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RSSHelp regarding random questions I had

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Hey guys,

I had a few doubts about certain stuff, and wanted to improve my understanding on those subjects.

1. I've faced bugs with func_water entities where if a previous map had wavy water textures, it gets replicated onto the next map after mapchange. Is there a way to potentially fix this issue without a server restart?

2. I've seen SpecInfo with FPS information showcased. I wanted to ask if such implementations are laggy because of counting 100+ frames for each player every second and showing it on a hud.

3. Are high-texture models laggy for low-end pcs? I don't know whether I should add such models because I'm worried players might experience fps issues.

4. Are write and save operations to large log/txt files such as chatlogs and qconsole resource intensive? Would you suggest disabling them?

5. Do disabled plugins on map launch take up precache? Also, is the plugin loaded immediately after being read from plugins.ini? [Example: Having plugin.amxx and then having plugin.amxx disabled in plugins.ini, will plugin.amxx be loaded first and then disabled in such a case? What if the order was different, ie. plugin.amxx disabled and then plugin.amxx, would it load in this case?]

6. Are there better replacements for sockets on ReHLDS, because sockets crashes my server. I wanted to make a server info plugin but don't know how to start.

7. Are there ways to disable ssh ports automatically on DDoS attacks, and open them once the attack has subsided?

Thank you for your help in this regard.

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