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[Any] Change the Overrides (v. 16.0719)

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[Any] Change the Overrides
v. 16.0719

This plugin provides simple commands that can be used to change, create, or remove an override without editing one of the usual cfg files and reloading the admin cache. This plugin will find its greatest usage within map and gamemode cfg files on servers running multiple gamemodes. For example, sm_jumppad is a command that I do not want to be available to non-admins during Death Run, but I would like to be public during FF2.

All commands require root access by default. You should probably not ever change this.

Example Command Usage:
  • sm_override

    sm_override "sm_noclip" a
    The above command would set sm_noclip to require the "a" flag. Just like in the standard overrides file, if multiple flags are specified, the user must have ALL the flags in order to have access. In addition, specifying only 0 as the flag will make the override public.

  • sm_override_get
    This command simply displays the current flag required for a given override. Note that a command that exists, but has not been overridden, will not work with this command.

    ] sm_override_get sm_god
    "sm_god" requires flags "z"

  • sm_override_unset
    This command removes an override, causing any default access requirements that may exist to once again take effect.

    ] sm_override_unset sm_god
  • sm_override_group
    This command sets the allow/deny permissions on a command for an admin group. For example, the following command would allow access to sm_votekick by players in the "VIP" group.

    sm_override_group "VIP" "sm_votekick" allow
    Please note that this will only affect group members who join the server after the command use.

  • sm_override_group_get
    This command simply displays whether a given admin group has allow/deny permissions for a given override.

    ] sm_override_group_get "VIP" "sm_noclip"
  • All 5 of the aformentioned commands also support command groups. Simply append a @ symbol to the front of the override string, as follows:[code]

    sm_override "@basecommands" a

CVARS, shown with default values:
  • sm_sessionflags_update 3 - Controls Updater compatibility
    • 0 : Completely disables Updater integration
    • 1 : Updater will notify you in Updater.log if an update becomes available.
    • 2 : Updater will automatically download any updates. They will be installed on the next server start or map change.
    • 3 : Updater will automatically download and immediately install any updates.

To install, simply ensure that your Sourcemod installation is up to date, and place the SMX in your plugins folder.

Please also consider installing Updater. This will let you automatically keep your plugins up-to-date. Updater is NOT required for SessionFlags to function.
The plugin requires custom includes. As such, it does not compile here on the forums. Includes required to compile the plugin are:



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