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Sometimes you have to test something where bots are also needed, but many hosts prohibit this action by adding to the server startup parameters -> `-nobots` -> This mini-plugin solves this problem :)

You say - But there is VSP No Hosting Limits -> For that extension, you can get a ban and the hosting can easily detect that you changed the command line parameters. Plugin - does not manipulate your startup parameters -> It just removes the check on the server itself, therefore, to detect this -> It is not enough for the hosting to verify your parameters externally.

Also in the plugin there is a fake plugin name. To disable this, you need to do #define SPOOF_NAME in the seventh line -> // # define SPOOF_NAME

In version 1.1 - when a plugin is loaded, a gamedata is created with a random name - the signature is loaded and right away deleted for determine this plugin more difficult.

Version 1.0 is also present in the archive - it has a slightly different address definition + static game data. Also, it didn’t have to deal with KeyValues bugs, so - if something like this happens, which will cause version 1.1 to bug -> 1.0 - it will work fine

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