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Treść opublikowana przez Maroxx

  1. Więcej info na gg: 67355928
  2. Cześć,mam pytanie odnosnie tego pluginu: Przedrostek na czacie skasowalem natomiast nie wiem jak wyłączyć tagi Admina i Vipa. tutaj cfg multi1v1.cfg
  3. Szukam osoby z licencją na IPS, która jest potrzebna do założenia sieci serwerów. Oferuję: Zgraną ekipę 3 serwery cs go z reklamą Stanowisko właściciel Proszę o kontakt na forum
  4. Chciałbym was zaprosic na Posiadasz własny serwer do CS 1.6 lub GO? Zajrzyj do nas i dołącz do szybko rozwijającej sie sieci!
  5. Maroxx

    Chat colors

    Znowu mam pytanie. Kazdy kto wbije na serwer ma na czacie tag head admina. Dorzucam cfg: [code] // Custom Chat Colors is written by Dr. McKay ( // Simple Chat Colors (Redux) is written by Antithasys // The configuration is very similar, so I've stolen Redux's documentation ? // // How to edit this file: // "admin_colors" <-- Leave this alone // { <-- Add all groups/steamids after first bracket (Leave this alone) // // "STEAM_0:1:1234567" <-- Here is a steamid example with a tag (don't duplicate steamids) // { // "namecolor" "#RRGGBB" <-- This is the color for the name (#RRGGBB in hex notation or #RRGGBBAA with alpha) // "textcolor" "#RRGGBBAA" <-- This is the color of the text // } // // "groupname" <-- This can either be a steamid for a specific player, or a group name // { <-- Open the group // "flag" "z" <-- This is the flag(s) assoicated with the group. This field doesn't matter if the group name is a steamid // "tag" "[admin]" <-- This is the text for the tag // "tagcolor" "O" <-- This is the color for the tag // "namecolor" "G" <-- This is the color for the name // "textcolor" "T" <-- This is the color of the text // } <-- Close the group // } <-- Add all groups/steamids before last bracket (Leave this alone) // // NOTE: // If you don't enter a steamid then the group name does not matter, it's just for your reference. // // For colors, either a hex notation of a color (#RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA) or one of the supported shortcuts (O - Olive, G - Green, T - Team) is required // // --------ORDER OF OPERATIONS-------- // // The order in which you place items in the config file matters. Here is what determins what color they get: // 1. SteamID // If there is a steamid present, it will always override everything. If you put a steamid in twice // then the first entry (top to bottom) will be used. (I think, just don't do it!) // 2. Groups // The plugin will search (top to bottom) for a postitive match for the flag string. The player' flags // will be compared with the group flag character (NOTE: only one flag per group! "a" is okay, "ab" is NOT), // and if the player has the flag, it will stop there. // For example. Admins with the "ad" flags and donators with the "a" flag. If you place the "a" flag group // above the "d" group then the admin will get the "a" colors. Order matters. // // ---------DO NOT EDIT ABOVE THIS LINE--------- "admin_colors" { "HEAD ADMIN" { "flag" "z" "tag" "-HEAD ADMIN- " "tagcolor" "{02}" "namecolor" "{01}" "textcolor" "{02}" } "Opiekun" { "flag" "s" "tag" "-OPIEKUN- " "tagcolor" "{10}" "namecolor" "{01}" "textcolor" "{10}" } "ADMIN" { "flag" "o" "tag" "-ADMIN- " "tagcolor" "{0C}" "namecolor" "{01}" "textcolor" "{0C}" } "VIP" { "flag" "t" "tag" "-VIP- " "tagcolor" "{04}" "namecolor" "{01}" "textcolor" "{04}" } "GRACZ" { "flag" "" "tag" "-GRACZ- " "tagcolor" "{01}" "namecolor" "T" "textcolor" "{01}" } } [/code]
  6. Mam tez taki plik nie wiem skad chat_colors_csgo.ini
  7. masz cfg custom-chatcolors.cfg Wyświetla mi tylko prefix z vip by hanys
  8. Instaluję według instrukcji, plugin nie działa. Ma ktos jakiegos pro tipa?
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