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RSS[L4D1 & L4D2] Tank HP Sprite [v1.0.1 | 31-January-2021]

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  • RSSy

This plugin shows a sprite at the tank head that goes from green to red based on its HP.

The idea was to make something similar to RPGs.

Note: The width size doesn't change, at least I wasn't able to reduce it. (if anyone knows how to do it, with vanilla sprites, I would be grateful to know how to)

  • Automatically sets the sprite color (from green to red) in a gradient way.
  • Allow setting the Z axis based on the tank position.
  • Allow setting the visibility by team.
  • Allow setting the survivor visibility based sight and in the last hit on tank.
  • Allow setting the sprites model/alpha/scale.
  • Allow setting a dead sprite and its color.



Some inside info

I did this plugin as a private request back in 2019, but "somehow" the code got "leaked".

And I even have found some people trying to sell it.

So I'm sharing an improved version with more features and bugless.


A configuration file named "l4d_tank_hp_sprite.cfg" will automatically be created for you upon the first run in the "\cfg\sourcemod\" folder.

PHP Code:

// Alpha of alive tank sprite.
// 0 = Invisible, 255 = Fully Visible
// -
// Default: "200"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "255.000000"
l4d_tank_hp_sprite_alive_alpha "200"

// Model of alive tank sprite.
// -
// Default: "materials/vgui/healthbar_white.vmt"
l4d_tank_hp_sprite_alive_model "materials/vgui/healthbar_white.vmt"

// Scale of alive tank sprite (increases both height and width).
// Note: Some range values maintain the same size. (e.g. from 0.0 to 0.38 the size doesn't change).
// -
// Default: "0.25"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
l4d_tank_hp_sprite_alive_scale "0.25"

// Show the sprite to the survivor attacker, by this amount of time in seconds, after hitting the Tank.
// 0 = OFF.
// -
// Default: "0.0"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
l4d_tank_hp_sprite_attack_delay "0.0"

// Alpha of dead tank sprite.
// 0 = Invisible, 255 = Fully Visible
// -
// Default: "200"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "255.000000"
l4d_tank_hp_sprite_dead_alpha "200"

// Color of dead tank sprite.
// Use three values between 0-255 separated by spaces ("<0-255> <0-255> <0-255>").
// -
// Default: "225 0 0"
l4d_tank_hp_sprite_dead_color "225 0 0"

// Model of dead tank sprite.
// -
// Default: "materials/sprites/death_icon.vmt"
l4d_tank_hp_sprite_dead_model "materials/sprites/death_icon.vmt"

// Scale of dead tank sprite (increases both height and width).
// Some range values maintain the size the same.
// -
// Default: "0.25"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
l4d_tank_hp_sprite_dead_scale "0.25"

// Show a dead sprite when a tank dies.
// 0 = OFF, 1 = ON.
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
l4d_tank_hp_sprite_dead_show "1"

// Enable/Disable the plugin.
// 0 = Disable, 1 = Enable.
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
l4d_tank_hp_sprite_enable "1"

// Minimum distance that a client must be from the tank to see the sprite (both alive and dead sprites).
// -1 = Always visible.
// -
// Default: "-1"
// Minimum: "-1.000000"
// Maximum: "9999.000000"
l4d_tank_hp_sprite_fade_distance "-1"

// Show the sprite to the survivor only if the Tank is on sight.
// 0 = OFF, 1 = ON.
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
l4d_tank_hp_sprite_sight "1"

// Which teams should the sprite be visible.
// Add numbers greater than 0 for multiple options.
// Example: "3", enables for SURVIVOR and INFECTED.
// -
// Default: "3"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "15.000000"
l4d_tank_hp_sprite_team "3"

// Additional Z distance based on the tank position.
// -
// Default: "92"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
l4d_tank_hp_sprite_z_axis "92" 

Other sprite models


Admin Commands
  • sm_print_cvars_l4d_tank_hp_sprite => Print the plugin related cvars and their respective values to the console. (z flag required)

Change Log


  • I use a TraceRay with MASK_SHOT to determine the sprite visibility on sight. This may not work in all cases (e.g. transparent windows).
  • The width size doesn't change based on tank HP, at least I wasn't able to reduce it.

Thank you!

Post Reply
  • Any feedback, bug reports, fixes, improvements, translations or suggestions for the plugin are welcome.

  • Put the "l4d_tank_hp_sprite.smx" file (click Get Plugin) in your "\addons\sourcemod\plugins\" folder.

Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_tank_hp_sprite.sp - 26.5 KB)

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