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[CSGO/Any?] HellTags - Player Sets His Own Tags

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HellTags - Player Sets His Own Tags v1.0

With this plugin, certain players can sets their own tags in chat and tab.
To acces the HellTags Commands you can choose from:
- Setting an adminflag which is required to acces the commands. (Default: ADMFLAG_CUSTOM6)
- Setting the DNS benefit. Player requires to have the DNS in his name (ex. KENOXYD #GO.SERVERNAME.RO) in order to acces the command.
You can also ban tags from the config file "banned_tags.txt" located in the configs folder.

Chat-Processor by Drixevel -

- sm_tag <tag>
- sm_tagcolor <tagcolor>
- sm_tcolor <tagcolor>
- sm_colors - Displays a list of tag colors that can be used.
- sm_disabletag - Disable the tag

- helltags_adminonly - 0 - Everyone can use the HellTags Commands, 1 - Only Admins can use the HellTags Commands
- helltags_dns - Server's DNS Required in Name. Leave this field blank to disable
- helltags_banned - 0 - Players can use banned tags, 1 - Players can't use banned tags
- helltags_message 0 - Disabled, 1 - Player is announced when he sets his tag.



- Nothing for now, bring ideas :)

If u find any Bugs, announce me :)


P.S: Sorry for my bad english ;)

Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (HellTags.sp - 12.3 KB)
File Type: smx HellTags.smx (9.3 KB)
File Type: txt banned_tags.txt (26 Bytes)

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