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[TF2] On AddCond

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Sometimes TF2_OnConditionAdded just doesn't fit the bill. It fires after some logic gets churned which isn't helpful if you just want to stop the condition, you don't have control over the condition time or the condition provider unless you want to do some offset hackery, and there's no surefire way to replace the condition.

So, this is why I bring you TF2_OnAddCond. It's much earlier that TF2_OnConditionAdded. In fact, it's first. With OnAddCond, developers are able to change the condition, condition time, and provider easily.


Do you hate the Medic class? No problem. Do you think that ubercharge is dumb and broken? Kill it. Kritzkrieg? That too. Do you absolutely despise those 7 Vaccinator Medics that are healing that single camping sniper with the Machina? Smoke all of those shitty healing effects. Wanna fuck with people and swap Kritz with regular ubercharge? Go for it. Become the bane of all Medics if you want to. The sky's the limit.
Do you hate the other classes as much as Medic? No problem. Scout? Drinks. Soldier? Market Gardener. Pyro? Guess. Demoman? Shield charge. Heavy? Minigun rev. Engineer? Don't, you might upset that Youtuber. Sniper? Zoom. Spy? Cloak. Hotel? Trivago.

I've only tested a few conditions. YMMV


SM 1.10
DHooks with Detours

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