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[ANY] RCON IP Whitelist


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RCON IP Whitelist

This plugin restricts the IP addresses to a list from which an RCON connection can be established. The plugin loads all of the IP addresses declared on an SQLite database so it can later compare the address of any incoming connection to the ones in the list, if no matching address is found, it drops the connection.
This can be very useful when you want to be able to send rcon commands trough a VPN but you don't want to expose your server to any possible attacker on the outside or just if you want to restrict the access to your home IP address.
Do I need this?
As I said above, this plugin will block any authentication request coming from an unknown IP address (not listed in the database), so if your server has rcon enabled, it can work as an extra layer of security against any attacker, even if he knows your RCON password, as long as his address is not listed in the database, he will be rejected.
  • sm_rconw_reload_db - Reloads the database
  • sm_rconw_print_whitelist - Prints all of the addresses on the list

Install instructions:
  1. Make sure you have SM RCon installed in your server.
  2. Drag and drop the content of the compressed file into your server's sourcemod folder (just like any other plugin).
  3. Edit or create (using the file "rcon-addresses.sql") the database file "rcon-addresses.sq3" located in "data/sqlite" adding IP addresses to the "allowed" table, one byte by column.
    If you are new to SQLite or databases in general, I recommend you to use gui programs like SQLite Browser, to make things simpler.
  4. Upload your new database to "sourcemod/data/sqlite" as "rcon-addresses.sq3".
  5. Load the plugin.

This will block all RCON connections if you just install it and don't add IP addresses to the database.
Release history:
  • 5-21-2016
    • Initial release

If you have any suggestion, please write it down there, I'd be grateful to read it.

Attached Files
File Type: zip (11.6 KB)

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