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[L4D2] Modified Ready Up and Ready Up Module: No Rushing


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Finally, after 12345678910 years of editing, I proudly present my modified version of the Ready Up plugin!

Since I only made this plugin to call one module, I removed all unnecessary booleans, handles, timers, etc. so that they won't be leaking memory handles and produce server crashes. What the module does is: It calculates all players' distances and the radius within each other.

Let's say if one player goes naughty and runs ahead, he/she will be detected by the module. If said rusher reaches a certain amount of distance, the module gets the team distance and automatically teleports the rusher back to his/her team. Also, there's another one - if teleported rusher reaches a certain limit of rushing, the module (depending on your config) kicks or kill that rusher.

This might be helpful for servers with troublesome rushers, causing mission losses every single day.


Changelog: 04-16-16
- First release.
  • If you want to kill or kick rushers and change the rushing limits, just change the config located in sourcemod/configs/readyup/norushing.cfg. You have to find for these lines:
    PHP Code:

    "Rushing Limit"                "5"
    "Maximum Amount Of Survivors"            "4"
    "Action Needed For Rushers"        "1" 
    // 1 - Kill rusher, 2 - Kick rusher 

    Then change them to:
    PHP Code:

    "Rushing Limit"                "your value"
    "Maximum Amount Of Survivors"            "total number of survivors"
    "Action Needed For Rushers"        "your value" 

Please report any bugs or feedbacks. Thank you in advance!

Attached Files
File Type: zip [L4D2] Ready (31.3 KB)

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