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[L4D/L4D2] Saferoom Doors Lockdown


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Hi again, everyone. I don't know if some of you have servers with troublesome rushers. Well, in my servers, they don't exist anymore. When I got the trap of door lock plugin, I noticed it works sometimes and sometimes it don't.

I checked the plugin's codes and it was a mess so out of curiousity of what it really does, then I cleaned it up together with the second version of it that still didn't work for me. After I did it, I was surprised with the results. So now I'll share it to you.

What this plugin does at round start, it locks all end saferooms and when all players gather and one of them tries to open it, a countdown timer will activate (let's say 60 seconds), spawning 3 mobs and keep the door lock until it ends. All you have to do is survive 3 waves of mobs in 60 seconds.

If you want your servers to get rid of all rushers, you can download my as these two plugins work together like power duo.

  • Normal Countdowns: Door will open after countdown ends.
  • Improved Countdowns: Door will slowly open with given speed while countdown is ongoing.
  • These two kinds of countdowns are random in maps 2 to 4 in all campaigns.

  • "SFDoorsLockDown_Version" "1.0" - Plugin Version
  • "SFDoorsLockDown_on" "1" - Enable/Disable Plugin
  • "SFDoorsLockDown_spam" "1" - Enable/Disable Anti-Saferoom Door Spam
  • "SFDoorsLockDown_trap" "100" - Probability of putting countdown timer
  • "SFDoorsLockDown_rush" "3" - Amount of mega mobs spawned
  • "SFDoorsLockDown_incap" "0" - Enable/Disable Checking if survivors are incapacitated (buggy, don't enable)
  • "SFDoorsLockDown_secmin" "60" - Minimum amount of seconds in countdown
  • "SFDoorsLockDown_secmax" "60" - Maximum amount of seconds in countdown
  • "SFDoorsLockDown_pos" "1000" - Position between player and door to be opened
  • "SFDoorsLockDown_speed" "30" - Speed applied when opening door
  • "SFDoorsLockDown_notify" "0" - Notifications mode: 0=Center Text, 1=Hint Box


Changelog: 04-08-16
- First release.
- Improved countdowns works 50% of the time so I'll fix it if I have the time.
  1. Download the .sp file if you want to edit the values but don't mess with the events or it will be more buggy. Put it in your ../sourcemod/scripting folder and compile.
  2. Download the .smx file if you are contented with the given values and put it in your ../sourcemod/plugins folder.
  3. Download .txt file and put it in your ../sourcemod/translations folder.

If you have any reports, feedbacks, or suggestions, please let me know. For curious users, you can check the plugin's codes on how I fix it.

Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (saferoom_doors_lockdown.sp - 19.8 KB)
File Type: smx saferoom_doors_lockdown.smx (14.3 KB)
File Type: txt sfdoorslockdown.txt (314 Bytes)

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