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Łukasz Lepianka

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Treść opublikowana przez Łukasz Lepianka

  1. AC_GLOVES po mimo wgrania wszystkiego tak jak powinno być wgrane (zgodnie z katalogami) wpisanie !gloves nic nie daje. W sm plugins nie ma w ogóle owego pluginu. Jaka może być tego przyczyna?
  2. spokojnie mam csgo tokens ;P Mogę prosić o linka do ac_gloves? Z góry dziękuję.
  3. /* CS:GO Gloves SourceMod Plugin * * Copyright (C) 2017 Kağan 'kgns' Üstüngel * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see */ #include <sourcemod> #include <sdktools> #include <cstrike> #pragma semicolon 1 #pragma newdecls required #include "gloves/globals.sp" #include "gloves/hooks.sp" #include "gloves/helpers.sp" #include "gloves/database.sp" #include "gloves/config.sp" #include "gloves/menus.sp" #include "gloves/natives.sp" public Plugin myinfo = { name = "Gloves", author = "kgns - wasdzone", description = "CS:GO Gloves Management", version = "1.0.1", url = "" }; public void OnPluginStart() { LoadTranslations("gloves.phrases"); g_Cvar_DBConnection = CreateConVar("sm_gloves_db_connection", "storage-local", "Database connection name in databases.cfg to use"); g_Cvar_TablePrefix = CreateConVar("sm_gloves_table_prefix", "", "Prefix for database table (example: 'xyz_')"); g_Cvar_ChatPrefix = CreateConVar("sm_gloves_chat_prefix", "[wasdzone]", "Prefix for chat messages"); g_Cvar_EnableFloat = CreateConVar("sm_gloves_enable_float", "1", "Enable/Disable gloves float options"); g_Cvar_FloatIncrementSize = CreateConVar("sm_gloves_float_increment_size", "0.2", "Increase/Decrease by value for gloves float"); g_Cvar_EnableWorldModel = CreateConVar("sm_gloves_enable_world_model", "1", "Enable/Disable gloves to be seen by other living players"); AutoExecConfig(true, "gloves"); RegConsoleCmd("sm_gloves", CommandGlove); RegConsoleCmd("sm_glove", CommandGlove); RegConsoleCmd("sm_eldiven", CommandGlove); RegConsoleCmd("sm_gllang", CommandGloveLang); HookEvent("player_spawn", Event_PlayerSpawn, EventHookMode_Pre); } public void OnConfigsExecuted() { GetConVarString(g_Cvar_DBConnection, g_DBConnection, sizeof(g_DBConnection)); GetConVarString(g_Cvar_TablePrefix, g_TablePrefix, sizeof(g_TablePrefix)); if(g_DBConnectionOld[0] != EOS && strcmp(g_DBConnectionOld, g_DBConnection) != 0 && db != null) { delete db; db = null; } if(db == null) { Database.Connect(SQLConnectCallback, g_DBConnection); } strcopy(g_DBConnectionOld, sizeof(g_DBConnectionOld), g_DBConnection); g_Cvar_ChatPrefix.GetString(g_ChatPrefix, sizeof(g_ChatPrefix)); g_iEnableFloat = g_Cvar_EnableFloat.IntValue; g_fFloatIncrementSize = g_Cvar_FloatIncrementSize.FloatValue; g_iFloatIncrementPercentage = RoundFloat(g_fFloatIncrementSize * 100.0); g_iEnableWorldModel = g_Cvar_EnableWorldModel.IntValue; ReadConfig(); } public Action CommandGlove(int client, int args) { if (IsValidClient(client)) { CreateMainMenu(client).Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } return Plugin_Handled; } public Action CommandGloveLang(int client, int args) { if (IsValidClient(client)) { CreateLanguageMenu(client).Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); } return Plugin_Handled; } public void OnClientPostAdminCheck(int client) { if(IsValidClient(client)) { char steam32[20]; char temp[20]; GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam3, steam32, sizeof(steam32)); strcopy(temp, sizeof(temp), steam32[5]); int index; if((index = StrContains(temp, "]")) > -1) { temp[index] = '\0'; } g_iSteam32[client] = StringToInt(temp); GetPlayerData(client); QueryClientConVar(client, "cl_language", ConVarCallBack); } } public void ConVarCallBack(QueryCookie cookie, int client, ConVarQueryResult result, const char[] cvarName, const char[] cvarValue) { if(!g_smLanguageIndex.GetValue(cvarValue, g_iClientLanguage[client])) { g_iClientLanguage[client] = 0; } } public void GivePlayerGloves(int client) { int playerTeam = GetClientTeam(client); if(g_iGloves[client][playerTeam] != 0) { int ent = GetEntPropEnt(client, Prop_Send, "m_hMyWearables"); if(ent != -1) { AcceptEntityInput(ent, "KillHierarchy"); } FixCustomArms(client); ent = CreateEntityByName("wearable_item"); if(ent != -1) { SetEntProp(ent, Prop_Send, "m_iItemIDLow", -1); if(g_iGloves[client][playerTeam] == -1) { char buffer[20]; char buffers[2][10]; GetRandomSkin(client, playerTeam, buffer, sizeof(buffer), g_iGroup[client][playerTeam]); ExplodeString(buffer, ";", buffers, 2, 10); SetEntProp(ent, Prop_Send, "m_iItemDefinitionIndex", StringToInt(buffers[0])); SetEntProp(ent, Prop_Send, "m_nFallbackPaintKit", StringToInt(buffers[1])); } else { SetEntProp(ent, Prop_Send, "m_iItemDefinitionIndex", g_iGroup[client][playerTeam]); SetEntProp(ent, Prop_Send, "m_nFallbackPaintKit", g_iGloves[client][playerTeam]); } SetEntPropFloat(ent, Prop_Send, "m_flFallbackWear", g_fFloatValue[client][playerTeam]); SetEntPropEnt(ent, Prop_Data, "m_hOwnerEntity", client); SetEntPropEnt(ent, Prop_Data, "m_hParent", client); if(g_iEnableWorldModel) SetEntPropEnt(ent, Prop_Data, "m_hMoveParent", client); SetEntProp(ent, Prop_Send, "m_bInitialized", 1); DispatchSpawn(ent); SetEntPropEnt(client, Prop_Send, "m_hMyWearables", ent); if(g_iEnableWorldModel) SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_nBody", 1); } } } Nic takiego nie widzę
  4. Aaa właśnie nic o tym nie pisze nigdzie, mógłbym się dowiedzieć gdzie to mogę ustawić?
  5. Witam, wgrałem na swój serwer ten o to plugin Wszystko jest okej, tylko po wybraniu rękawiczek znika kompletnie model rękawiczek. Wiem że ten plugin działa ponieważ widziałem go na innym serwerze. Ktoś ma jakieś pomysły co mogło by być tego przyczyną?
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