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[CS:GO] Stroke Strike - The Golf Gamemode

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Stroke Strike
Basically Golf in CS:GO



Stroke Strike is a fun gamemode I've made after the success of my Golf prototype few years ago which I had done in vscripts.
The goal is simple: Put the Decoy in the spawned Trashcan first. After the round is over, the winner is boosted in HP and it becomes a slaughter until the next hole starts.
It can run on any map and contains in-game commands to build your own courses hole by hole.

This is my first plugin, I wanted to try out SourcePawn, and I'm loving it so far!
I'm still new to this, please be gentle! It sure isn't one of the cleanest coded plugin. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


  • Custom club viewmodel with sounds!
  • Score multipliers for Hole-In-Ones and Shots scored from far away.
  • Basic admin commands to restart or to set a specific hole.
  • Ability to tweak the time between shots, going back to a previous location, HP for the winner and more.
  • Moving players to CT for a more readable scoreboard, that includes forcing their previous team's playermodel (both can be disabled)
  • Ability to ship your map with Stroke Strike ready entities!
  • An ingame command based editor to create courses, you can name them as well!
  • Simple to add more holes, configs are stored by map, each file can be a hole, or even multiple, just drag and drop.
  • Endless fun!


Server Commands (for debugging purposes)

sm_golfers                                                -                Prints the golf variables for all players
sm_golfdebug <0/1>                                        -                Prints debugging messages, if you broke a hole somehow, this will come in handy.

Server/Admin Commands

sm_golf <0/1/2>                                                -                Enable/Disable the gamemode, 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled, 2 for edit mode.
                                                        +                /!\ CAREFUL! Edit mode allows ALL players to run the editing commands.
                                                        +                Anybody can delete or save holes too. Be careful.

sm_golfstroketime <seconds>                                -                Time between strokes, once time is up, you get damaged and the next throw starts.
sm_golfgoto <hole>                                        -                Go to a specific hole number.
sm_golfrestart                                                -                Restart the course entirely (reset scores, course progress etc..).
sm_golfwinhp <health>                                        -                Set the health multiplicator for the winner based on the number of alive golfers.
sm_golfweapons <loser> <winner>                                -                Set the weapons for the losers and winner. (eg. weapon_ak47).
sm_golfrandom <0/1>                                        -                Randomize hole orders, 0 for disabled, 1 for enabled.
sm_golfallowback <0/1>                                        -                Allow players to go back to their previous position, 0 disabled, 1 enabled.
sm_golfforcect <0/1>                                        -                Force players to be moved to the CT team, it makes the scoreboard more readable for scores
sm_golfkeeppm <0/1>                                        -                Keep the playermodel from the first team the player has joined. Used with sm_golfforcect
sm_golfforceconfig <0/1>                                -                Ignore Stroke Strike entities, uses the configs instead.

Editing Commands (in-game only, read sm_golf in the first block)

sm_golfeditinfo <name> <author>                                -                Set the info of the hole, use quotes for spaces, required.
sm_golfeditspawn                                        -                Set the spawn, based on your current position and angles, required.
sm_golfedithole                                                -                Set the hole, based on your current position, required.
sm_golfeditwin                                                -                Set the winner's respawn point, if none provided, the hole's position will be used.
sm_golfeditsave        <filename>                                -                Save the currently edited hole, can overwrite, if no arguments provided, a list of the configs will be shown
sm_golfeditdel <filename>                                -                Deletes a specific config, if no arguments provided, a list of the configs will be shown
sm_golfeditload        <hole>                                        -                sm_golfgoto alias. Will load the positions and info of the hole as well.


  • Currently, getting stuck inside geometry is a thing. Use another plugin to unstuck for now.
  • I've ran into issues with uploading assets to players.. No clue if it isn't just my server, typing 'sv_allowupload 1' ON THE CLIENT fixed it somehow.
  • You can get out of the map... That's a feature though.. right?
  • Might conflict with other plugins? No clue, let me know if you find anything.


Files attachements broke (Internal Server Error), have a mirror:

> Config Example
> Assets (REQUIRED)

Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (strokestrike.sp - 71.7 KB)
File Type: smx strokestrike.smx (35.2 KB)

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