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  1. Dzisiaj
  2. Hi! Can someone help me to fix this error? I'm using Amxmodx AMX Mod X + Metamod v1.20 Code: //// alt_end_round_sounds(beta).sma // // cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\alt_end_round_sounds(beta).sma(639) : fatal error 112: specify either all dimensions or only the last dimension // // Compilation aborted. // 1 Error. // Could not locate output file compiled\alt_end_round_sounds(beta).amx (compile failed). // // Compilation Time: 0.08 sec Code: /* - - - - - - - - - - - AMX Mod X script. Copyright (C) 2007 - Arkshine Plugin : 'Alternative End Round Sounds' Version : v2.3b Original idea and plugin by PaintLancer. Orignal thread : This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA In addition, as a special exception, the author gives permission to link the code of this program with the Half-Life Game Engine ("HL Engine") and Modified Game Libraries ("MODs") developed by Valve, L.L.C ("Valve"). You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than the HL Engine and MODs from Valve. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Description : - - - - - - - Plays random music at the end of a round according to who wins, instead of just "Terrorists Win" or "Counter-Terrorists Win". Features : - - - - - - * Support for mp3 and wav files * Using a file for the sounds * Per-map config files supported * Per-map prefix config files supported * Sounds can be toggle on/off by players * Ability to choice x sounds to be precache per map * Multilingual support Requirements : - - - - - - - - * CS 1.6 / CZ * AMX/X 1.7x or higher Cvars : - - - - * ers_enabled <iNum <0|1> Disable/Enable this plugin. (default: 1) * ers_player_toggle <iNum> <0|1> Disable/Enable the client command /roundsound (default: 1) * erc_time_ads <iTime> Times in seconds between each ads messages. 0 disable ads. (default: 120) * erc_random_precache <iMaxTeam or iMax_T-iMax_CT> Specify how many sounds by team you want to precache randomly among all sounds. This means that x sounds will be choosen randomly among all sounds of each team so to be precache at each map. ( 0 = disable feature ) e.g : erc_random_precache "2" : 2 sounds will be choosen among all CTs sounds and all Ts sounds erc_random_precache "2-3" : 2 Ts sounds will be choosen randomly among all Ts sounds. 3 CT sound will be choosen randomly among all CTs sounds. /!\ Don't forget to insert '-' . /!\ Map change on cvar change required ! Client command : - - - - - - - - * say /roundsound : Give to players the ability to turn on/off the end round sounds Changelog : - - - - - - -> Arksine : v3.0 - [ 2007-xx-xx ] ( Major update ) - Soon. A lot of changes/new features. Huge update. ;) v2.3b - [ 2007-11-22 ] (!) Fixed a compatibility bug from 2.3a version. v2.3a - [ 2007-11-19 ] (+) Added compatibility for Amxx 1.7x. (!) Now 'erc_random_precache' cvar is set to 0 by default. (!) Fixed. At the first start of server, value from 'erc_random_precache' cvar from a config file was not read. (!) Some others minors changes. v2.3 - [ 2007-10-29 ] (+) Added 'erc_random_precache' cvar : Specify how many sounds per team you want to precache randomly among all sounds. This means that x sounds will be choosen randomly among all sounds of each team so to be precache at each map. ( request by Arion ) (!) Debug mode is enabled by default now. (-) Removed 3 keys languages. No more need.( ERS_LOG_TOTAL_SOUND_LOADED, ERS_LOG_DEBUG_T, ERS_LOG_DEBUG_CT ) v2.2b - [ 2007-10-28 ] (!) Removed a check. Since trim() is used : Now no need to check space, new line, tabs, carriage returns, etc.. v2.2a - [ 2007-10-28 ] (!) Changed the method of checking empty file. Now it's more efficient. (!) Added another check to ignore texts which are no comments. (!) Fixed a typo ( key language ). v2.2 - [ 2007-10-27 ] (+) Added a check to prevent to get a warning when a team has no sound. (+) Added a check to prevent to not load empty file. (+) Added support for coding-style '//' comments. (!) No longer has a predefined max sounds limit. ( using dynamic array from amxx 1.8.0 ) (!) Minors optimizations. (-) Removed useless code. v2.1a - [ 2007-07-13 ] (!) Fixed a bug with ML system. (!) Fixed a stupid glitch with formatex(). v2.1 - [ 2007-07-06 ] (!) Optimize a little. (!) Rewritted loading_file() function. (+) Added ML system & some texts. (+) Added Color in text. ( !g = green ; !t = team color; !n = yellow (normal) ) (+) Added #_DEBUG. (+) Added chat command : toggle on/off end round sounds. (+) Added "ers_enabled" cvar : enable/disable plugin (+) Added "ers_player_toggle" cvar : enable/disabled command chat for players (+) Added ads message for chat command (+) Added "erc_time_ads" cvar : control amount of times between 2 messages. v2.0b - [ 2007-07-04 ] (!) No features added. Sma reorganized a little and more. v2.0a - [ 2007-06-26 ] (!) Fixed. Bug under linux. Some blank lines weren't ignored. (thanks Deejay & NiLuje) v2.0 - [ 2007-06-26 ] (!) Totaly rewritten. (+) Added support for mp3 files. (+) Added support per file. No more to edit .sma file to add sounds. (+) Added support per-map file. (+) Added support per-map prefix file. -> Paintlancer : v1.0 : [ 2004-10-14 ] First release by Paintlancer. Orignal thread : Credits: - - - - - - - * PaintLancer : Original idea and plugin. * Avalanche : Inspired color chat function from gungame plugin. * Arion : Random precache idea. * Languages translation : - [fr] : Arkshine - [de] : Mordekay - [es] : Darkless - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #include <fakemeta> new const // _________________________________________________ PLUGIN [] = "Alternative End Round Sounds", VERSION[] = "2.3c", AUTHOR [] = "Arkshine"; // _________________________________________________ #if AMXX_VERSION_NUM < 180 #define old_amxx #endif /* ========================= [ "START" AERA FOR CHANGES ] ========================= */ #define _DEBUG // Active debug #define MAX_FILE_LENGTH 196 // Max length for files + path. #if defined old_amxx #define MAX_SOUNDS 25 // Max sounds per team #endif new const g_FileName[] = "roundsound", // Name of the main file if no files is found in 'g_FileFolder'. g_FileFolder[] = "round_sound", // Name of the directory in amxmodx/configs/ for per-map files. g_FilePrefix[] = "ini", // File extension used for the files. g_CmdChat[] = "/music"; // Chat command for player. /* ========================= [ "END" AERA FOR CHANGES ] ========================= */ // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #define MAX_PLAYERS 32 #define TASKID_ADS 1333 #define SIZE_FILE 0 #define NULL -1 new bool:g_pHeardSound[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ], #if !defined old_amxx Array:g_lstSoundCT, Array:g_lstSoundT, #endif p_enabled, p_player_toggle, p_time_ads, p_random_precache, g_msgSayText; enum _:e_Team { T = 0, CT, }; new g_nSnd[ e_Team ]; #if defined old_amxx new g_sTeam_sounds[ MAX_SOUNDS ][ e_Team ][ MAX_FILE_LENGTH ]; #define charsmax(%1) sizeof( %1 ) - 1 #endif #define _is_wav(%1) equali( %1[strlen( %1 ) - 4 ], ".wav" ) // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - public plugin_init() { register_plugin( PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR ); register_cvar( "ers_version", VERSION, FCVAR_SERVER | FCVAR_SPONLY ); register_dictionary( "end_roundsound.txt" ); register_event( "SendAudio", "eT_win" , "a", "2&%!MRAD_terwin" ); register_event( "SendAudio", "eCT_win", "a", "2&%!MRAD_ctwin" ); p_enabled = register_cvar( "ers_enabled" , "1" ); p_random_precache = register_cvar( "erc_random_precache", "0" ); p_player_toggle = register_cvar( "ers_player_toggle" , "1" ); p_time_ads = register_cvar( "erc_time_ads" , "0" ); register_clcmd( "say" , "cmd_Say" ); register_clcmd( "say_team" , "cmd_Say" ); PluginPrecache (); } PluginPrecache () { #if !defined old_amxx g_lstSoundCT = ArrayCreate( MAX_FILE_LENGTH ); g_lstSoundT = ArrayCreate( MAX_FILE_LENGTH ); #endif loading_file(); } public plugin_cfg () { g_msgSayText = get_user_msgid( "SayText" ); } public client_authorized( id ) g_pHeardSound[id] = true; public client_disconnect( id ) { g_pHeardSound[id] = true; remove_task( id + TASKID_ADS ); } public client_putinserver( id ) { new Float:f_Time = get_pcvar_float( p_time_ads ); if( f_Time <= 0.0 ) { remove_task( id + TASKID_ADS ); return; } remove_task( id + TASKID_ADS ); set_task( f_Time, "show_ads", id + TASKID_ADS, _, _, "b" ); } public show_ads( taskid ) { new id = taskid - TASKID_ADS; ShowPrint( id, "%L", id, "ERS_DISPLAY_ADS", g_CmdChat ); } public cmd_Say( id ) { if( !get_pcvar_num( p_enabled ) ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; static sMsg[64]; read_argv( 1, sMsg, charsmax( sMsg ) ); if( equali( sMsg, g_CmdChat ) ) { if( !get_pcvar_num( p_player_toggle ) ) { ShowPrint( id, "%L", id, "ERS_CMD_DISABLED" ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } g_pHeardSound[id] = g_pHeardSound[id] ? false : true; ShowPrint( id, "%L", id, g_pHeardSound[id] ? "ERS_SOUND_ENABLED" : "ERS_SOUND_DISABLED" ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } public eT_win() { if( !g_nSnd[ e_Team:T ] ) return; play_sound( e_Team:T ); } public eCT_win() { if( !g_nSnd[ e_Team:CT ] ) return; play_sound( e_Team:CT ); } play_sound( iTeam ) { static // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sCurSnd[ MAX_FILE_LENGTH ]; // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - new iRand; if( g_nSnd[ iTeam ] > 1 ) iRand = random_num( 0, g_nSnd[ iTeam ] - 1 ); #if defined old_amxx copy( sCurSnd, MAX_FILE_LENGTH - 1, g_sTeam_sounds[ iRand ][ iTeam ] ); #else ArrayGetString( iTeam == CT ? g_lstSoundCT : g_lstSoundT, iRand, sCurSnd, MAX_FILE_LENGTH - 1 ); #endif _is_wav( sCurSnd ) ? format( sCurSnd, MAX_FILE_LENGTH - 1, "spk %s", sCurSnd[6] ) : format( sCurSnd, MAX_FILE_LENGTH - 1, "mp3 play %s", sCurSnd ); if( get_pcvar_num( p_player_toggle ) ) { static // - - - - - - - - - - - iPlayers[32], iNum, pid; // - - - - - - - - - - - get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "c" ); for( new i; i < iNum; i++ ) { pid = iPlayers[i]; if( !g_pHeardSound[pid] || is_user_bot( pid ) ) continue; client_cmd( pid, "%s", sCurSnd ); } } else client_cmd( 0, "%s", sCurSnd ); } get_prefix( sMap[], iLen_map, sMapType[], iLen_type ) { new // - - - - - - - - - sRest[32]; // - - - - - - - - - get_mapname( sMap, iLen_map ); strtok( sMap, sMapType, iLen_type, sRest, charsmax( sRest ), '_', 1 ); } loading_file() { static // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sPath[ MAX_FILE_LENGTH ], // | sConfigsDir[64], sPrefix[6], sMap[32]; // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - get_prefix( sMap, charsmax( sMap ), sPrefix, charsmax( sPrefix ) ); get_configsdir( sConfigsDir, charsmax( sConfigsDir ) ); new bool:bFound; for( new i = 1; i <= 3; i++ ) { switch( i ) { case 1 : formatex( sPath, charsmax( sPath ), "%s/%s/prefix-%s.%s", sConfigsDir, g_FileFolder, sPrefix, g_FilePrefix ); case 2 : formatex( sPath, charsmax( sPath ), "%s/%s/%s.%s", sConfigsDir, g_FileFolder, sMap, g_FilePrefix ); case 3 : formatex( sPath, charsmax( sPath ), "%s/%s.%s", sConfigsDir, g_FileName, g_FilePrefix ); default : break; } if( !CheckFile( sPath ) ) continue; bFound = true; break; } log_amx( "---" ); bFound ? log_amx( "%L", LANG_SERVER, "ERS_LOG_LOADING", sPath ) : log_amx( "%L", LANG_SERVER, "ERS_LOG_NO_FILES_FOUND" ); load_sound( sPath ); } load_sound( const file[] ) { new // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sBuffer[256], // | sLeft[ MAX_FILE_LENGTH ], sRight[4], sExt[6], // | eTeam; // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - new fp = fopen( file, "rt" ); while( !feof( fp ) ) { fgets( fp, sBuffer, charsmax( sBuffer ) ); trim( sBuffer ); if( !sBuffer[0] || sBuffer[0] == ';' || ( sBuffer[0] == '/' && sBuffer[1] == '/' ) ) continue; if( sBuffer[0] != '"' || strlen( sBuffer ) < 11 ) continue; parse( sBuffer, sLeft, charsmax( sLeft ), sRight, charsmax( sRight ) ); formatex( sExt, charsmax( sExt ), sLeft[ strlen( sLeft ) - 4 ] ); if( equali( sExt, ".mp3" ) == -1 || equali( sExt, ".wav" ) == -1 ) { log_amx( "%L", LANG_SERVER, "ERS_LOG_UNKNOW_EXTENSION", sExt ); continue; } if( !file_exists( sLeft ) ) { log_amx( "%L", LANG_SERVER, "ERS_LOG_INEXISTENT_FILE", sLeft ); continue; } eTeam = NULL; if( equali( sRight, "CT" ) ) eTeam = CT; else if( equali( sRight, "T" ) ) eTeam = T; if( eTeam == NULL ) { log_amx( "%L", LANG_SERVER, "ERS_LOG_NO_TEAM_SOUND", sLeft ); continue; } #if defined old_amxx copy( g_sTeam_sounds[ g_nSnd[ eTeam ] ][ eTeam ], MAX_FILE_LENGTH - 1, sLeft ); #else ArrayPushString( eTeam == CT ? g_lstSoundCT : g_lstSoundT, sLeft ); #endif ++g_nSnd[ eTeam ]; } fclose( fp ); if( g_nSnd[ e_Team:T ] > 1 || g_nSnd[ e_Team:CT ] > 1 ) { new iMax_t, iMax_ct; GetPrecacheValue( iMax_t, iMax_ct ); #if defined old_amxx UpdateArray( iMax_t, e_Team:T ); UpdateArray( iMax_ct, e_Team:CT ); #else p_DeleteRandomItem( iMax_t , e_Team:T , g_lstSoundT ); p_DeleteRandomItem( iMax_ct, e_Team:CT, g_lstSoundCT ); #endif } log_amx( "---" ); #if defined _DEBUG log_amx( "[ Loading %d CTs Sounds ]", g_nSnd[ e_team:CT ] ); #endif #if defined old_amxx PrecacheSounds( e_Team:CT ); #else PrecacheSounds_n( g_lstSoundCT ); #endif #if defined _DEBUG log_amx( "[ Loading %d Ts Sounds ]", g_nSnd[ e_team:T ] ); #endif #if defined old_amxx PrecacheSounds( e_Team:T ); #else PrecacheSounds_n( g_lstSoundT ); #endif } GetPrecacheValue( &iMax_t, &iMax_ct ) { new s_Value[12]; get_pcvar_string( p_random_precache, s_Value, charsmax( s_Value ) ); trim( s_Value ); new pos = contain( s_Value, "-" ); if( pos > 0 ) { iMax_ct = str_to_num( s_Value[ pos + 1 ] ) s_Value[ pos ] = '^0'; iMax_t = str_to_num( s_Value ); } else { iMax_t = str_to_num( s_Value ); iMax_ct = iMax_t; } } stock UpdateArray( iMax, iTeam ) { new const iCnt_sound = g_nSnd[ iTeam ]; if( !iMax || iMax == iCnt_sound ) return; if( iMax >= iCnt_sound ) iMax = iCnt_sound - 1; static sTmp_sounds[ MAX_SOUNDS ][ e_Team ][ MAX_FILE_LENGTH ], iLast_number[ MAX_SOUNDS ]; new i, iRand; for( i = 0; i < iCnt_sound; i++ ) { copy( sTmp_sounds[i][ iTeam ], MAX_FILE_LENGTH - 1, g_sTeam_sounds[i][ iTeam ] ); g_sTeam_sounds[i][ iTeam ][0] = '^0'; } arrayset( iLast_number, 0, charsmax( iLast_number ) ); i = 0; while( i != iMax ) { check: iRand = random_num( 0, iCnt_sound - 1 ); if( iLast_number[ iRand ] ) goto check; copy( g_sTeam_sounds[i][ iTeam ], MAX_FILE_LENGTH - 1, sTmp_sounds[ iRand ][ iTeam ] ); ++i; iLast_number[ iRand ] = 1; } g_nSnd[ iTeam ] = iMax; } stock p_DeleteRandomItem( iMax, iTeam, Array:sSound_a ) { new const iCnt_sound = g_nSnd[ iTeam ]; if( !iMax || iMax == iCnt_sound ) return; if( iMax >= iCnt_sound ) iMax = iCnt_sound - 1; DeleteRandomItem( iCnt_sound - iMax, sSound_a ); g_nSnd[ iTeam ] = iMax; } stock DeleteRandomItem( iRandom_n, Array:sSound_a ) { new i; while( i++ != iRandom_n ) ArrayDeleteItem( sSound_a, random_num( 0, ArraySize( sSound_a ) - 1 ) ); } stock PrecacheSounds( iTeam ) { for( new i; i < g_nSnd[ iTeam ]; i++ ) { PrecacheFile( g_sTeam_sounds[i][ iTeam ] ); #if defined _DEBUG log_amx( " - %s", g_sTeam_sounds[i][ iTeam ] ); #endif } log_amx( "---" ); } stock PrecacheSounds_n( Array:sSound_a ) { static // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sFile[ MAX_FILE_LENGTH ], iFileLen = charsmax( sFile ); // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - for( new i; i < ArraySize( sSound_a ); i++ ) { ArrayGetString( sSound_a, i, sFile, iFileLen ); PrecacheFile( sFile ); #if defined _DEBUG log_amx( " - %s", sFile ); #endif } log_amx( "---" ); } PrecacheFile( const sound[] ) { _is_wav( sound ) ? engfunc ( EngFunc_PrecacheSound, sound[6] ) : engfunc ( EngFunc_PrecacheGeneric, sound ); } ShowPrint( id, const sMsg[], { Float, Sql, Result, _ }:... ) { static // - - - - - - - - - newMsg[191], message[191], // | tNewMsg; // - - - - - - - - - tNewMsg = charsmax( newMsg ); vformat( newMsg, tNewMsg, sMsg, 3 ); replace_all( newMsg, tNewMsg, "!t", "^3" ); replace_all( newMsg, tNewMsg, "!g", "^4" ); replace_all( newMsg, tNewMsg, "!n", "^1" ); formatex( message, charsmax( message ), "^4[ERS]^1 %s", newMsg ); message_begin( MSG_ONE, g_msgSayText, _, id ); write_byte( id ); write_string( message ); message_end(); } bool:CheckFile( const file[] ) { new // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sBuffer[256], fp = fopen( file, "rt" ); // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if( !fp ) return false; while( !feof( fp ) ) { fgets( fp, sBuffer, charsmax( sBuffer ) ); trim( sBuffer ); if( !sBuffer[0] || sBuffer[0] == ';' || ( sBuffer[0] == '/' && sBuffer[1] == '/' ) || sBuffer[0] != '"' ) continue; if( ( contain( sBuffer, ".mp3^"" ) != -1 || contain( sBuffer, ".wav^"" ) != -1 ) && ( contain( sBuffer, "^"T^"" ) != -1 || contain( sBuffer, "^"CT^"" ) != -1 ) ) return true; } fclose( fp ); return false; } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  3. This plugin adds lots of cvars to configure charger pound damage and damage of the charge impact on other survivors per difficulty. Cvars Code: // This file was auto-generated by SourceMod (v1.12.0.7133) // ConVars for plugin "disabled\l4d2_charger_scale_difficulty.smx" // Impact damage of charge on advanced difficulty // - // Default: "15" charger_scaling_charge_advanced "15" // Impact damage of charge on easy difficulty // - // Default: "5" charger_scaling_charge_easy "5" // Impact damage of charge on expert difficulty // - // Default: "20" charger_scaling_charge_expert "20" // Impact damage of charge on normal difficulty // - // Default: "10" charger_scaling_charge_normal "10" // Pound damage for the charger on advanced difficulty // - // Default: "22" charger_scaling_pound_advanced "22" // Pound damage for the charger on easy difficulty // - // Default: "8" charger_scaling_pound_easy "8" // Pound damage for the charger on expert difficulty // - // Default: "30" charger_scaling_pound_expert "30" // Pound damage for the charger on normal difficulty // - // Default: "15" charger_scaling_pound_normal "15" // Damage multiplier when victim is incapacitated while getting pummelled by a charger // - // Default: "3" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "4096.000000" z_charger_incap_mult "3" Requires L4Dhooks and liquidHelpers. Clicking 'Get Plugin' won't work, download the .smx and put it into sourcemod\plugins or download source and compile it yourself. Changelog: Code: 1.0 - First Release Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_charger_scale_difficulty.sp - 5.1 KB) l4d2_charger_scale_difficulty.smx (7.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  4. Can Someone Change This Plugin So It Can Count Bots, And Not Just Players Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (player.sma - 1.1 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  5. Wczoraj
  6. 1. To że maszyna stoi w Polsce nie oznacza dobrej jakości. Podaj pełne prawdziwe specyfikacje maszyny na którym serwery stoją. 2. Nie rozumiem podpunktu. 4. Gdzie strona z usługami? Jeżeli wymaga to rejestracji to lipnie 6. Gdzie oficjalny cennik z porównaniem. Co za problem dodać zwykły index z taką wiadomością. Mało profesjonalne. Discord powinien być drugim punktem odniesienia każdej firmy hostingowej a nie jej pierwszym. Strona główna powinna zawierać wszystkie informacje oraz kontakt mailowy. Cennik/dane firmy i wszystkie podstawowe informacje. Aktualnie nie przekonujecie niczym prócz panelu który nie wczytuje żadnych ikon. 0 konkretów. No i tragicznie przetłumaczony pterodactyl na język Polski
  7. To może po prostu napisz kiedy będzie to działac bo obecnie nawet nie ma jak wejść na strone ocenic panel czy też nawet wykupić usługę.
  8. Hej, sprzedam aktywną licencją IPS 4.7 do września bieżącego roku. Warto dodać, że licencja nie posiada przypisanego adresu URL, także jest gotowa (bez dodatkowych opłat) do użycia. Cena: 330 PLN Discord: devvfck
  9. Nie wchodziłeś ze mną w transakcję, a robiłem w swoim życiu tylko jedną transakcję z licencją IPS ( która została zablokowana nie z mojego powodu ). Proszę się wstrzymać od opinii osób, które nie dokonywały ze mną transakcji.
  10. Ostatni tydzień
  11. Nie wiem co bierzesz ale bierz połowę dobrze? Tak jak wspomniał Boski wyżej, plany odejścia jak i problemów zdrowotnych ciągną się od x lat i się nasilił w tym roku, także reasumując: nikt z internetu nie miał wpływu na moją decyzję z oddaniem forum dla Kuby. Co do Twoich tekstów o jakiś obrzydliwych rzeczach, bardzo chętnie poczytam sobie co tam na kogo masz, ja sobie nie mam nic do zarzucenia. Dodatkowo jeżeli masz dowody na to, że ktoś robi coś niezgodne z prawem to po prostu to zgłoś na policję 🙂 Jeżeli będą jakieś pytania do mojej osoby proszę bezpośrednio się kontaktować na fejsiku odpowiem na wszystko.
  12. ciekawe co to za technik serwerów który bierze 150 złoty za plugin od 13 letnich dzieciaków. Zapraszam do mnie, zrobię lepiej i taniej. Rumcajs już od paru lat mówi o odejściu i skupieniu się na sobie, więc Xd Chyba leki nie działają
  13. Map Weapons Manager Inspired by AMXX plugin by danielkza. The reason I made this plugin is because I myself was looking for a plugin that could do this, but couldn't find any. Hopefully this will be of use to someone who is also looking for similar functionality. Usage: It's simple, enable the debug cvar and pickup a weapon that has been spawned by the map to be respawned. Once picked up there will be a log in the client console, with a command you can simply copy and paste into the console and click enter. Now there will be a file generated in the configs folder (map_weapon_spawns/map_name.spawns.txt) Cvars: sm_map_weapons_manager_on <0|1> - Enables the respawning functionality. (Default: 1) sm_map_weapons_manager_debug <0|1> - Enables debug messages useful when adding new locations. (Default: 0) sm_map_weapons_manager_time <time> - Set how long to wait before respawning the weapon. (Default: 10) Note: plugin.map_weapons_manager.cfg will be automatically generated in your SourceMod cfg directory. Commands: sm_create_weapon_spawn <weapon_name> <x> <y> <z> <angX> <angY> <angZ> - Creates weapon spawn at specified location for current map. (ADMFLAG_GENERIC) Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (map_weapons_manager.sp - 9.2 KB) map_weapons_manager.phrases.txt (793 Bytes) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  14. Nie jest to dla was dziwne? Podczas mojej nieobecności związanej z wakacjami w ZK znika Angel Dwa dni po moim powrocie leci pierwsza głowa jednej z pierwszych sieci cs`a - dla nie wtajemniczonych właściciel csowicze Rumcajs Jumper odchodzi z roli właściciela i składa rezygnację uzasadniając to przede wszystkim problemami psychicznymi Podczas mojej nieobecności upada po ponownej próbie reaktywacji projekt który istniał 8 lat - cs 4 frags gdzie główna osoba odpowiedzialna za to przedsięwzięcie to "bliski przyjaciel" GeT`a. Dużo się dowiedziałem, tu i tam, dużo wiem i dużo słyszę rozprawy sądowe wbrew pozorom dają dużo do myślenia, dużo informacji ponieważ poruszanych na nich jest bardzo dużo wątków. Niestety tak jak mówił prokurator - mogę o czymś mówić, pokazywać to już nie koniecznie. Jestem pewien że gdyby każdy z was dowiedział się jakim obrzydliwym światem jest społeczność sieci serwerów to 3/4 z was przestała by się tym interesować. To co robią i robiły pewne osoby z czołowych sieci w Polsce jest aktem najgorszego obrzydlistwa. Tak jak pisałem na wstępie jedna głowa z całej "paczki" poleciała. "problemy psychiczne" w 10000% się zgodzę bo to co robicie innym w internecie jest chore psychicznie Więc obserwujcie dalsze wydarzenia w internecie, liczcie głowy które spadną czas wyciągać prawdę na wierzch 😉 Teraz jeszcze na zakończenie zwrócę się do pewnego bardzo wygadanego "technika serwerów" - czas tyka 🙂 Popyt napędza sprzedaż to fakt ale 150zl za JEDEN plugin od 13 letnich dzieci chcących mieć swój serwer - trochę nie etyczne Bóg z wami
  15. With this plugin, you can set cvars and their values to remain unchanged, ensuring they always maintain the same value. Add 'immutable_cvars.ini' in your configs folder. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (amxx_immutable_cvars.sma - 1.9 KB) immutable_cvars.ini (33 Bytes) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  16. Could he please just change it to Does the bot have no fall damage? or TR Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (no_fall_damage.sma - 763 Bytes) Przeczytaj cały wpis
  17. Hello , i found this plugin made by OciXCrom and i want to do few settings if somebody can help. P.S original had AWP as well but i deleted. Code: #include <amxmodx> #include <cstrike> #include <fun> #include <hamsandwich> new g_iMenu public plugin_init() { register_plugin("Weapons Menu", "1.0", "OciXCrom") RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "OnPlayerSpawn", 1) CreateMenu() } CreateMenu() { g_iMenu = menu_create("Select your \rweapons\y!", "Menu_Handler") menu_additem(g_iMenu, "\wAK47 \y+ \wDeagle") menu_additem(g_iMenu, "\wM4A1 \y+ \wDeagle") } public OnPlayerSpawn(id) { if(!is_user_alive(id)) return menu_display(id, g_iMenu) } public Menu_Handler(id, iMenu, iItem) { switch(iItem) { case MENU_EXIT: return case 0: { give_item(id, "weapon_ak47") cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_AK47, 90) } case 1: { give_item(id, "weapon_m4a1") cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_M4A1, 90) } } give_item(id, "weapon_deagle") cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_DEAGLE, 35) if(cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_CT) give_item(id, "item_thighpack") } 1. Menu weapons last for 10s 2. You can't carry more then 1 primary and 1 secondary wep. (now you can have 2-3 primary). Or if exist a similar plugin , can somebody link me ? already had a lot of search on google. Thank you . Przeczytaj cały wpis
  18. Hey there, so I installed newest regamedll 5.26, because my csstatsX doesn't work with older versions. And I encounter a problem. I have a plugin(support is dead for years there). It's HNS DM, so the problem is, on older regamedll version when Terrorist dies by falling from the height , random CT become a Terrorist. It does work on regamedll but my csstatsX otherwise. PHP Code: #include <amxmodx> #include <engine> #include <fakemeta> #include <cstrike> #include <hamsandwich> #include <fun> new const g_Plugin[] = "HNS Deathmatch"; new const g_Version[] = "2.2.1"; new const g_Author[] = "Jon"; #define m_fHasPrimary 116 #define m_iJoinedState 121 #define m_iMenu 205 #define MENU_CHOOSETEAM 1 #define MENU_CHOOSEAPPEARANCE 3 new g_CvarEnable, g_CvarGameName, g_CvarStabOnly, g_CvarRespawnDelay, g_CvarProtectionTime, g_CvarNoFlash, g_CvarHidersFlashbangs, g_CvarHidersSmokegrenade, g_CvarHidersHegrenade, g_CvarSeekersFlashbangs, g_CvarSeekersSmokegrenade, g_CvarSeekersHegrenade, Trie:g_tBuyAliases, Trie:g_tRemoveEntities public plugin_init() { register_plugin(g_Plugin, g_Version, g_Author); set_pcvar_string( register_cvar("hns_deathmatch_version", g_Version, FCVAR_SERVER), g_Version ) g_CvarEnable = register_cvar("hnsdm_enable", "1"); if(!get_pcvar_num(g_CvarEnable)) return new gamename[32]; formatex(gamename, charsmax(gamename), "%s %s", g_Plugin, g_Version); g_CvarGameName = register_cvar("hnsdm_gamename", gamename); g_CvarStabOnly = register_cvar("hnsdm_stabonly", "1"); g_CvarRespawnDelay = register_cvar("hnsdm_respawndelay", "1.5"); g_CvarProtectionTime = register_cvar("hnsdm_protectiontime", "5.0"); g_CvarNoFlash = register_cvar("hnsdm_noflash", "1"); g_CvarHidersFlashbangs = register_cvar("hnsdm_hiders_flashbangs", "1") g_CvarHidersSmokegrenade = register_cvar("hnsdm_hiders_smokegrenade", "1") g_CvarHidersHegrenade = register_cvar("hnsdm_hiders_hegrenade", "0") g_CvarSeekersFlashbangs = register_cvar("hnsdm_seekers_flashbangs", "0") g_CvarSeekersSmokegrenade = register_cvar("hnsdm_seekers_smokegrenade", "0") g_CvarSeekersHegrenade = register_cvar("hnsdm_seekers_hegrenade", "0") register_event("DeathMsg", "eventDeathMsg", "a"); register_message(get_user_msgid("ScreenFade"), "msgScreenFade"); register_forward(FM_CmdStart, "fwdCmdStart"); register_forward(FM_GetGameDescription,"fwdGetGameDescription"); RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "eventPlayerSpawn", 1); register_clcmd("buy", "HandleBlock"); register_clcmd("buyammo1", "HandleBlock"); register_clcmd("buyammo2", "HandleBlock"); register_clcmd("buyequip", "HandleBlock"); register_clcmd("cl_autobuy", "HandleBlock"); register_clcmd("cl_rebuy", "HandleBlock"); register_clcmd("cl_setautobuy", "HandleBlock"); register_clcmd("cl_setrebuy", "HandleBlock"); register_clcmd("chooseteam", "HandleBlock"); register_clcmd("say /respawn", "RespawnPlayer"); register_clcmd("jointeam", "ClCmd_jointeam") register_clcmd("joinclass", "ClCmd_joinclass") register_clcmd("menuselect", "ClCmd_joinclass") new BuyCommands[][] = { "usp", "glock", "deagle", "p228", "elites", "fn57", "m3", "xm1014", "mp5", "tmp", "p90", "mac10", "ump45", "ak47", "galil", "famas", "sg552", "m4a1", "aug", "scout", "awp", "g3sg1", "sg550", "m249", "vest", "vesthelm", "flash", "hegren", "sgren", "defuser", "nvgs", "shield", "primammo", "secammo", "km45", "9x19mm", "nighthawk", "228compact", "fiveseven", "12gauge", "autoshotgun", "mp", "c90", "cv47", "defender", "clarion", "krieg552", "bullpup", "magnum", "d3au1", "krieg550", "buy", "buyequip", "buyammo1", "buyammo2" } g_tBuyAliases = TrieCreate() for(new i; i<sizeof( BuyCommands ); i++) { strtolower( BuyCommands[i] ) TrieSetCell(g_tBuyAliases, BuyCommands[i], 1) } } public plugin_precache() { new EntityClassNames[][] = { "func_breakable", "func_door_rotating", "func_door", "func_vip_safetyzone", "func_escapezone", "hostage_entity", "monster_scientist", "func_bomb_target", "info_bomb_target" } g_tRemoveEntities = TrieCreate() for(new i; i<sizeof( EntityClassNames ); i++) { TrieSetCell(g_tRemoveEntities, EntityClassNames[i], 1) } } public ClCmd_jointeam( id ) { if( get_pdata_int(id, m_iMenu) != MENU_CHOOSETEAM ) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public ClCmd_joinclass( id ) { if( get_pdata_int(id, m_iMenu) == MENU_CHOOSEAPPEARANCE ) { set_task(get_pcvar_float(g_CvarRespawnDelay), "RespawnPlayer", id) } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public eventDeathMsg() { new killer = read_data(1) new victim = read_data(2) if(killer == 0) { if( cs_get_user_team(victim) == CS_TEAM_T ) { new lucky = GetRandomCT(); if( lucky ) { cs_set_user_team(lucky, CS_TEAM_T) client_print(lucky, print_chat, "[HNS] An idiot jumped off and you were lucky and got transfered to Terrorist.") cs_set_user_team(victim, CS_TEAM_CT); GiveItems(lucky) SetStealth(lucky) } } } else if(killer != victim && cs_get_user_team(killer) == CS_TEAM_CT) { cs_set_user_team(killer, CS_TEAM_T); cs_set_user_team(victim, CS_TEAM_CT); GiveItems(killer) SetStealth(killer) } set_task(get_pcvar_float(g_CvarRespawnDelay), "RespawnPlayer", victim) } public eventPlayerSpawn(id) { if(is_user_alive(id)) GiveItems(id); } public RespawnPlayer(id) { if(!is_user_alive(id)) ExecuteHam(Ham_CS_RoundRespawn, id); } public fwdCmdStart(id, handle, seed) { if( get_pcvar_num(g_CvarStabOnly) && is_user_alive(id) && cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_CT && get_user_weapon(id) == CSW_KNIFE ) { static button button = get_uc(handle, UC_Buttons) if(button & IN_ATTACK) { set_uc(handle, UC_Buttons, (button & ~IN_ATTACK) | IN_ATTACK2) return FMRES_HANDLED } } if( get_pcvar_num(g_CvarStabOnly) && is_user_alive(id) && cs_get_user_team(id) == CS_TEAM_T && get_user_weapon(id) == CSW_KNIFE ) { static button button = get_uc(handle, UC_Buttons) if((button & IN_ATTACK) | (button & IN_ATTACK2)) { set_uc(handle, UC_Buttons, (button & ~IN_ATTACK) & (button & ~IN_ATTACK2)) return FMRES_HANDLED } } return FMRES_IGNORED } public client_kill(id) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public pfn_spawn(ent) { if( is_valid_ent( ent ) ) { new class[32] pev(ent, pev_classname, class, charsmax(class)) if( TrieKeyExists(g_tRemoveEntities, class) ) { remove_entity(ent) return PLUGIN_HANDLED } } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public fwdGetGameDescription() { static gamename[32]; if( get_pcvar_string(g_CvarGameName, gamename, charsmax(gamename)) ) { forward_return(FMV_STRING, gamename) return FMRES_SUPERCEDE } return FMRES_IGNORED } public msgScreenFade(msgid, dest, id) { if( is_user_alive(id) && get_pcvar_num(g_CvarNoFlash) & _:cs_get_user_team(id) && get_msg_arg_int(4) == 255 && get_msg_arg_int(5) == 255 && get_msg_arg_int(6) == 255 && get_msg_arg_int(7) > 199 ) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public client_command(id) { new sArg[13]; if(read_argv(0, sArg, 12) > 11) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE strtolower(sArg) if( TrieKeyExists(g_tBuyAliases, sArg) ) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE } public HandleBlock(id) return PLUGIN_HANDLED public UnsetStealth(id) { set_user_rendering(id, _, 0, 0, 0, _, 0); } SetStealth(id) { if(get_user_health(id) != 100) set_user_health(id, 100) set_user_rendering(id, kRenderFxGlowShell, 0, 0, 0, kRenderTransColor, 0); set_task(get_pcvar_float(g_CvarProtectionTime), "UnsetStealth", id) } GiveItems(id) { cs_strip_user_weapons(id) switch( cs_get_user_team(id) ) { case CS_TEAM_T: { give_item(id, "weapon_knife") if(get_pcvar_num(g_CvarHidersFlashbangs)) { give_item(id, "weapon_flashbang") cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_FLASHBANG, get_pcvar_num(g_CvarHidersFlashbangs)) } if(get_pcvar_num(g_CvarHidersSmokegrenade)) give_item(id, "weapon_smokegrenade") if(get_pcvar_num(g_CvarHidersHegrenade)) give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade") } case CS_TEAM_CT: { give_item(id, "weapon_knife") if(get_pcvar_num(g_CvarSeekersFlashbangs)) { give_item(id, "weapon_flashbang") cs_set_user_bpammo(id, CSW_FLASHBANG, get_pcvar_num(g_CvarSeekersFlashbangs)) } if(get_pcvar_num(g_CvarSeekersSmokegrenade)) give_item(id, "weapon_smokegrenade") if(get_pcvar_num(g_CvarSeekersHegrenade)) give_item(id, "weapon_hegrenade") } } } GetRandomCT() { static iPlayers[32], iCT_num get_players(iPlayers, iCT_num, "ae", "CT"); if(!iCT_num) return 0 return iCT_num > 1 ? iPlayers[random(iCT_num)] : iPlayers[iCT_num - 1]; } cs_strip_user_weapons(id) { strip_user_weapons(id) set_pdata_int(id, m_fHasPrimary, 0) } I think the problem is here, but I'm not sure PHP Code: public eventDeathMsg() { new killer = read_data(1) new victim = read_data(2) if(killer == 0) { if( cs_get_user_team(victim) == CS_TEAM_T ) { new lucky = GetRandomCT(); if( lucky ) { cs_set_user_team(lucky, CS_TEAM_T) client_print(lucky, print_chat, "[HNS] An idiot jumped off and you were lucky and got transfered to Terrorist.") cs_set_user_team(victim, CS_TEAM_CT); GiveItems(lucky) SetStealth(lucky) } } } Thanks for your attention Przeczytaj cały wpis
  19. Witam po pół rocznej odsiadce, siedziałem dzięki adminowi tej strony. Wczoraj zakończyłem odsiadkę w ZK w Iławie. Oficjalnie przepraszam właściciela MYGO za ddosy i wracam do gry
  20. Ponieważ strona główna jest w trakcie konserwacji i jest zmieniana zapraszamy na naszego discorda Hej , nie wiem jak to było poprzednio pod władzami innych ludzi , odkąd ja jestem nie zdarzyło się , bądź do mnie nie doszła taka informacja o blokowaniach , a co zmian adresu będzie to wprowadzone na dniach ponieważ jestem w stałym kontakcie z technikiem.
  21. Szukasz topowego hostingu dla serwera CS2? Sprawdź ofertę ServerProject! 99 groszy / slot przykładowa konfiguracja 6-cio slotowego serwera w Warszawie to koszt 5,94 zł / miesiąc 👉🏻 Zamów teraz własny serwer CS2 Dlaczego wybrać serwery Counter Strike 2 w ServerProject? Oto niektóre zalety: stosujemy tylko wysoko taktowane procesory, jest to niezwykle ważne z racji jednowątkowości CS2, aktualnie serwery są uruchamiane na CPU AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 🚀 serwery z nowoczesnymi dyskami SSD NVMe instalator Metamod i CounterStrikeSharp domena z Twoją nazwą zamiast adresu IP (numerycznego) manager administratorów CounterStrikeSharp gwarantujemy ochronę przed atakami DDoS - doświadczenie zdobyte na wieloletniej mitygacji ataków na serwery z setkami graczy on-line istniejemy na rynku ponad 10 lat, kupując u nas serwer korzystasz z naszego doświadczenia udostępniamy rozbudowany autorski panel, niektóre funkcje to: przeglądarka logów, harmonogram zadań, konsola, automatyczne i szybkie aktualizacje, system anty-cash, szyfrowane FTP, webFTP, statystyki CPU/RAM, obrazki z monitoringiem, subkonta, rozpakowywanie plików .zip, pobieranie plików ze zdalnych adresów, instalator pluginów bezpłatny sklep (Itemshop) z wieloma opcjami płatności dostęp do kopii zapasowych z ostatnich 40 dni Sprawdź także inne nasze usługi, oferujemy hosting: Palworld, Valheim, Minecraft, Enshrouded, Hurtworld, Rust, ARK: Survival Evolved, San Andreas Multiplayer (SA-MP), Counter-Strike 1.6, alt:V, Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas (MTA:SA), VPS, FiveM, Teamspeak 3.
  22. Ta witryna jest nieosiągalna Serwer potrzebował zbyt wiele czasu na odpowiedź.
  23. I'm using this DBZ mod plugin but this line shows "Run time error 4: index out of bounds" from time to time. Sometimes the plugin works but sometimes it doesn't. How can I solve this? PHP Code: public client_putinserver(player_id) { get_user_name(player_id, g_playername[player_id], charsmax(g_playername[])) // Cache player's name g_is_user_connected[player_id] = true g_players_connected[g_players_count] = player_id /// line 992 if(!g_players_count) set_task(1.0, "iterate_through_players", TASK_LOOP_PLAYERS, _, _, "b") g_players_count++ } public iterate_through_players() { static player_id static spectator_id for(g_current_index = 0; g_current_index < g_players_count; g_current_index++) { player_id = g_players_connected[g_current_index] if(is_user_valid_alive(player_id)) { ShowHUD(player_id, player_id) dbz_loop(player_id) } else // Player died? { // Get spectator target spectator_id = pev(player_id, pev_iuser2) if(is_user_valid_alive(spectator_id)) ShowHUD(player_id, spectator_id) } } } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  24. Dalej blokujecie random konta i mówicie użytkownikom żeby sobie nowe założyli bo nie będziecie odblokowywać adresów email? Pomijając, że nie da się samemu zmienić swojego emaila bo nie umiecie dodać weryfikacji.
  25. Odradzam każdemu wchodzić w transakcje z tym człowiekiem, zwykły naciągacz i oszust. Po zakupie licki może zgłosić konto także nie polecam.
  26. Replay Grenade v1.0 - BETA - Description This feature replays the path of the grenade you threw by typing .rethrow in the chat. - Demonstration - Known issues The path may not be 100% accuracy sometimes. Also, will think in a better way to copy the grenades effects rather than hardcode them. Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (replayGrenade.sma - 9.1 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
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