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HL2DM - Grenade Trails

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This is my first plugin. I will start by confessing i'm a total n00b at coding, so... this is just a modification of scorp's crossbow trail plugin (inspired on Trailball by raziEil) that he was kind enough to develop for me some months ago.

This plugin attaches trails to grenades giving it a cool visual effect.

What I did was to just change the entity to attach trails to, which is the npc_grenade_frag.
I also added a ConVar named sm_grenadetrail_material to allow you to change the material of the trail instantly. The only advice is to pay attention to spelling or if your texture exists in your materials folder because invalid textures can cause clients to crash when they throw a grenade.


It even supports custom materials as long as you have a plugin to force clients to download and precache, i would recommend SWAT_88's great plugin for this. More info HERE

To install:, copy sm_grenadetrails.smx to sourcemod/plugins folder

After installing the plugin and loading it for the first time, it will generate a config file in cfg/sourcemod named sm_grenadetrail.cfg

Note: I am also looking for a way to remove the original npc_grenade_frag red trail. Suggestions are welcome! =)

Support me? *-*
paypal: [email protected]


Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (sm_grenadetrail.sp - 7.8 KB)

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