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Treść opublikowana przez Quebo

  1. Mam wszystkie zmienne w configu na "1" i także dalej nic...
  2. Poddaje sie.. w settings.ini czy innym pliku?
  3. To się zmienia w plikach konfiguracyjnych, prawda? W .sp póki co nic nie ruszać, tak?
  4. w settings.ini zmieniłem "lr_show_fakerank" z "0" na '1", zrestartowalem serwer i dalej nic.....
  5. Użyłem tego.. Spolszczyłem to co było napisane "koślawo", dopisałem do databases to: "levels_ranks" { "driver" "mysql" "host" "" "database" "999999" "user" "999999" "pass" "xxxxxx" "port" "3306" } wrzuciłem "sourcemod" do sourcemod Game Server i FastDL do sound i materials Teraz moje pytanie.. Te rangi sa "z pluginem" (w tabeli) czy trzeba je wgrać osobno itd?
  6. Witam, tak jak w temacie szukam pluginu na rangi, ale nie chodzi mi o !mm, ponieważ taki plugin już posiadam, ale nie wszyscy z niego korzystaja, wiec pomyslalem o czyms innym. Wiem, że istnieje taki plugin, ale nie moge znaleźć go... Chodzi o to, żeby przykładowo gracz, który wszedł swieżo na serwer ma range "unranked" (czyli nie ma rangi) i np po 5 killach dostaje s1 po 25 dostaje s2 ITD
  7. Szukam: - Admin może ogłądać drużynę przeciwną po śmierci (nie mam pojęcia jak sie moze nazywac) - Jakiś fajny move command (mam jakiś, ale często admini się mylą i przenoszą całe drużyny, pomijam, że jest po angielsku (komunikaty jak i menu)) Każda odpowiedz - plusik <3
  8. Witajcie, dzisiaj zalozylem swoj serwer retake (z wasza pomoca .. ;p) Lecz pojawił się mały problem.. Po zaplantowaniu bomby, pojawia się ona ponownie w naszych rączkach (jedna zaplantowana, a druga ponownie znajduje się nie wiadomo skad w naszym ekwipunku) Gdzie można to naprawić? ;p (jak coś używałem tej paczki)
  9. Quebo


    proszę Cie bardzo retakes_pistolallocator.smx
  10. Quebo


    Nie widziałem, że nie ma folderu "plugins" i trzeba samemu skompilowac.. xDD... Tutaj nowy problem.. Nie mogę skompilować tego.. c:\Desktop\scripting\retakes.sp : fatal error 183: cannot read from file: "smlib" Jeżeli ktoś mógłby mi to skompilować byłbym bardzo wdzieczny.. scripting.rar
  11. Quebo


    Tak, na pukawce mam zainstalowanego sm i mm. Mam ostatnia aktualizacje sm... Wrzuciłem wszystko na ftp i nic się nie zmieniło....
  12. Quebo


    Pobrałem pierwsza paczka i wrzuciłem całą na serwer. Nic się nie zmieniło, instalować następną paczke czy musze jeszcze cos zrobic?
  13. Quebo


    Siemano.. Pamiętam, że ktoś udostępniał tutaj jakąś paczke retake. Czy ktoś ją jeszcze ma?
  14. Siemano, do końca tygodnia nie będę miał możliwości zalozenia SourceBans'a.. Teraz moje pytanie... Czy jest jakis sposób na to, żeby te cholerne bany się zapisywały i zeby co runde osoby zablokowane nie mogly wchodzic na serwer? Help.. :/
  15. Albo to ja coś robie źle, albo nie wiem... Zmieniłem z "0" na "1". Wrzuciłem pliki na serwer. Dopisałem do gamemode_competitive.cfg "sm_weapon_restrict_immunity "1"" Dalej nie działa.
  16. Witam, czy mógłby mi ktoś poradzić jak zrobić, żeby pod flage "t" odblokowywała się blokada broni? Używam tego pluginu:
  17. Po mimo, że widzialem, że te dwa pluginy prawie się nie różnią to wgrałem je na serwer. Dalej się bugują, jakieś pomysly?
  18. Używam pluginu "[CS:GO] Web Shortcuts CS:GO version" Problem jest taki, że owe komendy się bugują, po wpisaniu np !forum wyskoczy nam ono, lecz po użyciu !grupa dalej będzie nam wyskakiwać w dalszym ciagu forum. Podam przykładowe 2 linijki z configu pluginu: "!forum" "height=700,width=930" "!grupa" "height=700,width=930" Jeżeli nie da się naprawić tego pluginu to jaki inny polecacie? Pozdrawiam
  19. Zmieniłem w pliku .sp z "1" na "0" i przy kompilacji wyskakuje pełno błędów. Mógłby mi ktoś spróbować to skompilowac? /* SM CS:GO Weapon Paints * * Copyright (C) 2017 Francisco 'Franc1sco' García * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see */ #include <sourcemod> #include <sdktools> #include <cstrike> #include <sdkhooks> #include <multicolors> #define IDAYS 26 #undef REQUIRE_PLUGIN #include <lastrequest> new Handle:db; #define MAX_PAINTS 800 enum Listados { String:Nombre[64], index, Float:wear, stattrak, quality, pattern, String:flag[8] } new Handle:menuw = INVALID_HANDLE; new g_paints[MAX_PAINTS][Listados]; new g_paintCount = 0; new String:path_paints[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH]; new bool:g_hosties = false; new bool:g_c4; new Handle:cvar_c4; new Handle:arbol[MAXPLAYERS+1] = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:menu1[MAXPLAYERS+1] = INVALID_HANDLE; new Handle:saytimer; new Handle:cvar_saytimer; new g_saytimer; new Handle:rtimer; new Handle:cvar_rtimer; new g_rtimer; new Handle:cvar_rmenu; new bool:g_rmenu; new Handle:cvar_onlyadmin; new bool:onlyadmin; new Handle:cvar_zombiesv; new bool:zombiesv; new String:s_arma[MAXPLAYERS+1][64]; new s_sele[MAXPLAYERS+1]; new ismysql; new Handle:array_paints; new Handle:array_armas; #define DATA "2.8.4 public version" //new String:base[64] = "weaponpaints"; new bool:uselocal = false; new bool:comprobado41[MAXPLAYERS+1]; public Plugin:myinfo = { name = "SM CS:GO Weapon Paints", author = "Franc1sco franug", description = "", version = DATA, url = "" }; new String:g_sCmdLogPath[256]; public OnPluginStart() { for(new i=0;;i++) { BuildPath(Path_SM, g_sCmdLogPath, sizeof(g_sCmdLogPath), "logs/weaponpaints_%d.log", i); if ( !FileExists(g_sCmdLogPath) ) break; } LoadTranslations ("franug_weaponpaints.phrases"); CreateConVar("sm_wpaints_version", DATA, "", FCVAR_PLUGIN|FCVAR_SPONLY|FCVAR_REPLICATED|FCVAR_NOTIFY|FCVAR_CHEAT|FCVAR_DONTRECORD); HookEvent("round_start", roundStart); RegConsoleCmd("buyammo1", GetSkins); RegConsoleCmd("sm_ws", GetSkins); RegConsoleCmd("sm_wskins", GetSkins); RegConsoleCmd("sm_paints", GetSkins); RegAdminCmd("sm_reloadwskins", ReloadSkins, ADMFLAG_ROOT); cvar_c4 = CreateConVar("sm_weaponpaints_c4", "1", "Enable or disable that people can apply paints to the C4. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled"); cvar_saytimer = CreateConVar("sm_weaponpaints_saytimer", "10", "Time in seconds for block that show the plugin commands in chat when someone type a command. -1.0 = never show the commands in chat"); cvar_rtimer = CreateConVar("sm_weaponpaints_roundtimer", "20", "Time in seconds roundstart for can use the commands for change the paints. -1.0 = always can use the command"); cvar_rmenu = CreateConVar("sm_weaponpaints_rmenu", "1", "Re-open the menu when you select a option. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled."); cvar_onlyadmin = CreateConVar("sm_weaponpaints_onlyadmin", "0", "This feature is only for admins. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled."); cvar_zombiesv = CreateConVar("sm_weaponpaints_zombiesv", "1", "Enable this for prevent crashes in zombie servers. 1 = enabled, 0 = disabled."); g_c4 = GetConVarBool(cvar_c4); g_saytimer = GetConVarInt(cvar_saytimer); g_rtimer = GetConVarInt(cvar_rtimer); g_rmenu = GetConVarBool(cvar_rmenu); onlyadmin = GetConVarBool(cvar_onlyadmin); zombiesv = GetConVarBool(cvar_zombiesv); HookConVarChange(cvar_c4, OnConVarChanged); HookConVarChange(cvar_saytimer, OnConVarChanged); HookConVarChange(cvar_rtimer, OnConVarChanged); HookConVarChange(cvar_rmenu, OnConVarChanged); HookConVarChange(cvar_onlyadmin, OnConVarChanged); HookConVarChange(cvar_zombiesv, OnConVarChanged); array_paints = CreateArray(64); ReadPaints(); new String:Items[64]; if(array_armas != INVALID_HANDLE) CloseHandle(array_armas); array_armas = CreateArray(128); Format(Items, 64, "negev"); //Format(Items[desc], 64, "Negev"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "m249"); //Format(Items[desc], 64, "M249"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "bizon"); //Format(Items[desc], 64, "PP-Bizon"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "p90"); //Format(Items[desc], 64, "P90"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "scar20"); //Format(Items[desc], 64, "SCAR-20"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "g3sg1"); //Format(Items[desc], 64, "G3SG1"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "m4a1"); //Format(Items[desc], 64, "M4A1"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "m4a1_silencer"); //Format(Items[desc], 64, "M4A1-S"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "ak47"); //Format(Items[desc], 64, "AK-47"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "aug"); //Format(Items[desc], 64, "AUG"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "galilar"); //Format(Items[desc], 64, "Galil AR"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "awp"); //Format(Items[desc], 64, "AWP"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "sg556"); //Format(Items[desc], 64, "SG 553"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "ump45"); //Format(Items[desc], 64, "UMP-45"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "mp7"); //Format(Items[desc], 64, "MP7"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "famas"); //Format(Items[desc], 64, "FAMAS"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "mp9"); //Format(Items[desc], 64, "MP9"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "mac10"); //Format(Items[desc], 64, "MAC-10"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "ssg08"); //Format(Items[desc], 64, "SSG 08"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "nova"); //Format(Items[desc], 64, "Nova"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "xm1014"); //Format(Items[desc], 64, "XM1014"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "sawedoff"); //Format(Items[desc], 64, "Sawed-Off"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "mag7"); //Format(Items[desc], 64, "MAG-7"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); // Secondary weapons Format(Items, 64, "elite"); //Format(Items[desc], 64, "Dual Berettas"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "deagle"); //Format(Items[desc], 64, "Desert Eagle"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "tec9"); // 26 //Format(Items[desc], 64, "Tec-9"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "fiveseven"); //Format(Items[desc], 64, "Five-SeveN"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "cz75a"); //Format(Items[desc], 64, "CZ75-Auto"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "glock"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "usp_silencer"); //Format(Items[desc], 64, "USP-S"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "p250"); //Format(Items[desc], 64, "P250"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "hkp2000"); //Format(Items[desc], 64, "P2000"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "bayonet"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "knife_gut"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "knife_flip"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "knife_m9_bayonet"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "knife_karambit"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "knife_tactical"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "knife_butterfly"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "c4"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "knife_falchion"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "knife_push"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "revolver"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); Format(Items, 64, "knife_survival_bowie"); PushArrayString(array_armas, Items); for (new client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++) { if (!IsClientInGame(client)) continue; OnClientPutInServer(client); } ComprobarDB(true, "weaponpaints"); } public OnConVarChanged(Handle:convar, const String:oldValue[], const String:newValue[]) { if (convar == cvar_c4) { g_c4 = bool:StringToInt(newValue); } else if (convar == cvar_saytimer) { g_saytimer = StringToInt(newValue); } else if (convar == cvar_rtimer) { g_rtimer = StringToInt(newValue); } else if (convar == cvar_rmenu) { g_rmenu = bool:StringToInt(newValue); } else if (convar == cvar_onlyadmin) { onlyadmin = bool:StringToInt(newValue); } else if (convar == cvar_zombiesv) { zombiesv = bool:StringToInt(newValue); } } ComprobarDB(bool:reconnect = false,String:basedatos[64] = "weaponpaints") { if(uselocal) basedatos = "clientprefs"; if(reconnect) { if (db != INVALID_HANDLE) { //LogMessage("Reconnecting DB connection"); CloseHandle(db); db = INVALID_HANDLE; } } else if (db != INVALID_HANDLE) { return; } if (!SQL_CheckConfig( basedatos )) { if(StrEqual(basedatos, "clientprefs")) SetFailState("Databases not found"); else { //base = "clientprefs"; ComprobarDB(true,"clientprefs"); uselocal = true; } return; } SQL_TConnect(OnSqlConnect, basedatos); } public OnSqlConnect(Handle:owner, Handle:hndl, const String:error[], any:data) { if (hndl == INVALID_HANDLE) { LogToFileEx(g_sCmdLogPath, "Database failure: %s", error); SetFailState("Databases dont work"); } else { db = hndl; decl String:buffer[3096]; SQL_GetDriverIdent(SQL_ReadDriver(db), buffer, sizeof(buffer)); ismysql = StrEqual(buffer,"mysql", false) ? 1 : 0; new String:temp[64][44]; for(new i=0;i<GetArraySize(array_armas);++i) { GetArrayString(array_armas, i, temp[i], 64); } if (ismysql == 1) { Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `weaponpaints` (`playername` varchar(128) NOT NULL, `steamid` varchar(32) NOT NULL, `last_accountuse` int(64) NOT NULL, `%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none', `%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none', `%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none', `%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none', `%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none', `%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`%s` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`favorite1` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`favorite2` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`favorite3` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`favorite4` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`favorite5` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`favorite6` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',`favorite7` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',PRIMARY KEY (`steamid`))",temp[0],temp[1],temp[2],temp[3],temp[4],temp[5],temp[6],temp[7],temp[8],temp[9],temp[10],temp[11],temp[12],temp[13],temp[14],temp[15],temp[16],temp[17],temp[18],temp[19],temp[20],temp[21],temp[22],temp[23],temp[24],temp[25],temp[26],temp[27],temp[28],temp[29],temp[30],temp[31],temp[32],temp[33],temp[34],temp[35],temp[36],temp[37],temp[38],temp[39],temp[40], temp[41], temp[42], temp[43]); LogToFileEx(g_sCmdLogPath, "Query %s", buffer); SQL_TQuery(db, tbasicoC, buffer); } else { Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS weaponpaints (playername varchar(128) NOT NULL, steamid varchar(32) NOT NULL, last_accountuse int(64) NOT NULL, %s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none', %s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none', %s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none', %s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none', %s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none', %s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',%s varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',favorite1 varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',favorite2 varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',favorite3 varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',favorite4 varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',favorite5 varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',favorite6 varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',favorite7 varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none',PRIMARY KEY (steamid))",temp[0],temp[1],temp[2],temp[3],temp[4],temp[5],temp[6],temp[7],temp[8],temp[9],temp[10],temp[11],temp[12],temp[13],temp[14],temp[15],temp[16],temp[17],temp[18],temp[19],temp[20],temp[21],temp[22],temp[23],temp[24],temp[25],temp[26],temp[27],temp[28],temp[29],temp[30],temp[31],temp[32],temp[33],temp[34],temp[35],temp[36],temp[37],temp[38],temp[39],temp[40],temp[41], temp[42], temp[43]); LogToFileEx(g_sCmdLogPath, "Query %s", buffer); SQL_TQuery(db, tbasicoC, buffer); } } } public OnClientDisconnect(client) { if(comprobado41[client] && !IsFakeClient(client)) SaveCookies(client); comprobado41[client] = false; if(arbol[client] != INVALID_HANDLE) { ClearTrie(arbol[client]); CloseHandle(arbol[client]); arbol[client] = INVALID_HANDLE; } if(menu1[client] != INVALID_HANDLE) { CloseHandle(menu1[client]); menu1[client] = INVALID_HANDLE; } } public APLRes:AskPluginLoad2(Handle:myself, bool:late, String:error[], err_max) { MarkNativeAsOptional("IsClientInLastRequest"); return APLRes_Success; } public OnLibraryAdded(const String:name[]) { if (StrEqual(name, "hosties")) { g_hosties = true; } } public OnLibraryRemoved(const String:name[]) { if (StrEqual(name, "hosties")) { g_hosties = false; } } public Action:ReloadSkins(client, args) { ReadPaints(); ReplyToCommand(client, " \x04[WP]\x01 %T","Weapon paints reloaded", client); return Plugin_Handled; } ShowMenu(client, item) { SetMenuTitle(menuw, "%T","Menu title 1", client); //RemoveMenuItem(menuw, 2); RemoveMenuItem(menuw, 1); RemoveMenuItem(menuw, 0); decl String:tdisplay[64]; //Format(tdisplay, sizeof(tdisplay), "%T", "Choose from your favorite paints", client); //InsertMenuItem(menuw, 0, "-2", tdisplay); Format(tdisplay, sizeof(tdisplay), "%T", "Random paint", client); InsertMenuItem(menuw, 0, "0", tdisplay); Format(tdisplay, sizeof(tdisplay), "%T", "Default paint", client); InsertMenuItem(menuw, 1, "-1", tdisplay); DisplayMenuAtItem(menuw, client, item, 0); } ShowMenuM(client) { if(onlyadmin && GetUserAdmin(client) == INVALID_ADMIN_ID) return; new Handle:menu2 = CreateMenu(DIDMenuHandler_2); SetMenuTitle(menu2, "%T by Franc1sco franug","Menu title 2", client, DATA); decl String:tdisplay[64]; Format(tdisplay, sizeof(tdisplay), "%T", "Select paint for the current weapon", client); AddMenuItem(menu2, "1", tdisplay); Format(tdisplay, sizeof(tdisplay), "%T", "Select paint for each weapon", client); AddMenuItem(menu2, "2", tdisplay); //Format(tdisplay, sizeof(tdisplay), "%T", "Favorite paints", client); //AddMenuItem(menu2, "3", tdisplay); DisplayMenu(menu2, client, 0); } public Action:GetSkins(client, args) { Format(s_arma[client], 64, "none"); ShowMenuM(client); return Plugin_Handled; } public Action:OnClientSayCommand(client, const String:command[], const String:sArgs[]) { if(StrEqual(sArgs, "!wskins", false) || StrEqual(sArgs, "!ws", false) || StrEqual(sArgs, "!paints", false)) { Format(s_arma[client], 64, "none"); //ShowMenuM(client); if(saytimer != INVALID_HANDLE || g_saytimer == -1) return Plugin_Handled; saytimer = CreateTimer(1.0*g_saytimer, Tsaytimer); return Plugin_Continue; } else if(StrEqual(sArgs, "!ss", false) || StrEqual(sArgs, "!showskin", false)) { ShowSkin(client); if(saytimer != INVALID_HANDLE || g_saytimer == -1) return Plugin_Handled; saytimer = CreateTimer(1.0*g_saytimer, Tsaytimer); return Plugin_Continue; } return Plugin_Continue; } ShowSkin(client) { new weapon = GetEntPropEnt(client, Prop_Send, "m_hActiveWeapon"); if(weapon < 1 || !IsValidEdict(weapon) || !IsValidEntity(weapon)) { CPrintToChat(client, " {green}[WP]{default} %T", "Paint not found", client); return; } new buscar = GetEntProp(weapon,Prop_Send,"m_nFallbackPaintKit"); for(new i=1; i<g_paintCount;i++) { if(buscar == g_paints[i][index]) { CPrintToChat(client, " {green}[WP]{default} %T", "Paint found", client, g_paints[i][Nombre]); return; } } CPrintToChat(client, " {green}[WP]{default} %T", "Paint not found", client); } public Action:Tsaytimer(Handle:timer) { saytimer = INVALID_HANDLE; } public Action:roundStart(Handle:event, const String:name[], bool:dontBroadcast) { if(g_rtimer == -1) return; if(rtimer != INVALID_HANDLE) { KillTimer(rtimer); rtimer = INVALID_HANDLE; } rtimer = CreateTimer(1.0*g_rtimer, Rtimer); } public Action:Rtimer(Handle:timer) { rtimer = INVALID_HANDLE; } public DIDMenuHandler_2(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, client, itemNum) { if ( action == MenuAction_Select ) { decl String:info[4]; GetMenuItem(menu, itemNum, info, sizeof(info)); new theindex = StringToInt(info); if(theindex == 1) ShowMenu(client, 0); else if(theindex == 2 && comprobado41[client]) ShowMenuArmas(client, 0); //else if(theindex == 3) ShowMenuFav(client); } else if (action == MenuAction_End) { CloseHandle(menu); } } ShowMenuArmas(client, item) { if(menu1[client] == INVALID_HANDLE) CrearMenu1(client); DisplayMenuAtItem(menu1[client], client, item, 0); } public DIDMenuHandler(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, client, itemNum) { if ( action == MenuAction_Select ) { if(!comprobado41[client]) { if(g_rmenu) ShowMenu(client, GetMenuSelectionPosition()); return; } decl String:Classname[64]; decl String:info[4]; GetMenuItem(menu, itemNum, info, sizeof(info)); new theindex = StringToInt(info); if(StrEqual(s_arma[client], "none")) { if(GetUserAdmin(client) == INVALID_ADMIN_ID && rtimer == INVALID_HANDLE && g_rtimer != -1) { CPrintToChat(client, " {green}[WP]{default} %T", "You can use this command only the first seconds", client, g_rtimer); if(g_rmenu) ShowMenu(client, GetMenuSelectionPosition()); return; } if(!IsPlayerAlive(client)) { CPrintToChat(client, " {green}[WP]{default} %T", "You cant use this when you are dead", client); if(g_rmenu) ShowMenu(client, GetMenuSelectionPosition()); return; } if(g_hosties && IsClientInLastRequest(client)) { CPrintToChat(client, " {green}[WP]{default} %T", "You cant use this when you are in a lastrequest", client); if(g_rmenu) ShowMenu(client, GetMenuSelectionPosition()); return; } if(theindex != -1 && !StrEqual(g_paints[theindex][flag], "0")) { if(!CheckCommandAccess(client, "weaponpaints_override", ReadFlagString(g_paints[theindex][flag]), true)) { CPrintToChat(client, " {green}[WP]{default} %T", "You dont have access to this paint", client); if(g_rmenu) ShowMenu(client, GetMenuSelectionPosition()); return; } } new windex = GetEntPropEnt(client, Prop_Send, "m_hActiveWeapon"); if(windex < 1) { CPrintToChat(client, " {green}[WP]{default} %T", "You cant use a paint in this weapon", client); if(g_rmenu) ShowMenu(client, GetMenuSelectionPosition()); return; } if(!GetEdictClassname(windex, Classname, 64) || StrEqual(Classname, "weapon_taser") || (!g_c4 && StrEqual(Classname, "weapon_c4"))) { CPrintToChat(client, " {green}[WP]{default} %T", "You cant use a paint in this weapon", client); if(g_rmenu) ShowMenu(client, GetMenuSelectionPosition()); return; } ReplaceString(Classname, 64, "weapon_", ""); new weaponindex = GetEntProp(windex, Prop_Send, "m_iItemDefinitionIndex"); if(weaponindex == 42 || weaponindex == 59) { CPrintToChat(client, " {green}[WP]{default} %T", "You cant use a paint in this weapon", client); if(g_rmenu) ShowMenu(client, GetMenuSelectionPosition()); return; } if(GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, CS_SLOT_PRIMARY) == windex || GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, CS_SLOT_SECONDARY) == windex || GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, CS_SLOT_KNIFE) == windex || (g_c4 && GetPlayerWeaponSlot(client, CS_SLOT_C4) == windex)) { switch (weaponindex) { case 60: strcopy(Classname, 64, "m4a1_silencer"); case 61: strcopy(Classname, 64, "usp_silencer"); case 63: strcopy(Classname, 64, "cz75a"); case 500: strcopy(Classname, 64, "bayonet"); case 506: strcopy(Classname, 64, "knife_gut"); case 505: strcopy(Classname, 64, "knife_flip"); case 508: strcopy(Classname, 64, "knife_m9_bayonet"); case 507: strcopy(Classname, 64, "knife_karambit"); case 509: strcopy(Classname, 64, "knife_tactical"); case 515: strcopy(Classname, 64, "knife_butterfly"); case 512: strcopy(Classname, 64, "knife_falchion"); case 516: strcopy(Classname, 64, "knife_push"); case 64: strcopy(Classname, 64, "revolver"); case 514: strcopy(Classname, 64, "knife_survival_bowie"); } if(arbol[client] == INVALID_HANDLE) { OnClientPostAdminCheck(client); return; } else { new valor = 0; if(!GetTrieValue(arbol[client], Classname, valor)) { CPrintToChat(client, " {green}[WP]{default} %T", "You cant use a paint in this weapon", client); if(g_rmenu) ShowMenu(client, GetMenuSelectionPosition()); return; } decl String:buffer[1024], String:nombres[64]; if(theindex == -1) Format(nombres, sizeof(nombres), "default"); else Format(nombres, sizeof(nombres), g_paints[theindex][Nombre]); decl String:steamid[32]; GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, steamid, sizeof(steamid) ); Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "UPDATE weaponpaints SET %s = '%s' WHERE steamid = '%s';", Classname,nombres,steamid); LogToFileEx(g_sCmdLogPath, "Query %s", buffer); SQL_TQuery(db, tbasico, buffer, GetClientUserId(client)); SetTrieValue(arbol[client], Classname, theindex); } //ChangePaint(client, windex, Classname, weaponindex, true); decl String:Classname2[64]; Format(Classname2, 64, "weapon_%s", Classname); Restore(client, windex, Classname2, weaponindex); FakeClientCommand(client, "use %s", Classname2); if(theindex == -1) CPrintToChat(client, " {green}[WP]{default} %T","You have choose your default paint for your",client, Classname); else if(theindex == 0) CPrintToChat(client, " {green}[WP]{default} %T","You have choose a random paint for your",client, Classname); else CPrintToChat(client, " {green}[WP]{default} %T", "You have choose a weapon",client, g_paints[theindex][Nombre], Classname); decl String:temp[128], String:temp1[64]; if(theindex == -1) Format(temp, 128, "%s", Classname); else if (theindex == 0) { Format(temp1, sizeof(temp1), "%T", "Random paint", client); Format(temp, 128, "%s - %s", Classname, temp1); } else Format(temp, 128, "%s - %s", Classname, g_paints[theindex][Nombre]); if(menu1[client] == INVALID_HANDLE) CrearMenu1(client); new imenu = FindStringInArray(array_armas, Classname); InsertMenuItem(menu1[client], imenu, Classname, temp); FindStringInArray(array_armas, Classname); RemoveMenuItem(menu1[client], imenu+1); } else CPrintToChat(client, " {green}[WP]{default} %T", "You cant use a paint in this weapon",client); } else { Format(Classname, 64, s_arma[client]); if(arbol[client] == INVALID_HANDLE) { OnClientPostAdminCheck(client); return; } else { decl String:buffer[1024], String:nombres[64]; if(theindex == -1) Format(nombres, sizeof(nombres), "default"); else Format(nombres, sizeof(nombres), g_paints[theindex][Nombre]); decl String:steamid[32]; GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, steamid, sizeof(steamid) ); Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "UPDATE weaponpaints SET %s = '%s' WHERE steamid = '%s';", Classname,nombres,steamid); LogToFileEx(g_sCmdLogPath, "Query %s", buffer); SQL_TQuery(db, tbasico, buffer, GetClientUserId(client)); SetTrieValue(arbol[client], Classname, theindex); } if(theindex == -1) CPrintToChat(client, " {green}[WP]{default} %T","You have choose your default paint for your",client, Classname); else if(theindex == 0) CPrintToChat(client, " {green}[WP]{default} %T","You have choose a random paint for your",client, Classname); else CPrintToChat(client, " {green}[WP]{default} %T", "You have choose a weapon",client, g_paints[theindex][Nombre], Classname); decl String:temp[128], String:temp1[64]; if(theindex == -1) Format(temp, 128, "%s", Classname); else if (theindex == 0) { Format(temp1, sizeof(temp1), "%T", "Random paint", client); Format(temp, 128, "%s - %s", Classname, temp1); } else Format(temp, 128, "%s - %s", Classname, g_paints[theindex][Nombre]); new imenu = FindStringInArray(array_armas, Classname); InsertMenuItem(menu1[client], imenu, Classname, temp); FindStringInArray(array_armas, Classname); RemoveMenuItem(menu1[client], imenu+1); Format(s_arma[client], 64, "none"); ShowMenuArmas(client, s_sele[client]); return; } if(g_rmenu) ShowMenu(client, GetMenuSelectionPosition()); } } /* public Action:RestoreItemID(Handle:timer, Handle:pack) { new entity; new m_iItemIDHigh; new m_iItemIDLow; ResetPack(pack); entity = EntRefToEntIndex(ReadPackCell(pack)); m_iItemIDHigh = ReadPackCell(pack); m_iItemIDLow = ReadPackCell(pack); if(entity != INVALID_ENT_REFERENCE) { SetEntProp(entity,Prop_Send,"m_iItemIDHigh",m_iItemIDHigh); SetEntProp(entity,Prop_Send,"m_iItemIDLow",m_iItemIDLow); } } */ ReadPaints() { BuildPath(Path_SM, path_paints, sizeof(path_paints), "configs/csgo_wpaints.cfg"); decl Handle:kv; g_paintCount = 1; ClearArray(array_paints); PushArrayString(array_paints, "random"); Format(g_paints[0][Nombre], 64, "random") kv = CreateKeyValues("Paints"); FileToKeyValues(kv, path_paints); if (!KvGotoFirstSubKey(kv)) { SetFailState("CFG File not found: %s", path_paints); CloseHandle(kv); } do { KvGetSectionName(kv, g_paints[g_paintCount][Nombre], 64); g_paints[g_paintCount][index] = KvGetNum(kv, "paint", 0); g_paints[g_paintCount][wear] = KvGetFloat(kv, "wear", 0.01); g_paints[g_paintCount][stattrak] = KvGetNum(kv, "stattrak", -2); g_paints[g_paintCount][quality] = KvGetNum(kv, "quality", 3); g_paints[g_paintCount][pattern] = KvGetNum(kv, "pattern", 0); KvGetString(kv, "flag", g_paints[g_paintCount][flag], 8, "0"); PushArrayString(array_paints, g_paints[g_paintCount][Nombre]); g_paintCount++; } while (KvGotoNextKey(kv)); CloseHandle(kv); if(menuw != INVALID_HANDLE) CloseHandle(menuw); menuw = INVALID_HANDLE; menuw = CreateMenu(DIDMenuHandler); // TROLLING SetMenuTitle(menuw, "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"); decl String:item[4]; AddMenuItem(menuw, "0", "Random paint"); AddMenuItem(menuw, "-1", "Default paint"); // FORGET THIS for (new i=g_paintCount; i<MAX_PAINTS; ++i) { g_paints[i][index] = 0; } //decl String:menuitem[192]; for (new i=1; i<g_paintCount; ++i) { Format(item, 4, "%i", i); AddMenuItem(menuw, item, g_paints[i][Nombre]); /* if(StrEqual(g_paints[g_paintCount][flag], "public", false)) { AddMenuItem(menuw, item, g_paints[Nombre]); } else { Format(menuitem, 192, "%s (flag %s)", g_paints[Nombre],g_paints[flag]); AddMenuItem(menuw, item, menuitem); } */ } SetMenuExitButton(menuw, true); } /* stock GetReserveAmmo(client, weapon) { new ammotype = GetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Send, "m_iPrimaryAmmoType"); if(ammotype == -1) return -1; return GetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iAmmo", _, ammotype); } stock SetReserveAmmo(client, weapon, ammo) { new ammotype = GetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Send, "m_iPrimaryAmmoType"); if(ammotype == -1) return; SetEntProp(client, Prop_Send, "m_iAmmo", ammo, _, ammotype); } */ stock GetReserveAmmo(weapon) { new ammotype = GetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Send, "m_iPrimaryReserveAmmoCount"); if(ammotype == -1) return -1; return ammotype; } stock SetReserveAmmo(weapon, ammo) { SetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Send, "m_iPrimaryReserveAmmoCount", ammo); //PrintToChatAll("fijar es %i", ammo); } Restore(client, windex, String:Classname[64], weaponindex) { new bool:knife = false; if(StrContains(Classname, "weapon_knife", false) == 0 || StrContains(Classname, "weapon_bayonet", false) == 0) { knife = true; } //PrintToChat(client, "weapon %s", Classname); new ammo, clip; if(!knife) { ammo = GetReserveAmmo(windex); clip = GetEntProp(windex, Prop_Send, "m_iClip1"); } RemovePlayerItem(client, windex); AcceptEntityInput(windex, "Kill"); new entity; if(zombiesv && knife) GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_knife"); else entity = GivePlayerItem(client, Classname); if(knife) { if (weaponindex != 42 && weaponindex != 59 && !zombiesv) EquipPlayerWeapon(client, entity); } else { SetReserveAmmo(entity, ammo); SetEntProp(entity, Prop_Send, "m_iClip1", clip); } } ChangePaint(entity, theindex) { if(theindex == 0) { theindex = GetRandomInt(1, g_paintCount-1); } else if(theindex == -1) return; /* new m_iItemIDHigh = GetEntProp(entity, Prop_Send, "m_iItemIDHigh"); new m_iItemIDLow = GetEntProp(entity, Prop_Send, "m_iItemIDLow"); */ SetEntProp(entity,Prop_Send,"m_iItemIDLow",-1); //SetEntProp(entity,Prop_Send,"m_iItemIDHigh",0); SetEntProp(entity,Prop_Send,"m_nFallbackPaintKit",g_paints[theindex][index]); if(g_paints[theindex][wear] >= 0.0) SetEntPropFloat(entity,Prop_Send,"m_flFallbackWear",g_paints[theindex][wear]); if(g_paints[theindex][pattern] >= 0) SetEntProp(entity,Prop_Send,"m_nFallbackSeed",g_paints[theindex][pattern]); if(g_paints[theindex][stattrak] != -2) SetEntProp(entity,Prop_Send,"m_nFallbackStatTrak",g_paints[theindex][stattrak]); if(g_paints[theindex][quality] != -2) SetEntProp(entity,Prop_Send,"m_iEntityQuality",g_paints[theindex][quality]); /* new Handle:pack; CreateDataTimer(0.2, RestoreItemID, pack); WritePackCell(pack,EntIndexToEntRef(entity)); WritePackCell(pack,m_iItemIDHigh); WritePackCell(pack,m_iItemIDLow); */ } public OnClientPutInServer(client) { if(!IsFakeClient(client)) SDKHook(client, SDKHook_WeaponEquipPost, OnPostWeaponEquip); } public Action:OnPostWeaponEquip(client, weapon) { if(onlyadmin && GetUserAdmin(client) == INVALID_ADMIN_ID) return; if(weapon < 1 || !IsValidEdict(weapon) || !IsValidEntity(weapon)) return; if (GetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Send, "m_hPrevOwner") > 0) return; decl String:Classname[64]; if(!GetEdictClassname(weapon, Classname, 64) || StrEqual(Classname, "weapon_taser") || (!g_c4 && StrEqual(Classname, "weapon_c4"))) { return; } ReplaceString(Classname, 64, "weapon_", ""); new weaponindex = GetEntProp(weapon, Prop_Send, "m_iItemDefinitionIndex"); if(weaponindex == 42 || weaponindex == 59) { return; } switch (weaponindex) { case 60: strcopy(Classname, 64, "m4a1_silencer"); case 61: strcopy(Classname, 64, "usp_silencer"); case 63: strcopy(Classname, 64, "cz75a"); case 500: strcopy(Classname, 64, "bayonet"); case 506: strcopy(Classname, 64, "knife_gut"); case 505: strcopy(Classname, 64, "knife_flip"); case 508: strcopy(Classname, 64, "knife_m9_bayonet"); case 507: strcopy(Classname, 64, "knife_karambit"); case 509: strcopy(Classname, 64, "knife_tactical"); case 515: strcopy(Classname, 64, "knife_butterfly"); case 512: strcopy(Classname, 64, "knife_falchion"); case 516: strcopy(Classname, 64, "knife_push"); case 64: strcopy(Classname, 64, "revolver"); case 514: strcopy(Classname, 64, "knife_survival_bowie"); } if(arbol[client] == INVALID_HANDLE) return; new valor = 0; if(!GetTrieValue(arbol[client], Classname, valor)) return; if(valor == -1 || (valor != 0 && g_paints[valor][index] == 0)) return; //PrintToChat(client, "prueba"); ChangePaint(weapon, valor); } SaveCookies(client) { decl String:steamid[32]; GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, steamid, sizeof(steamid) ); new String:Name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH+1]; new String:SafeName[(sizeof(Name)*2)+1]; if (!GetClientName(client, Name, sizeof(Name))) Format(SafeName, sizeof(SafeName), "<noname>"); else { TrimString(Name); SQL_EscapeString(db, Name, SafeName, sizeof(SafeName)); } decl String:buffer[3096]; Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "UPDATE weaponpaints SET last_accountuse = %d, playername = '%s' WHERE steamid = '%s';",GetTime(), SafeName,steamid); LogToFileEx(g_sCmdLogPath, "Query %s", buffer); SQL_TQuery(db, tbasico2, buffer); } CrearMenu1(client) { menu1[client] = CreateMenu(DIDMenuHandler_armas); SetMenuTitle(menu1[client], "%T","Menu title 1", client); new String:Items[64]; decl String:temp[128], String:temp1[64]; new valor; for(new i=0;i<GetArraySize(array_armas);++i) { GetArrayString(array_armas, i, Items, 64); if(GetTrieValue(arbol[client], Items, valor)) { if(valor == -1) Format(temp, 128, "%s", Items); else if (valor == 0) { Format(temp1, sizeof(temp1), "%T", "Random paint", client); Format(temp, 128, "%s - %s", Items, temp1); } else Format(temp, 128, "%s - %s", Items, g_paints[valor][Nombre]); } else Format(temp, 128, "%s", Items); AddMenuItem(menu1[client], Items, temp); } } public DIDMenuHandler_armas(Handle:menu, MenuAction:action, client, itemNum) { if ( action == MenuAction_Select ) { decl String:info[64]; GetMenuItem(menu, itemNum, info, sizeof(info)); Format(s_arma[client], 64, info); s_sele[client] = GetMenuSelectionPosition(); ShowMenu(client, 0); } } public OnClientPostAdminCheck(client) { if(!IsFakeClient(client)) CheckSteamID(client); //PrintToChatAll("algo"); } CheckSteamID(client) { decl String:query[255], String:steamid[32]; GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, steamid, sizeof(steamid) ); Format(query, sizeof(query), "SELECT * FROM weaponpaints WHERE steamid = '%s'", steamid); LogToFileEx(g_sCmdLogPath, "Query %s", query); SQL_TQuery(db, T_CheckSteamID, query, GetClientUserId(client)); } public T_CheckSteamID(Handle:owner, Handle:hndl, const String:error[], any:data) { new client; /* Make sure the client didn't disconnect while the thread was running */ if ((client = GetClientOfUserId(data)) == 0) { return; } if (hndl == INVALID_HANDLE) { ComprobarDB(); return; } //PrintToChatAll("comprobado41"); if (!SQL_GetRowCount(hndl) || !SQL_FetchRow(hndl)) { Nuevo(client); return; } arbol[client] = CreateTrie(); new String:Items[64]; new String:temp[64]; new contar = 3; for(new i=0;i<GetArraySize(array_armas);++i) { GetArrayString(array_armas, i, Items, 64); SQL_FetchString(hndl, contar, temp, 64); SetTrieValue(arbol[client], Items, FindStringInArray(array_paints, temp)); //LogMessage("Sacado %i del arma %s", FindStringInArray(array_paints, temp),Items); contar++; } /* SQL_FetchString(hndl, contar, temp, 64); SetTrieValue(arbol[client], "favorite1", FindStringInArray(array_paints, temp)); contar++; SQL_FetchString(hndl, contar, temp, 64); SetTrieValue(arbol[client], "favorite2", FindStringInArray(array_paints, temp)); contar++; SQL_FetchString(hndl, contar, temp, 64); SetTrieValue(arbol[client], "favorite3", FindStringInArray(array_paints, temp)); contar++; SQL_FetchString(hndl, contar, temp, 64); SetTrieValue(arbol[client], "favorite4", FindStringInArray(array_paints, temp)); contar++; SQL_FetchString(hndl, contar, temp, 64); SetTrieValue(arbol[client], "favorite5", FindStringInArray(array_paints, temp)); contar++; SQL_FetchString(hndl, contar, temp, 64); SetTrieValue(arbol[client], "favorite6", FindStringInArray(array_paints, temp)); contar++; SQL_FetchString(hndl, contar, temp, 64); SetTrieValue(arbol[client], "favorite7", FindStringInArray(array_paints, temp)); contar++; */ comprobado41[client] = true; /* new String:equipo[64]; SQL_FetchString( hndl, 0, equipo, 64); PrintToChatAll(equipo); SQL_FetchString( hndl, 1, equipo, 64); PrintToChatAll(equipo); SQL_FetchString( hndl, 2, equipo, 64); PrintToChatAll(equipo); SQL_FetchString( hndl, 3, equipo, 64); // este PrintToChatAll(equipo); */ //PrintToChatAll("pasado"); /* new String:equipo[4]; SQL_FetchString( hndl, 0, equipo, 4); if(StrEqual(equipo, "CT", false)) { ft[client] = CS_TEAM_CT; } else if(StrEqual(equipo, "T", false)) { ft[client] = CS_TEAM_T; } */ } Nuevo(client) { //PrintToChatAll("metido"); decl String:query[255], String:steamid[32]; GetClientAuthId(client, AuthId_Steam2, steamid, sizeof(steamid) ); new userid = GetClientUserId(client); new String:Name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH+1]; new String:SafeName[(sizeof(Name)*2)+1]; if (!GetClientName(client, Name, sizeof(Name))) Format(SafeName, sizeof(SafeName), "<noname>"); else { TrimString(Name); SQL_EscapeString(db, Name, SafeName, sizeof(SafeName)); } Format(query, sizeof(query), "INSERT INTO weaponpaints(playername, steamid, last_accountuse) VALUES('%s', '%s', '%d');", SafeName, steamid, GetTime()); LogToFileEx(g_sCmdLogPath, "Query %s", query); SQL_TQuery(db, tbasico3, query, userid); } public PruneDatabase() { if (db == INVALID_HANDLE) { LogToFileEx(g_sCmdLogPath, "Prune Database: No connection"); ComprobarDB(); return; } new maxlastaccuse; maxlastaccuse = GetTime() - (IDAYS * 86400); decl String:buffer[1024]; if (ismysql == 1) Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "DELETE FROM `weaponpaints` WHERE `last_accountuse`<'%d' AND `last_accountuse`>'0';", maxlastaccuse); else Format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "DELETE FROM weaponpaints WHERE last_accountuse<'%d' AND last_accountuse>'0';", maxlastaccuse); LogToFileEx(g_sCmdLogPath, "Query %s", buffer); SQL_TQuery(db, tbasicoP, buffer); } public tbasico(Handle:owner, Handle:hndl, const String:error[], any:data) { if (hndl == INVALID_HANDLE) { LogToFileEx(g_sCmdLogPath, "Query failure: %s", error); } new client; /* Make sure the client didn't disconnect while the thread was running */ if ((client = GetClientOfUserId(data)) == 0) { return; } comprobado41[client] = true; } public tbasico2(Handle:owner, Handle:hndl, const String:error[], any:data) { if (hndl == INVALID_HANDLE) { LogToFileEx(g_sCmdLogPath, "Query failure: %s", error); ComprobarDB(); } } public tbasico3(Handle:owner, Handle:hndl, const String:error[], any:data) { if (hndl == INVALID_HANDLE) { LogToFileEx(g_sCmdLogPath, "Query failure: %s", error); ComprobarDB(); } new client; /* Make sure the client didn't disconnect while the thread was running */ if ((client = GetClientOfUserId(data)) == 0) { return; } arbol[client] = CreateTrie(); new String:Items[64]; for(new i=0;i<GetArraySize(array_armas);++i) { GetArrayString(array_armas, i, Items, 64); SetTrieValue(arbol[client], Items, -1); } SetTrieValue(arbol[client], "favorite1", -1); SetTrieValue(arbol[client], "favorite2", -1); SetTrieValue(arbol[client], "favorite3", -1); SetTrieValue(arbol[client], "favorite4", -1); SetTrieValue(arbol[client], "favorite5", -1); SetTrieValue(arbol[client], "favorite6", -1); SetTrieValue(arbol[client], "favorite7", -1); comprobado41[client] = true; } public tbasicoC(Handle:owner, Handle:hndl, const String:error[], any:data) { if (hndl == INVALID_HANDLE) { LogToFileEx(g_sCmdLogPath, "Query failure: %s", error); } //LogMessage("Database connection successful"); for(new client = 1; client <= MaxClients; client++) { if(IsClientInGame(client)) { OnClientPostAdminCheck(client); } } } public tbasicoP(Handle:owner, Handle:hndl, const String:error[], any:data) { if (hndl == INVALID_HANDLE) { LogToFileEx(g_sCmdLogPath, "Query failure: %s", error); ComprobarDB(); } //LogMessage("Prune Database successful"); } [code]
  20. Na moim serwerze ostatnio pojawił się mały problem. Wgrałem dzisiaj skiny (franc1sco public version) Na moim głównym koncie gdzie mam przypisaną flage "z" skiny działają. Po wejsciu smerf kontem, tabela z skinami nawet się nie otwiera. W czym leży problem? Inni gracze mają taki sam problem. Na smerf koncie dopisałem sobie flagi "a,t", czyli vip'a na serwerze. Od tego momentu, mogłem wejść tym kontem i normalnie używać skinów. Po krótkim namyśle przyszła mi do głowy tylko jedna myśl. Tych skinów mogą używać tylko osoby posiadające flagi vip i w góre. Czy da się zmienić, żeby skinów mógł używać każdy?
  21. Serwer BYŁ na innym source bans'ie, ale po rozłamie sieci został usunięty całkowicie z sb (od strony www i serwera). Teraz wgrany jest na czysto, więc nie chodzi raczej o porty, tylko problem jest z sourcebans.cfg. Możesz podać przykład jak mam dopisać ten serwer?
  22. Porty nie mogą być zablokowane, ponieważ serwer był podpięty do innego SourceBans'a i działał. Bardziej zastanawia mnie konfiguracja sourcebans.cfg. Gdzie powinienem dodać to id?
  23. A więc tak... Postanowiłem wgrać tego sourcebana. Pobrałem całą paczke. Wrzuciłem "web" na ftp strony a następnie wszystko zainstalowałem krok po kroku. Potem wrzuciłem paczke "game" na ftp serwera. Na ftp serwera dopisałem do databases kod, który wyskoczył mi pod koniec instalacji na stronce. Dodałem serwer, ku mojemu zdziwieniu wyskakuje błąd "Error Conecting". Zapomniałem o czymś? A może zrobiłem jakiś potężny błąd.. Pomocy :(
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