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[CS:GO] Chat Links

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Bazooka's CS:GO Chat Links Plugin

For my first plugin, I wanted to start with something simple so I could learn how everything was done. This plugin is meant to read from a .txt file and place links into an in-game menu for clients to choose a link. When a client chooses a menu item, it will print the corresponding link from the .txt file into the client's chat and console to copy and paste. In addition, each item in the .txt file is registered as its own command which prints the same link. This process used to be simple with bringing up htmlmod, but now my retake server needed another way to share their info, so I'll share what I developed. There may be other plugins that do this, but since I did the work, I thought I would share it. The only external files this plugin needs is Multicolors, which is included in the download.



First, add the link in question to configs/chat_links.txt. This file uses the format: "command" *tab* "link". With command being the same text that displays as menu item, as well as the registered command. Do not include "!" within the .txt file command, as that is handled internally. More usage is included in the file itself.


This is what the clients in game will see when they use the "!links" command. This menu will reflect the current .txt file, and be refreshed on every map change.


This is what is sent to the client's chat, as well as console, upon choosing a menu item.

GitHub Repo

chatlinks_directories: includes all necessary files in the proper sourcemod directories (including Multicolors)
Get Plugin does not work as Multicolors is not in the compiler, so just use .smx file and source code

Attached Files
File Type: zip (33.0 KB)
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (chat_links.sp - 6.0 KB)
File Type: smx chat_links.smx (15.4 KB)
File Type: txt chat_links.txt (540 Bytes)

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