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Treść opublikowana przez Luxi

  1. witam czy vps za 20zł na lvlup wystarczy na serwer do csgo np na 14 lub 16 slotów 128tick ?? czy jakis inny ??
  2. Witam zainstalowalem na serwer plugin do blokowania broni wiec w cfg te_ zrobiłem tak ze // Default: "-1" sm_restrict_deagle_ct "0" // -1 = unrestricted, 0 = restricted, positive numbers = number allowed for Terrorists . Weapon:deagle // - // Default: "-1" sm_restrict_deagle_t "0" // -1 = unrestricted, 0 = restricted, positive numbers = number allowed for Counter-Terrorists. Weapon:defuser // - czy jest jeszcze jakiś sposób żeby wyłączyć deagle ?? z góry dziękuje :)
  3. Witam wczoraj zrobiłem sourcebansa który działa nawet dodałem serwer SourceBans dodałem wszystko do serwera i nie wyświetla kogoś zbanowanego na liście wycinek z consoli Could not connect to the database. ([1045]: Access denied for user 'hardgo_sb'@'' (using password: YES)) databases.cfg "Databases" { "driver_default" "mysql" "sourcebans" { "driver" "default" "host" "" <-- tu jak tworzyłem było localhost a top i jest hostingu myslalem ze będzie działać ale nie "database" "hardgo_sourcebans" "user" "******" "pass" "*****" //"timeout" "0" "port" "3306" } "default" { "driver" "default" "host" "localhost" "database" "sourcemod" "user" "root" "pass" "" //"timeout" "0" //"port" "0" } "storage-local" { "driver" "sqlite" "database" "sourcemod-local" } "clientprefs" { "driver" "sqlite" "host" "localhost" "database" "clientprefs-sqlite" "user" "root" "pass" "" //"timeout" "0" //"port" "0" } } proszę o pomoc :)
  4. Luxi

    sb blad

    gdzie ?? dobra mam już :)
  5. Luxi

    sb blad

    Witam robię sourcebans a tu przy pierwszym błąd ss: prosze o pomoc :)
  6. Witam mam wgrane na serwerach (MapChooser Extended 1.10.2) i nie wiem dlaczego ale głosowania są kiedy jest już koniec lub minute przed końcem lub w ogóle pomocy tu macie co mam wpisane w server.cfg //////////////////////////////mapchooser mce_extend_fragstep [5] (min 5, def 5) - Specifies how many more frags are allowed when map is extended. mce_extend_roundstep [5] (min 5, def 5) - Specifies how many more rounds each extension makes mce_extend_timestep [5] (min 5, def 15) - Specifies how much many more minutes each extension makes mce_dontchange [1] (def 1) - Specifies if a 'Don't Change' option should be added to early votes mce_endvote [1] (def 1) - Specifies if MapChooser should run an end of map vote mce_exclude [5] (def 5) - Specifies how many past maps to exclude from the vote. mce_extend [0] (def 0) - Number of extensions allowed each map. mce_include [2] (min 2, max 5, def 5) - Specifies how many maps to include in the vote. mce_novote [1] (def 1) - Specifies whether or not MapChooser should pick a map if no votes are received. mce_starttime "1" (min 1, def 10) - Specifies when to start the vote based on time remaining. mce_startfrags "1" (min 1, def 5) - Specifies when to start the vote base on frags remaining. mce_startround "2" (min 1, def 2) - Specifies when to start the vote based on rounds remaining. Use 0 on TF2 to start vote during bonus round time mce_voteduration [val] (min 5, def 20) - Specifies how long the mapvote should be available for. mce_blockslots [0/1] (def 1) - Block slots to prevent accidental votes. This setting is ignored for Valve-style menus. mce_maxrunoffs [10] (def 1) - Number of run off votes allowed each map. mce_runoff [1] (def 1) - Hold run off votes if winning choice has less than a certain percentage of votes mce_runoffpercent [50] (min 0, max 100, def 50) - If winning choice has less than this percent of votes, hold a runoff mce_runoffvotewarningtime [5] (min 0, max 60, def 5) - Warning time for runoff vote in seconds. mce_start_percent [35] (min 0, max 100, def 35) - Specifies when to start the vote based on percents. mce_start_percent_enable [0] (def 0) - Enable or Disable percentage calculations when to start vote. mce_version [val] (def 1.9.1) - MapChooser Extended Version mce_warningtime [val] (min 0, max 60, def 15) - Warning time in seconds. mce_menustyle [val] (min 0, max 2, def 0) - Menu Style. 0 is the game's default, 1 is the older Valve style that requires you to press Escape to see the menu, 2 is the newer 1-9 button Voice Command style. Style 2 is unavailable in some games. mce_warningtimerlocation [val] (min 0, max 2, def 0) - Location for the warning timer text. 0 is HintBox, 1 is Center text, 2 is Chat. Defaults to HintBox. mce_markcustommaps [val] (min 0, max 2, def 1) - Mark custom maps in the vote list. 0 = Disabled, 1 = Mark with *, 2 = Mark with phrase. mce_randomizeorder [0/1] (def 0) - Randomize the order of nominations and randomly selected maps instead of having nominations first? mce_extendposition [0/1] (def 0) - Extend/Don't Change position. 0 = end, 1 = start mce_hidetimer [0/1] (def 0) - Hide Warning timer notices, except the first. mce_addnovote [0/1] (def 1) - Specified if "No Vote" should be added in the first vote slot. Has no effect if NativeVotes is in use. Adjusts the number of blocked slots if mce_blockslots is set. MapChooser Extended Sounds: mce_sounds_downloadallsounds [0/1] (def 0) - Force players to download all sound sets, so sets can be dynamically changed during the map. Takes effect at map change. mce_sounds_enablesounds [0/1] (def 1) - Enable this plugin. Sounds will still be downloaded (if applicable) even if the plugin is disabled this way. mce_sounds_enablewarningcountersounds [0/1] (def 1) - Enable sounds to be played during warning counter. If this is disabled, map vote warning, start, and stop sounds still play. mce_sounds_version [val] (def "1.1.2") - Mapchooser Extended Sounds Version mce_sounds_soundset [val] (def "tf") - Sound set to use, optimized for TF by default. Sound sets are defined in individual files in addons/sourcemod/configs/mapchooser_extended/sounds/. Takes effect immediately if mce_sounds_downloadallsounds is 1, otherwise at map change. sv_downloadurl "" sv_contact ""
  7. dobra mam w fastdl nie tworzyło się i musiałem wszystkie mapy i tak dalej wrzucić do ftp fastdl
  8. @xWangan np plik [maps] ma chmody 700 to zmienic na te 777 czy zostawic ?
  9. czyli mam po kolejny zmieniać czy tylko w tym pliku core.cfg ??
  10. platnego hostingu i na pierwszym serwerze takiego czegoś nie miałem a na tym mam i nie wiem oco kaman i gdzie mam ten chmody ustawić xD ??
  11. Witam Zrobiłem 2 serwer i zrobiłem fastdl i tak dalej i jak chce się połączyć z serwerem to ładuje się i wywala do menu a załadowałem przez ftp mapki :) Logi z consoli Downloading http://mojfastdltylkoinnazwaniechcewampodacxddd//aim_deagle7k.bsp.bz2. Error downloading http://mojfastdltylkoinnazwaniechcewampodacxddd/maps/aim_deagle7k.bsp.bz2 Downloading http://mojfastdltylkoinnazwaniechcewampodacxddd/maps/aim_deagle7k.bsp. Error downloading http://mojfastdltylkoinnazwaniechcewampodacxddd/maps/aim_deagle7k.bsp Downloading http://mojfastdltylkoinnazwaniechcewampodacxddd/maps/aim_deagle7k.nav.bz2. Error downloading http://mojfastdltylkoinnazwaniechcewampodacxddd/maps/aim_deagle7k.nav.bz2 Downloading http://mojfastdltylkoinnazwaniechcewampodacxddd/maps/aim_deagle7k.nav. Error downloading http://mojfastdltylkoinnazwaniechcewampodacxddd/maps/aim_deagle7k.nav Got pure server whitelist: sv_pure = 1. Missing map maps\aim_deagle7k.bsp, disconnecting
  12. #pragma semicolon 1 #include <sourcemod> #include <sdktools> #include <cstrike> #define STANDARDMAPSMAX 12 new String:BSAL[1]; new EIBA = -1; new EIBB = -1; new Handle:Timer = INVALID_HANDLE; new String:StandardMaps[STANDARDMAPSMAX][2][11] = { { "de_aztec","B" }, { "de_cbble","A" }, { "de_chateau","A" }, { "de_dust","A" }, { "de_dust2","A" }, { "de_inferno","B" }, { "de_nuke","B" }, { "de_piranesi","A" }, { "de_port","A" }, { "de_prodigy","B" }, { "de_tides","A" }, { "de_train","A" } }; public Plugin:myinfo = { name = "Bombsite Limiter", author = "Tomasz 'anacron' Motylinski", description = "Limiting Bomsites when due to low CT players.", version = "1.2.3", url = "" } public OnPluginStart() { HookEvent("round_freeze_end",Event_RoundFreezeEnd,EventHookMode_Post); HookEvent("bomb_planted",Event_RoundEnd,EventHookMode_Post); HookEvent("round_end",Event_RoundEnd,EventHookMode_Post); CreateConVar("sm_bslimiter","1.2.3","Version Information",FCVAR_REPLICATED|FCVAR_NOTIFY); } stock bool:IsVecBetween(const Float:vecVector[3],const Float:vecMin[3],const Float:vecMax[3]) { return ( (vecMin[0] <= vecVector[0] <= vecMax[0]) && (vecMin[1] <= vecVector[1] <= vecMax[1]) && (vecMin[2] <= vecVector[2] <= vecMax[2]) ); } public Message() { PrintToChatAll("[BS Limiter] Ze wzgledu na mala liczbe CT w tej rundzie. Beda oni bronic tylko Bombside %s.",BSAL); PrintHintTextToAll("Tylko Bombsite %s jest wlaczony w tej rundzie",BSAL); } public Action:RepeatMessage(Handle:timer) { Message(); } public Action:Event_RoundFreezeEnd (Handle:event,const String:name[],bool:dontBroadcast) { if(IsValidEntity(EIBA)) { EIBA = -1; } if(IsValidEntity(EIBB)) { EIBB = -1; } if(Timer != INVALID_HANDLE) { CloseHandle(Timer); Timer = INVALID_HANDLE; } new Float:VBCPA[3]; new Float:VBCPB[3]; new EI = -1; EI = FindEntityByClassname(EI,"cs_player_manager"); if(IsValidEntity(EI)) { GetEntPropVector(EI,Prop_Send,"m_bombsiteCenterA",VBCPA); GetEntPropVector(EI,Prop_Send,"m_bombsiteCenterB",VBCPB); } EI = -1; EI = FindEntityByClassname(EI,"func_bomb_target"); while(IsValidEntity(EI)) { new Float:VBMin[3]; new Float:VBMax[3]; GetEntPropVector(EI,Prop_Send,"m_vecMins",VBMin); GetEntPropVector(EI,Prop_Send,"m_vecMaxs",VBMax); if (IsVecBetween(VBCPA,VBMin,VBMax)) { EIBA = EI; } else if (IsVecBetween(VBCPB,VBMin,VBMax)) { EIBB = EI; } EI = FindEntityByClassname(EI,"func_bomb_target"); } if(IsValidEntity(EIBA) && IsValidEntity(EIBB)) { new CTPlayers = GetTeamClientCount(CS_TEAM_CT); new TTPlayers = GetTeamClientCount(CS_TEAM_T); if(((CTPlayers > TTPlayers) && (TTPlayers == 1 || CTPlayers > 3)) || CTPlayers > 4) { AcceptEntityInput(EIBB,"Enable"); AcceptEntityInput(EIBA,"Enable"); BSAL = ""; PrintHintTextToAll("All Bombsites are enabled in this round!"); PrintCenterTextAll("All Bombsites are enabled in this round!"); } else { if(GetRandomInt(1,2) == 1) { AcceptEntityInput(EIBA,"Disable"); AcceptEntityInput(EIBB,"Enable"); BSAL = "B"; } else { AcceptEntityInput(EIBB,"Disable"); AcceptEntityInput(EIBA,"Enable"); BSAL = "A"; } decl String:CurrentMap[256]; GetCurrentMap(CurrentMap,sizeof(CurrentMap)); for(new i=0; i<STANDARDMAPSMAX; i++) { if(StrEqual(CurrentMap,StandardMaps[i][0],false)) { if(StrEqual(StandardMaps[i][1],"B",false)) { AcceptEntityInput(EIBA,"Disable"); AcceptEntityInput(EIBB,"Enable"); BSAL = "B"; } else { AcceptEntityInput(EIBB,"Disable"); AcceptEntityInput(EIBA,"Enable"); BSAL = "A"; } } } if(GetClientCount(true) > 1) { Message(); Timer = CreateTimer(15.0,RepeatMessage, _,TIMER_REPEAT); } } } } public Action:Event_RoundEnd (Handle:event,const String:name[],bool:dontBroadcast) { if(Timer != INVALID_HANDLE) { CloseHandle(Timer); Timer = INVALID_HANDLE; } if(IsValidEntity(EIBA)) { AcceptEntityInput(EIBA,"Enable"); EIBA = -1; } if(IsValidEntity(EIBB)) { AcceptEntityInput(EIBB,"Enable"); EIBB = -1; } } /* AMXX-Studio Notes - DO NOT MODIFY BELOW HERE *{\\ rtf1\\ ansi\\ deff0{\\ fonttbl{\\ f0\\ fnil Tahoma;}}\n\\ viewkind4\\ uc1\\ pard\\ lang1045\\ f0\\ fs16 \n\\ par } */
  13. BSLimiter nie wiem czy przez to ale wtedy tak sie stało a usunąłem go
  14. Wiec zrobiłem serwer only dust2 i wgrałem limit bs i po tym na mapie jak grasz mam zamiast a to b a b to a
  15. Witam wgrałem na serwer plugin który ogranicza bombsite jak jest malo graczy i od tamtej pory mam tak ze a to b a b to a na mapie co jest pomocy ??
  16. witam jak ustawić ze jak ktoś zginie zeby nie widzial na spec przeciwnikow
  17. Witam Sprzedam 2 serwery cs:go 1. 20 sloty Only AWP 2. 16sloty Arena 1vs1 3. WPLN na Hostingu [58,44zł] SS [ ] Serwery opłacone na SS [ ] Sprzedam z wszystkim koszt 100zł Zawsze się jeszcze mogę dogadać Przelew lub Paypal :) LOGIN/HASŁO kontakt steam/wp2009 GG:33230632 Witam Sprzedam 2 serwery cs:go 1. 20 sloty Only AWP 2. 16sloty Arena 1vs1 3. WPLN na Hostingu [58,44zł] SS [ ] Serwery opłacone na SS [ ] Sprzedam z wszystkim koszt 100zł Zawsze się jeszcze mogę dogadać Przelew lub Paypal :) LOGIN/HASŁO kontakt steam/wp2009 GG:33230632
  18. Witam co to jest za plugin na tym ss chodzi mi o np przydatne komendy i tak dalej
  19. Luxi

    Pytanie z vipem by hanys

    Witam jak zrobić taka komende lub co dodać do pluginu zeby bylo !vip i tam informacje co i tak dalej ma vip ???
  20. Witam wczoraj robilem serwer surf i jak go zrobilem wchodza ludzie ale nie moga wybrac druzyny o co chodzi ??
  21. L 12/21/2015 - 16:52:11: [sourcebans.smx] Could not connect to the database. ([2013]: Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 111)
  22. takie cos złapałem L 12/20/2015 - 22:15:38: [sourcebans.smx] Database failure: [2013]: Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 111. See FAQ: L 12/20/2015 - 22:15:38: World triggered "Round_Start" L 12/20/2015 - 23:20:49: [SM] Blaming plugin: sourcebans.smx L 12/20/2015 - 23:20:49: [SM] Call stack trace: L 12/20/2015 - 23:20:49: [SM] [0] SQL_TQuery L 12/20/2015 - 23:20:49: [SM] [1] Line 1412, sourcebans.sp::ProcessQueueCallback()
  23. Witam juz pisalem ale jeszcze raz napisze wiec mam na serwerze sourcebans + polaczony z strona ale jak banuje jakas osobe to ona za chwile wchodzi perm nic nie działa nie wiem o co kaman tu macie moj plik *USUNIĘTE* prosze o pomoc bo na moim serwerze dzieje sie burdel mozna tak powiedzieć !! //gratuluję inteligencji. udostępniać publicznie hasło mimi2277 //no widzisz
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