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RSSGhost Plague : BHOP (Beta v0.0.1)

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Ghost Plague: BHOP
- v0.0.1, posted at : 14/10/2023

Bhop maps are fun but they end up getting boring. Now you can have fun playing bhop while you escape from ghosts :bacon:
This is a beta version. The next updates will include Multi-Language, some optimizations and some more. I am posting this already because if there is someone interested on this mod maybe i get some help finding better models and sounds.
I tested this locally, solo. The multiplayer functions should work properly, give me your feedback.

  • After X seconds a Ghost is randomly picked
  • Ghosts must kill all the Humans
  • Humans win if they survive the whole round
  • Once you finish the map you get a deagle
  • Knife and deagle kill spirits so you get insta kill on hit. Same goes for Ghosts.
  • You have a model menu customizable via .ini file inside the configuration folder
  • You can make the configurations per map so you can change roundtime and countdown time per map.
  • Bhop blocks don't go down for better multiplayer gameplay.

Auto BHOP by ConnorMcLeod

Configuration file

; Speed of Ghosts
;TransAlpha Value /Invisibility amount
;Time of a round in minutes
;CountDown until first Ghost spawns in seconds
;Models now
V_KNIFE models/gp_bhop/v_knife.mdl
V_GHOST_KNIFE models/gp_bhop/v_knife_ghost.mdl
P_KNIFE models/gp_bhop/p_knife.mdl
V_DEAGLE models/gp_bhop/v_deagle.mdl
P_DEAGLE models/gp_bhop/p_deagle.mdl
;Sounds now, MUST BE .WAV FILES - Dont use sound/ for wav files
HUMANS_VICTORY radio/ctwin.wav
GHOSTS_VICTORY radio/terwin.wav
; MUSIC_COUNTDOWN MUST BE .MP3 FILE - here you must use sound/ for mp3 file
MUSIC_COUNTDOWN sound/gp_bhop/countdown.mp3

Attached Files
File Type: sma Get Plugin or Get Source (ghost.sma - 16.4 KB)
File Type: zip (1.56 MB)

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