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[TF2]Height Finder

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

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Version 1.0.0
- Added ConVar "hfind_version" that stores plugin version
- Added ConVar "hfind_enabled" that stores plugin state
- Added console command "sm_findh" to enable Height Finder (detecting brush entity - beta version, important to be near the wall or something)
- Added console command "sm_checkjump" to enable/disable jump checker

<-Some Admin stuff->
- Added console command "sm_brushmode" (for Admins) to enable/disable brush mode
- Added console command "sm_nogrenades" (for Admins) to show func_nogrenades brush entities
- Added console command "sm_stopnogrenades" (for Admins) to stop showing func_nogrenades brush entities
- Added console command "sm_teletriggers" (for Admins) to show trigger_teleport brush entities
- Added console command "sm_stopteletriggers" (for Admins) to stop showing trigger_teleport brush entities
- Added console command "sm_removent" (for Admins) to remove trigger_teleport and func_nogrenades brush entities, restart the map to restore triggers and func_ brush entities
- Added console command "sm_getentindex" (for Admins) to get trigger_teleport and func_nogrenades index
- Added console command "sm_moventup" (for Admins) to move trigger_teleport and func_nogrenades brush entities up
- Added console command "sm_moventdown" (for Admins) to move trigger_teleport and func_nogrenades brush entities down

Demo: Finder
Demo: Admin stuff

Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (heightfinder.sp - 16.0 KB)
File Type: smx heightfinder.smx (10.9 KB)

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