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[L4D] Pet Witch (v1.0.0, 2019-08-08)

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This plugin allows an admin to spawn a "pet witch" and attack a selected player.

Only admins with the slay flag can use it.

I will explain how the menu works.

In option 1 of the menu you can spawn one or more pet witches.

The pet is totally harmless (unless you or another player shoves her). Other players cannot cause damage to the pet (but you, the owner, can). This prevents other players from killing your pet witch, unless, of course, she is ordered to attack.

If you shove, shoot or burn your own pet witch, this will cause damage to her, but you will not suffer any damage when she attacks you.

In option 2 you can select the target (only survivors) and immediately start the attack.

Finally, in option 3, you can kill all your pets at once.

As an admin, you can use this plugin to apply a differentiated and yet fun punishment to some other badly behaved player.

This project is also available on my github here.

Demo video:



sm_petwitch - Opens the plugin menu.


PHP Code:

// Enable or disable this plugin.
// -
// Default: "1"
// Minimum: "0.000000"
// Maximum: "1.000000"
l4d_pet_witch_enable "1"

// [L4D] Pet Witch version
// -
// Default: "1.0.0"
l4d_pet_witch_version "1.0.0" 

Compilation issue:

This plugin uses functions like SDKHook, SDKUnhook and HasEntProp which cause compilation errors with the web compiler. So, in order to get you plugin, you can download the source code and compile it by yourself using the latest sourcemod compiler version, or, as a less painful choice, you can get the binary directly from the link below.

Enjoy it!

Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (l4d_pet_witch.sp - 20.7 KB)
File Type: smx l4d_pet_witch.smx (13.7 KB)

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