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[CSGO] CMDWeapons - Commands for weapons, items, hp, onetap etc. (v1.0 24/05/2020)

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This is a simple plugin I made for our clan server which allows you to type certain commands which set spawn items, weapons, hp and more. Save functionality included.

I don't profess to being great with SourcePawn so the code could no doubt be improved. This mod is mainly for admins of small servers having a bit of fun.

If no team is specified the command applies to both teams.

Weapon and Item Commands

!wp {weapon_shortcode} {ct/t/all} // Set weapon - !wp p250
!item {item_shortcode} {amount} {ct/t/all} // Set item(s) - !item snowball 10
!onetap {on/off} {ct/t/all} // Enable one-tap mode (clip capacity 1) - !onetap on ct
!hp {amount} {ct/t/all} // Set player HP - !hp 35

Weapons - randomall, randomeach, awp, scout, ak, m4, m4s, sg, aug, deag, usp, glock, galil, famas, mac10, mp9, mp7, ump, bizon, p90, mp5, m249, mag7, negev, nova, shorty, xm, 57, dualies, p250, tec9, cz, r8, p2000
Items: - grenade, smoke, flash, decoy, charge, mine, tag, snowball, shield, defuser
Random Weapons:

!wp randomall {ct/t/all} // Everyone spawns with the same random weapon
!wp randomeach {ct/t/all} // Everyone spawns with a different random weapon
Misc commands:

!flip // Switch settings for both sides
!clear // Clear all settings
!rr // Restart Round
Save your settings:

!save {save_name} // Save all current settings
!load {save_name} // Load existing settings
!delete {save_name} // Delete an existing slot
!update {save_name} // Update an existing slot
Custom Settings:

Save your own console commands and execute them at any time, you must remember to wrap the commands in quotation marks, i.e:
!rcon_save bunnyhop "sv_enablebunnyhopping 1; sv_autobunnyhopping 1; sv_staminamax 0; sv_staminajumpcost 0; sv_staminalandcost 0"

If your commands are too long for the chat box, enter it via the console instead omitting the !, i.e:
rcon_save bunnyhop "sv_enablebunnyhopping 1; sv_autobunnyhopping 1; sv_staminamax 0; sv_staminajumpcost 0; sv_staminalandcost 0""


!rcon_save {save_name} {console commands} // Save custom console commands
!rcon_load {save_name} // Load and execute custom console commands
!rcon_delete {save_name} // Delete an existing slot
!rcon_update {save_name} {console commands} // Update an existing slot

Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (cmdWeapons.sp - 42.9 KB)

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