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[TF2] G-Fortress - 1.0.0 - 2016/4/9


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[TF2] G-Fortress
Version 1.0.0


This plugin aims to bring plug and play TF2 support to maps designed for Gmod (or potentially other source games). This plugin should require very little technical expertise. It should for the most part be fully automated.

**Note, this is my first full plugin I've ever released. Taken many weeks to gather all these pieces**
Video Demonstration:
  1. Replaces G-mod spawns with TF2 spawns.
    -- If it finds more than one G-mod spawn it will also begin assigning them equally to red or blue.
  2. Player resized to G-mod dimensions.
    -- This is handled completely by the ResizePlayers plugin. G-Fortress regulates ResizePlayers cvars.
  3. Player's speed reduced to G-mod speed.
    -- Uses TF2Attributes to accomplish this.
  4. Player's jump height reduced to G-mod jump height.
    -- Uses TF2Attributes to accomplish this.
  5. +Use Activates when you Attack1 (Left click by default)
    -- This method is fully functional but would like to improve. Thank you to this thread.
  6. Automatic enable/disable
    -- This plugin detects your map is missing TF2 spawns, and doesn't run at all unless it's needed.

  • gfortress_enabled | Enable or disable G-fortress. | 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled | Default = 1
  • gfortress_zoffset | Controls Z-Offset. | (Any Float) | Default = 0.25
  • gfortress_size | Controls Default Size/Jump/Speed | (Any Float) | Default = 0.83
  • **Note** The Z-Offset is required to not spawn in the floor on some maps. There is a slight truncation from getting spawn coordinates and raising the spawns 0.25 hammer units solved it. Only mess with if you know what you're doing... Or want to fall out of spawn...


  1. You MUST install TF2Attributes
  2. You MUST install ResizePlayers
  3. Place G-Fortress.smx into /tf/addonds/sourcemod/plugins folder

I would like to add a few cvars that will allow users to disable/enable features so they aren't FORCED to rely on the plugin's automatic scanning abilities (though I'm confident in them). I'd like users to be able to enable/disable if they want the plugin to manage +Use/Resize/Swap spawns individually. I also need to add support for THIS, because as of right now, FleaDamage isn't compatible with G-Fortress.
Temporary FleaDamage Patch:

Example Maps:
I'm deciding to include a couple of example maps to demonstrate the effectiveness of the plugin. One of them is EvoCityV2D. Note that I didn't make this map, I merely packed it with materials and models we were missing. If anyone on the EvoCity team wishes me to remove this link please PM me and I will immediately.
(More Maps coming... probably)

Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (G-Fortress.sp - 6.7 KB)

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