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  1. Dzisiaj
  2. no na moim przykladzie na pewno kupie (cenzura) licencje ips ktora w 2025 roku bedzie mnie kosztowac 3k miesiecznie, jebnij sie w leb fortnajtowcu i sie obuduj moze lepiej ci bedzie
  3. I'll pay via PayPal to anyone who can create a menu to handle this plugin like the amx_super-menu from the AMX-Super-5.0.2 project. PHP Code: #pragma semicolon 1 #include <amxmodx> #include <reapi> enum eActions { ACTION_HEAL, ACTION_ARMOR, ACTION_WEAPON, ACTION_SPEED, ACTION_GODMODE, ACTION_NOCLIP, ACTION_UNAMMO, ACTION_FIRE, ACTION_INVISIBLE, ACTION_MULTIJUMP, ACTION_FREEZE, ACTION_SLAY2, ACTION_BURY, ACTION_UNBURY, ACTION_DISARM, ACTION_ROCKET, ACTION_REVIVE, ACTION_QUIT, ACTION_FLASH, ACTION_DRUG, ACTION_GLOW, ACTION_TELEPORT, ACTION_GIVEMONEY, ACTION_TAKEMONEY, ACTION_UBERSLAP, ACTION_USERORIGIN, ACTION_HRESPAWN, ACTION_TEAM, ACTION_SWAP, ACTION_PASS, ACTION_NOPASS, ACTION_EXTEND, ACTION_GLOWCOLORS, ACTION_TEAMSWAP, ACTION_ALLTALK, ACTION_GRAVITY }; enum eFeatures { cmd[32], neededargs, eActions:action, action_access, description[128], }; new const g_Actions[][eFeatures] = { {"amx_heal", 3, ACTION_HEAL, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> <HP to give>"}, {"amx_armor", 3, ACTION_ARMOR, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> <ARMOR to give>"}, {"amx_weapon", 3, ACTION_WEAPON, ADMIN_LEVEL_C, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> <Weapon #>"}, {"amx_speed", 3, ACTION_SPEED, ADMIN_LEVEL_C, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> [Speed #]"}, {"amx_godmode", 3, ACTION_GODMODE, ADMIN_LEVEL_C, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> [0|1]"}, {"amx_noclip", 3, ACTION_NOCLIP, ADMIN_LEVEL_C, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> [0|1]"}, {"amx_unammo", 3, ACTION_UNAMMO, ADMIN_LEVEL_C, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> [0|1]"}, {"amx_fire", 3, ACTION_FIRE, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> [0|1]"}, {"amx_invisible", 3, ACTION_INVISIBLE, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> [0|1]"}, {"amx_multijump", 3, ACTION_MULTIJUMP, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> [0|1]"}, {"amx_doublejump", 3, ACTION_MULTIJUMP, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> [0|1]"}, {"amx_freeze", 3, ACTION_FREEZE, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> [0|1]"}, {"amx_slay2", 2, ACTION_SLAY2, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> [2-Blood|3-Explode]"}, {"amx_bury", 2, ACTION_BURY, ADMIN_LEVEL_B, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team>"}, {"amx_unbury", 2, ACTION_UNBURY, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team>"}, {"amx_disarm", 2, ACTION_DISARM, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team>"}, {"amx_rocket", 2, ACTION_ROCKET, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team>"}, {"amx_revive", 2, ACTION_REVIVE, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team>"}, {"amx_quit", 2, ACTION_QUIT, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team>"}, {"amx_flash", 2, ACTION_FLASH, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team>"}, {"amx_drug", 2, ACTION_DRUG, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team>"}, {"amx_glow", 3, ACTION_GLOW, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid, authid or @team> <color> (or) <rrr> <ggg> <bbb> <aaa>"}, {"amx_teleport", 2, ACTION_TELEPORT, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid or authid> [x] [y] [z]"}, {"amx_givemoney", 3, ACTION_GIVEMONEY, ADMIN_LEVEL_C, "<nick, #userid or authid> <amount>"}, {"amx_takemoney", 3, ACTION_TAKEMONEY, ADMIN_LEVEL_C, "<nick, #userid or authid> <amount>"}, {"amx_uberslap", 2, ACTION_UBERSLAP, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid or authid>"}, {"amx_userorigin", 2, ACTION_USERORIGIN, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid or authid>"}, {"amx_hrespawn", 2, ACTION_HRESPAWN, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<nick, #userid or authid>"}, {"amx_team", 3, ACTION_TEAM, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<name> <CT/T/Spec>"}, {"amx_transfer", 3, ACTION_TEAM, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<name> <CT/T/Spec>"}, {"amx_swap", 3, ACTION_SWAP, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<name 1> <name 2>"}, {"amx_pass", 2, ACTION_PASS, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<server password> - Sets the server password"}, {"amx_nopass", 1, ACTION_NOPASS, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "Removes the server password"}, {"amx_extend", 2, ACTION_EXTEND, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<added time to extend>"}, {"amx_glowcolors", 1, ACTION_GLOWCOLORS, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "shows a list of colors for amx_glow and amx_glow2"}, {"amx_teamswap", 1, ACTION_TEAMSWAP, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "Swaps 2 teams with each other"}, {"amx_alltalk", 2, ACTION_ALLTALK, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<alltalk #>"}, {"amx_gravity", 2, ACTION_GRAVITY, ADMIN_LEVEL_A, "<gravity #>"} }; enum _:eVariables { ScreenFade, SetFOV, Damage, DeathMsg, ScoreInfo, Hudsync, sv_gravity, sv_password, mp_timelimit, sv_alltalk, steam1, blueflare2, white, lgtning, muzzleflash, zbeam5, additional_jumps, dj_trail_life, dj_trail_size, dj_trail_brightness, extendmax, extendtime, Float:auto_double_jump_velocity, Float:flTrailTime[MAX_CLIENTS + 1], PlayerJump[MAX_CLIENTS + 1], PlayerCatch[MAX_CLIENTS + 1], PlayerIceCube[MAX_CLIENTS + 1], Speed[MAX_CLIENTS + 1], modelindex } new g_iVariables[eVariables]; enum _:eBoolVariables { flashsound, bulletdamage, reviveafterteamswap, revdefaultweapon, allowcatchfire, auto_double_jump, dj_trail, dj_trail_effect, Unammo[MAX_CLIENTS + 1], Fire[MAX_CLIENTS + 1], DoubleJump[MAX_CLIENTS + 1], Trail[MAX_CLIENTS + 1] } new bool:g_blVariables[eBoolVariables]; enum _:eSounds { thunder_clap, rocketfire1, headshot2, rocket1, flashbang2, flameburst, scream07 }; new const g_szSounds[eSounds][] = { "ambience/thunder_clap.wav", "weapons/rocketfire1.wav", "weapons/headshot2.wav", "weapons/rocket1.wav", "weapons/flashbang-2.wav", "ambience/flameburst1.wav", "scientist/scream07.wav" }; const MAX_COLORS = 30; new const Float:g_flColors[MAX_COLORS][] = { {255.0,0.0,0.0},{255.0,190.0,190.0},{165.0,0.0,0.0},{255.0,100.0,100.0},{0.0,0.0,255.0},{0.0,0.0,136.0},{95.0,200.0,255.0},{0.0,150.0,255.0}, {0.0,255.0,0.0},{180.0,255.0,175.0},{0.0,155.0,0.0},{150.0,63.0,0.0},{205.0,123.0,64.0},{255.0,255.0,255.0},{255.0,255.0,0.0},{189.0,182.0,0.0}, {255.0,255.0,109.0},{255.0,150.0,0.0},{255.0,190.0,90.0},{222.0,110.0,0.0},{243.0,138.0,255.0},{255.0,0.0,255.0},{150.0,0.0,150.0},{100.0,0.0,100.0}, {200.0,0.0,0.0},{220.0,220.0,0.0},{192.0,192.0,192.0},{190.0,100.0,10.0},{114.0,114.0,114.0},{0.0,0.0,0.0} }; new const g_szColors[MAX_COLORS][] = { "red","pink","darkred","lightred","blue","darkblue","lightblue","aqua", "green","lightgreen","darkgreen","brown","lightbrown","white","yellow","darkyellow", "lightyellow","orange","lightorange","darkorange","lightpurple","purple","darkpurple","violet", "maroon","gold","silver","bronze","grey","off" }; enum _:eTaskId { TASKID_FIRE1, TASKID_FIRE2, TASKID_TRAIL }; new const g_szIceModel[] = "models/ras_freezemodel.mdl"; new Float:flHRespawn_Origin[MAX_CLIENTS + 1][3], Float:g_flSavedOrigin[MAX_CLIENTS + 1][3]; public plugin_init() { register_plugin("ReAmx_Super", "1.8", "PurposeLess"); register_dictionary("reamx_super.txt"); register_clcmd("say /admin", "@clcmd_admin"); register_clcmd("say /admins", "@clcmd_admin"); for(new iAction = 0; iAction < sizeof(g_Actions); iAction++) { register_concmd(g_Actions[iAction][cmd], "@call_function", g_Actions[iAction][action], g_Actions[iAction][description], .FlagManager = 0); } register_event("CurWeapon", "@event_curweapon", "be", "1=1", "3=1"); RegisterHookChain(RG_CBasePlayer_Spawn, "@CBasePlayer_Spawn_Post", .post=true); RegisterHookChain(RG_CBasePlayer_Killed, "@CBasePlayer_Killed_Post", .post=true); RegisterHookChain(RG_CBasePlayer_TakeDamage, "@CBasePlayer_TakeDamage_Post", .post=true); RegisterHookChain(RG_CBasePlayer_ResetMaxSpeed, "@CBasePlayer_ResetMaxSpeed_Pre", .post=false); RegisterHookChain(RG_CBasePlayer_Jump, "@CBasePlayer_Jump_Pre", .post=false); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_extendmax", "9"), g_blVariables[extendmax]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_extendtime", "15"), g_blVariables[extendtime]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_flashsound", "1", _, _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0), g_blVariables[flashsound]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_bulletdamage", "1", _, _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0), g_blVariables[bulletdamage]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_reviveafterteamswap", "1", _, _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0), g_blVariables[reviveafterteamswap]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_revdefaultweapon", "1", _, _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0), g_blVariables[revdefaultweapon]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_allowcatchfire", "1", _, _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0), g_blVariables[allowcatchfire]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_additional_jumps", "1"), g_iVariables[additional_jumps]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_auto_double_jump", "0", _, _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0), g_blVariables[auto_double_jump]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_dj_trail", "0", _, _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0), g_blVariables[dj_trail]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_dj_trail_effect", "1", _, _, true, 0.0, true, 1.0), g_blVariables[dj_trail_effect]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_dj_trail_life", "2"), g_iVariables[dj_trail_life]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_dj_trail_size", "2"), g_iVariables[dj_trail_size]); bind_pcvar_num(create_cvar("reamx_super_dj_trail_brightness", "150"), g_iVariables[dj_trail_brightness]); bind_pcvar_float(create_cvar("reamx_super_auto_double_jump_velocity", "350.0"), g_iVariables[auto_double_jump_velocity]); set_pcvar_num(get_cvar_pointer("sv_maxspeed"), 2000); g_iVariables[ScreenFade] = get_user_msgid("ScreenFade"); g_iVariables[SetFOV] = get_user_msgid("SetFOV"); g_iVariables[Damage] = get_user_msgid("Damage"); g_iVariables[DeathMsg] = get_user_msgid("DeathMsg"); g_iVariables[ScoreInfo] = get_user_msgid("ScoreInfo"); g_iVariables[Hudsync] = CreateHudSyncObj(); g_iVariables[sv_gravity] = get_cvar_pointer("sv_gravity"); g_iVariables[sv_password] = get_cvar_pointer("sv_password"); g_iVariables[mp_timelimit] = get_cvar_pointer("mp_timelimit"); g_iVariables[sv_alltalk] = get_cvar_pointer("sv_alltalk"); } public plugin_precache() { g_iVariables[steam1] = precache_model("sprites/steam1.spr"); g_iVariables[blueflare2] = precache_model("sprites/blueflare2.spr"); g_iVariables[white] = precache_model("sprites/white.spr"); g_iVariables[lgtning] = precache_model("sprites/lgtning.spr"); g_iVariables[muzzleflash] = precache_model("sprites/muzzleflash.spr"); g_iVariables[zbeam5] = precache_model("sprites/zbeam5.spr"); g_iVariables[modelindex] = precache_model(g_szIceModel); for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(g_szSounds); i++) { precache_sound(g_szSounds[i]); } } public client_disconnected(pPlayer) { g_iVariables[PlayerJump][pPlayer] = 0; g_blVariables[Fire][pPlayer] = false; g_blVariables[DoubleJump][pPlayer] = false; g_blVariables[PlayerCatch][pPlayer] = false; g_iVariables[Speed][pPlayer] = 0; remove_task(pPlayer); remove_task(pPlayer + TASKID_FIRE1); remove_task(pPlayer + TASKID_FIRE2); if(g_blVariables[dj_trail]) { remove_task(pPlayer + TASKID_TRAIL); g_blVariables[Trail][pPlayer] = false; } if(!is_nullent(g_iVariables[PlayerIceCube][pPlayer])) { set_entvar(g_iVariables[PlayerIceCube][pPlayer], var_flags, FL_KILLME); } } @call_function(const pPlayer, const eActions:iAction, const iCid) { if(~get_user_flags(pPlayer) & g_Actions[iAction][action_access]) { console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "NO_ACC_COM"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if(read_argc() < g_Actions[iAction][neededargs]) { console_print(pPlayer, "%L: %s %s", LANG_PLAYER, "USAGE", g_Actions[iAction][cmd], g_Actions[iAction][description]); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } enum VariableDescription { VD_TEAM, VD_PLAYER, VD_ONLYALIVE, VD_IMMUNITY, VD_IGNORESTEAM, VD_MORENEGATIVE, VD_MOREZERO, VD_ONLYONOFF_ARG, VD_ONLYONOFF_ARG2 }; new bool:iVariables[VariableDescription]; switch(iAction) { case ACTION_HEAL, ACTION_ARMOR, ACTION_WEAPON: { iVariables[VD_TEAM] = true; iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] = true; iVariables[VD_MOREZERO] = true; } case ACTION_GODMODE, ACTION_NOCLIP, ACTION_UNAMMO, ACTION_INVISIBLE, ACTION_MULTIJUMP, ACTION_FREEZE: { iVariables[VD_TEAM] = true; iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] = true; iVariables[VD_ONLYONOFF_ARG2] = true; } case ACTION_DRUG, ACTION_GLOW: { iVariables[VD_TEAM] = true; iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] = true; } case ACTION_GIVEMONEY, ACTION_TAKEMONEY: { iVariables[VD_TEAM] = true; iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; iVariables[VD_MOREZERO] = true; } case ACTION_FIRE: { iVariables[VD_TEAM] = true; iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] = true; iVariables[VD_IMMUNITY] = true; iVariables[VD_ONLYONOFF_ARG2] = true; } case ACTION_BURY, ACTION_UNBURY, ACTION_DISARM, ACTION_SLAY2, ACTION_ROCKET, ACTION_FLASH, ACTION_TELEPORT: { iVariables[VD_TEAM] = true; iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] = true; iVariables[VD_IMMUNITY] = true; } case ACTION_REVIVE: { iVariables[VD_TEAM] = true; iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; iVariables[VD_IMMUNITY] = true; } case ACTION_USERORIGIN, ACTION_UBERSLAP: { iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] = true; iVariables[VD_IMMUNITY] = true; } case ACTION_QUIT: { iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] = true; iVariables[VD_IMMUNITY] = true; iVariables[VD_IGNORESTEAM] = true; } case ACTION_TEAM, ACTION_SWAP, ACTION_HRESPAWN: { iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; } case ACTION_SPEED: { iVariables[VD_TEAM] = true; iVariables[VD_PLAYER] = true; iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] = true; iVariables[VD_MORENEGATIVE] = true; } case ACTION_ALLTALK: { iVariables[VD_ONLYONOFF_ARG] = true; } } new szArg[32], szArg2[32], iArg, iArg2; read_argv(1, szArg, charsmax(szArg)); read_argv(2, szArg2, charsmax(szArg2)); iArg = str_to_num(szArg); iArg2 = str_to_num(szArg2); if(iVariables[VD_MORENEGATIVE] && iArg2 < 0) { console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_AMOUNT_GREATER"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if(iVariables[VD_MOREZERO] && iArg2 <= 0) { console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_AMOUNT_GREATER"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if(iVariables[VD_ONLYONOFF_ARG]) { iArg = clamp(iArg, 0, 1); } if(iVariables[VD_ONLYONOFF_ARG2]) { iArg2 = clamp(iArg2, 0, 1); } if(iVariables[VD_TEAM]) { if(szArg[0] == '@' && !szArg[4]) { new iPlayers[MAX_CLIENTS], szFlags[3], iNum; switch(szArg[1]) { case 'T','t': { szFlags = iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] ? "ae" : "e"; copy(szArg[1], charsmax(szArg), "TERRORIST"); } case 'C','c': { szFlags = iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] ? "ae" : "e"; } case 'A','a': { szFlags = iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE] ? "a" : ""; } } get_players(iPlayers, iNum, szFlags, szArg[1]); if(!iNum) { console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_NO_PLAYERS"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } for(new i = 0, pId; i < iNum; i++) { pId = iPlayers[i]; if(iVariables[VD_IMMUNITY] && (get_user_flags(pId) & ADMIN_IMMUNITY && pPlayer != pId)) { continue; } @call_function_handler(iAction, pPlayer, pId, szArg, szArg2, iArg, iArg2, true, false); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } } } if(iVariables[VD_PLAYER]) { new pId = cmd_target(pPlayer, szArg, bool:iVariables[VD_ONLYALIVE], bool:iVariables[VD_IMMUNITY]); if(!pId) { return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } if(iVariables[VD_IGNORESTEAM] && is_user_steam(pId)) { console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_NO_KICK_STEAM"); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } @call_function_handler(iAction, pPlayer, pId, szArg, szArg2, iArg, iArg2, false, true); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } @call_function_handler(iAction, pPlayer, 0, szArg, szArg2, iArg, iArg2, false, false); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } @call_function_handler(const eActions:iAction, const pPlayer, const pId, const szArg[], const szArg2[], const iArg, const iArg2, const bool:blTeam, const bool:blNoArg2) { switch(iAction) { case ACTION_HEAL: { set_entvar(pId, var_health, Float:get_entvar(pId, var_health) + float(iArg2)); send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_HEAL_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_HEAL_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_HEAL_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_HEAL_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_ARMOR: { set_entvar(pId, var_armorvalue, Float:get_entvar(pId, var_armorvalue) + float(iArg2)); send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_ARMOR_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_ARMOR_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_ARMOR_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_ARMOR_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_WEAPON: { rg_give_weapon(pId, iArg2); send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_WEAPON_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_WEAPON_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_WEAPON_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_WEAPON_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_GODMODE: { set_entvar(pId, var_takedamage, iArg2 ? DAMAGE_NO : DAMAGE_AIM); send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_GODMODE_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_GODMODE_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_GODMODE_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_GODMODE_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_NOCLIP: { set_entvar(pId, var_movetype, iArg2 ? MOVETYPE_NOCLIP : MOVETYPE_WALK); send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_NOCLIP_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_NOCLIP_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_NOCLIP_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_NOCLIP_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_SPEED: { g_iVariables[Speed][pPlayer] = iArg2; if(!iArg2) { rg_reset_maxspeed(pPlayer); } else { new Float:flSpeed = 250.0 + (50.0 * float(iArg2)); set_entvar(pPlayer, var_maxspeed, flSpeed); } send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_SPEED_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_SPEED_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_SPEED_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_SPEED_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_GIVEMONEY: { rg_add_account(pId, iArg2, AS_ADD); send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_GIVEMONEY_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_GIVEMONEY_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_GIVEMONEY_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_GIVEMONEY_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_TAKEMONEY: { rg_add_account(pId, -iArg2, AS_ADD); send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_TAKEMONEY_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_TAKEMONEY_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_TAKEMONEY_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_TAKEMONEY_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_UNAMMO: { g_blVariables[Unammo][pId] = bool:iArg2; send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_UNAMMO_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_UNAMMO_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_UNAMMO_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_UNAMMO_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_ALLTALK: { set_pcvar_num(g_iVariables[sv_alltalk], iArg); send_print_onlypc(pPlayer, iArg, "REAMX_SUPER_ALLTALK_P", "REAMX_SUPER_ALLTALK_C"); } case ACTION_GRAVITY: { set_pcvar_num(g_iVariables[sv_gravity], iArg); send_print_onlypc(pPlayer, iArg, "REAMX_SUPER_GRAVITY_P", "REAMX_SUPER_GRAVITY_C"); } case ACTION_BURY: { rg_bury_player(pId); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_BURY_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_BURY_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_BURY_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_BURY_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_UNBURY: { rg_unbury_player(pId); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_UNBURY_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_UNBURY_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_UNBURY_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_UNBURY_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_DISARM: { rg_remove_all_items(pId); rg_give_item(pId, "weapon_knife"); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_DISARM_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_DISARM_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_DISARM_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_DISARM_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_SLAY2: { slay_player(pId, iArg2); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_SLAY2_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_SLAY2_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_SLAY2_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_SLAY2_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_ROCKET: { rg_rocket_player(pId); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_ROCKET_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_ROCKET_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_ROCKET_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_ROCKET_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_UBERSLAP: { set_task(0.1, "@uberslap_player", pId, .flags = "a", .repeat = 99); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_UBERSLAP_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_UBERSLAP_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_UBERSLAP_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_UBERSLAP_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_REVIVE: { rg_give_default_items_func(pId); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_REVIVE_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_REVIVE_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_REVIVE_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_REVIVE_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_QUIT: { client_cmd(pId, "quit"); rg_send_audio(0, g_szSounds[thunder_clap]); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "", "", "REAMX_SUPER_QUIT_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_QUIT_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_DRUG: { rg_drug_player(pId); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_DRUG_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_DRUG_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_DRUG_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_DRUG_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_FLASH: { flash_player(pId); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_FLASH_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_FLASH_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_FLASH_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_FLASH_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_FREEZE: { if(iArg2) { freeze_player(pId); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_FREEZE_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_FREEZE_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_FREEZE_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_FREEZE_PLAYER_C"); } else { unfreeze_player(pId); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_UNFREEZE_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_UNFREEZE_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_UNFREEZE_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_UNFREEZE_PLAYER_C"); } } case ACTION_USERORIGIN: { get_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, g_flSavedOrigin[pPlayer]); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_USERORIGIN", pId, g_flSavedOrigin[pPlayer][0], g_flSavedOrigin[pPlayer][1], g_flSavedOrigin[pPlayer][2]); } case ACTION_TELEPORT: { if(read_argc() > 2) { new szY[8], szZ[8]; read_argv(3, szY, charsmax(szY)); read_argv(4, szZ, charsmax(szZ)); g_flSavedOrigin[pPlayer][0] = float(iArg2); g_flSavedOrigin[pPlayer][1] = str_to_float(szY); g_flSavedOrigin[pPlayer][2] = str_to_float(szZ); } set_entvar(pId, var_origin, g_flSavedOrigin[pPlayer]); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_TELEPORT_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_TELEPORT_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_TELEPORT_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_TELEPORT_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_PASS: { set_pcvar_string(g_iVariables[sv_password], szArg); send_print_onlypc(pPlayer, iArg2, "REAMX_SUPER_SET_PASSWORD_P", "REAMX_SUPER_SET_PASSWORD_C"); } case ACTION_NOPASS: { set_pcvar_string(g_iVariables[sv_password], ""); send_print_onlypc(pPlayer, iArg2, "REAMX_SUPER_REMOVE_PASSWORD_P", "REAMX_SUPER_REMOVE_PASSWORD_C"); } case ACTION_TEAM: { admin_transfer(pPlayer, pId, szArg2); } case ACTION_SWAP: { admin_swap(pPlayer, pId, szArg2); } case ACTION_EXTEND: { admin_extend(pPlayer, iArg); } case ACTION_GLOWCOLORS: { admin_glowcolors(pPlayer); } case ACTION_GLOW: { if(is_str_num(szArg2)) { new szArg3[32], szArg4[32], szArg5[32], Float:flColor[3], Float:flAmount; read_argv(3, szArg3, charsmax(szArg3)); read_argv(4, szArg4, charsmax(szArg4)); read_argv(5, szArg5, charsmax(szArg5)); flColor[0] = str_to_float(szArg2); flColor[1] = str_to_float(szArg3); flColor[2] = str_to_float(szArg4); flAmount = (szArg5[0] == EOS ? 255.0 : str_to_float(szArg5)); admin_glow(pPlayer, pId, blTeam, szArg, szArg2, true, flColor, flAmount); console_print(pPlayer, "YES [%f][%f][%f]", flColor[0], flColor[1], flColor[2]); } else { admin_glow(pPlayer, pId, blTeam, szArg, szArg2, false, {0.0,0.0,0.0}, 0.0); } } case ACTION_INVISIBLE: { set_entvar(pPlayer, var_effects, iArg2 ? get_entvar(pPlayer, var_effects) | EF_NODRAW : get_entvar(pPlayer, var_effects) & ~EF_NODRAW); send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_INVISIBLE_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_INVISIBLE_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_INVISIBLE_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_INVISIBLE_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_FIRE: { admin_fire(pId, iArg2); send_print_fire(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_FIRE_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_FIRE_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_FIRE_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_FIRE_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_MULTIJUMP: { g_blVariables[DoubleJump][pId] = bool:iArg2; send_print_arg(pPlayer, pId, szArg, iArg2, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_DOUBLEJUMP_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_DOUBLEJUMP_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_DOUBLEJUMP_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_DOUBLEJUMP_PLAYER_C"); } case ACTION_TEAMSWAP: { rg_swap_all_players(); rg_respawn_all_players(); client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_TEAMSWAP_P", pPlayer); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_TEAMSWAP_C"); } case ACTION_HRESPAWN: { if(is_user_alive(pId)) { console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_HRESPAWN_NO_ALIVE"); return; } rg_give_default_items_func(pId); set_entvar(pId, var_origin, flHRespawn_Origin[pId]); send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "", "", "REAMX_SUPER_HRESPAWN_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_HRESPAWN_PLAYER_C"); } } } rg_give_weapon(const pPlayer, const iWeapon) { switch(iWeapon) { case 1: { rg_give_item(pPlayer, "weapon_knife"); } case 11: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_GLOCK18, "weapon_glock18"); } case 12: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_USP, "weapon_usp"); } case 13: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_P228, "weapon_p228"); } case 14: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_DEAGLE, "weapon_deagle"); } case 15: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FIVESEVEN, "weapon_fiveseven"); } case 16: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_ELITE, "weapon_elite"); } case 17: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_GLOCK18, "weapon_glock18"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_USP, "weapon_usp"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_P228, "weapon_p228"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_DEAGLE, "weapon_deagle"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FIVESEVEN, "weapon_fiveseven"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_ELITE, "weapon_elite"); } case 21: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_M3, "weapon_m3"); } case 22: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_XM1014, "weapon_xm1014"); } case 31: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_TMP, "weapon_tmp"); } case 32: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_MAC10, "weapon_mac10"); } case 33: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_MP5N, "weapon_mp5navy"); } case 34: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_P90, "weapon_p90"); } case 35: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_UMP45, "weapon_ump45"); } case 40: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FAMAS, "weapon_famas"); } case 41: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_GALIL, "weapon_galil"); } case 42: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_AK47, "weapon_ak47"); } case 43: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_M4A1, "weapon_m4a1"); } case 44: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_SG552, "weapon_sg552"); } case 45: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_AUG, "weapon_aug"); } case 46: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_SCOUT, "weapon_scout"); } case 47: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_SG550, "weapon_sg550"); } case 48: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_AWP, "weapon_awp"); } case 49: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_G3SG1, "weapon_g3sg1"); } case 51: { rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_M249, "weapon_m249"); } case 60: { rg_give_shield(pPlayer); rg_give_item(pPlayer, "item_assaultsuit"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_GLOCK, "weapon_glock"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FLASHBANG, "weapon_flashbang"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_HEGRENADE, "weapon_hegrenade"); } case 61: { rg_give_shield(pPlayer); rg_give_item(pPlayer, "item_assaultsuit"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_GLOCK, "weapon_usp"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FLASHBANG, "weapon_flashbang"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_HEGRENADE, "weapon_hegrenade"); } case 62: { rg_give_shield(pPlayer); rg_give_item(pPlayer, "item_assaultsuit"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_DEAGLE, "weapon_deagle"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FLASHBANG, "weapon_flashbang"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_HEGRENADE, "weapon_hegrenade"); } case 63: { rg_give_shield(pPlayer); rg_give_item(pPlayer, "item_assaultsuit"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FIVESEVEN, "weapon_fiveseven"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FLASHBANG, "weapon_flashbang"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_HEGRENADE, "weapon_hegrenade"); } case 81:{ rg_give_item(pPlayer, "item_kevlar"); } case 82:{ rg_give_item(pPlayer, "item_assaultsuit"); } case 83:{ rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_HEGRENADE, "weapon_hegrenade"); } case 84:{ rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FLASHBANG, "weapon_flashbang"); } case 85:{ rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE, "weapon_smokegrenade"); } case 86:{ rg_give_item(pPlayer, "item_thighpack"); } case 87:{ rg_give_shield(pPlayer); } case 88:{ for(new InventorySlotType:i = PRIMARY_WEAPON_SLOT, iWeapon; i < C4_SLOT; i++) { iWeapon = get_member(pPlayer, m_rgpPlayerItems, i); if(is_nullent(iWeapon)) { continue; } rg_set_user_bpammo(pPlayer, get_member(iWeapon, m_iId), rg_get_iteminfo(iWeapon, ItemInfo_iMaxAmmo1)); } } case 89:{ rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_HEGRENADE, "weapon_hegrenade"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FLASHBANG, "weapon_flashbang"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE, "weapon_smokegrenade"); } case 91:{ rg_give_item(pPlayer, "weapon_c4"); } case 100:{ rg_give_item(pPlayer, "item_assaultsuit"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_AWP, "weapon_awp"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_DEAGLE, "weapon_deagle"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_HEGRENADE, "weapon_hegrenade"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_FLASHBANG, "weapon_flashbang"); rg_give_user_weapon(pPlayer, WEAPON_SMOKEGRENADE, "weapon_smokegrenade"); } } } rg_give_user_weapon(const pPlayer, const WeaponIdType:iNum, const szWeaponName[]) { if(rg_has_item_by_name(pPlayer, szWeaponName)) { new iWeapon = rg_find_weapon_bpack_by_name(pPlayer, szWeaponName); rg_set_user_bpammo(pPlayer, iNum, rg_get_iteminfo(iWeapon, ItemInfo_iMaxAmmo1)); } else { rg_set_user_bpammo(pPlayer, iNum, rg_get_iteminfo(rg_give_item(pPlayer, szWeaponName), ItemInfo_iMaxAmmo1)); } } rg_bury_player(const pPlayer) { new Float:flOrigin[3]; get_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flOrigin); flOrigin[2] -= 35.0; set_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flOrigin); } rg_unbury_player(const pPlayer) { new Float:flOrigin[3]; get_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flOrigin); flOrigin[2] += 35.0; set_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flOrigin); } rg_rocket_player(const pPlayer) { rh_emit_sound2(pPlayer, 0, CHAN_WEAPON, g_szSounds[rocketfire1]); set_entvar(pPlayer, var_maxspeed, 0.01); set_task(1.2, "@rocket_liftoff", pPlayer); } slay_player(const pPlayer, const iType) { new Float:flOrigin[3], Float:flOrigin2[3]; get_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flOrigin); flOrigin[2] -= 26.0; flOrigin2[0] = flOrigin[0] + 15.0; flOrigin2[1] = flOrigin[1] + 150.0; flOrigin2[2] = flOrigin[2] + 400.0; switch(iType) { case 1: { lightning(flOrigin2, flOrigin); rh_emit_sound2(pPlayer, 0, CHAN_ITEM, g_szSounds[thunder_clap]); } case 2:{ blood(flOrigin); rh_emit_sound2(pPlayer, 0, CHAN_ITEM, g_szSounds[headshot2]); } case 3: { explode(flOrigin); } } user_kill(pPlayer, 1); } lightning(const Float:iVec[3], const Float:iVec2[3]) { message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); { write_byte(0); write_coord_f(iVec[0]); write_coord_f(iVec[1]); write_coord_f(iVec[2]); write_coord_f(iVec2[0]); write_coord_f(iVec2[1]); write_coord_f(iVec2[2]); write_short(g_iVariables[lgtning]); write_byte(1); write_byte(5); write_byte(2); write_byte(20); write_byte(30); write_byte(200); write_byte(200); write_byte(200); write_byte(200); write_byte(200); } message_end(); message_begin_f(MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, iVec2); { write_byte(9); write_coord_f(iVec2[0]); write_coord_f(iVec2[1]); write_coord_f(iVec2[2]); } message_end(); message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY, iVec2); { write_byte(5); write_coord_f(iVec2[0]); write_coord_f(iVec2[1]); write_coord_f(iVec2[2]); write_short(g_iVariables[steam1]); write_byte(10); write_byte(10); } message_end(); } blood(const Float:iVec[3]) { message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST,SVC_TEMPENTITY); write_byte(10); write_coord_f(iVec[0]); write_coord_f(iVec[1]); write_coord_f(iVec[2]); message_end(); } explode(const Float:iVec[3]) { message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY, iVec); { write_byte(21); write_coord_f(iVec[0]); write_coord_f(iVec[1]); write_coord_f(iVec[2] + 16); write_coord_f(iVec[0]); write_coord_f(iVec[1]); write_coord_f(iVec[2] + 1936); write_short(g_iVariables[white]); write_byte(0); write_byte(0); write_byte(2); write_byte(16); write_byte(0); write_byte(188); write_byte(220); write_byte(255); write_byte(255); write_byte(0); } message_end(); message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); { write_byte(12); write_coord_f(iVec[0]); write_coord_f(iVec[1]); write_coord_f(iVec[2]); write_byte(188); write_byte(10); } message_end(); message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY, iVec); { write_byte(5); write_coord_f(iVec[0]); write_coord_f(iVec[1]); write_coord_f(iVec[2]); write_short(g_iVariables[steam1]); write_byte(2); write_byte(10); } message_end(); } @rocket_liftoff(const pPlayer) { set_entvar(pPlayer, var_gravity, -0.50); client_cmd(pPlayer, "+jump;wait;wait;-jump"); rh_emit_sound2(pPlayer, 0, CHAN_VOICE, g_szSounds[rocket1]); @rocket_effects(pPlayer); } @rocket_effects(const pPlayer) { if(!is_user_alive(pPlayer)) { remove_task(pPlayer); return; } static Float:flOrigin[3]; get_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flOrigin); message_begin_f(MSG_ONE, g_iVariables[Damage], .player = pPlayer); { write_byte(30); write_byte(30); write_long(1<<16); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2]); } message_end(); static Float:flPlayerOrigin[MAX_CLIENTS + 1]; if(flPlayerOrigin[pPlayer] == flOrigin[2]) { rocket_explode(pPlayer); } flPlayerOrigin[pPlayer] = flOrigin[2]; message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); { write_byte(15); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2] - 30); write_short(g_iVariables[blueflare2]); write_byte(5); write_byte(1); write_byte(1); write_byte(10); write_byte(5); } message_end(); message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST,SVC_TEMPENTITY); { write_byte(17); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2] - 30); write_short(g_iVariables[muzzleflash]); write_byte(15); write_byte(255); } message_end(); set_task(0.2, "@rocket_effects", pPlayer); } rocket_explode(const pPlayer) { static Float:flOrigin[3]; get_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flOrigin); message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY, flOrigin); { write_byte(21); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2] - 10); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2] + 1910); write_short(g_iVariables[white]); write_byte(0); write_byte(0); write_byte(2); write_byte(16); write_byte(0); write_byte(188); write_byte(220); write_byte(255); write_byte(255); write_byte(0); } message_end(); message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); { write_byte(12); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2]); write_byte(188); write_byte(10); } message_end(); message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY, flOrigin); { write_byte(5); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2]); write_short(g_iVariables[steam1]); write_byte(2); write_byte(10); } message_end(); user_kill(pPlayer, 1); rh_emit_sound2(pPlayer, 0, CHAN_VOICE, g_szSounds[rocket1], 0.0, 0.0, (1<<5)); set_entvar(pPlayer, var_maxspeed, 1.0); set_entvar(pPlayer, var_gravity, 1.00); } @uberslap_player(const pPlayer) { user_slap(pPlayer, (get_entvar(pPlayer, var_health) > 1.0) ? 1 : 0); } rg_give_default_items_func(const pPlayer) { rg_round_respawn(pPlayer); if(g_blVariables[revdefaultweapon]) { rg_give_default_items(pPlayer); } } rg_drug_player(const pPlayer) { message_begin(MSG_ONE, g_iVariables[SetFOV], .player = pPlayer); write_byte(180); message_end(); } flash_player(const pPlayer) { message_begin(MSG_ONE, g_iVariables[ScreenFade], .player = pPlayer); { write_short(1<<15); write_short(1<<10); write_short(1<<12); write_byte(255); write_byte(255); write_byte(255); write_byte(255); } message_end(); if(g_blVariables[flashsound]) { rh_emit_sound2(pPlayer, 0, CHAN_BODY, g_szSounds[flashbang2], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_HIGH); } } freeze_player(const pPlayer) { new iFlags = get_entvar(pPlayer, var_flags); if(~iFlags & FL_FROZEN) { set_entvar(pPlayer, var_flags, iFlags | FL_FROZEN); new iEnt = g_iVariables[PlayerIceCube][pPlayer]; if(is_nullent(iEnt)) { iEnt = g_iVariables[PlayerIceCube][pPlayer] = rg_create_entity("info_target"); set_entvar(iEnt, var_body, 1); set_entvar(iEnt, var_owner, pPlayer); set_entvar(iEnt, var_solid, SOLID_BBOX); set_entvar(iEnt, var_modelindex, g_iVariables[modelindex]); rg_set_user_rendering(iEnt, kRenderFxNone, {255.0, 255.0, 255.0}, kRenderTransAdd, 60.0); } else { set_entvar(iEnt, var_effects, get_entvar(iEnt, var_effects) & ~EF_NODRAW); } new Float:flOrigin[3]; get_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flOrigin); flOrigin[2] -= 25.0; set_entvar(iEnt, var_origin, flOrigin); } } unfreeze_player(const pPlayer) { new iFlags = get_entvar(pPlayer, var_flags); if(iFlags & FL_FROZEN) { set_entvar(pPlayer, var_flags, iFlags & ~FL_FROZEN); set_entvar(g_iVariables[PlayerIceCube][pPlayer], var_effects, EF_NODRAW); } } admin_transfer(const pPlayer, const pId, const szArg[]) { new szTeamName[32]; switch(szArg[0]) { case 'T','t': { rg_set_user_team(pId, TEAM_TERRORIST); szTeamName = "Terrorists"; rg_give_default_items_func(pId); } case 'C','c': { rg_set_user_team(pId, TEAM_CT); szTeamName = "Counter-Terrorists"; rg_give_default_items_func(pId); } case 'S','s': { user_silentkill(pId); rg_set_user_team(pId, TEAM_SPECTATOR); szTeamName = "Spectator"; } default: { console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_TEAM] %L", pPlayer, "REAMX_SUPER_TEAM_INVALID"); return; } } client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_TEAM_P", pPlayer, pId, szTeamName); console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_TEAM] %L", pPlayer, "REAMX_SUPER_TEAM_C", pId, szTeamName); } admin_swap(const pPlayer, const pId, const arg[]) { new pId2 = cmd_target(pPlayer, arg, false, false); if(!pId2) { return; } new TeamName:iTeam1 = get_member(pId, m_iTeam); new TeamName:iTeam2 = get_member(pId2, m_iTeam); if(iTeam1 == iTeam2) { console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_SWAP] %L", pPlayer, "REAMX_SUPER_SWAP_ERROR1"); return; } if(iTeam1 == TEAM_UNASSIGNED || iTeam2 == TEAM_UNASSIGNED) { console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_SWAP] %L", pPlayer, "REAMX_SUPER_SWAP_ERROR2"); return; } if(iTeam1 == TEAM_SPECTATOR) { user_silentkill(pId2); } else if(iTeam2 == TEAM_SPECTATOR) { user_silentkill(pId); } rg_set_user_team(pId, iTeam2); rg_set_user_team(pId2, iTeam1); if(iTeam2 != TEAM_SPECTATOR) { rg_give_default_items_func(pId); } if(iTeam1 != TEAM_SPECTATOR) { rg_give_default_items_func(pId2); } client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_SWAP_P", pPlayer, pId, pId2); console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_SWAP] %L", pPlayer, "REAMX_SUPER_SWAP_C", pId, pId2); } admin_extend(const pPlayer, const iLimit) { if(iLimit <= 0) { console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_EXTEND] %L", pPlayer, "REAMX_SUPER_AMOUNT_GREATER"); return; } static iExtended = 0; if(iExtended >= g_blVariables[extendmax]) { console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_EXTEND] %L", pPlayer, "REAMX_SUPER_EXTEND_ERROR1", iExtended); return; } if(iLimit > g_blVariables[extendtime]) { console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_EXTEND] %L", pPlayer, "REAMX_SUPER_EXTEND_ERROR2", g_blVariables[extendtime]); return; } set_pcvar_float(g_iVariables[mp_timelimit], get_pcvar_float(g_iVariables[mp_timelimit]) + iLimit); ++iExtended; client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_EXTEND_P", pPlayer, iLimit); console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_EXTEND] %L", pPlayer, "REAMX_SUPER_EXTEND_C", iLimit); } admin_glowcolors(const pPlayer) { console_print(pPlayer, "Colors:"); for(new i=0; i < MAX_COLORS; i++) { console_print(pPlayer, "%i %s", i + 1, g_szColors[i]); } console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_GLOW] Example: amx_glow ^"PurposeLess^" ^"red^""); } admin_glow(const pPlayer, const pId, const bool:blTeam, const szArg[], const szArg2[], const bool:blCustom, {Float,_}:flColor[3], Float:flAmount) { new bool:blOff; if(!blCustom) { new bool:blValid = false; for(new i = 0; i < MAX_COLORS; i++) { if(equali(szArg2, g_szColors[i])) { if(equali(szArg2, "off")) { blOff = true; } flColor[0] = g_flColors[i][0]; flColor[1] = g_flColors[i][1]; flColor[2] = g_flColors[i][2]; flAmount = 255.0; blValid = true; break; } } if(!blValid) { console_print(pPlayer, "[AMX_GLOW] %L", pPlayer, "REAMX_SUPER_GLOW_INVALID"); return; } } else { flColor[0] = floatclamp(flColor[0], 0.0, 255.0); flColor[1] = floatclamp(flColor[1], 0.0, 255.0); flColor[2] = floatclamp(flColor[2], 0.0, 255.0); flAmount = floatclamp(flAmount, 0.0, 255.0); if(flColor[0] == 0.0 && flColor[1] == 0.0 && flColor[2] == 0.0 && flAmount == 255.0) { blOff = true; } } rg_set_user_rendering(pId, kRenderFxGlowShell, flColor, kRenderTransAlpha, flAmount); if(!blOff) { send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_GLOW_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_GLOW_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_GLOW_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_GLOW_PLAYER_C"); } else { send_print_onlynames(pPlayer, pId, szArg, blTeam, "REAMX_SUPER_UNGLOW_TEAM_P", "REAMX_SUPER_UNGLOW_TEAM_C", "REAMX_SUPER_UNGLOW_PLAYER_P", "REAMX_SUPER_UNGLOW_PLAYER_C"); } } rg_set_user_rendering(const pPlayer, const iFx, const {Float,_}:flColor[3], const iRender, const Float:flAmount) { set_entvar(pPlayer, var_renderfx, iFx); set_entvar(pPlayer, var_rendercolor, flColor); set_entvar(pPlayer, var_rendermode, iRender); set_entvar(pPlayer, var_renderamt, flAmount); } @event_curweapon(const pPlayer) { if(!g_blVariables[Unammo][pPlayer]) { return; } new iWeapon = read_data(2); set_member(get_member(pPlayer, m_pActiveItem), m_Weapon_iClip, rg_get_weapon_info(iWeapon, WI_GUN_CLIP_SIZE) + 1); } @CBasePlayer_ResetMaxSpeed_Pre(const pPlayer) { if(g_iVariables[Speed][pPlayer] > 0) { new Float:flSpeed = 250.0 + (50.0 * g_iVariables[Speed][pPlayer]); set_entvar(pPlayer, var_maxspeed, flSpeed); return HC_SUPERCEDE; } return HC_CONTINUE; } @CBasePlayer_Spawn_Post(const pPlayer) { if(get_member(pPlayer, m_bJustConnected)) { return; } g_iVariables[PlayerJump][pPlayer] = 0; g_blVariables[Fire][pPlayer] = false; g_blVariables[DoubleJump][pPlayer] = false; g_blVariables[PlayerCatch][pPlayer] = false; g_iVariables[Speed][pPlayer] = 0; remove_task(pPlayer); remove_task(pPlayer + TASKID_FIRE1); remove_task(pPlayer + TASKID_FIRE2); get_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flHRespawn_Origin[pPlayer]); set_entvar(g_iVariables[PlayerIceCube][pPlayer], var_effects, EF_NODRAW); } @CBasePlayer_Killed_Post(const pVictim, pAttacker, iGib) { g_iVariables[PlayerJump][pVictim] = 0; g_blVariables[Fire][pVictim] = false; g_blVariables[DoubleJump][pVictim] = false; g_blVariables[PlayerCatch][pVictim] = false; g_iVariables[Speed][pVictim] = 0; remove_task(pVictim); remove_task(pVictim + TASKID_FIRE1); remove_task(pVictim + TASKID_FIRE2); unfreeze_player(pVictim); get_entvar(pVictim, var_origin, flHRespawn_Origin[pVictim]); } @CBasePlayer_TakeDamage_Post(const pVictim, pInflictor, pAttacker, Float:flDamage, bitsDamageType) { if(g_blVariables[bulletdamage]) { if(!is_user_connected(pAttacker) || pVictim == pAttacker || !rg_is_player_can_takedamage(pVictim, pAttacker)) { return; } set_hudmessage(0, 100, 200, -1.0, 0.55, 2, 0.1, 4.0, 0.02, 0.02, -1); ShowSyncHudMsg(pAttacker, g_iVariables[Hudsync], "%0.f^n", flDamage); } } send_print_arg(const pPlayer, const pId, const szArg[], const iNum, const bool:blTeam, const TEAM_P[], const TEAM_C[], const PLAYER_P[], const PLAYER_C[]) { if(blTeam) { client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, TEAM_P, pPlayer, iNum, get_teamname(szArg)); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, TEAM_C, iNum, get_teamname(szArg)); } else { client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, PLAYER_P, pPlayer, iNum, pId); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, PLAYER_C, iNum, pId); } } send_print_onlypc(const pPlayer, const iNum, const P[], const C[]) { client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, P, pPlayer, iNum); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, C, iNum); } send_print_onlynames(const pPlayer, const pId, const szArg[], const bool:blTeam, const TEAM_P[], const TEAM_C[], const PLAYER_P[], const PLAYER_C[]) { if(blTeam) { client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, TEAM_P, pPlayer, get_teamname(szArg)); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, TEAM_C, get_teamname(szArg)); } else { client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, PLAYER_P, pPlayer, pId); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, PLAYER_C, pId); } } send_print_fire(const pPlayer, const pId, const szArg[], const iArg2, const bool:blTeam, const TEAM_P[], const TEAM_C[], const PLAYER_P[], const PLAYER_C[]) { new szFire[20]; formatex(szFire, charsmax(szFire), "%L", LANG_PLAYER, iArg2 ? "REAMX_SUPER_FIRE" : "REAMX_SUPER_UNFIRE"); if(blTeam) { client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, TEAM_P, pPlayer, szFire, get_teamname(szArg)); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, TEAM_C, szFire, get_teamname(szArg)); } else { client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, PLAYER_P, pPlayer, szFire, pId); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, PLAYER_C, szFire, pId); } } get_teamname(const szArg[]) { new szTeamName[18]; switch(szArg[1]) { case 't','T': { szTeamName = "Terrorist"; } case 'c','C': { szTeamName = "Counter-Terrorist"; } default: { szTeamName = "all"; } } return szTeamName; } cmd_target(const pPlayer, const szArg[], const bool:blOnlyAlive, const bool:blImmunity) { new pId = find_player("bl", szArg); if(pId) { if(pId != find_player("blj", szArg)) { console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "MORE_CL_MATCHT"); return 0; } } else if((pId = find_player("c", szArg)) == 0 && szArg[0] == '#' && szArg[1]) { pId = find_player("k", str_to_num(szArg[1])); } if(!pId) { console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "CL_NOT_FOUND"); return 0; } if(blOnlyAlive && !is_user_alive(pPlayer)) { new szName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; get_user_name(pId, szName, charsmax(szName)); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "CANT_PERF_DEAD", szName); return 0; } if(blImmunity && (get_user_flags(pId) & ADMIN_IMMUNITY && pPlayer != pId)) { new szName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; get_user_name(pId, szName, charsmax(szName)); console_print(pPlayer, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "CLIENT_IMM", szName); return 0; } return pId; } @clcmd_admin(const pPlayer) { new szAdminNames[MAX_CLIENTS + 1][MAX_NAME_LENGTH]; new szMessage[MAX_DIRECTOR_CMD_STRING]; new iCount, iLen; for(new id = 1; id <= MaxClients; id++) { if(is_user_connected(id) && get_user_flags(id) & ADMIN_KICK) { get_user_name(id, szAdminNames[iCount++], charsmax(szAdminNames[])); } } iLen = formatex(szMessage, charsmax(szMessage), "^4ADMINS ONLINE^1: "); if(iCount > 0) { for(new x = 0 ; x < iCount ; x++) { iLen += formatex(szMessage[iLen], charsmax(szMessage) - iLen, "^3%s%s ", szAdminNames[x], x < (iCount-1) ? "^4, " : ""); if(iLen > 96) { client_print_color(pPlayer, pPlayer, szMessage); iLen = formatex(szMessage, charsmax(szMessage), "^4 "); } } client_print_color(pPlayer, pPlayer, szMessage); } else { iLen += formatex(szMessage[iLen], charsmax(szMessage)-iLen, "^3No admins online."); client_print_color(pPlayer, pPlayer, szMessage); } return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } admin_fire(const pPlayer, const iNum) { if(iNum) { g_iVariables[PlayerCatch][pPlayer] = 0; g_blVariables[Fire][pPlayer] = true; set_task(0.2, "@ignite_effects", pPlayer + TASKID_FIRE1, .flags = "b"); set_task(1.0, "@ignite_player", pPlayer + TASKID_FIRE2, .flags = "b"); rh_emit_sound2(pPlayer, 0, CHAN_WEAPON, g_szSounds[scream07], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_HIGH); } else { g_blVariables[Fire][pPlayer] = false; remove_task(pPlayer + TASKID_FIRE1); remove_task(pPlayer + TASKID_FIRE2); } } @ignite_effects(TaskId) { static pPlayer; pPlayer = TaskId - TASKID_FIRE1; static Float:flOrigin[3]; get_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flOrigin); message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); write_byte(17); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2]); write_short(g_iVariables[muzzleflash]); write_byte(20); write_byte(200); message_end(); message_begin_f(MSG_BROADCAST,SVC_TEMPENTITY, flOrigin); write_byte(5); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2]); write_short(g_iVariables[steam1]); write_byte(20); write_byte(15); message_end(); } @ignite_player(TaskId) { new pPlayer = TaskId - TASKID_FIRE2; new Float:flOrigin[3]; get_entvar(pPlayer, var_origin, flOrigin); if(get_entvar(pPlayer, var_health) - 10.0 <= 0.0) { admin_fire(pPlayer, 0); rg_user_silentkill(pPlayer, g_iVariables[PlayerCatch][pPlayer]); return; } set_entvar(pPlayer, var_health, Float:get_entvar(pPlayer, var_health) - 10.0); message_begin_f(MSG_ONE, g_iVariables[Damage], .player = pPlayer); write_byte(30); write_byte(30); write_long(1<<21); write_coord_f(flOrigin[0]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[1]); write_coord_f(flOrigin[2]); message_end(); rh_emit_sound2(pPlayer, 0, CHAN_ITEM, g_szSounds[flameburst], 0.6, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_LOW); if(g_blVariables[allowcatchfire]) { for(new pId = 1, Float:flOrigin2[3]; pId <= MaxClients; pId++) { if(!is_user_alive(pId) || g_blVariables[Fire][pId] || pPlayer == pId) { continue; } get_entvar(pId, var_origin, flOrigin2); if(get_distance_f(flOrigin, flOrigin2) < 100.0) { rh_emit_sound2(pId, 0, CHAN_WEAPON, g_szSounds[scream07], 1.0, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_HIGH); client_print_color(0, 0, "%L", LANG_PLAYER, "REAMX_SUPER_CATCH_FIRE", pPlayer, pId); admin_fire(pId, 1); g_iVariables[PlayerCatch][pId] = pPlayer; } } } } rg_user_silentkill(const pVictim, const pAttacker) { if(!is_user_connected(pAttacker)) { user_kill(pVictim); return; } user_silentkill(pVictim); message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, g_iVariables[DeathMsg], .player = pVictim); write_byte(pAttacker); write_byte(pVictim); write_byte(0); message_end(); new Float:flFrags = get_entvar(pAttacker, var_frags); set_entvar(pAttacker, var_frags, flFrags + 1.0); message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, g_iVariables[ScoreInfo]); write_byte(pAttacker); write_short(floatround(flFrags)); write_short(get_member(pAttacker, m_iDeaths)); write_short(0); write_short(get_member(pAttacker, m_iTeam)); message_end(); } @CBasePlayer_Jump_Pre(const pPlayer) { if(!g_blVariables[DoubleJump][pPlayer]) { return HC_CONTINUE; } new iFlags = get_entvar(pPlayer, var_flags); if(g_blVariables[auto_double_jump]) { if((!(get_entvar(pPlayer, var_oldbuttons) & IN_JUMP)) && iFlags & FL_ONGROUND) { new Float:flVelocity[3]; get_entvar(pPlayer, var_velocity, flVelocity); flVelocity[2] = g_iVariables[auto_double_jump_velocity]; set_entvar(pPlayer, var_velocity, flVelocity); } } static Float:flJumpTime[MAX_CLIENTS + 1]; if(g_iVariables[PlayerJump][pPlayer] && (iFlags & FL_ONGROUND)) { g_iVariables[PlayerJump][pPlayer] = 0; flJumpTime[pPlayer] = get_gametime(); return HC_CONTINUE; } static Float:flGameTime; if((get_entvar(pPlayer, var_oldbuttons) & IN_JUMP || iFlags & FL_ONGROUND) || ((flGameTime = get_gametime()) - flJumpTime[pPlayer]) < 0.2) { return HC_CONTINUE; } if(g_iVariables[PlayerJump][pPlayer] >= g_iVariables[additional_jumps]) { return HC_CONTINUE; } flJumpTime[pPlayer] = flGameTime; new Float:flVelocity[3]; get_entvar(pPlayer, var_velocity, flVelocity); flVelocity[2] = random_float(265.0, 285.0); set_entvar(pPlayer, var_velocity, flVelocity); g_iVariables[PlayerJump][pPlayer]++; if(g_blVariables[dj_trail]) { func_TrailMessage(pPlayer); g_iVariables[flTrailTime][pPlayer] = get_gametime(); } return HC_CONTINUE; } func_TrailMessage(const pPlayer) { if(g_blVariables[Trail][pPlayer]) { return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } static iColor[3]; enum { RED = 0, GREEN, BLUE }; if(!g_blVariables[dj_trail_effect]) { iColor[RED] = random_num(0, 255); iColor[GREEN] = random_num(0, 255); iColor[BLUE] = random_num(0, 255); } else { static TeamName:team; team = get_member(pPlayer, m_iTeam); switch(team) { case TEAM_TERRORIST: iColor = { 255, 0, 0 }; case TEAM_CT: iColor = { 0, 0, 255 }; } } g_blVariables[Trail][pPlayer] = true; message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); write_byte(TE_BEAMFOLLOW); write_short(pPlayer); write_short(g_iVariables[zbeam5]); write_byte(g_iVariables[dj_trail_life] * 10); write_byte(g_iVariables[dj_trail_size]); write_byte(iColor[RED]); write_byte(iColor[GREEN]); write_byte(iColor[BLUE]); write_byte(g_iVariables[dj_trail_brightness]); message_end(); g_iVariables[flTrailTime][pPlayer] = get_gametime(); set_task(1.0, "@task_RemoveTrail", pPlayer + TASKID_TRAIL, .flags = "a", .repeat = 1); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } @task_RemoveTrail(TaskId) { new pPlayer = TaskId - TASKID_TRAIL; if(!g_blVariables[DoubleJump][pPlayer]) { remove_task(pPlayer + TASKID_TRAIL); return; } new Float:flGameTime = get_gametime(); if(flGameTime - g_iVariables[flTrailTime][pPlayer] < 1.35) { remove_task(pPlayer + TASKID_TRAIL); set_task(1.0, "@task_RemoveTrail", pPlayer + TASKID_TRAIL, .flags = "a", .repeat = 1); } else { g_blVariables[Trail][pPlayer] = false; message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY); write_byte(TE_KILLBEAM); write_short(pPlayer); message_end(); } } rg_respawn_all_players() { if(g_blVariables[reviveafterteamswap]) { for(new pPlayer = 1; pPlayer <= MaxClients; pPlayer++) { if(is_user_connected(pPlayer) && (TEAM_UNASSIGNED < get_member(pPlayer, m_iTeam) < TEAM_SPECTATOR)) { rg_round_respawn(pPlayer); if(g_blVariables[revdefaultweapon]) { rg_remove_item(pPlayer, "weapon_glock18"); rg_remove_item(pPlayer, "weapon_usp"); rg_give_default_items(pPlayer); } } } } } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  4. Wczoraj
  5. Naro

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    Gratulacje za takie posty @Weak.weź zareaguj pleas.
  6. nwm po co i na co to komu Generalnie przyszedlem tu napisac recenzje, bo zostalem o to poproszony, wiec macie, cyztajcie se to kurwy: Lagi i Wydajność: Jednym z najczęściej wymienianych problemów przez graczy są lagi i ogólna niska wydajność serwera. Częste opóźnienia w rozgrywce mogą znacznie obniżać przyjemność z gry, szczególnie w intensywnych momentach, takich jak walki PvP czy eksploracja wymagających terenów dla gildii. Aktualizacje: Serwer wydaje się mieć problemy z regularnym aktualizowaniem zawartości. Brak nowych, ciekawych elementów gry oraz rzadkie aktualizacje mogą powodować, że serwer staje się monotonny i gracze tracą zainteresowanie. Cheaterzy (kolejny CS 1.6): Kolejnym poważnym problemem jest obecność cheaterów i brak skutecznych mechanizmów do ich wykrywania i eliminowania. Częste spotkania z graczami używającymi nielegalnych modyfikacji mogą zniechęcać uczciwych graczy do dalszej zabawy. Administracja: Wiele skarg dotyczy braku responsywności administracji serwera. Często zgłoszenia problemów pozostają bez odpowiedzi przez długi czas, co świadczy o słabym zarządzaniu społecznością i braku wsparcia dla graczy. Nie wspominając nic o faworyzacji, przecież gdy ktoś płaci więcej, dostaję to, co zechce. Ktoś mu zaszedł za skórę? No problem! Admin zbanuję tą osobę. Eventy i Zadania: Eventy i zadania oferowane na serwerze są często powtarzalne i mało interesujące. Brak kreatywności w tworzeniu nowych wyzwań i brak zaangażowania w organizowanie eventów sprawia, że serwer traci na atrakcyjności. Ekonomia Serwera: Wirtualna ekonomia serwera często bywa niezrównoważona, co prowadzi do inflacji lub innych problemów, które mogą zniechęcać graczy do długoterminowej gry. Brak odpowiedniego balansu w systemie nagród i cen jest frustrujący dla wielu użytkowników. Serwery Tematyczne: Serwer oferuje ograniczoną ilość serwerów tematycznych, co może być problematyczne dla graczy szukających różnorodnych doświadczeń. Inne serwery oferują szerszy wachlarz trybów gry, co może przyciągać większą liczbę graczy. Podsumowując, serwer Minecraft posiada kilka istotnych obszarów wymagających poprawy. Problemy z wydajnością, brak regularnych aktualizacji, słaba ochrona przed cheaterami oraz niska jakość zarządzania społecznością mogą znacznie wpływać na ogólne wrażenia graczy. Administratorzy serwera powinni skupić się na rozwiązaniu tych kwestii, aby poprawić jakość gry i zwiększyć satysfakcję swoich użytkowników.
  7. I've been trying to make (Not make but instead combine two skin system because one of them used mysql which was bad, and the other one used nvault which is good) a save system that whenever a map changes or the player leaves the server, the selected skins he chose would remain. Like if he chose a skin and the map changes or he leaves and rejoins, that skin would be selected and not the default ones... Could someone help? Code; #include <amxmodx> #include <engine> #include <fakemeta> #include <cstrike> #include <nvault> #pragma tabsize 0 #define PLUGIN "New Plug-In" #define VERSION "1.0" #define AUTHOR "Author" #define KILL_POINT 2 #define HEADSHOT_POINT 5 #define TULAJ ADMIN_LEVEL_G #define FOADMIN ADMIN_LEVEL_B #define ADMIN ADMIN_LEVEL_C #define VIP ADMIN_LEVEL_H enum _:Rangs { Szint[32], Xp[8] }; enum _:GunDatas { M4A1, AK47, AWP, DEAGLE, KNIFE, } new g_SelectedGun[GunDatas][33], g_uPoints[GunDatas][33], g_Wpn[33] new oles[33]; new hudkibe[33]; new const PREFIX[] = "\r-[NME]-" new const C_Perfix[] = "-[NME]-" new vault enum _:DATA { GunName[64], ModelName[128], Points[8], AnimType[8] } new const WeaponM4A1[][DATA] = { {"M4A1 | Alap", "models/v_m4a1.mdl", 0, -1}, {"M4A1 | Neo-Noir", "models/NMESkinek/M4a1/v_m4a1_6.mdl", 0, -1}, {"M4A1 | Nuclear Leak", "models/NMESkinek/M4a1/v_m4a1_7.mdl", 0, -1}, {"M4A1 | Decimator", "models/NMESkinek/M4a1/v_m4a1_9.mdl", 0, -1}, {"M4A1 | White Printstream", "models/NMESkinek/M4a1/v_m4a1_12printfix.mdl", 0, -1}, {"M4A1 | Anime", "models/NMESkinek/M4a1/v_m4a1anime.mdl", 0, -1}, {"M4A1 | Black Printstream", "models/NMESkinek/M4a1/v_m4a1bps.mdl", 0, -1}, {"M4A1 | Purple Attack", "models/NMESkinek/M4a1/m4purpleattack.mdl", 0, -1}, {"M4A1 | Black & Purple", "models/NMESkinek/M4a1/m4a1blackpurple.mdl", 0, -1}, {"M4A1 | Nightmare", "models/NMESkinek/M4a1/v_m4a115.mdl", 0, -1}, {"M4A1 | Galaxy", "models/NMESkinek/M4a1/v_m4a1galaxy.mdl", 0, -1}, {"M4A1 | Desolate Space", "models/NMESkinek/M4a1/v_m4a1desolate.mdl", 0, -1}, {"M4A1 | Icarus Fell", "models/NMESkinek/M4a1/v_m4a1icarus.mdl", 0, -1}, {"M4A1 | Hyper Beast", "models/NMESkinek/M4a1/v_m4a113.mdl", 0, -1} } new const WeaponAK47[][DATA] = { {"AK47 | Alap", "models/v_ak47.mdl", 0, -1}, {"AK47 | Blood Sport", "models/NMESkinek/Ak47/v_ak47_13.mdl", 0, -1}, {"AK47 | Redline", "models/NMESkinek/Ak47/v_ak47_15.mdl", 0, -1}, {"AK47 | Blue Came", "models/NMESkinek/Ak47/v_ak47_16.mdl", 0, -1}, {"AK47 | White Printstream", "models/NMESkinek/Ak47/v_ak47_print.mdl", 0, -1}, {"AK47 | Anime", "models/NMESkinek/Ak47/v_akanime.mdl", 0, -1}, {"AK47 | Bubblegum", "models/NMESkinek/Ak47/v_ak47bubblegum.mdl", 0, -1}, {"AK47 | Black Printstream", "models/NMESkinek/Ak47/v_ak47_18.mdl", 0, -1}, {"AK47 | Inheritance", "models/NMESkinek/Ak47/v_ak47_20.mdl", 0, -1}, {"AK47 | Koi", "models/NMESkinek/Ak47/v_ak47_21.mdl", 0, -1}, {"AK47 | Eyes", "models/NMESkinek/Ak47/v_ak47_19.mdl", 0, -1} } new const WeaponAWP[][DATA] = { {"Awp | Alap", "models/v_awp.mdl", 0, -1}, {"AWP | Dragon Lore", "models/NMESkinek/Awp/v_awp_1.mdl", 0, -1}, {"AWP | Asiimov", "models/NMESkinek/Awp/v_awp_2.mdl", 0, -1}, {"AWP | Dexpota", "models/NMESkinek/Awp/v_awp_3.mdl", 0, -1}, {"AWP | Graphite", "models/NMESkinek/Awp/v_awp_4.mdl", 0, -1}, {"AWP | Raptor", "models/NMESkinek/Awp/v_awp_5.mdl", 0, -1}, {"AWP | Artistic", "models/NMESkinek/Awp/v_awp_6.mdl", 0, -1}, {"AWP | Hyper Beast", "models/NMESkinek/Awp/v_awp_7.mdl", 0, -1}, {"AWP | Fever Dream", "models/NMESkinek/Awp/v_awp_8.mdl", 0, -1}, {"AWP | Tiger Tooth", "models/NMESkinek/Awp/v_awp_9.mdl", 0, -1}, {"AWP | Cyrex", "models/NMESkinek/Awp/v_awp_10.mdl", 0, -1}, {"AWP | Rainbow", "models/NMESkinek/Awp/v_awp_11.mdl", 0, -1}, {"AWP | Southeast Tiger", "models/NMESkinek/Awp/v_awp_12.mdl", 0, -1}, {"AWP | Red Destin", "models/NMESkinek/Awp/v_awp_13.mdl", 0, -1} } new const WeaponDEAGLE[][DATA] = { {"Deagle | Alap", "models/v_deagle.mdl", 0, -1}, {"Deagle | Asiimov", "models/NMESkinek/Deagle/v_deagle_1.mdl", 0, -1}, {"Deagle | Blue Crystal", "models/NMESkinek/Deagle/v_deagle_2.mdl", 0, -1}, {"Deagle | Dragon Lore", "models/NMESkinek/Deagle/v_deagle_3.mdl", 0, -1}, {"Deagle | Fade", "models/NMESkinek/Deagle/v_deagle_4.mdl", 0, -1}, {"Deagle | Ghost", "models/NMESkinek/Deagle/v_deagle_5.mdl", 0, -1}, {"Deagle | Chromatic", "models/NMESkinek/Deagle/v_deagle_6.mdl", 0, -1}, {"Deagle | IDN Paint", "models/NMESkinek/Deagle/v_deagle_7.mdl", 0, -1}, {"Deagle | Pink Haze", "models/NMESkinek/Deagle/v_deagle_8.mdl", 0, -1}, {"Deagle | Rainbow", "models/NMESkinek/Deagle/v_deagle_9.mdl", 0, -1} } new const WeaponKNIFE[][DATA] = { {"Knife | Alap", "models/v_knife.mdl", 0, -1}, {"Karambit | Doppler Phase 3", "models/NMESkinek/kes/v_knife5.mdl", 0, -1}, {"Karambit | Fade", "models/NMESkinek/kes/v_knife4.mdl", 0, -1}, {"Karambit | Eletric Hive", "models/NMESkinek/kes/v_knife3.mdl", 0, -1}, {"Karambit | Psychedelic", "models/NMESkinek/kes/v_knife2.mdl", 0, -1}, {"Bayonet | Prohibition", "models/NMESkinek/kes/v_knife6.mdl", 0, -1}, {"Bayonet | Nathlose", "models/NMESkinek/kes/v_knife7.mdl", 0, -1}, {"Bayonet | Redux", "models/NMESkinek/kes/v_knife8.mdl", 0, -1}, {"Bayonet | Echotek", "models/NMESkinek/kes/v_knife9.mdl", 0, -1}, {"Bayonet | Dystopia", "models/NMESkinek/kes/v_knife10.mdl", 0, -1}, {"M9 Bayonet | Redux", "models/NMESkinek/kes/v_knife11.mdl", 0, -1}, {"M9 Bayonet | Reptilleupted", "models/NMESkinek/kes/v_knife12.mdl", 0, -1}, {"M9 Bayonet | Trojan Horse", "models/NMESkinek/kes/v_knife13.mdl", 0, -1}, {"M9 Bayonet | Diva Knife", "models/NMESkinek/kes/v_knife14.mdl", 0, -1}, {"M9 Bayonet | Polymer", "models/NMESkinek/kes/v_knife15.mdl", 0, -1}, {"Butterfly | Neo Assasin", "models/NMESkinek/kes/v_knife16.mdl", 0, -1}, {"Butterfly | Space", "models/NMESkinek/kes/v_knife17.mdl", 0, -1} } new const MainStrings[][] = { "\yM4A1\w Skins", "\yAK47\w Skins", "\yAWP\w Skins", "\yDeagle\w Skins", "\yKnife\w Skins", } public plugin_init() { register_plugin(PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR) register_clcmd("say /menu", "openMainMenu") register_clcmd("nme_skinmenu", "openMainMenu") register_clcmd("say /add", "Addolas") register_event("DeathMsg","Halal","a") register_event("DeathMsg","Halals","a") register_event("CurWeapon", "evChangeWeapon", "be", "1=1") register_impulse(100, "cmdInspectWeap"); register_clcmd("say", "sayhook"); set_task(1.0, "hudrendszer",_,_,_,"b"); vault = nvault_open("Fegyverskin"); } public hudrendszer(id){ if(is_user_alive(id) && hudkibe[id]) { } else { return } } public hudkibekapcs(id) { if(hudkibe[id]) { client_print_color(id, print_team_default, "^4[%s] ^1Kikapcsoltad a hudot.", C_Perfix); hudkibe[id] = false; } else { client_print_color(id, print_team_default, "^4[%s] ^1Bekapcsoltad a hudot.", C_Perfix); hudkibe[id] = true; } } public Halals() { new attacker = read_data(1) new victim = read_data(2) if(attacker == victim) return PLUGIN_HANDLED oles[attacker] ++ return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public Addolas(id) { g_uPoints[M4A1][id] += 300 g_uPoints[AK47][id] += 300 g_uPoints[AWP][id] += 300 g_uPoints[DEAGLE][id] += 300 g_uPoints[KNIFE][id] += 300 } public plugin_precache() { for(new i;i < sizeof(WeaponM4A1); i++) precache_model(WeaponM4A1[i][ModelName]) for(new i;i < sizeof(WeaponAK47); i++) precache_model(WeaponAK47[i][ModelName]) for(new i;i < sizeof(WeaponAWP); i++) precache_model(WeaponAWP[i][ModelName]) for(new i;i < sizeof(WeaponDEAGLE); i++) precache_model(WeaponDEAGLE[i][ModelName]) for(new i;i < sizeof(WeaponKNIFE); i++) precache_model(WeaponKNIFE[i][ModelName]) } public cmdInspectWeap(id) { if(!is_user_alive(id)) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; new Wpns = get_user_weapon(id) switch(Wpns) { case CSW_M4A1: { if(WeaponM4A1[g_SelectedGun[M4A1][id]][AnimType] == -1) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation(id, WeaponM4A1[g_SelectedGun[M4A1][id]][AnimType]); } case CSW_AK47: { if(WeaponAK47[g_SelectedGun[AK47][id]][AnimType] == -1) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation(id, WeaponAK47[g_SelectedGun[AK47][id]][AnimType]); } case CSW_AWP: { if(WeaponAWP[g_SelectedGun[AWP][id]][AnimType] == -1) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation(id, WeaponAWP[g_SelectedGun[AWP][id]][AnimType]); } case CSW_DEAGLE: { if(WeaponDEAGLE[g_SelectedGun[DEAGLE][id]][AnimType] == -1) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation(id, WeaponDEAGLE[g_SelectedGun[DEAGLE][id]][AnimType]); } case CSW_KNIFE: { if(WeaponKNIFE[g_SelectedGun[KNIFE][id]][AnimType] == -1) return PLUGIN_HANDLED; UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation(id, WeaponKNIFE[g_SelectedGun[KNIFE][id]][AnimType]); } } return PLUGIN_HANDLED } public evChangeWeapon(id) { switch(get_user_weapon(id)) { case CSW_M4A1: entity_set_string(id, EV_SZ_viewmodel, WeaponM4A1[g_SelectedGun[M4A1][id]][ModelName]); case CSW_AK47: entity_set_string(id, EV_SZ_viewmodel, WeaponAK47[g_SelectedGun[AK47][id]][ModelName]); case CSW_AWP: entity_set_string(id, EV_SZ_viewmodel, WeaponAWP[g_SelectedGun[AWP][id]][ModelName]); case CSW_DEAGLE: entity_set_string(id, EV_SZ_viewmodel, WeaponDEAGLE[g_SelectedGun[DEAGLE][id]][ModelName]); case CSW_KNIFE: entity_set_string(id, EV_SZ_viewmodel, WeaponKNIFE[g_SelectedGun[KNIFE][id]][ModelName]); } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } public Halal() { new iAttacker = read_data(1) new iVictim = read_data(2) new iHs = read_data(3) if(iAttacker == iVictim || iAttacker == 0) return PLUGIN_HANDLED new iPoints = iHs ? HEADSHOT_POINT : KILL_POINT switch(get_user_weapon(iAttacker)) { case CSW_AK47: g_uPoints[AK47][iAttacker] += iPoints case CSW_M4A1: g_uPoints[M4A1][iAttacker] += iPoints case CSW_AWP: g_uPoints[AWP][iAttacker] += iPoints case CSW_DEAGLE: g_uPoints[DEAGLE][iAttacker] += iPoints case CSW_KNIFE: g_uPoints[KNIFE][iAttacker] += iPoints } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } public openMainMenu(id) { new szMenu[121], String[6] formatex(szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), "\r-[NME]- \wSkin Menu^n\y< \rChoose your model \y>", C_Perfix) new menu = menu_create(szMenu, "hMainMenu"); for(new i ;i < sizeof(MainStrings); i++) { num_to_str(i, String, 5) formatex(szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), MainStrings[i]); menu_additem(menu, szMenu, String); } menu_display(id, menu, 0); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public hMainMenu(id, menu, item) { if(item == MENU_EXIT) { menu_destroy(menu); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } g_Wpn[id] = item+1 openskinrangmenu(id) menu_destroy(menu); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public openskinrangmenu(id) { new szMenu[121], szMenu2[64], String[15] if(g_Wpn[id] == 1) formatex(szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), "%s \w%s^n\y< \rChoose your M4A1 model \y>", PREFIX, MainStrings[g_Wpn[id]-1], g_uPoints[M4A1][id]) else if(g_Wpn[id] == 2) formatex(szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), "%s \w%s^n\y< \rChoose your AK47 model \y>", PREFIX, MainStrings[g_Wpn[id]-1], g_uPoints[AK47][id]) else if(g_Wpn[id] == 3) formatex(szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), "%s \w%s^n\y< \rChoose your AWP model \y>", PREFIX, MainStrings[g_Wpn[id]-1], g_uPoints[AWP][id]) else if(g_Wpn[id] == 4) formatex(szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), "%s \w%s^n\y< \rChoose your DEAGLE model \y>", PREFIX, MainStrings[g_Wpn[id]-1], g_uPoints[DEAGLE][id]) else if(g_Wpn[id] == 5) formatex(szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), "%s \w%s^n\y< \rChoose your KNIFE model \y>", PREFIX, MainStrings[g_Wpn[id]-1], g_uPoints[KNIFE][id]) new menu = menu_create(szMenu, "hSkinChooser"); if(g_Wpn[id] == 1) formatex(szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), "%s \w%s^n\y< \rChoose your M4A1 model \y>", PREFIX, MainStrings[g_Wpn[id]-1], g_uPoints[M4A1][id]) if(g_Wpn[id] == 2) formatex(szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), "%s \w%s^n\y< \rChoose your AK47 model \y>", PREFIX, MainStrings[g_Wpn[id]-1], g_uPoints[AK47][id]) if(g_Wpn[id] == 3) formatex(szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), "%s \w%s^n\y< \rChoose your AWP model \y>", PREFIX, MainStrings[g_Wpn[id]-1], g_uPoints[AWP][id]) if(g_Wpn[id] == 4) formatex(szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), "%s \w%s^n\y< \rChoose your DEAGLE model \y>", PREFIX, MainStrings[g_Wpn[id]-1], g_uPoints[DEAGLE][id]) if(g_Wpn[id] == 5) formatex(szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), "%s \w%s^n\y< \rChoose your KNIFE model \y>", PREFIX, MainStrings[g_Wpn[id]-1], g_uPoints[KNIFE][id]) if(g_Wpn[id] == 1) { for(new i; i < sizeof(WeaponM4A1); i++) { num_to_str(i, String, 5) formatex(szMenu2, charsmax(szMenu2), "", WeaponM4A1[i][Points]); formatex(szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), "%s %s", WeaponM4A1[i][GunName], g_SelectedGun[M4A1][id] == i ? "\y|Active|": szMenu2); menu_additem(menu, szMenu, String); } } else if(g_Wpn[id] == 2) { for(new i; i < sizeof(WeaponAK47); i++) { num_to_str(i, String, 5) formatex(szMenu2, charsmax(szMenu2), "", WeaponAK47[i][Points]); formatex(szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), "%s %s", WeaponAK47[i][GunName], g_SelectedGun[AK47][id] == i ? "\y|Active|": szMenu2); menu_additem(menu, szMenu, String); } } else if(g_Wpn[id] == 3) { for(new i; i < sizeof(WeaponAWP); i++) { num_to_str(i, String, 5) formatex(szMenu2, charsmax(szMenu2), "", WeaponAWP[i][Points]); formatex(szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), "%s %s", WeaponAWP[i][GunName], g_SelectedGun[AWP][id] == i ? "\y|Active|": szMenu2); menu_additem(menu, szMenu, String); } } else if(g_Wpn[id] == 4) { for(new i; i < sizeof(WeaponDEAGLE); i++) { num_to_str(i, String, 5) formatex(szMenu2, charsmax(szMenu2), "", WeaponDEAGLE[i][Points]); formatex(szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), "%s %s", WeaponDEAGLE[i][GunName], g_SelectedGun[DEAGLE][id] == i ? "\y|Active|": szMenu2); menu_additem(menu, szMenu, String); } } else if(g_Wpn[id] == 5) { for(new i; i < sizeof(WeaponKNIFE); i++) { num_to_str(i, String, 5) formatex(szMenu2, charsmax(szMenu2), "", WeaponKNIFE[i][Points]); formatex(szMenu, charsmax(szMenu), "%s %s", WeaponKNIFE[i][GunName], g_SelectedGun[KNIFE][id] == i ? "\y|Active|": szMenu2); menu_additem(menu, szMenu, String); } } menu_display(id, menu, 0); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } public hSkinChooser(id, menu, item) { if(item == MENU_EXIT) { menu_destroy(menu); return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } switch(g_Wpn[id]) { case 1: { if(g_uPoints[M4A1][id] >= WeaponM4A1[item][Points]) { g_SelectedGun[M4A1][id] = item client_print_color(id, print_team_default, "^4%s ^1You successfully activated the skin!", C_Perfix) } else client_print_color(id, print_team_default, "^4%s ^1Nincs elég ölésed az aktiváláshoz!", C_Perfix) } case 2: { if(g_uPoints[AK47][id] >= WeaponAK47[item][Points]) { g_SelectedGun[AK47][id] = item client_print_color(id, print_team_default, "^4%s ^1You successfully activated the skin!", C_Perfix) } else client_print_color(id, print_team_default, "^4%s ^1Nincs elég ölésed az aktiváláshoz!", C_Perfix) } case 3: { if(g_uPoints[AWP][id] >= WeaponAWP[item][Points]) { g_SelectedGun[AWP][id] = item client_print_color(id, print_team_default, "^4%s ^1You successfully activated the skin!", C_Perfix) } else client_print_color(id, print_team_default, "^4%s ^1Nincs elég ölésed az aktiváláshoz!", C_Perfix) } case 4: { if(g_uPoints[DEAGLE][id] >= WeaponDEAGLE[item][Points]) { g_SelectedGun[DEAGLE][id] = item client_print_color(id, print_team_default, "^4%s ^1You successfully activated the skin!", C_Perfix) } else client_print_color(id, print_team_default, "^4%s ^1Nincs elég ölésed az aktiváláshoz!", C_Perfix) } case 5: { if(g_uPoints[KNIFE][id] >= WeaponKNIFE[item][Points]) { g_SelectedGun[KNIFE][id] = item client_print_color(id, print_team_default, "^4%s ^1You successfully activated the skin!", C_Perfix) } else client_print_color(id, print_team_default, "^4%s ^1Nincs elég ölésed az aktiváláshoz!", C_Perfix) } } menu_destroy(menu); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } stock UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation(const Player, const Sequence) { set_pev(Player, pev_weaponanim, Sequence) message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, SVC_WEAPONANIM, .player = Player) write_byte(Sequence) write_byte(pev(Player, pev_body)) message_end() } public mentes(id) { new name[32]; get_user_name(id, name, 31); new vaultkey[64], vaultdata[256]; format(vaultkey, 63, "%s", name); format(vaultdata, 255, "%i", oles[id]); if (!nvault_set(vault, vaultkey, vaultdata)) { client_print(id, print_console, "Failed to save selected skin to vault!"); } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } public betoltes(id) { new name[32]; get_user_name(id, name, 31); new vaultkey[64], vaultdata[256]; format(vaultkey, 63, "%s", name); if (nvault_get(vault, vaultkey, vaultdata, 255)) { replace_all(vaultdata, 255, "#", " "); new a_o[32]; parse(vaultdata, a_o, 31); oles[id] = str_to_num(a_o); } else { client_print(id, print_console, "Failed to load selected skin from vault!"); } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } public client_putinserver(id) { // Reset selected skins... // Load selected skin from vault... betoltes(id); // Apply selected skin... evChangeWeapon(id); } public client_connect(id) { // Load selected skin... betoltes(id); // Apply selected skin... evChangeWeapon(id); } public client_disconnect(id) { // Save selected skin... mentes(id); } /* AMXX-Studio Notes - DO NOT MODIFY BELOW HERE *{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ lang1038\\ f0\\ fs18 \n\\ par } */ Przeczytaj cały wpis
  8. Ostatni tydzień
  9. pierwsze zamknij ten (cenzura) pysk bo az zajebalo (cenzura), chyba zebow nie myjesz od 6 roku zycia, masakra. drugie jestes jebanym pajacem, sprzedajesz cos, co sie juz nie opalca i dzieci to kupuja bo chca se zrobic martwe forum jak diablica trzecie im a chillgamer and suck my balls
  10. (cenzura) stad lepiej bo jak ci (cenzura) a dazysz do tego szybciej niz myslisz to sie nie pozbierasz wraz z tym swoim projektem trashbans
  11. Weź wyp...dalaj jak coś ci nie pasuje, nikt ci nie każe kupować, wszyscy wiedzą już co najmniej 2 lata co jest z lickami ips. Obudziło się jakieś zer0 z snu zimowego.
  12. kupic mozg i przestac sie nazywac szczurek
  13. pierw zaplacm i 10 000 to ci sprzedam serwer zakrecony jak pluginy boskiego
  14. mygo to tez odsiadka bedzie dla ciebie wiec za dlugo nie posiedziales na wolnosci
  15. przyszla mesharska, rosjanka (cenzura) co pisze cos i sie poci przy samym pisaniu zwyklego postu dobrze ze sie tak nie pocilas gdy robilas tego swojego bansa ktorego prawie nikt nie uzywa, outdated gowno + zero compatible codes by mesharska (cenzura) pierdolona
  16. moim zdaniem jebac was, ale to (cenzura) wykurwiscie jebac was idzcie se pograc w jakiegos fortnatja gdzie (cenzura) padniecie to zaczniecie sobei (cenzura) nowa gierke, wlasnie takie gry jak (cenzura) fortnajt jest dla takich pajacow jak wy ktoryz maja zero uzycia mozgu, nie potrafia myslec (cenzura) na biezaco tylko trzeba sie obudowac i pomyslec co dalej, jebac was wszystkie szmaty naprawde
  17. Hi! Can someone help me to fix this error? I'm using Amxmodx AMX Mod X + Metamod v1.20 Code: //// alt_end_round_sounds(beta).sma // // cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting\alt_end_round_sounds(beta).sma(639) : fatal error 112: specify either all dimensions or only the last dimension // // Compilation aborted. // 1 Error. // Could not locate output file compiled\alt_end_round_sounds(beta).amx (compile failed). // // Compilation Time: 0.08 sec Code: /* - - - - - - - - - - - AMX Mod X script. Copyright (C) 2007 - Arkshine Plugin : 'Alternative End Round Sounds' Version : v2.3b Original idea and plugin by PaintLancer. Orignal thread : This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA In addition, as a special exception, the author gives permission to link the code of this program with the Half-Life Game Engine ("HL Engine") and Modified Game Libraries ("MODs") developed by Valve, L.L.C ("Valve"). You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than the HL Engine and MODs from Valve. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Description : - - - - - - - Plays random music at the end of a round according to who wins, instead of just "Terrorists Win" or "Counter-Terrorists Win". Features : - - - - - - * Support for mp3 and wav files * Using a file for the sounds * Per-map config files supported * Per-map prefix config files supported * Sounds can be toggle on/off by players * Ability to choice x sounds to be precache per map * Multilingual support Requirements : - - - - - - - - * CS 1.6 / CZ * AMX/X 1.7x or higher Cvars : - - - - * ers_enabled <iNum <0|1> Disable/Enable this plugin. (default: 1) * ers_player_toggle <iNum> <0|1> Disable/Enable the client command /roundsound (default: 1) * erc_time_ads <iTime> Times in seconds between each ads messages. 0 disable ads. (default: 120) * erc_random_precache <iMaxTeam or iMax_T-iMax_CT> Specify how many sounds by team you want to precache randomly among all sounds. This means that x sounds will be choosen randomly among all sounds of each team so to be precache at each map. ( 0 = disable feature ) e.g : erc_random_precache "2" : 2 sounds will be choosen among all CTs sounds and all Ts sounds erc_random_precache "2-3" : 2 Ts sounds will be choosen randomly among all Ts sounds. 3 CT sound will be choosen randomly among all CTs sounds. /!\ Don't forget to insert '-' . /!\ Map change on cvar change required ! Client command : - - - - - - - - * say /roundsound : Give to players the ability to turn on/off the end round sounds Changelog : - - - - - - -> Arksine : v3.0 - [ 2007-xx-xx ] ( Major update ) - Soon. A lot of changes/new features. Huge update. ;) v2.3b - [ 2007-11-22 ] (!) Fixed a compatibility bug from 2.3a version. v2.3a - [ 2007-11-19 ] (+) Added compatibility for Amxx 1.7x. (!) Now 'erc_random_precache' cvar is set to 0 by default. (!) Fixed. At the first start of server, value from 'erc_random_precache' cvar from a config file was not read. (!) Some others minors changes. v2.3 - [ 2007-10-29 ] (+) Added 'erc_random_precache' cvar : Specify how many sounds per team you want to precache randomly among all sounds. This means that x sounds will be choosen randomly among all sounds of each team so to be precache at each map. ( request by Arion ) (!) Debug mode is enabled by default now. (-) Removed 3 keys languages. No more need.( ERS_LOG_TOTAL_SOUND_LOADED, ERS_LOG_DEBUG_T, ERS_LOG_DEBUG_CT ) v2.2b - [ 2007-10-28 ] (!) Removed a check. Since trim() is used : Now no need to check space, new line, tabs, carriage returns, etc.. v2.2a - [ 2007-10-28 ] (!) Changed the method of checking empty file. Now it's more efficient. (!) Added another check to ignore texts which are no comments. (!) Fixed a typo ( key language ). v2.2 - [ 2007-10-27 ] (+) Added a check to prevent to get a warning when a team has no sound. (+) Added a check to prevent to not load empty file. (+) Added support for coding-style '//' comments. (!) No longer has a predefined max sounds limit. ( using dynamic array from amxx 1.8.0 ) (!) Minors optimizations. (-) Removed useless code. v2.1a - [ 2007-07-13 ] (!) Fixed a bug with ML system. (!) Fixed a stupid glitch with formatex(). v2.1 - [ 2007-07-06 ] (!) Optimize a little. (!) Rewritted loading_file() function. (+) Added ML system & some texts. (+) Added Color in text. ( !g = green ; !t = team color; !n = yellow (normal) ) (+) Added #_DEBUG. (+) Added chat command : toggle on/off end round sounds. (+) Added "ers_enabled" cvar : enable/disable plugin (+) Added "ers_player_toggle" cvar : enable/disabled command chat for players (+) Added ads message for chat command (+) Added "erc_time_ads" cvar : control amount of times between 2 messages. v2.0b - [ 2007-07-04 ] (!) No features added. Sma reorganized a little and more. v2.0a - [ 2007-06-26 ] (!) Fixed. Bug under linux. Some blank lines weren't ignored. (thanks Deejay & NiLuje) v2.0 - [ 2007-06-26 ] (!) Totaly rewritten. (+) Added support for mp3 files. (+) Added support per file. No more to edit .sma file to add sounds. (+) Added support per-map file. (+) Added support per-map prefix file. -> Paintlancer : v1.0 : [ 2004-10-14 ] First release by Paintlancer. Orignal thread : Credits: - - - - - - - * PaintLancer : Original idea and plugin. * Avalanche : Inspired color chat function from gungame plugin. * Arion : Random precache idea. * Languages translation : - [fr] : Arkshine - [de] : Mordekay - [es] : Darkless - - - - - - - - - - - */ #include <amxmodx> #include <amxmisc> #include <fakemeta> new const // _________________________________________________ PLUGIN [] = "Alternative End Round Sounds", VERSION[] = "2.3c", AUTHOR [] = "Arkshine"; // _________________________________________________ #if AMXX_VERSION_NUM < 180 #define old_amxx #endif /* ========================= [ "START" AERA FOR CHANGES ] ========================= */ #define _DEBUG // Active debug #define MAX_FILE_LENGTH 196 // Max length for files + path. #if defined old_amxx #define MAX_SOUNDS 25 // Max sounds per team #endif new const g_FileName[] = "roundsound", // Name of the main file if no files is found in 'g_FileFolder'. g_FileFolder[] = "round_sound", // Name of the directory in amxmodx/configs/ for per-map files. g_FilePrefix[] = "ini", // File extension used for the files. g_CmdChat[] = "/music"; // Chat command for player. /* ========================= [ "END" AERA FOR CHANGES ] ========================= */ // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - #define MAX_PLAYERS 32 #define TASKID_ADS 1333 #define SIZE_FILE 0 #define NULL -1 new bool:g_pHeardSound[ MAX_PLAYERS + 1 ], #if !defined old_amxx Array:g_lstSoundCT, Array:g_lstSoundT, #endif p_enabled, p_player_toggle, p_time_ads, p_random_precache, g_msgSayText; enum _:e_Team { T = 0, CT, }; new g_nSnd[ e_Team ]; #if defined old_amxx new g_sTeam_sounds[ MAX_SOUNDS ][ e_Team ][ MAX_FILE_LENGTH ]; #define charsmax(%1) sizeof( %1 ) - 1 #endif #define _is_wav(%1) equali( %1[strlen( %1 ) - 4 ], ".wav" ) // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - public plugin_init() { register_plugin( PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR ); register_cvar( "ers_version", VERSION, FCVAR_SERVER | FCVAR_SPONLY ); register_dictionary( "end_roundsound.txt" ); register_event( "SendAudio", "eT_win" , "a", "2&%!MRAD_terwin" ); register_event( "SendAudio", "eCT_win", "a", "2&%!MRAD_ctwin" ); p_enabled = register_cvar( "ers_enabled" , "1" ); p_random_precache = register_cvar( "erc_random_precache", "0" ); p_player_toggle = register_cvar( "ers_player_toggle" , "1" ); p_time_ads = register_cvar( "erc_time_ads" , "0" ); register_clcmd( "say" , "cmd_Say" ); register_clcmd( "say_team" , "cmd_Say" ); PluginPrecache (); } PluginPrecache () { #if !defined old_amxx g_lstSoundCT = ArrayCreate( MAX_FILE_LENGTH ); g_lstSoundT = ArrayCreate( MAX_FILE_LENGTH ); #endif loading_file(); } public plugin_cfg () { g_msgSayText = get_user_msgid( "SayText" ); } public client_authorized( id ) g_pHeardSound[id] = true; public client_disconnect( id ) { g_pHeardSound[id] = true; remove_task( id + TASKID_ADS ); } public client_putinserver( id ) { new Float:f_Time = get_pcvar_float( p_time_ads ); if( f_Time <= 0.0 ) { remove_task( id + TASKID_ADS ); return; } remove_task( id + TASKID_ADS ); set_task( f_Time, "show_ads", id + TASKID_ADS, _, _, "b" ); } public show_ads( taskid ) { new id = taskid - TASKID_ADS; ShowPrint( id, "%L", id, "ERS_DISPLAY_ADS", g_CmdChat ); } public cmd_Say( id ) { if( !get_pcvar_num( p_enabled ) ) return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; static sMsg[64]; read_argv( 1, sMsg, charsmax( sMsg ) ); if( equali( sMsg, g_CmdChat ) ) { if( !get_pcvar_num( p_player_toggle ) ) { ShowPrint( id, "%L", id, "ERS_CMD_DISABLED" ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } g_pHeardSound[id] = g_pHeardSound[id] ? false : true; ShowPrint( id, "%L", id, g_pHeardSound[id] ? "ERS_SOUND_ENABLED" : "ERS_SOUND_DISABLED" ); return PLUGIN_HANDLED; } return PLUGIN_CONTINUE; } public eT_win() { if( !g_nSnd[ e_Team:T ] ) return; play_sound( e_Team:T ); } public eCT_win() { if( !g_nSnd[ e_Team:CT ] ) return; play_sound( e_Team:CT ); } play_sound( iTeam ) { static // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sCurSnd[ MAX_FILE_LENGTH ]; // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - new iRand; if( g_nSnd[ iTeam ] > 1 ) iRand = random_num( 0, g_nSnd[ iTeam ] - 1 ); #if defined old_amxx copy( sCurSnd, MAX_FILE_LENGTH - 1, g_sTeam_sounds[ iRand ][ iTeam ] ); #else ArrayGetString( iTeam == CT ? g_lstSoundCT : g_lstSoundT, iRand, sCurSnd, MAX_FILE_LENGTH - 1 ); #endif _is_wav( sCurSnd ) ? format( sCurSnd, MAX_FILE_LENGTH - 1, "spk %s", sCurSnd[6] ) : format( sCurSnd, MAX_FILE_LENGTH - 1, "mp3 play %s", sCurSnd ); if( get_pcvar_num( p_player_toggle ) ) { static // - - - - - - - - - - - iPlayers[32], iNum, pid; // - - - - - - - - - - - get_players( iPlayers, iNum, "c" ); for( new i; i < iNum; i++ ) { pid = iPlayers[i]; if( !g_pHeardSound[pid] || is_user_bot( pid ) ) continue; client_cmd( pid, "%s", sCurSnd ); } } else client_cmd( 0, "%s", sCurSnd ); } get_prefix( sMap[], iLen_map, sMapType[], iLen_type ) { new // - - - - - - - - - sRest[32]; // - - - - - - - - - get_mapname( sMap, iLen_map ); strtok( sMap, sMapType, iLen_type, sRest, charsmax( sRest ), '_', 1 ); } loading_file() { static // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sPath[ MAX_FILE_LENGTH ], // | sConfigsDir[64], sPrefix[6], sMap[32]; // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - get_prefix( sMap, charsmax( sMap ), sPrefix, charsmax( sPrefix ) ); get_configsdir( sConfigsDir, charsmax( sConfigsDir ) ); new bool:bFound; for( new i = 1; i <= 3; i++ ) { switch( i ) { case 1 : formatex( sPath, charsmax( sPath ), "%s/%s/prefix-%s.%s", sConfigsDir, g_FileFolder, sPrefix, g_FilePrefix ); case 2 : formatex( sPath, charsmax( sPath ), "%s/%s/%s.%s", sConfigsDir, g_FileFolder, sMap, g_FilePrefix ); case 3 : formatex( sPath, charsmax( sPath ), "%s/%s.%s", sConfigsDir, g_FileName, g_FilePrefix ); default : break; } if( !CheckFile( sPath ) ) continue; bFound = true; break; } log_amx( "---" ); bFound ? log_amx( "%L", LANG_SERVER, "ERS_LOG_LOADING", sPath ) : log_amx( "%L", LANG_SERVER, "ERS_LOG_NO_FILES_FOUND" ); load_sound( sPath ); } load_sound( const file[] ) { new // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sBuffer[256], // | sLeft[ MAX_FILE_LENGTH ], sRight[4], sExt[6], // | eTeam; // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - new fp = fopen( file, "rt" ); while( !feof( fp ) ) { fgets( fp, sBuffer, charsmax( sBuffer ) ); trim( sBuffer ); if( !sBuffer[0] || sBuffer[0] == ';' || ( sBuffer[0] == '/' && sBuffer[1] == '/' ) ) continue; if( sBuffer[0] != '"' || strlen( sBuffer ) < 11 ) continue; parse( sBuffer, sLeft, charsmax( sLeft ), sRight, charsmax( sRight ) ); formatex( sExt, charsmax( sExt ), sLeft[ strlen( sLeft ) - 4 ] ); if( equali( sExt, ".mp3" ) == -1 || equali( sExt, ".wav" ) == -1 ) { log_amx( "%L", LANG_SERVER, "ERS_LOG_UNKNOW_EXTENSION", sExt ); continue; } if( !file_exists( sLeft ) ) { log_amx( "%L", LANG_SERVER, "ERS_LOG_INEXISTENT_FILE", sLeft ); continue; } eTeam = NULL; if( equali( sRight, "CT" ) ) eTeam = CT; else if( equali( sRight, "T" ) ) eTeam = T; if( eTeam == NULL ) { log_amx( "%L", LANG_SERVER, "ERS_LOG_NO_TEAM_SOUND", sLeft ); continue; } #if defined old_amxx copy( g_sTeam_sounds[ g_nSnd[ eTeam ] ][ eTeam ], MAX_FILE_LENGTH - 1, sLeft ); #else ArrayPushString( eTeam == CT ? g_lstSoundCT : g_lstSoundT, sLeft ); #endif ++g_nSnd[ eTeam ]; } fclose( fp ); if( g_nSnd[ e_Team:T ] > 1 || g_nSnd[ e_Team:CT ] > 1 ) { new iMax_t, iMax_ct; GetPrecacheValue( iMax_t, iMax_ct ); #if defined old_amxx UpdateArray( iMax_t, e_Team:T ); UpdateArray( iMax_ct, e_Team:CT ); #else p_DeleteRandomItem( iMax_t , e_Team:T , g_lstSoundT ); p_DeleteRandomItem( iMax_ct, e_Team:CT, g_lstSoundCT ); #endif } log_amx( "---" ); #if defined _DEBUG log_amx( "[ Loading %d CTs Sounds ]", g_nSnd[ e_team:CT ] ); #endif #if defined old_amxx PrecacheSounds( e_Team:CT ); #else PrecacheSounds_n( g_lstSoundCT ); #endif #if defined _DEBUG log_amx( "[ Loading %d Ts Sounds ]", g_nSnd[ e_team:T ] ); #endif #if defined old_amxx PrecacheSounds( e_Team:T ); #else PrecacheSounds_n( g_lstSoundT ); #endif } GetPrecacheValue( &iMax_t, &iMax_ct ) { new s_Value[12]; get_pcvar_string( p_random_precache, s_Value, charsmax( s_Value ) ); trim( s_Value ); new pos = contain( s_Value, "-" ); if( pos > 0 ) { iMax_ct = str_to_num( s_Value[ pos + 1 ] ) s_Value[ pos ] = '^0'; iMax_t = str_to_num( s_Value ); } else { iMax_t = str_to_num( s_Value ); iMax_ct = iMax_t; } } stock UpdateArray( iMax, iTeam ) { new const iCnt_sound = g_nSnd[ iTeam ]; if( !iMax || iMax == iCnt_sound ) return; if( iMax >= iCnt_sound ) iMax = iCnt_sound - 1; static sTmp_sounds[ MAX_SOUNDS ][ e_Team ][ MAX_FILE_LENGTH ], iLast_number[ MAX_SOUNDS ]; new i, iRand; for( i = 0; i < iCnt_sound; i++ ) { copy( sTmp_sounds[i][ iTeam ], MAX_FILE_LENGTH - 1, g_sTeam_sounds[i][ iTeam ] ); g_sTeam_sounds[i][ iTeam ][0] = '^0'; } arrayset( iLast_number, 0, charsmax( iLast_number ) ); i = 0; while( i != iMax ) { check: iRand = random_num( 0, iCnt_sound - 1 ); if( iLast_number[ iRand ] ) goto check; copy( g_sTeam_sounds[i][ iTeam ], MAX_FILE_LENGTH - 1, sTmp_sounds[ iRand ][ iTeam ] ); ++i; iLast_number[ iRand ] = 1; } g_nSnd[ iTeam ] = iMax; } stock p_DeleteRandomItem( iMax, iTeam, Array:sSound_a ) { new const iCnt_sound = g_nSnd[ iTeam ]; if( !iMax || iMax == iCnt_sound ) return; if( iMax >= iCnt_sound ) iMax = iCnt_sound - 1; DeleteRandomItem( iCnt_sound - iMax, sSound_a ); g_nSnd[ iTeam ] = iMax; } stock DeleteRandomItem( iRandom_n, Array:sSound_a ) { new i; while( i++ != iRandom_n ) ArrayDeleteItem( sSound_a, random_num( 0, ArraySize( sSound_a ) - 1 ) ); } stock PrecacheSounds( iTeam ) { for( new i; i < g_nSnd[ iTeam ]; i++ ) { PrecacheFile( g_sTeam_sounds[i][ iTeam ] ); #if defined _DEBUG log_amx( " - %s", g_sTeam_sounds[i][ iTeam ] ); #endif } log_amx( "---" ); } stock PrecacheSounds_n( Array:sSound_a ) { static // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sFile[ MAX_FILE_LENGTH ], iFileLen = charsmax( sFile ); // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - for( new i; i < ArraySize( sSound_a ); i++ ) { ArrayGetString( sSound_a, i, sFile, iFileLen ); PrecacheFile( sFile ); #if defined _DEBUG log_amx( " - %s", sFile ); #endif } log_amx( "---" ); } PrecacheFile( const sound[] ) { _is_wav( sound ) ? engfunc ( EngFunc_PrecacheSound, sound[6] ) : engfunc ( EngFunc_PrecacheGeneric, sound ); } ShowPrint( id, const sMsg[], { Float, Sql, Result, _ }:... ) { static // - - - - - - - - - newMsg[191], message[191], // | tNewMsg; // - - - - - - - - - tNewMsg = charsmax( newMsg ); vformat( newMsg, tNewMsg, sMsg, 3 ); replace_all( newMsg, tNewMsg, "!t", "^3" ); replace_all( newMsg, tNewMsg, "!g", "^4" ); replace_all( newMsg, tNewMsg, "!n", "^1" ); formatex( message, charsmax( message ), "^4[ERS]^1 %s", newMsg ); message_begin( MSG_ONE, g_msgSayText, _, id ); write_byte( id ); write_string( message ); message_end(); } bool:CheckFile( const file[] ) { new // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - sBuffer[256], fp = fopen( file, "rt" ); // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - if( !fp ) return false; while( !feof( fp ) ) { fgets( fp, sBuffer, charsmax( sBuffer ) ); trim( sBuffer ); if( !sBuffer[0] || sBuffer[0] == ';' || ( sBuffer[0] == '/' && sBuffer[1] == '/' ) || sBuffer[0] != '"' ) continue; if( ( contain( sBuffer, ".mp3^"" ) != -1 || contain( sBuffer, ".wav^"" ) != -1 ) && ( contain( sBuffer, "^"T^"" ) != -1 || contain( sBuffer, "^"CT^"" ) != -1 ) ) return true; } fclose( fp ); return false; } Przeczytaj cały wpis
  18. This plugin adds lots of cvars to configure charger pound damage and damage of the charge impact on other survivors per difficulty. Cvars Code: // This file was auto-generated by SourceMod (v1.12.0.7133) // ConVars for plugin "disabled\l4d2_charger_scale_difficulty.smx" // Impact damage of charge on advanced difficulty // - // Default: "15" charger_scaling_charge_advanced "15" // Impact damage of charge on easy difficulty // - // Default: "5" charger_scaling_charge_easy "5" // Impact damage of charge on expert difficulty // - // Default: "20" charger_scaling_charge_expert "20" // Impact damage of charge on normal difficulty // - // Default: "10" charger_scaling_charge_normal "10" // Pound damage for the charger on advanced difficulty // - // Default: "22" charger_scaling_pound_advanced "22" // Pound damage for the charger on easy difficulty // - // Default: "8" charger_scaling_pound_easy "8" // Pound damage for the charger on expert difficulty // - // Default: "30" charger_scaling_pound_expert "30" // Pound damage for the charger on normal difficulty // - // Default: "15" charger_scaling_pound_normal "15" // Damage multiplier when victim is incapacitated while getting pummelled by a charger // - // Default: "3" // Minimum: "0.000000" // Maximum: "4096.000000" z_charger_incap_mult "3" Requires L4Dhooks and liquidHelpers. Clicking 'Get Plugin' won't work, download the .smx and put it into sourcemod\plugins or download source and compile it yourself. Changelog: Code: 1.0 - First Release Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d2_charger_scale_difficulty.sp - 5.1 KB) l4d2_charger_scale_difficulty.smx (7.5 KB) Wyświetl pełny artykuł
  19. Can Someone Change This Plugin So It Can Count Bots, And Not Just Players Attached Files Get Plugin or Get Source (player.sma - 1.1 KB) Przeczytaj cały wpis
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