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RSS[L4D/L4D2]Exp/Rank System

Rekomendowane odpowiedzi

  • RSSy
What does this plugin do?
Adds left 4 dead to the game:
- Exp/leveling system (I'm still working on skills, so that it makes sense to level up accounts).
- Buying items in the shop.
- Top 100 Exp and Level players (still upgrade it).
- Save database your progress, why start over all our game progress?
and for now that's all this plugin presents.
How to install it on yours servers?
1.Copy file sql database to on your host or dedicated server Here link ->

2.Compile file l4d_exp_system.sp to smx or download smx (down link).

3.Configure your databases.cfg file put: name "l4dstats" and (driver, host, database, user, pass) on your mysql database server or.. download here databases.cfg and put in configs folder on your host/dedicated server -> your game
how to works in game?
only just commands in chat-game:

/top100exp - display top 100 experience players
/top100level - display top 100 level players
/shop - buy items in item shop
/ss - show progress (level,exp) player

Attached Files
File Type: smx l4d_exp_system.smx (11.2 KB)
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_exp_system.sp - 19.9 KB)

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