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  1. Wyświetla się ostatnia bo nadpisujesz zmienną chat Z której korzystasz tutaj
  2. Plugin "na rtv" domyślnie znajduje się w katalogu plugins/disabled pod nazwą "rockthevote.smx", wystarczy że przeniesiesz go do katalogu plugins.
  3. native float GoMod_AddEuro(int client, float amount); zgaduje że jak pod parametrem amount jest wartosc ujemna to odejmie graczowi euro
  4. #include <sourcemod> #include <cstrike> #include <sdktools> #define freeze_time 3.0 #define freeze_sound "physics/glass/glass_impact_bullet4.wav" float g_freeze_time[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = {0.0, ...} public OnPluginStart() { HookEvent("player_hurt", player_hurt); } public OnMapStart() { PrecacheSound(freeze_sound, true); } public Action player_hurt(Event e, const char[] n, bool b) { char weapon[256]; GetEventString(e, "weapon", weapon, sizeof(weapon)); if (strlen(weapon) > 0) { int vic = GetClientOfUserId(GetEventInt(e, "userid")); float vec[3]; GetClientAbsOrigin(vic, vec); EmitAmbientSound(freeze_sound, vec, vic, SNDLEVEL_RAIDSIREN); g_freeze_time[vic] = freeze_time; freeze_player(vic); CreateTimer(1.0, freeze_timer, vic, TIMER_REPEAT); } return Plugin_Continue; } public Action freeze_player(int client) { SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_NONE); SetEntityRenderColor(client, 0, 128, 255, 192); } public Action unfreeze_player(int client) { SetEntityMoveType(client, MOVETYPE_WALK); SetEntityRenderColor(client, 255, 255, 255, 255); } public Action freeze_timer(Handle timer, int vic) { if (g_freeze_time[vic] == 0.0) { unfreeze_player(vic); KillTimer(timer); return Plugin_Stop; } g_freeze_time[vic]--; return Plugin_Continue; } powinno działać
  5. #include <sourcemod> #include <cstrike> #define tt_text "Terroryści" #define ct_text "Antyterroryści" #define refresh_time 0.5 public OnMapStart() { CreateTimer(refresh_time, refresh_hud, _, TIMER_REPEAT); } public Action refresh_hud(Handle timer) { for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if (is_valid_client(i)) draw_text(i); } } int draw_text(int client) { if (!is_valid_client(client)) return 0; int count_tt = get_all_players(CS_TEAM_T); int count_ct = get_all_players(CS_TEAM_CT); SetHudTextParams(0.01, 0.02, refresh_time, 255, 255, 255, 0); ShowHudText(client, -1, "%s: %d", tt_text, count_tt); SetHudTextParams(0.01, 0.06, refresh_time, 255, 255, 255, 0); ShowHudText(client, -1, "%s: %d", ct_text, count_ct); return 0; } int get_all_players(int team) { int counter = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if (is_valid_client(i) && IsPlayerAlive(i) && GetClientTeam(i) == team) counter++; } return counter; } stock bool is_valid_client(int client) { return (client >= 1 && client <= MaxClients && IsClientConnected(client) && IsClientInGame(client) && !IsClientSourceTV(client)); }
  6. raczej powinno działać losowyvip.sp losowyvip.smx dropbomb.sp dropbomb.smx
  7. #include <sourcemod> #include <sdktools> bool g_Msg[MAXPLAYERS + 1] = {true, ...}; char Toggler[256]; public OnPluginStart() { RegConsoleCmd("sm_menubroni", bronie); } public Action bronie(int client, int args) { Menu gMenu = new Menu(gMenu_Handler); gMenu.SetTitle("Wybierz broń!"); gMenu.AddItem("1", "BROŃ - AK-47"); gMenu.AddItem("2", "BROŃ - NEGEV"); Format(Toggler, sizeof(Toggler), "%s Wiadomości przy wybieraniu broni", (g_Msg[client] ? "[ON]" : "[OFF]")); gMenu.AddItem("3", Toggler); gMenu.Display(client, MENU_TIME_FOREVER); return Plugin_Handled; } int gMenu_Handler(Menu menu, MenuAction action, int client, int pos) { switch(action) { case MenuAction_Select: { switch(pos) { case 0: { GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_ak47"); if (g_Msg[client]) PrintToChat(client, " \x0B [BRONIE] \x04 ★\x02Twoja broń to \x01 AK-47\x04★"); // wybierajac opcje nr3 chcialbym aby ta wiadomosc nie wyswietlala sie, lub jesli juz byly wylaczona to zeby sie wyswietlala } case 1: { GivePlayerItem(client, "weapon_negev"); if (g_Msg[client]) PrintToChat(client, " \x0B [BRONIE] \x04 ★\x02Twoja broń to \x01 NEGEV\x04★"); // wybierajac opcje nr3 chcialbym aby ta wiadomosc nie wyswietlala sie, lub jesli juz byly wylaczona to zeby sie wyswietlala } case 2: { PrintToChat(client, "\x03 Wiadomości zostały: %s.", (g_Msg[client] ? "wyłączone" : "włączone")); g_Msg[client] = !g_Msg[client]; FakeClientCommandEx(client, "sm_menubroni"); } } } case MenuAction_End: delete menu; } return 0; }
  8. #include <sourcemod> #include <sdktools> #define TAG " \x0F[STEAMID]\x01" #define FORMAT "%s %s - %s" public OnPluginStart() { RegConsoleCmd("sm_steamid", GetSteamID); LoadTranslations("common.phrases"); } public Action GetSteamID(int client, int args) { char arg[MAX_TARGET_LENGTH], ClientName[MAX_NAME_LENGTH], ClientSteamId[32]; GetCmdArg(1, arg, sizeof(arg)); int target = FindTarget(client, arg); if (target == -1) { return Plugin_Handled; } GetClientName(target, ClientName, sizeof(ClientName)); GetClientAuthId(target, AuthId_Steam2, ClientSteamId, sizeof(ClientSteamId)); PrintToChat(client, FORMAT, TAG, ClientName, ClientSteamId); return Plugin_Handled; }
  9. Nie wiem czy o to ci chodziło, tutaj możesz adminów dodawać do pliku .ini admins_list.ini admins_list.sp
  10. PrintHintText("Za dużo jest terrorystów!"); zmien na PrintHintText(client, "Za dużo jest terrorystów!");
  11. #include <sourcemod> #include <cstrike> public OnPluginStart() { AddCommandListener(CommandChangeTeam, "jointeam"); AddCommandListener(CommandChangeTeam, "changeteam"); } public Action CommandChangeTeam(int client, const char[] command, int argc) { char arg[32]; GetCmdArg(1, arg, sizeof(arg)); if (StringToInt(arg) == CS_TEAM_T) { int PlayersCT = GetClientsOfTeam(CS_TEAM_CT); int PlayersTT = GetClientsOfTeam(CS_TEAM_T); if ((PlayersTT / PlayersCT) > 0.25) { PrintHintText("Za dużo jest terrorystów!"); return Plugin_Handled; } } return Plugin_Continue; } stock bool IsValidClient(int client) { return (client >= 1 && client <= MaxClients && IsClientConnected(client) && IsClientInGame(client) && !IsClientSourceTV(client)); } stock int GetClientsOfTeam(int team) { int b = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= MaxClients; i++) { if(IsValidClient(i) && IsPlayerAlive(i) && GetClientTeam(i) == team) b++; } return b; } powinno zadziałać lecz nie testowałem bo nie mam jak
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