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RSSExecute server commands

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I found a plugin online, and I don't remember exactly where I took it (here or from other communities) and now I can't find it, and I'd like to make a small modification to .sma if it is possible, but I'm not a AMXX Developer, so I want someone to do it from for me.

.SMA File

#include < amxmodx >
#include < amxmisc >
#include < celltrie >

#define MAX_ARGS 5
#define MAX_ARG_LEN 64

new Trie:g_tArrayPos;
new Array:g_aCommands;
new Array:g_aFlags;
new Array:g_aHideCmd;

public plugin_init( ) {
    register_plugin( "Say Command Macro", "0.0.2", "Exolent" );
    register_clcmd( "say", "CmdSay" );
    g_tArrayPos = TrieCreate( );
    g_aCommands = ArrayCreate( 128 );
    g_aFlags = ArrayCreate( 1 );
    g_aHideCmd = ArrayCreate( 1 );
    LoadCommands( );

public plugin_end( ) {
    TrieDestroy( g_tArrayPos );
    ArrayDestroy( g_aCommands );
    ArrayDestroy( g_aFlags );
    ArrayDestroy( g_aHideCmd );

LoadCommands( ) {
    new szFilename[ 128 ];
    get_configsdir( szFilename, 127 );
    add( szFilename, 127, "/say_macros.ini" );
    if( !file_exists( szFilename) ) {
        new iFile = fopen( szFilename, "wt" );
        if( iFile ) {
            fclose( iFile );
    new iFile = fopen( szFilename, "rt" );
    if( !iFile ) {
    new szData[ 512 ], szCommand[ 32 ], szExecute[ 128 ], szFlags[ 27 ], szHide[ 2 ], iPos;
    while( !feof( iFile ) ) {
        fgets( iFile, szData, 511 );
        trim( szData );
        if( !szData[ 0 ]
        || szData[ 0 ] == ';'
        || szData[ 0 ] == '/' && szData[ 1 ] == '/' ) {
        parse( szData, szCommand, 31, szExecute, 127, szFlags, 26, szHide, 1 );
        strtolower( szCommand );
        TrieSetCell( g_tArrayPos, szCommand, iPos );
        ArrayPushString( g_aCommands, szExecute );
        ArrayPushCell( g_aFlags, read_flags( szFlags ) );
        ArrayPushCell( g_aHideCmd, str_to_num( szHide ) );
    fclose( iFile );

public CmdSay( client ) {
    static szMessage[ 194 ], len, i, j, k, szTmp[ 5 ];
    static szArg[MAX_ARGS][MAX_ARG_LEN], argsCnt;
    read_args( szMessage, 193 );

    len = strlen(szMessage)-1
    argsCnt = i = j = 0
    k = -1
            if(szMessage[i] == '^"'){
                szArg[argsCnt++][k] = '^0';
                j += formatex( szMessage[j], 193-j, "$%d", argsCnt );
                    szArg[argsCnt][k++] = szMessage[i];
            if(szMessage[i] == '^"'){
                szMessage[j++] = szMessage[i];
    szMessage[j] = '^0';
        szArg[argsCnt++][k] = '^0';
    strtolower( szMessage );

    static iArrayPos;
    if( TrieGetCell( g_tArrayPos, szMessage, iArrayPos ) ) {
        if( !access( client, ArrayGetCell( g_aFlags, iArrayPos ) ) ) {
            client_print( client, print_chat, "* You have no access to that command!" );
        } else {
            static szExecute[ 128 ];
            ArrayGetString( g_aCommands, iArrayPos, szExecute, 127 );
            static szName[ 32 ];
            get_user_name( client, szName, 31 );
            replace_all( szName, 31, "'", "" );
            replace_all( szName, 31, "^"", "" );
            static szAuthid[ 35 ];
            get_user_authid( client, szAuthid, 34 );
            static szIP[ 32 ];
            get_user_ip( client, szIP, 31, 1 );
            static szUserid[ 6 ];
            formatex( szUserid, 5, "#%i", get_user_userid( client ) );
            replace_all( szExecute, 127, "''", "^"" );
            replace_all( szExecute, 127, "$name", szName );
            replace_all( szExecute, 127, "$steamid", szAuthid );
            replace_all( szExecute, 127, "$ip", szIP );
            replace_all( szExecute, 127, "$userid", szUserid );
            for( i=0; i<argsCnt; i++ ) {
                format( szTmp, 4, "$%d", i+1);
                replace_all( szExecute, 127, szTmp, szArg[i] );

            server_cmd( "%s", szExecute );
            if( ArrayGetCell( g_aHideCmd, iArrayPos ) ) {
                return PLUGIN_HANDLED;

I'll explain exactly what I need, and I think it won't be difficult for you to edit it.

I finished and used the config file for this plugin, and added what I want, but there is something I want to make it work differently.

This plugin mainly works when typing in chat:

!kick "nick" "reason"
!slap "name" "power"

But the problem now is that I need to write "" quotes to make the plugin work, but I want to make it work, with and without the quotes:

!kick nick reason, and !kick "nick" "reason"

Config File:

; "say command" "execute command" "admin flags" "hide command from chat"
; Example:
; "menu" "amxmodxmenu" "u" "1"
; This will work when you say:
; say "menu"
; And it will hide your text "menu" from chat
; To not hide the text, leave that part out, or set it to 0
; Example:
; "menu" "amxmodxmenu" "u"
; "kickmenu" "amx_kickmeu" "u" "0"
; In the execute command, you can use these to pass yourself into the execute:
; - $name = your name
; - $steamid = your steamid
; - $ip = your ip
; - $userid = your userid
; Example:
; "godon" "amx_godmode $userid 1" "m"
; "godoff" "amx_godmode $userid 0" "m"
; You can also use '' (two apostrophes) to represent quotes inside of the execute command,
; since (example) "amx_nick "name1" "name2"" would cause errors.
; Example:
; "gametype hns" "amx_gametype ''HideNSeek Mod''; exec ''addons/amxmodx/configs/hidenseek.cfg''; sv_restart 1" "a"
; If you are using the $name, $ip, or $steamid in a way that needs quotes,
; you will need to add them yourself.
; Example:
; "ban me" "amx_ban ''$steamid'' 0 ''lol banned myself :D''" ""
; Passing arguments from chat to execute command:
; before comparing chat input to defined say commands, all "CONTENT" are replaced with $1, $2, $3
; after that all $number in execute command are replaced with adequate CONTENT
; Example1:
; "csay $1 color $2" "amx_csay $2 $name said $1 using $2 color" ""
; now if player named Player1 write in chat: csay "some message" color "green"
; then it will trigger in server console: "amx_csay green Player1 said some message using green color"
; Example2;
; "!nick $1 $2" "amx_nick ''$1'' ''$2''" ""
; now writing in chat: !nick "player1" "test nick"
; will trigger in server console: "amx_nick ^"Player1^" ^"test nick^""
; More examples (you can use them all at the same time):
; "!kick $1" "amx_kick ''$1''" "c"    ;kick without reason
; "!kick $1 $2" "amx_kick ''$1'' ''$2''" "c"    ;kick with reason
; "!ban5 $1" "amx_ban ''$1'' 5" "d"    ;short ban without reason
; "!ban5 $1 $2" "amx_ban ''$1'' 5 ''$2''" "d"    ;short ban with reason
; "!pban $1 $2" "amx_ban ''$1'' 0 ''$2''" "d"    ;permanent ban with reason
; "!hostname $1" "hostname ''$1''" "a"    ;set hostname
"!amxmodmenu" "amxmodmenu"
"!banmenu" "amx_banmenu"
"!kickmenu" "amx_kickmenu"
"!gagmenu" "amx_gagmenu"
"!slapmenu" "amx_slapmenu"
"!slaymenu" "amx_slapmenu"
"!showloc" "amx_showloc"
"!who" "amx_who"
"!kick $1" "amx_kick ''$1''"
"!kick $1 $2" "amx_kick ''$1'' ''$2''"
"!slay $1" "amx_slay $1"
"!slap $1" "amx_slap ''$1''"
"!slap $1 $2" "amx_slap ''$1'' ''$2''"

Thanks for your time!

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