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get top15 player name

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Hi guys, first of all I'm sorry for my English, I'm using Google translator.
So, I came here to ask for help from you guys to finish coding a plugin for me.
I'm not a programmer, I'm just a curious :)
I found this plugin from friend GHW_Chronic

That with the command amx_tempadmin <name> <days> <flags> adds an admin temporarily, and my idea is to automate this command by making sure that when the map runs out it runs on the player that is in 1 of the top 15.
What I want this plugin to do:
- Monitor the time of the map, and when the time is up, run the command and show a message to everyone telling the player who won the admin (if possible with a countdown of 5 ~ 10 seconds) before switching to a new map
- Run the command on player 1 of top15
- The plugin should ignore existing admins, for example, if the top 1 is already admin, the plugin should execute the command on the next player other than admin.

I started coding, but I don't know how to finish, this is what I wrote so far:


/* Plugin generated by AMXX-Studio */

#include <amxmodx>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <colorchat>

#define PLUGIN "New Plug-In"
#define VERSION "1.0"
#define AUTHOR "author"

new cvar_flags, cvar_days

public plugin_init(){
        register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR)
        register_clcmd("tempadmin", "tempadmin")
        cvar_flags = register_cvar("amx_flags", "bcdefghiju")
        cvar_days = register_cvar("amx_days", "7")
public timer_task(){
        static gmtm;
        gmtm = get_timeleft();
        if(gmtm = 0){
public tempadmin(id){
        new string1[16]
        get_pcvar_string(cvar_flags, string1, 15)
        new flags = read_flags(string1)
        if(!(get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_USER))
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE
        new days
        days = get_pcvar_num(cvar_days)
        name = ?
        server_cmd("amx_tempadmin ^"%s^" ^"%d^" ^"%s^"", name,days,flags)
        ColorChat(id, print_center, "^3The player ^4%s ^3won the ^4Admin", name)
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

I ask your help for someone to finish coding this plugin for me, and also feel free to modify / improve the coding I wrote. I just wrote it the way I knew it, but I don't know if it's the best way to code.

I thank you for your help.

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