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[ANY] BoomPanel 3 - websocket/vue.js admin control panel

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BoomPanel 3 is new kind of admin panel, with the big difference, where frontend is made with Vue.js, and sourcemod/SRCDS server runs as backend for the panel. For communication to server panel is using websockets.
Not only that the panel is lightning fast, because the connection directly from client to server, it is also model/plugin based. So in short, any Sourcemod plugin developer easly is able to create their own page in this panel, as far as they understand simple html and javascript. The panel can be used to configure that particular plugin or to display any kind of data from the server almost real time. It fully supports Sourcemod admin flags, meaning you can have multiple admins in panel with different permissions.

  1. Socket (3.0.2): Socket extension for SourceMod
  2. [DEV] WebSocket Server - Direct connection between webbrowser and gameserver

  1. Download master branch and extract zip in your server
  2. Install needed requirements
  3. Edit file addons/sourcemod/configs/BoomPanel3/admins.cfg and add yourself as panel admin
  4. Test out if plugin loads up fine, if not, the edit convar bp_websocket_ip with the correct server IP
  5. If you want to change socket port, change convar bp_websocket_port (default 27021)
  6. Now you can install other plugins that do support BoomPanel3, and you can install BoomPanel3 web/PWA client and add your server in settings


You can install the panel visiting and clicking on the right side of url

About the panel - written in vue.js, made as an PWA app. Source code of panel is available over here . Anyone feel free to submit pull-requests there. Mainly you will want to submit pull-requests for Plugins.vue , to add some kind of missing functionality. The panel without additional plugins is useless, because this is only core file.

For developers here is test plugin , it shows up plugin main functionality to create simple page.
The main idea is that you see how easy it is to create page for it.


Recommended to download master branch :)


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