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[L4D2] Model Based Vocalizations


Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

All credits go to the original author/creator/maker, the additional vocalizations and other stuff are for me. Actually, I'm trying to help her make that plugin approved for L4D2 gamers out there missing Zoey, Francis, or any of the L4D1 Survivors when playing on Windows since they crash the game when using them.

  • Added PlayerLeadOn, PlayerImWithYou, and PainReliefPills/Sigh vocalizations as well as their responses for now.
  • Added player_incapacitated, player_ledge_grab, revive_success, player_hurt, pills_used, and adrenaline_used event hooks.
  • Zoey can no longer crash and can vocalize on Windows.
  • In cases for other players experiencing crashes with Francis, I added his vocalizations to make sure of that.

  • When using chainsaws and pressing RELOAD, the player will vocalize as if it is like a normal weapon.
  • Some scenes numbering are incorrect, resulting to wrong vocalizations.
  • When players vocalize Let's Go and Ready?, bots don't respond.
  • If incapacitated, survivors kept vocalizing "I'm down" again and again.
  • Same as above but in cases where survivors hang from ledges.
  • Coach's and Nick's PlayerYes scenes numbering are swapped and (I don't know if this happens to yours too) crashes the server.

  • Added checks if players equipped or are using chainsaws. If so, stop reloading vocalizations from running.
  • Arranged Coach's and Nick's scene numberings to match.
  • Added checks if incapacitated survivors are hurt and allowed to vocalize only if attacked by infected or getting burned (not sure if it's the right check to know if they are getting burned by gascans, molotovs, etc.)
  • Added checks if players vocalize Let's Go and Ready?. If it's true, then force bots to respond.
  • Added timer delays between each CallForRescue vocalizations to prevent hearing rapid "Help Me!" and lagging the server.
  • Added checks if survivors are already incapacitated so they'll stop vocalizing "I'm down!" over and over again.
  • Added checks for hanging survivors to prevent them vocalizing "I'm down!"

  • Add defibrillator_begin, defibrillator_used, defibrillator_interrupted, item_pickup, player_now_it, tongue_grab, molotov_thrown, weapon_fire, and revive_begin as well as the scenes for the appropriate event hooks.
  • Add real checking if survivors are getting burned so they can vocalize PlayerMinorHurt or PlayerMajorHurt randomly.

Notes: I'm not trying to steal her work because I'm doing this in gratitude for her making plugins especially when it comes to fixing Zoey or any of the L4D1 survivors broken on Windows. So all praises, comments, and other stuffs goes to her.

Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (model-based_vocalizations-l4d2.sp - 73.8 KB)
File Type: smx model-based_vocalizations-l4d2.smx (25.5 KB)

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