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[TF2] Give Powerups [1.0.0, 07/05/16]

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[TF2] Give Powerups
Version 1.0.0

This plugin gives admins the capability of giving players a powerup from Mannpower.
It has a menu implemented for simplicity and individual commands for each powerup in case you want to give it to the whole server or something.

This plugin requires the last version of Make sure you update it. Updated version should be always here.

All commands available (Admin Flag required: Generic)
  1. sm_givestrength [Player] - Gives Strength to a player.
  2. sm_giveresistance [Player] - Gives Resistance to a player.
  3. sm_givevampire [Player] - Gives Vampire to a player.
  4. sm_givereflect [Player] - Gives Reflect to a player.
  5. sm_givehaste [Player] - Gives Haste to a player.
  6. sm_giveregen [Player] - Gives Regeneration to a player.
  7. sm_giveprecision [Player] - Gives Precision to a player.
  8. sm_giveagility [Player] - Gives Agility to a player.
  9. sm_giveknockout [Player] - Gives Knockout to a player.
  10. sm_giveking [Player] - Gives King to a player.
  11. sm_giveplague [Player] - Gives Plague to a player.
  12. sm_givesupernova [Player] - Gives Supernova to a player.
  13. sm_powerups - Opens the Powerup menu.
All the overrides available are:
  • givepowerups - Allows to use sm_givexxxx commands.
  • givepowerupsmenu - Allows use of the powerup menu.
FlaminSarge: Looked his code from the Give Weapon plugin for player targeting. Thank you <3


The plugin won't compile here. It requires Download the already compiled one or compile one yourself!

Attached Files
File Type: sp Get Plugin or Get Source (give-powerups.sp - 23.9 KB)
File Type: smx give-powerups.smx (17.4 KB)

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