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[ANY] Little Anti-Cheat - Auto SourceTV Recorder

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Little Anti-Cheat - Auto SourceTV Recorder 1.1.0

This plugin automatically starts recording SourceTV demos when Little Anti-Cheat detects aimbotters.
This plugin won't record unless "Little Anti-Cheat" is installed, which can be found here:

Locked ConVars:
This plugin will lock the following ConVars:
tv_enable to be 1.
tv_autorecord to be 0.

You cannot change these ConVars with this plugin installed.
This is done so auto recording is possible.

Notice about Autoshoot:
This plugin will also record aimbotters, even if only autoshoot is detected.
This may cause some confusion, as autoshoot doesn't snap your aim around, and you won't see the autoshoot in demo recordings.
Little Anti-Cheat does have an option to turn off autoshoot detections, but I wouldn't recommend it.

Autoshoot detections are typically something you'll see legit cheaters (cheaters who try to look legit) use.
Just keep that in mind, if a cheater is detected of only using autoshoot - the recorded demo might not be super helpful.
Tho you might still see the cheater wallhacking, slip up, have inconsistent or odd aiming or impossible reaction times etc...

Configuration and Files:
This plugin will automatically generate a configuration file here:

If logging mode is enabled (Which it is by default), logging will take place here:


lilac_stv_enable    [1/0 (Default 1)]  Enables autorecording.
lilac_stv_autojoin  [1/0 (Default 1)]  Automatically restart the map if SourceTV bot hasn't joined.
lilac_stv_log        [1/0 (Default 1)]  Log recording information to addons/sourcemod/logs/lilac_stv.log
lilac_stv_tickrate  [1/0 (Default 1)]  Automatically set SourceTV demo tickrate to the highest possible for better recording quality.

Installation and Setup:
1: Place the lilac_sourcetv.smx file in the "addons/sourcemod/plugins" folder.
2: Type "sm plugins load lilac_sourcetv.smx" in the server console.
3 (Optional): Edit the file "cfg/sourcemod/lilac_sourcetv.cfg" to your liking.

Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (lilac_sourcetv.sp - 9.0 KB)

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