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[L4D & L4D2] Prototype Grenades (1.0) [03-Oct-2019]

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  • 12 different types.
  • Customise which types to allow and which grenade they work for.
  • Players can equip a grenade and hold SHOOT + SHOVE keys to change grenade type.
  • Adding new grenade types should be easy so feel free to suggest ideas.

Grenade Types:
  • Molotov:
    - Bomb: Explosive grenade. Detonates on impact.
    - Cluster: Shoots out multiple explosive projectiles.
    - Firework: Firework crate explosion. L4D2 only.
    - Smoke: Smoke screen to hide an area.
  • PipeBomb:
    - Black Hole: Pulls enemies in toward the center.
    - Flashbang: Blinds Survivors and Special Infected on detonation.
    - Shield: Reduces damage to Survivors inside the area.
    - Tesla: Electrocutes enemies inside the area pushing them back.
  • VomitJar: (L4D1: these types are split between Molotov and PipeBomb)
    - Chemical: Acid puddles on the ground to damage enemies inside the area.
    - Freezer: Freezes enemies inside the area of influence.
    - Medic: Heals - only works on Survivors.
    - Vaporizer: Dissolves common infected within the area.


Saved to l4d_grenades.cfg in your servers \cfg\sourcemod\ folder.

PHP Code:

// 0=Plugin off, 1=Plugin on.
l4d_grenades_allow "1"

// Turn on the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = all).
l4d_grenades_modes ""

// Turn off the plugin in these game modes, separate by commas (no spaces). (Empty = off).
l4d_grenades_modes_off ""

// Turn on the plugin in these game modes. 0=All, 1=Coop, 2=Survival, 4=Versus, 8=Scavenge. Add numbers together.
l4d_grenades_modes_tog "0"

// Grenade Mods plugin version.


1.0 (03-Oct-2019)
    - Initial release.

  • Download the .zip and extract the files to their respective folders in your servers \addons\sourcemod\ folder.

Current Translations: English (en).

Attached Files
File Type: zip (67.0 KB)

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