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RSS[L4D & L4D2] Unscramble (Rotoblin Standalone)

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Rotoblin 2

Rotoblin 2 (Roto2/R2 CompMod)
The competitive mod developed in 2012 for Left 4 Dead 1.

Rotoblin 2 Standalone:
The Standalone format provides a standalone version of some Roto2 modules. The r2compmod plugin is not reqired and shouldn't be used with standalone plugins! Left 4 Dead 2 is fully supported by standalone plugins. Have fun!

Rotoblin 2 URL:
Roto2 main repository
Roto2 plugins description
Roto2 configs table
Left 4 Downtown Extension
Competitive L4D1 plugins

Rotoblin 2 Team (Roles and Contribution)
@raziEiL [disawar1]: Programming, reverse engineering, level design, mapping, stripper.
@Alma: Idea to make a map modification, mapping.
Electr0: Providing a tool for mapping, mapping.
@Scratchy (RU: Царапка): Localization, plugins ideas, testing


Unscramble Standalone:
Puts players on the right team after map/campaign change and provides developer API.
Events triggering the unscramble feature:
  • Map change due second round ends.
  • Map change by sourcemod command.

  • Move players to the teams they were.
  • Spec stays spec.
  • No sdk calls, no gamedata, no dependencies.
  • Flexible configs.
  • Supports both left 4 dead games.

Third-party Plugins Compatibility:
You need to turn off plugins features with similar functions by convars or unloads such plugins.
Plugins that blocks jointeam command may conflict with unscramble (All players will be moved to spectator after map change).
Plugins that provides menu or commands to change team will break unscramble feature. Use Unscramble API to temporarily blocks such commands.

Сonsole Variables:
PHP Code:

// R2CompMod Unscramble Standalone plugin version.
rotoblin_unscramble_version "1.0"
// 0=Off, 1=Prints a notification to chat when unscramble is completed (lets spectators know when they can join a team)/
rotoblin_unscramble_notify "1.0"
// 0=Off, 1=Allows spectator/infected players to join the survivor team even if the survivor bot is dead (through M button).
rotoblin_choosemenu_unlocker "1"
// 0=Off, 1=Prevents calling votes until unscramble completes.
rotoblin_unscramble_novotes "1"
// Maximum attempts to try to move player to the team he were.
rotoblin_unscramble_attempts "3"
// Unscramble max processing time after map changed. When the time expires the teams changes will be unlocked.
rotoblin_unscramble_time "45"
// 0=Off, 1=Enables unscramble feature (Puts players on the right team after map/campaign change).
rotoblin_allow_unscramble "1" 

Admin Commands:
PHP Code:

// Force to store players team data.
// Force to puts players on the right team.
// Aborts unscramble process. 

Example of using API to make l4d2_bwa_teamspanel plugin compatible.

PHP Code:

 * @brief Called whenever unscramble process is completed.
 * @noreturn
forward void R2comp_OnUnscrambleEnd();

 * Force to store players team data.
 * @noreturn
native void R2comp_UnscrambleKeep();

 * Force to start unscramble process (Puts players on the right team).
 * @note To make unscramble process works you need call R2comp_UnscrambleKeep first.
 * @noreturn
native void R2comp_UnscrambleStart();

 * Force to abort unscramble process.
 * @param fireOnUnscrambleEnd    Whether or not R2comp_OnUnscrambleEnd forward should be fired.
 * @noreturn
native void R2comp_AbortUnscramble(bool fireOnUnscrambleEnd true);

 * Returns whether or not unscramble process is completed.
 * @return            If true then unscramble is completed, false means unscramble is processing and team changes is locked.
native bool R2comp_IsUnscrambled(); 

Required Files:

Source Code:

v 1.0 (05-Oct-2020)
- Standalone version.

somewhere in 2012-13
- Developed as roto2 module.

Attached Files
File Type: smx r2comp_unscramble.smx (11.1 KB)

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