0])// coord coord coord (position) write_coord(korigin[1]) write_coord(korigin[2]) write_short( smoke )// short (sprite index) write_byte( 20 ) // byte (scale in 0.1's) write_byte( 15 ) // byte (framerate) message_end() set_task(0.2, "ignite_effects" , 0 , skIndex, 2) } else { if( onfire[kIndex] ) { emit_sound(kIndex,CHAN_AUTO, "scientist/scream21.wav", 0.6, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_HIGH) onfire[kIndex] = 0 } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public ignite_player(skIndex[]) { new kIndex = skIndex[0] if (is_user_alive(kIndex) && onfire[kIndex] ) { new korigin[3] new players[32], inum = 0 new pOrigin[3] new kHeath = get_user_health(kIndex) get_user_origin(kIndex,korigin) //create some damage set_user_health(kIndex,kHeath - 10) message_begin(MSG_ONE, gmsgDamage, {0,0,0}, kIndex) write_byte(30) // dmg_save write_byte(30) // dmg_take write_long(1<<21) // visibleDamageBits write_coord(korigin[0]) // damageOrigin.x write_coord(korigin[1]) // damageOrigin.y write_coord(korigin[2]) // damageOrigin.z message_end() //create some sound emit_sound(kIndex,CHAN_ITEM, "ambience/flameburst1.wav", 0.6, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM) //Ignite Others get_players(players,inum,"a") for(new i = 0 ;i < inum; ++i) { get_user_origin(players[i],pOrigin) if( get_distance(korigin,pOrigin) < 100 ) { if( !onfire[players[i]] ) { new spIndex[2] spIndex[0] = players[i] new pName[32], kName[32] get_user_name(players[i],pName,31) get_user_name(kIndex,kName,31) emit_sound(players[i],CHAN_WEAPON ,"scientist/scream07.wav", 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_HIGH) client_print(0, 3, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "* [AMXX] OH! NO! %s has caught %s on fire!",kName,pName) onfire[players[i]] =1 ignite_player(players[i]) ignite_effects(players[i]) } } } players[0] = 0 pOrigin[0] = 0 korigin[0] = 0 //Call Again in 2 seconds set_task(2.0, "ignite_player" , 0 , skIndex, 2) } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  18. Pobierz ten plugin: Bezpośrednie pobranie:
  19. Dorzucam tutaj kolejna mapę dla sieci 1S2K - am_minecraftfix
  20. Po ustawieniu takich parametrów startowych serwera CS2: ./game/ -dedicated +ip (CENZURA) +map de_mirage -maxplayers 64 +sv_setsteamaccount (CENZURA) +game_type 0 +game_mode 1 -usercon +exec server.cfg i dodaniu komendy mp_limitteams 32 do server.cfg nie można dołączyć do drużyny jeżeli jest w niej 5 osób. Ktoś pomoże? Jak zwiększyć limit graczy w drużynie ?

    RSSAvH 1.0 Mod

    Description : AvH Mod is a Counter-Strike server side modification, it's a new gameplay, (its like the AvH ) Ts side are the alliens and CTs side are the human. Requirements: Mods: Counter-Strike 1.6 AMXX: Version 1.8.0 or later Installation: Download and extract the contents from the .rar file to your server's mod directory (cstrike) and make sure to keep folder structure AvH Mod 1.0 : Contains the plugin itself and configuration files and default models and sounds (only required for a first download) Download : Aici Attached Files AvH.amxx (71.1 KB) Get Plugin or Get Source (AvH.sma - 82.8 KB) avh_ambience.ini (547 Bytes) (3.4 KB) (1.2 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  22. Temat do zamknięcia problem rozwiązany i to ZA DARMO. :) Można zamknąć @Weak.
  23. Radio Gag System Description:This plugin is to silence annoying people who spam radio messages (note that the plugin does not depend on a database, it only works once per map) Commands Usage:amx_rgag <nick | authid | #userid> (for gag radio spammer by name or steamid or 'userid but use # before userid' ) amx_ip_rgag <ip> (for gag radio spammer by ip) amx_unrgag <nick | authid | #userid> (for ungag radio user by name or steamid or 'userid but use # before userid' ) amx_ip_unrgag <ip> (for ungag radio user by ip) Video: Screenshot: Attached Thumbnails Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (radio_gag.sma - 7.5 KB) cstrike (addons and sounds).zip (27.0 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  24. Jak się ktoś nad tobą zlituje za darmo to ze świecą takich szukać
  25. Witam może tutaj znajdę magika co zrobi lub ma jakiegoś fixa do naprawy fleszy a mianowicie czasu ich działania. Aktualnie flesze działają tak że jak dostaniesz 2 lub wiecej to te czasy jakby się dodawały, sumowały co trzyma bardzo długo. Nie wiem od czego to zależy i w czym leży problem ale testowałem już wszystkie anty flesze dla swoich bo myślałem że może tam tkwi problem ale na każdym pluginie jest tak samo.
  26. [CS2][CSS] System Automatycznych Misji Aktualna wersja: 0.2 Cena pluginu: 120 zł OPIS PLUGINU: Witam, Na sprzedaż mam plugin Automatycznych Misji, Ten plugin umożliwia graczom wykonywanie zadań oraz zdobywanie nagród w sposób zautomatyzowany. Plugin został zaprojektowany z myślą o minimalnej ingerencji w jego kod. Wszystkie misje możesz tworzyć samodzielnie poprzez plik konfiguracyjny. Plugin automatycznie zapisuje/aktualizuje misję z pliku konfiguracyjnego do bazy danych mysql. Nie ma żadnych ograniczeń co do liczby misji, które możesz stworzyć. WYMAGANA BAZA DANYCH MYSQL INTEGRACJE: K4-System: - Integracja polega na zdobywaniu punktów Rangi Sklep [Prywatny] - Integracja polega na zdobywaniu kredytów do sklepu Jeżeli chcesz integrację z innym pluginem, napisz w wiadomości prywatnej. KOMENDY: !misje - Otwiera główne menu misji: !misja - Wyświetla informacje o twojej aktualnej misji PRZYKŁADOWA KONFIGURACJA: { "DATABASE_CONNECTION_DATA": { "db_host": "", "db_user": "", "db_name": "", "db_password": "", "port": "3306" }, "acts": [ { "name": "AKT 1 (Łatwy)", "missions": [ { "name": "Początkowy Zabójca", // Nazwa misji "description": "Zabij 10 wrogów z dowolnej broni", // Opis misji "required_amount": 10, // Wymagana ilość do ukończenia misji "reward_credits": 100, // Nagroda kredyty/punkty "requirement_type": null, // Dodatkowy wymóg "requirement_value": null // Wartość dodatkowego wymogu }, { "name": "Wielbiciel Pistoletów", "description": "Zabij 20 wrogów z dowolnego pistoletu", "required_amount": 20, "reward_credits": 50, "requirement_type": "pistol", "requirement_value": "" }, { "name": "Wrodzony Snajper", "description": "Zabij 100 wrogów z AWP/SCOUT", "required_amount": 100, "reward_credits": 800, "requirement_type": "weapon", "requirement_value": "awp;ssg08" }, { "name": "Pistoletowy Snajper", "description": "Zabij HS 50 wrogów z dowolnego pistoletu", "required_amount": 50, "reward_credits": 500, "requirement_type": "hspistol", "requirement_value": "" } ] }, { "name": "AKT 2 (Średni)", "missions": [ { "name": "Najlepszy Gracz W Rundzie", "description": "Zdobądź 10 MVP", "required_amount": 10, "reward_credits": 500, "requirement_type": "mvp", "requirement_value": null }, { "name": "Podłóż/rozbrój bombe 20 razy", "description": "Podłóż/rozbrój bombe 15 razy", "required_amount": 20, "reward_credits": 1200, "requirement_type": "bomb_plant_and_defuse", "requirement_value": "" }, { "name": "Mistrz Headshotów", "description": "Zabij HS 200 wrogów z dowolnej broni", "required_amount": 200, "reward_credits": 1800, "requirement_type": "headshot", "requirement_value": "" } ] }, { "name": "AKT 3 (Trudny)", "missions": [ { "name": "500 Killi", "description": "Zabij 500 osób z dowolnej broni", "required_amount": 500, "reward_credits": 2000, "requirement_type": null, "requirement_value": null }, { "name": "Najlepszy w każdej rundzie", "description": "Zdobądź 20 MVP", "required_amount": 20, "reward_credits": 1000, "requirement_type": "mvp", "requirement_value": null } ] } ], "ConfigVersion": 1 } SCREENSHOOTY: KONTAKT: Discord: mesharsky Steam:
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