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[L4D2] Realistic Versus


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Okay, on the past few days, I notice all of my Versus servers are not quite competitive as it is being described. So I decided to merge [L4D2] Gun Control by AtomicStryker, [L4D2] Prevent M60 drop and other m60 bug fixes by DeathChaos25, [L4D2] Varying Ammunition Reserves, and [L4D2] AutoSpawnItems together then combined them with [L4D2] Black and White On Defib, [L4D/L4D2] Round Start Items Giver, [L4D2] Crow's annoying item remover, [L4D2] Multi-clip grenade launchers, and [L4D2] Finale Unlocker.

Yup, all of them are modified by me. And it will be more challenging if you use my trio plugins found in my signature below to have the most Realistic Versus experience possible, along with my other posts.

Since the original AutoSpawnItems doesn't spawn melee weapons, I made them spawn with some modifications but I think I also broke something for the weapons.

  • Using stripper, I removed all weapon_spawn, weapon_melee_spawn, weapon_throwables_spawn entities in all campaigns.
  • All weapons and melee are now spawned in start areas and start saferooms after 15 seconds.
  • Fixed (as in normal) reloading animation and reserved ammo of m60s.
  • Defibrillators are the only items given to all players. Throwables and supply items are random. No first aid kits to be challenging.
  • After dead players are defibbed, they have two chances to live on. If they get incapacitated, the next revival will lead to another death.

  • When picking up the spawned weapons, they will have no reserve ammo even if in the plugin's codes that when they are picked up, their "m_iExtraPrimaryAmmo" entprops kick in.


Changelog: 04-11-16
- First release.
- As written above, only 1 bug.
  • Add checks if "m_iExtraPrimaryAmmo" entprop did its work after weapons are picked up.

  1. Download and unzip.
  2. Put the folders in your sourcemod directory.
  3. Put the stripper and metamod folders in your addons folder.

Note: I advice you to have [L4D/L4D2] Multitanks (tanks' healths must be set above 30000 individually for 2 players to take over), [L4D2] Routing (Dynamic Paths) and [L4D/L4D2] LEFT12DEAD.

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