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[TF2] Powerups Shop


Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

Complete rewrite of my old Powerups plugin, with some ideas from RTD Revamped!

This plugin allows players to buy powerups using points that they get by playing on your server.

How does it works?
While a player is on your server, he will get points for:
- Playing (Time)
- Doing map objectives (Incoming in future releases)
- Killing other players (Incoming in future releases)

When the player have enough points, he will be able to buy powerups by accessing the shop menu (!powerups).

sm_powerups or !powerups in the chat to open the shop menu.
sm_addpoints <player name/steam id> <quantity> - Adds points to a given player account.
sm_removepoints <player name/steam id> <quantity> - Removes points from a given player account.
sm_forcepowerup <player name> <powerup> - Forces a powerup to some player. (<powerup> parameter is the powerup number in "ps_powerups.txt").

Install Instructions
Download the .zip and extract into "...\addons\sourcemod" folder.

When you run the plugin for the first time, a .cfg named "plugin.powerups_shop" will be generated in your "...\cfg\sourcemod" folder. Modify that file to customize the plugin settings.

All players informations are stored in "...\addons\sourcemod\data" folder, as a text file named "ps_players".
All powerups settings are stored in "...\addons\sourcemod\configs" folder as a text file named "ps_powerups".



Advanced users: Compilation and custom powerups
Check #template.sp in "...\addons\sourcemod\scripting\include\power ups" folder to a tutorial on how to create custom powerups.
If you get warnings in the compilation, don't worry about that, these warnings are for the unused hook interfaces for powerups that users creates or for future updates powerups.

Thanks for choosing my plugin!

Attached Files
File Type: zip (29.6 KB)
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (powerups_shop.sp - 21.0 KB)

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