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RSSSpinx_Missiles (Fork off LUD's)

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This is a fork of LUD's missiles. The one in the Approved Section does not meet current standards or work; at all. This works on Half-Life also. Tested for long time on crash easy maps and mods without a glitch. To make the tips atomic use my other plugin HL Neon grenade trails. It makes the C4 into a bug-zapper to boot when sv_neon_rad is 0|1 for radioactive properties. Luckily jtp10181 had something preserved to start with otherwise I would have to go get piano lessons from Lud possibly to get the AMX script. It's gone! Ref:Creation Date: 2000-02-06T00:08:44Z

Is Ninja rope used anymore? I made plugin a lot more dynamic by simply expanding it so clients can type names or parts of names to program their own missiles. For example.

set_into heat spinx
Name the bullets to heat seek by player name. A real military style inspired HUD comes up showing who it is "[LOCKING COORDINATES ON]" or that no heat signatures or parachutes are within view. Clan tagging works too. That's how I have mine set-up. All the bots are clan tagged and it blasts the bots or anybody who wants to pose.
I updated jetpack as well and made it a lot more efficient. The unattended approved one does not work in all mods like mine. Jetpack is hardly used.

With all the parachute work I have been doing like making them destroyable and freefall. IE more realistic. I added parachute seeking missiles. That was the jetpack replacement. The likelihood of a server having parachute over jetpack and ninja rope is a myriad to one.

Heat was inspired by 1980s move Runaway and Sniper 3D Assassin Slow Motion final shot.

The gun cam made me reach for LUD's. This script is what I wanted to share along that journey.

Plugin can be compiled without the Counter-Strike buy system but works either way on HL. Buy system is functional stock. The CVAR method became a mess with that 1 aspect that is hardly needed just make the rockets free. All the CVAR are the same as original plugin.

//Set to 1 to require missiles to be purchased
amx_missile_buy 0


Originally Posted by jtp10181 (Post 40147)

Admin Commands:

amx_missiles - toggles on and off missiles enabled
amx_missilesbuying - toggles on/off missile buy requirements

amx_missiles_ammo1 - # of common missiles given per round
amx_missiles_ammo2 - # of laserguide missiles given per round
amx_missiles_ammo3 - # of guncam missiles given per round
amx_missiles_ammo4 - # of anti-missile shots given per round
amx_missiles_ammo5 - # of heat-seeking missiles given per round
amx_missiles_ammo6 - # of rope-seeking missiles given per round
amx_missiles_ammo7 --# of swirling death missiles given per round

amx_missile1 [speed] [chicken:0|1|2] [deadly:0|1] - common missile
amx_missile2 [speed] [chicken:0|1|2] [deadly:0|1] - laser guided missile
amx_missile3 [speed] [chicken:0|1|2] [deadly:0|1] - gun camera missile
amx_missile5 [speed] [chicken:0|1|2] [deadly:0|1] - heat-seeking missile
amx_missile6 [speed] [chicken:0|1|2] [deadly:0|1] - rope-seeking missile
amx_missile7 [speed] [chicken:0|1|2] [deadly:0|1] - swirling death missile


amx_missile2 2000 0 0 - fires fast non-lethal laserguided missile
amx_missile5 500 1 1 - fires slow lethal jetpack seeking chicken

Client Commands:

amx_missile - fires common missile
amx_laserguided_missile - fires missile seeking red dot in aim
amx_guncamera_missile - fires missile you control in camera veiw
amx_anti_missile - activates antimissile system, aim at missile you want to destroy, if it sees the missile in your aim, it automatically launches a missile interceptor at it
amx_heatseeking_missile - seeks nearest running jetpack
amx_ropeseeking_missile - seeks nearest ninja-rope (lud/jtp10181's only)
amx_swirlingdeath_missile - a central missile with ring of 6 (default) missiles rotating around it. When missiles run out of fuel, they break formation and cause massive destruction.

amx_sdmf <fuel> - client uses this to set amount of time swirling death missile flies until it runs out of fuel. Only works if cvar amx_missile_allow_sdmf is 1. Default: 0
missile_menu - opens the client missile menu
say /missile - opens the client missile menu
say /missile_help - show window with info about missles

CVARs: Paste the following into your amxx.cfg to change defaults.
must uncomment cvar lines for them to take effect

// ******************  Missile Settings  ******************

//1 to enable missiles, 0 to disable
//amx_luds_missiles 1

//Set to 1 to require missiles to be purchased
//amx_missile_buy 0

//The following "COST" settings only apply if buying mode is ON
//Ammount of money taken each time you fire a common missile
//amx_missile_cost1 1000

//Ammount of money taken each time you fire a laser guided missile
//amx_missile_cost2 3000

//Ammount of money taken each time you fire a gun camera missile
//amx_missile_cost3 3000

//Ammount of money taken each time you fire an anti-missile shot
//amx_missile_cost4 2000

//Ammount of money taken each time you fire a heat seeking missile
//amx_missile_cost5 4000

//Ammount of money taken each time you fire a rope seeking missile
//amx_missile_cost6 4000

//Ammount of money taken each time you fire a swirling death missile
//amx_missile_cost7 5000

//The following "AMMO" settings only apply if buying mode is OFF
//Ammount of common missiles given per round free to clients
//amx_missile_ammo1 1

//Ammount of laser guided missiles given per round free to clients
//amx_missile_ammo2 1

//Ammount of gun camera missiles given per round free to clients
//amx_missile_ammo3 1

//Ammount of anti-missile shots given per round free to clients
//amx_missile_ammo4 2

//Ammount of heat seeking missiles given per round free to clients
//amx_missile_ammo5 1

//Ammount of rope seeing missiles given per round free to clients
//amx_missile_ammo6 1

//Ammount of swirling death missiles given per round free to clients
//amx_missile_ammo7 1

//If set to 1, this cvar causes swirling death missile to use 7 missiles in the
//player's missile inventory. It draws from all types of missiles instead of
//it having its own indepedent inventory count.
//amx_missile_ammo7ta 0

//Sets the default speed of most missiles
//amx_missile_speed 1000

//Sets the speed of ropeseeking missiles
//amx_missile_rsspeed 1400

//Sets the speed of heatseeking missiles
//amx_missile_hsspeed 1100

//Number of seconds a missile is driven before it falls to the ground out of fuel
//amx_missile_fuel 6.0

//Number of seconds a swirling death missile is driven before
//it "mirvs" or breaks then falls to the ground out of fuel
//amx_missile_sdfuel 2.0

//Sets the speed of swirling death missiles
//amx_missile_sdspeed 750

//Sets the number missiles in swirling death
//amx_missile_sdcount 6

//Sets the rotation speed of swirling death
//amx_missile_sdrotate 6

//Sets the radius of swirling death missiles
//amx_missile_sdradius 32

//sets whether clients are allowed to set thier own fuel amounts
//for swirling death missile. Default 0. Enable with 1
//amx_missile_allow_sdmf 0

//makes missile obey server gravity rules, set to 0 for missiles
//that travel straight because they are not affected by gravity
//amx_missile_obeygravity 1

//Makes missile obey server friendly fire rules.
//amx_missile_obeyffcvar 1

//Max distance from the blast that damage will occur at
//amx_missile_damradius 240

//Maximum Blast damage from explsion this damage accours when distance
//is zero and decreases as the distance fomr the blast increases
//amx_missile_maxdamage 140

//For friendlyfire on, the option to punish team killer.
//Quota is from the cvar amx_missile_tkpunsish2. options:
//        0 = no action on team killer
//        1 = kick tker on tk quota
//        2 = 3 hour ban tker on quota
//        3 = always kill tker, kick on quota
//        4 = always kill tker, ban on quota
//amx_missile_tkpunish1 1

//For friendlyfire on, quantity of teammates a player can kill before a kick or ban can
//result depending on the above cvar amx_missile_tkpunish1 is set
//amx_missile_tkpunish2 3

//If in the rare event a player shoots down a missile belonging to an
//opposing player, he gets a prize, free missiles. Cvar sets
//how many of each type of missile are given
//amx_missile_prizes 5

//Sets the amount of time a player can use his anti-missile radar per round.
//amx_missile_radarbattery 100

//Since bots are stupid and waste their missiles, we give them a handicap with this
//cvar set to 1 so that bots get an unlimited quantity of missiles
//amx_missile_botsnolimit 1

//This cvar limits the two types of missiles responsible for spawn rape, guncamera and
//swirling death, from being fired until 15 seconds of a round has passed. Set cvar to 0
//to allow those missiles to be fired without being limited by round start
//amx_missile_spawndelay 0

TODO. Finish testing think so Botman's bots and spin-offs will launch their own missiles on triggers like 'taunting' for example in addition to heat signatures or what not. Classic Hammer on 50% Health remaining, See player; mad at player; hear player, only on death, and so on.

Attached Files
File Type: sma Get Plugin or Get Source (spinx_missiles.sma - 97.2 KB)

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